Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Interesting....where your "mind" goes.
Which partly or completely explains the once popular TV commercial
with the Narrative - The Mind is a terrble thing to waste -.No longer used.
Because that is precisely what Big Urban inner city mayors and
City Council are betting against.That they { especially inner city blacks
Don't lose their minds }. Therefore dopey stuff like Voter Suppression
and eveything is Race oriented.Using an ID to Vote.Near complete reversal of
using one's noggin.Total dumbed down use of Indoctrination.
So does a 3 leg chair.
Works just fine.
I have a friend who spent years in a Cuban dungeon for the crime of signing a petition. Carter eventually got him released and sent to America.

Self described socialist Sanders:
"For better or for worse, the Cuban revolution is a very profound and very deep revolution. Much deeper than I had understood," Sanders wrote. "More interesting than their providing their people with free health care, free education, free housing ... is that they are in fact creating a very different value system than the one we are familiar with."

Sanders mocked the notion that Cuba was an undesirable place to live, chalking up criticisms of the island nation as right-wing propaganda.
Cool story, boomer.
I tell you what was funny. In 2008, the left KNEW 0bama was woefully unqualied, so they tried to match him up against Sarah Palin in terms of qualifications, and he STILL lost. Sarah, as we know, was a hugely successful governor in the largest and most energy-enriched state in the union. Chimpy was nothing. Did nothing.
Can you juxtapose Trump's Criminal History.Or even having as much as
a Misdemeaner. Unlike his head accuser the now Jailed and completely
disgraced Michael Avenatti.
Trumps lawyer is in jail. Everyone around him is in jail or always under indictment. Capone was caught for tax evasion because his real crimes were too disconnected from him. Guess what? Everyone around Capone was in jail or indicted as well before taxes got him.

I have no knowledge of Trumps crimes. I called him a con man, you introduced crimes which I think is possible but conjecture.
Obama was not responsible for the racial temper tantrums that his election brought

Comparing the 2008 Bush Recession to previous “downturns” is disingenuous, it was the worst in 75 years. Obama gave us steady growth for seven years. A growth Trump later took credit for.

I stick with Obama as second best after Eisenhower and better than Reagan
Name just One Temper Tantrum after Obama was elected.
Stop yer bullcrapping.The Birther Controvery was originally started
in attempts to downplay John McCains' place of birth.He was not
born in the United States.He was Born inside the Panama Canal
zone on a submarine base.The arguement was ... is he still considered a
natural-born citizen
Both Hillary and Barack Obama inspired Senators Patrick Leahy and
Claire McCaskill to introduce a non-binding resolution
{ Senate Resolution 511 } passed Unanimously on April 30,2008 thereby
clearing up any more controversy as to McCain being a Natural-born citizen.
Then it was onto Obama.The left devised a way to use the new terminology
of " Native-born Citizen " for Obama.Because Obama's father was Not a U.S.
None of that had anything to do with Obama being asked and never
explaining his Birth status.Obama Let his sycophant base do all his talking
and arguing for.McCain submit his Birth Certificate and Medical History
in the Spring.Obama waited till mid June before he allowed his Birth
Certificate to be made public.It was not even a Real Birth Certificate.It was
a Receipt or Short Form Certificate of Live Birth.
No Doctor.No Hospital.No soecifics.
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I tell you what was funny. In 2008, the left KNEW 0bama was woefully unqualied, so they tried to match him up against Sarah Palin in terms of qualifications, and he STILL lost. Sarah, as we know, was a hugely successful governor in the largest and most energy-enriched state in the union. Chimpy was nothing. Did nothing.
Plus Obama was roundly advertised by Chicago Commie David Axelrod as
a Moderate.Obama had The 2nd most liberal voting record in the senate.
In just his 2 years.Only Bernie Sanders had a more Liberal voting record.
PLus Axelrod deemed a whole slew of things Off Limits when covering
Obama in 2008.His ears,strangely was the first.Then his Middle Name.
Then his Religion.
I tell you what was funny. In 2008, the left KNEW 0bama was woefully unqualied, so they tried to match him up against Sarah Palin in terms of qualifications, and he STILL lost. Sarah, as we know, was a hugely successful governor in the largest and most energy-enriched state in the union. Chimpy was nothing. Did nothing.
Former President Obama was totally qualified and was elected TWICE based on his qualifications and his actions. A much better President than the fat orange oompa loompa.
That makes Kanye far more qualified than the Chimpster,
NFBW =£ wrote: No comment here
Other than I do not want Kanye West or white Christian Nationalists Mashmont imposing his religious beliefs on law abiding Americans. Just let the rapper rap.. . . . .

And, Obama has family values - Not divorced -
West was married to reality star Kardashian for six years until the pair split last year. Kanye West: Pete Davidson says ‘being mentally ill is no excuse to be a jack***’ in resurfaced SNL clip

24:49 I love my daughter. No more Plan B. Plan A: anyone who is pregnant, you have the option of $50,000 a year that I will support with in the organizations that I made, to take care of that child. Plan A. You have the option. You have the Plan A option.

[25:30 angry woman: “What about women who have babies….Is that what you are proposing”]

25:56 Steve Jobs was adopted. . . . It takes a village to raise a child.

[27:00 angry woman: “I agree with you, but I don’t think we should get rid of Planned Parenthood, I don’t think we should get rid of Plan B, I don’t think we should get rid of abortions.”]

29:00 I understand those who are raped and would get an … abortion. I understand those who can’t afford their fifth, sixth, seventh, or even their first child. I understand. . . . God will still make a way. . . . Society has set it up where we feel that God won’t make a way . . . but as soon as I said the name of Jesus out loud, He gave me increase. He gave me platform. . . . on the word of Jesus and humility and families.

30:26 But what I’m saying is, we understand, we’re not going to go back to women having to go in the alley and do crazy type of things. We understand the condition, we understand the condition of black people in America. . . . We understand the condition of women in America. We understand that we live in a white supremacist world. .

31:30: I am a Christian, but also I am a listener. .

33:00 When the baby is conceived, at that point it is a soul. It is a real, living thing. . . . we all agree the six month old is a baby. We all know “my body, my choice.”…. what if you’ve got a one-year-old, so eighteen months older than the tweet I sent out, and she says, “my house, my choice. I’m going to kill your child”?. . .. I don’t give a f… about the presidency or not. You understand? [applause overwhelms] God says [points up]….

34:00 I am in service to God. . .. How do we disobey? When we kill, that’s how we disobey. When we steal. How else? Lie, cheat. . . . Trump, Biden, nor Kanye West, can’t free us. The only thing that can free us is by obeying the rules that were given to us for a promised land.

[36:00 angry woman reveals she had abortion a few months earlier but says she couldn’t support the child on $9 minimum wage. West tells crowd to listen.]

36:55 My stance is not to make abortion illegal at all. It should always be legal, but there should be an option of maximum increase for everybody . . . [crowd applauds] Abortion should be legal, because guess what? The law is not by God anyway. . . .

37:30 In 2020, abortion should be legal, but the option of maximum increase should be available. Maximum increase would be everybody that has a baby gets a million dollars, or something to that effect.

[38:00 angry woman smiles, laughs, says he doesn’t have the funding] . . .

[after monologue, West hugs angry woman]

, so brave, to be able to tell you her story, the fact that she was willing to stand in front of all you guys and tell you that she had an abortion, to make the point of how important it was for her to have the option as a woman because she did not have the resources in order to have a baby, as she felt. This woman is so brave.

A woman who had an abortion was ‘sent by God to

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Former President Obama was totally qualified and was elected TWICE based on his qualifications and his actions. A much better President than the fat orange oompa loompa.
Name One accomplishment he had in his 2 terms that actually Helped
average americans.Barack Obama hisself basically never held even a part time
job.Save a few weekends at the Baskin-Robbins in Honolulu.
Wasn't brought up in any Hood.Attended a rather Expensive White Prep school.
How did he go from Occidental { On a Fulbright scholarship ? }
to Columbia.THen Harvard.Then Harvards First Black President of their
vaunted Harvard Law Review where he never even submitted a Law Review.
When asked said he was busy Editing Law Reviews.Of others.

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