Best and Worst Presidents of My Lifetime. Mashmont Rates Them.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have had the exhilarating experience of living under two of the greatest presidents in American history, and four of the worst most abject presidents, if you can even call them presidents.

Ronald Reagan was iconic, and certainly among the top five or six best in history. I wasn't sure it could get much better than him. But then of course we were blessed with the greatest of all time, President Donald J. Trump. This man not only accomplished a great deal in his first term, but he totally smashed the fear-and-PC culture instituted by the Marxist left that cows all the other politicians. Trump was immune to fear. He was the most courageous, able, and well-qualified presidential candidate in American history, and he is arguably the GOAT. Certainly in the top three. But I say, probably number one. And once his second term is completed, almost assuredly in the top spot by most people's reckoning.

And now we go to the bad. Incredibly I have lived (suffered) through four of the worst five presidents of all time. Carter, Clinton, 0bama, and now Nappy Joe, each worst than the last. You never think that's possible, but then it is. Carter was just plain incompetent. He mouthed Christianity, but didn't practice it. Clinton brought shame and immorality and incompetence to the Oval Office with his constant affairs and philandering all hours of the night. His inattention caused 9-11. Clinton embarrassed the US, and does so to this day. 0bummer was the least qualified candidate in American history. No work record. No record of achievement. Elected solely because he was black. Not qualified to shine shoes in D.C. Completely incompetent on how to govern or lead. America fell WAY down with this professional Marxist intentionally leading the decline. Last is Depends Biden. I shouldn't even have him on the list since he was not legitimately elected. Can't find his ass with both hands, let alone govern. He simply doesn't know where he is. The problem is, he was an incompetent arrogant buffoon even BEFORE he became a senile vegetable. Unfortunately, now he is a grave danger to the safety of this country.

The two Bushes were above average. George H.W. Bush was very good in war, but his weakness was in cooperating with the Democrats on taxes, then not seeing their plan to use it against him. George W. Bush was very good in two important areas. The man knew how to build and lead an economy, which he did for six years until the Democrat Congress pissed it all away and led us to the Great Recession. Bush also protected the US in a very dangerous time. His problem is he allowed himself to get buried by the leftwing media. He didn't fight back. He was ever the 'gentleman', and as a result founded himself polling in the 20s. Bush's problem is he believed the lying deep-state "Intel" that told him Saddam had magically gotten rid of his WMD. He also didn't control the border. Today, he undermines the great President Trump, because he is upset Trump beat up on Jeb and Liz Cheney.
Ford was slightly better than average, but was a moderate. Not strong enough on abortion. Not around long enough to do anything but be a place holder.
Nixon was below average NOT because of Watergate, but because of his creation of the disastrous EPA and environmental (anti-capitalist) laws, and his caving to the left on an array of other legislation.
LBJ was horrible. Near the bottom. Perhaps a bottom sixer. I probably should have put him in the crowded 'worst' category. Wasted billions of dollars on Marxist programs that never worked, grossly expanded the welfare state, and began the flood of illegals we have to this day.
JFK was a Democrat, but he was more conservative than many Republicans of today. Strong against Communism. This was back when some Democrats still loved America, before they went completely nuts and became a party that would be unrecognizable to Kennedy. But JFK won because of a stolen election and was incompetent and immoral. For those reasons, he was below average.
I was around for a little of Ike. Not much. He was above average. Led America during the greatest decade of our existence morally.
How many Habit For Humanity homes have you helped build?
You tell are the one opening up your "mind" to the rest of the Board.
It's been a long time since you have had a hissy fit on here, what's up darling the price of vibrators go up thanks to Biden inflation?
Bush's problem is he believed the lying deep-state "Intel" that told him Saddam had magically gotten rid of his WMD.
Saddam did not have WMD. He offered to let the CIA come to search themselves. - Bush and Mashmont wanted to kill Iraqis while looking for them instead. They killed half a million and Mashmont goes it was wrong, but oh well Bush was great on the economy - a lie as well.

Sunday, December 22, 2002 FOX NEWS WASHINGTON — Saddam Hussein's adviser Amir al-Saadi on Sunday invited the CIA to send its agents to Iraq to point out to U.N. inspectors sites the Bush administration suspects of weapons development.

Al-Saadi also said during a news conference in Baghdad that Iraq was prepared to answer any questions raised by the United States and Britain.

"We are ready to deal with each of those questions if you ask us," he said.

Obama predicted an invasion of Iraq wouid be dumb. Mashmont can’t give the man credit for that. Mashmont prefers we forget half a million Iraqis are dead on his support rather than admit Obama was right.
I don’t remember Trump intentionally inviting illegals to surge our borders like Brandon did
NO, he didn't, AM radio and FOX talking point (lie)
, but I do recall Democrats calling him a racist for putting travel restrictions in place. restrictions?
Another RW "talking point".

Trump claimed the travel restrictions saved millions of lives, naturally, his cult thinks it was a miracle.

“We don’t have a travel ban,” Ron Klain said. “We have a travel Band-Aid right now. First, before it was imposed, 300,000 people came here from China in the previous month. So, the horse is out of the barn.”

“There’s no restriction on Americans going back and forth,” Klain said. “There are warnings. People should abide by those warnings. But today, 30 planes will land in Los Angeles that either originated in Beijing or came here on one-stops, 30 in San Francisco, 25 in New York City. Okay? So, unless we think that the color of the passport someone carries is a meaningful public health restriction, we have not placed a meaningful public health restriction.”

Furthermore, Klain said, the import of goods from China is exempt from the travel restrictions, “and, of course, the people who fly the planes and drive the boats that bring those goods from China. We couldn’t ban that activity. We vitally need that. Ninety percent of the antibiotics in this country come from China. All kinds of vital medical supplies … we will use to treat people. So, travel bans … that’s not what we’re imposing, that’s not what exists.”

October 26 2020
Trump ego rally in Orlando.
“You know why we have so many [coronavirus] case numbers? Because we do more testing than any country in the world ... there’s plenty good about testing, too. The bad thing is you find cases.”

The same travel restrictions Brandon would later extend and expand upon.
President Biden announced a new plan to combat the coronavirus pandemic heading into the winter, including stricter testing requirements for international travel.

“I’m announcing today that all inbound international travelers must test within one day of departure, regardless of their vaccination status or nationality,” Biden said in a speech at the National Institutes of Health. “And we are extending the requirement, both internationally and domestically, to wear masks for travel on aircraft, trains, public transportation through the winter months.”

Biden expanded testing not travel bans.
NO, he didn't, AM radio and FOX talking point (lie) restrictions?
Another RW "talking point".

Trump claimed the travel restrictions saved millions of lives, naturally, his cult thinks it was a miracle.

“We don’t have a travel ban,” Ron Klain said. “We have a travel Band-Aid right now. First, before it was imposed, 300,000 people came here from China in the previous month. So, the horse is out of the barn.”

“There’s no restriction on Americans going back and forth,” Klain said. “There are warnings. People should abide by those warnings. But today, 30 planes will land in Los Angeles that either originated in Beijing or came here on one-stops, 30 in San Francisco, 25 in New York City. Okay? So, unless we think that the color of the passport someone carries is a meaningful public health restriction, we have not placed a meaningful public health restriction.”

Furthermore, Klain said, the import of goods from China is exempt from the travel restrictions, “and, of course, the people who fly the planes and drive the boats that bring those goods from China. We couldn’t ban that activity. We vitally need that. Ninety percent of the antibiotics in this country come from China. All kinds of vital medical supplies … we will use to treat people. So, travel bans … that’s not what we’re imposing, that’s not what exists.”

October 26 2020
Trump ego rally in Orlando.
“You know why we have so many [coronavirus] case numbers? Because we do more testing than any country in the world ... there’s plenty good about testing, too. The bad thing is you find cases.”

President Biden announced a new plan to combat the coronavirus pandemic heading into the winter, including stricter testing requirements for international travel.

“I’m announcing today that all inbound international travelers must test within one day of departure, regardless of their vaccination status or nationality,” Biden said in a speech at the National Institutes of Health. “And we are extending the requirement, both internationally and domestically, to wear masks for travel on aircraft, trains, public transportation through the winter months.”

Biden expanded testing not travel bans.
If you stopped being so ignorant you’d be a conservative you know.

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
If you stopped being so ignorant you’d be a conservative you know.

Biden in 2019: The Fact​

A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.
That he did.

He did reverse himself though.
If this is what Biden told in 2019, he has taken a U-turn in 2021. Speaking to ABC, Biden recently said: "I can say quite clearly don't come over." "So don't leave your town or city or community. We're gonna make sure we have facilities in those cities and towns run by department of — by DHS and also access with HHS, the Health and Human Services, to say you can apply for asylum from where you are right now," said Biden during an interview to George Stephanopolous last week.
That he did.

He did reverse himself though.
If this is what Biden told in 2019, he has taken a U-turn in 2021. Speaking to ABC, Biden recently said: "I can say quite clearly don't come over." "So don't leave your town or city or community. We're gonna make sure we have facilities in those cities and towns run by department of — by DHS and also access with HHS, the Health and Human Services, to say you can apply for asylum from where you are right now," said Biden during an interview to George Stephanopolous last week.
And here we are today having hundreds of thousands of illegals, some of them with the ChiCom Flu, being dropped off on streets around America by Brandon.
(1) Do you @Mashmont believe that eligible voters who are not stuck in the black ghetto should have their vote for President be counted the same as those living in the wealthiest suburbs and rural areas?

(2) With regard to the time tested CATHOLIC procreation rules of God Humanae Vitae, where is the Republican side of the Catholicism @Mashmont on the prevention of societal collapse in the black ghetto?

NFBW =£ wrote: @Mashmont’s Catholic God is a white racist God if Humanae Vitae is scientifically acceptable as fact that a human life begins prior to conception as Mashmont implores us to take his phony word for it and believe. Life begins when @Mashmont’s vision of a God “has a personal PLAN” for it. Even if it is HIS PLAN to naturally kill it in the womb and or kill the mother naturally during pregnancy, and that brutal anti-human Humanae Vitae GOD awful plan happens more often to black women than white in America.

NFBW =£ wrote: We cannot expect Mashmont and Trump voters here to read this but it’s here for the record of Trumpisms low and non-existent morality on issues of race and health.

US maternal mortality soars amid widening racial disparities

Agence France-Presse
February 23, 2022

Agence France-Presse February 23, 2022; The US maternal mortality rate -- already the worst in the industrialized world -- rose in 2020 to its highest level in half a century, with Black women three times more likely to die than white women, data showed Wednesday

NFBW =£ wrote: Excerpts regarding conversation on the topic of Humanae Vitae that caused Mashmont to avoid discussing that part of his Catholic faith and imposing it on all Americans in his concept of a Trumpian/Christian white dominated nation as follows:

When @Mashmont used the phrase “overridden by our laws” his reference is to Catholic law. We must assume our prospective mind control master is referring to this:

The “Humanae Vitae,” meaning “Of Human Life” and subtitled “On the Regulation of Birth,” was an encyclical promulgated in Rome, Italy, on 25 July 1968 by Pope Paul

@Mashmont is offering to impose the Catholic anthropomorphic concept of God and God’s Regulation of Human Birth based on an unscientific religious definition of the entire human generative process being what is written in Humanae Vitae as “God’s plan for all people”.

Humanae Vitae: sex is primarily intended to produce offspring but is welcome in marriage even when that is not its immediate aim. . .

The document warns, however, that the sexual act must remain intact for the purpose of procreation and that the “generative process” should never be intentionally interrupted, as doing so would go against the Natural Law and the Roman Catholic Church’s teachings

The encyclical goes on to explain how practicing artificial contraception can negatively affect the balance of life and God’s plan for all people.
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And here we are today having hundreds of thousands of illegals, some of them with the ChiCom Flu, being dropped off on streets around America by Brandon.
Who's hiring them?
The same people that always hired them because they're not going to jail.
I don't, not on canceling ICE raids.
How come not one Leftist is posting a negative thing about Brandon telling the DHS to not go after companies hiring illegals?

Because it’s a BS issue, you Leftists are not at all concerned about companies hiring illegals. You love slave labor.
How come not one Leftist is posting a negative thing about Brandon telling the DHS to not go after companies hiring illegals?
I just did.
BS, they are still going after companies, just not raiding them, which..........................I disagree with, they were effective.
Because it’s a BS issue, you Leftists are not at all concerned about companies hiring illegals. You love slave labor.
As republitards are against unions and raising the minimum wage?
I just did.
BS, they are still going after companies, just not raiding them, which..........................I disagree with, they were effective.

As republitards are against unions and raising the minimum wage?
You went from whining about companies hiring illegals to being educated by me that it was Joe behind it. And your only response was that you don’t support that.

Where’s the OP from a Leftard on this?
<insert sound of crickets here>

And then you go off bitching about minimum wage. While advocating illegals be allowed to flood into America and take jobs.

I can’t fix your kind of stupid.
You went from whining about companies hiring illegals to being educated by me that it was Joe behind it. And your only response was that you don’t support that.
Biden was behind companies hiring illegals?
Where’s the OP from a Leftard on this?
<insert sound of crickets here>

And then you go off bitching about minimum wage. While advocating illegals be allowed to flood into America and take jobs.
You're retarded.
" You love slave labor".
I can’t fix your kind of stupid.
You can't even fix your own kind of stupid.
Biden was behind companies hiring illegals?

You're retarded.
" You love slave labor".

You can't even fix your own kind of stupid.
Like I said, you’re a special kind of stupid. You can’t figure out Democrats not enforcing laws against illegals being hired, open borders begging illegals to surge our border, and shipping infected illegals all over America has any impacts upon wages, jobs or the spread of ChiCom Flu.
Like I said, you’re a special kind of stupid. You can’t figure out Democrats not enforcing laws against illegals being hired,
It's law moron.

It is unlawful for a person or other entity
to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3)) with respect to such employment, or
to hire for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b) or (ii) if the person or entity is an agricultural association, agricultural employer, or farm labor contractor (as defined in section 1802 of title 29), to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b).
open borders begging illegals to surge our border, and shipping infected illegals all over America has any impacts upon wages, jobs or the spread of ChiCom Flu.
You're full of RW talking points.
It's law moron.

It is unlawful for a person or other entity
to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized alien (as defined in subsection (h)(3)) with respect to such employment, or
to hire for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b) or (ii) if the person or entity is an agricultural association, agricultural employer, or farm labor contractor (as defined in section 1802 of title 29), to hire, or to recruit or refer for a fee, for employment in the United States an individual without complying with the requirements of subsection (b).

You're full of RW talking points.
And Brandon ordered the Federal government to not enforce that law. I gave you the link, pull your head out of your ass and read it.

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