Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Bernie Sanders is the worst of em'. Like Mark Levin says ...
A True Red.An Old Red. Perfectly explains where he spent his
Of course, a lying nut job, regurgitating a lying nut job.

Jane Sanders and then-Mayor Bernie Sanders traveled to the Soviet Union shortly after their wedding as part of a government trip to establish a sister-city relationship between Burlington, Vermont, and Yaroslavl. Sanders has previously joked that this trip was a "strange honeymoon."

This trip was not a "honeymoon" in the traditional sense and did not occur during the "height of the cold war." The purpose of this trip was to establish a sister city in Russia, not for the newlyweds to enjoy a romantic getaway. Bernie and Jane Sanders took their real honeymoon in St. Lucia in the Caribbean the following year.

The true REDS, along with their colors, are republicans.

July 5 2018
A group of GOP lawmakers spent July 4 in Moscow after several days of meetings with Russian officials.

The group, which included seven Republican senators and one House member, was the first congressional delegation to visit Russia since the country’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

The GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy, NPR reported.

How "patriotic".
IDK, WTF you're trying to portray?

Do you support a mandatory wage people can live on?
No cost to themselves, job training for people who wish to do so?
No cost to themselves, health insurance?
Infrastructure projects?
How about " mandatory " Americanism.Or were you playing hooky
from grade school when a needed Civics course was being taught.
What in tarnation is with You Folks.
Instead of Rugged Individualism you push Rugged Weenieism.

" I get up when the sun goes down.Drink enough Whisky to
float a battleship around."
Do you support a mandatory wage people can live on?
not a federal wage requirement. I dont support the states getting involved with private property and contracts but they have the right.
No cost to themselves, job training for people who wish to do so?
who pays for that? Me? No thanks
No cost to themselves, health insurance?
Who pays for that? Me? No thanks
Infrastructure projects?
Sure, at the state level. The federal government has no business getting involved with infrastructure unless its their property.

As i said, Im a REAL liberal. Not a federal supremacist, that acts like they are liberal.
If you don’t like your wage then get a different job.
When the contractor/employer can't complete with low wage, they go out.
If you don’t like available wages, stop letting in illegals happy to make $3/hr.
Letting them in is 25% of the battle, maybe less.
WHO, are the ones hiring them is the main issue.
Been that way for decades, that's why they come.
Send them MF's to jail.
Of course, a lying nut job, regurgitating a lying nut job.

Jane Sanders and then-Mayor Bernie Sanders traveled to the Soviet Union shortly after their wedding as part of a government trip to establish a sister-city relationship between Burlington, Vermont, and Yaroslavl. Sanders has previously joked that this trip was a "strange honeymoon."

This trip was not a "honeymoon" in the traditional sense and did not occur during the "height of the cold war." The purpose of this trip was to establish a sister city in Russia, not for the newlyweds to enjoy a romantic getaway. Bernie and Jane Sanders took their real honeymoon in St. Lucia in the Caribbean the following year.

The true REDS, along with their colors, are republicans.

July 5 2018
A group of GOP lawmakers spent July 4 in Moscow after several days of meetings with Russian officials.

The group, which included seven Republican senators and one House member, was the first congressional delegation to visit Russia since the country’s annexation of Crimea in 2014.

The GOP lawmakers, Sen. Richard Shelby (Ala.), Steve Daines (Mont.), John Thune (S.D.), John Kennedy (La.), Jerry Moran (Kan.) and John Hoeven (N.D.), and Rep. Kay Granger (R-Texas), spent July 4 in Moscow’s U.S. Embassy, NPR reported.

How "patriotic".
I have a friend who spent years in a Cuban dungeon for the crime of signing a petition. Carter eventually got him released and sent to America.

Self described socialist Sanders:
"For better or for worse, the Cuban revolution is a very profound and very deep revolution. Much deeper than I had understood," Sanders wrote. "More interesting than their providing their people with free health care, free education, free housing ... is that they are in fact creating a very different value system than the one we are familiar with."

Sanders mocked the notion that Cuba was an undesirable place to live, chalking up criticisms of the island nation as right-wing propaganda.
How about " mandatory " Americanism.
IDK, WTF is that?
Or were you playing hooky
from grade school when a needed Civics course was being taught.
Sounds like you did.
What in tarnation is with You Folks.
Teabaggers and Trumptards.
Instead of Rugged Individualism you push Rugged Weenieism.
Sure, until the shit hits the fan, then, snowflakes whine.
" I get up when the sun goes down.Drink enough Whisky to
float a battleship around."
When the contractor/employer can't complete with low wage, they go out.

Letting them in is 25% of the battle, maybe less.
WHO, are the ones hiring them is the main issue.
Been that way for decades, that's why they come.
Send them MF's to jail.
I know who’s intentionally letting in ChiCom Flu infected illegals and shipping them all over America.
Takes quite an idiot to think the goal of the space race was to orbit the moon.
The goal was to land on the moon.

LBJ was responsible for our space program from Mercury, Gemini and Apollo.
Under Johnson we developed the ability to land on the moon.

Nixon was given a space program that was ready to land on the moon. He took credit when they did
I have a friend who spent years in a Cuban dungeon for the crime of signing a petition. Carter eventually got him released and sent to America.

Self described socialist Sanders:
"For better or for worse, the Cuban revolution is a very profound and very deep revolution. Much deeper than I had understood," Sanders wrote. "More interesting than their providing their people with free health care, free education, free housing ... is that they are in fact creating a very different value system than the one we are familiar with."

Sanders mocked the notion that Cuba was an undesirable place to live, chalking up criticisms of the island nation as right-wing propaganda.
That's the issue, confusing dictatorships with illusions of grandeur of socialism, AS DICTATORS SEE IT.
That the hook.
Cuba, with their tourism, being a tropical country could have flourished, afforded no cost things for its people, instead.........

Venezuela could have done the same with its oil reserves, instead...........

Sanders was right.

"More interesting than their providing their people with free health care, free education, free housing ... is that they are in fact creating a very different value system than the one we are familiar with."

NOT hard at all to see WTF Bernie was referring to.
I know who’s intentionally letting in ChiCom Flu infected illegals and shipping them all over America.
View attachment 604878

March 13 2020
President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

“I don't take responsibility at all,” Trump said defiantly, pointing to an unspecified “set of circumstances” and “rules, regulations and specifications from a different time.”

Just like republitards did with invading Iraq.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have had the exhilarating experience of living under two of the greatest presidents in American history, and four of the worst most abject presidents, if you can even call them presidents.

Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump. This man not only accomplished a great deal in his first term, but he totally smashed the fear-and-PC culture instituted by the Marxist left that cows all the other politicians. Trump was immune to fear. He was the most courageous, able, and well-qualified presidential candidate in American history, and he is arguably the GOAT. Certainly in the top three. But I say, probably number one. And once his second term is completed, almost assuredly in the top spot by most people's reckoning.

And now we go to the bad. Incredibly I have lived (suffered) through four of the worst five presidents of all time. Carter, Clinton, 0bama, and now Nappy Joe, each worst than the last. You never think that's possible, but then it is. Carter was just plain incompetent. He mouthed Christianity, but didn't practice it. Clinton brought shame and immorality and incompetence to the Oval Office with his constant affairs and philandering all hours of the night. His inattention caused 9-11. Clinton embarrassed the US, and does so to this day. 0bummer was the least qualified candidate in American history. No work record. No record of achievement. Elected solely because he was black. Not qualified to shine shoes in D.C. Completely incompetent on how to govern or lead. America fell WAY down with this professional Marxist intentionally leading the decline. Last is Depends Biden. I shouldn't even have him on the list since he was not legitimately elected. Can't find his ass with both hands, let alone govern. He simply doesn't know where he is. The problem is, he was an incompetent arrogant buffoon even BEFORE he became a senile vegetable. Unfortunately, now he is a grave danger to the safety of this country.

The two Bushes were above average. George H.W. Bush was very good in war, but his weakness was in cooperating with the Democrats on taxes, then not seeing their plan to use it against him. George W. Bush was very good in two important areas. The man knew how to build and lead an economy, which he did for six years until the Democrat Congress pissed it all away and led us to the Great Recession. Bush also protected the US in a very dangerous time. His problem is he allowed himself to get buried by the leftwing media. He didn't fight back. He was ever the 'gentleman', and as a result founded himself polling in the 20s. Bush's problem is he believed the lying deep-state "Intel" that told him Saddam had magically gotten rid of his WMD. He also didn't control the border. Today, he undermines the great President Trump, because he is upset Trump beat up on Jeb and Liz Cheney.
Ford was slightly better than average, but was a moderate. Not strong enough on abortion. Not around long enough to do anything but be a place holder.
Nixon was below average NOT because of Watergate, but because of his creation of the disastrous EPA and environmental (anti-capitalist) laws, and his caving to the left on an array of other legislation.
LBJ was horrible. Near the bottom. Perhaps a bottom sixer. I probably should have put him in the crowded 'worst' category. Wasted billions of dollars on Marxist programs that never worked, grossly expanded the welfare state, and began the flood of illegals we have to this day.
JFK was a Democrat, but he was more conservative than many Republicans of today. Strong against Communism. This was back when some Democrats still loved America, before they went completely nuts and became a party that would be unrecognizable to Kennedy. But JFK won because of a stolen election and was incompetent and immoral. For those reasons, he was below average.
I was around for a little of Ike. Not much. He was above average. Led America during the greatest decade of our existence morally.

Reagan was the best in my lifetime.

Worst was a four way tie between HW, W, Slick and Hussein
Takes quite an idiot to think the goal of the space race was to orbit the moon.
I really,truly,don't done tink that is what Ralph Kramden { The Honeymooners }
meant by " To the Moon Alice!,to the moon. "
Maybe Norton could explain it better.

March 13 2020
President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

“I don't take responsibility at all,” Trump said defiantly, pointing to an unspecified “set of circumstances” and “rules, regulations and specifications from a different time.”

Just like republitards did with invading Iraq.
I don’t remember Trump intentionally inviting illegals to surge our borders like Brandon did, but I do recall Democrats calling him a racist for putting travel restrictions in place.
The same travel restrictions Brandon would later extend and expand upon.
Let's not...

The House voted 290 to 130 in favor. Democrats split their vote 152 (61%) to 96 (39%) while Republicans split theirs 138 (80%) to 34 (20%). The no vote consisted of 74% Democrats.
In the South with 100% of Republicans in the South voting against it....while the majority of Democrats and Republicans in the North voting FOR it. It demonstrated that it wasn't a party was a Regional the point that afterwards, Democrats in the South switched to the up their party rather than give up their racism.
Posting again? You already lost. But concerning #3, President Trump had 50 highly successful years in business. 0bummer had nothing, did nothing. Nothing to offer the presidency. And that's why he was the worst of all time. I don't even think you can count the current president Nappy Pants. He doesn't know where he is.
"50 highly successful years in business"............:heehee: How many bankruptcies were there?

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