Best Case Scenario

The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once.

I think that's the only way that a war is headed off. The complete lack of understanding by the ruling elite and how they are harming the middle class is mind boggling. Marie Antoinette comes to mind. As does what happened to her.

Barring the SC does something funky, I see one of two possible scenarios:

1. They rule against the Texas lawsuit, in which case the constitution becomes irrelevant, the republic dies, and the country descends into full-blown socialism in its downward spiral.

2. They rule in favor of the Texas lawsuit, in which case those state's elections are declared invalid, the left goes totally unhinged, and starts rioting, burning, and looting. It could possibly escalate into some kind of insurrection.

These are interesting times we live in.

The SC will dismiss the Texas lawsuit with prejudice, Joe Biden will be certified the winner at the EC meeting on December 14th, he will be sworn in on 1/20/2021...and life..will go on as normal.
While 20% or so of Trump's followers may still stay vocal, the rest will go back to their daily lives and bitch about President Biden and the Democrats in Congress. :)

I doubt it. If they do it's over. So, we'll see. The laws are very clear. The Executive is not allowed to ignore the State legislatures to enact illegal voting practices. It's that simple.

If the SCOTUS ignores those laws then it's pretty much game on.
Barring the SC does something funky, I see one of two possible scenarios:

You left out 3: The SC rules against you, so Trump's sore-loser beta bitches just run into their internet SafeSpaces to have another good cry on each other's shoulders. And they never leave that SafeSpace.

You're an idiot. The SC isn't ruling against or for me. The State of Texas is the complainant.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case

The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
The SC, despite the misguided wet dreams of the Trumplicans, is not partisan.

Of course they're not partisan. They're mainly comprised of strict constitutionalists now, with the exception of a couple leakers like Breyer, Kagan, and that "wise Latina" whose name I can't remember.

Their decision won't have anything to do with Trump or Biden, it's whether those five states violated the constitution or not.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
The SC, despite the misguided wet dreams of the Trumplicans, is not partisan.

Of course they're not partisan. They're mainly comprised of strict constitutionalists now, with the exception of a couple leakers like Breyer, Kagan, and that "wise Latina" whose name I can't remember.

Their decision won't have anything to do with Trump or Biden, it's whether those five states violated the constitution or not.

Of course they didn't. And I doubt Texas has standing.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once.
You're living in a fantasy world.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.

Oh lordy. The denial is just heartbreaking.
Yes, the PA case is a done deal. They refused to hear it. Game over.
It'll be the same for the Texas debacle.

Please...for the love of god...move on! :auiqs.jpg:
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.

Oh lordy. The denial is just heartbreaking.
Yes, the PA case is a done deal. They refused to hear it. Game over.
It'll be the same for the Texas debacle.

Please...for the love of god...move on! :auiqs.jpg:

Like you leakers "moved on" after the 2016 election?

The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.

Oh lordy. The denial is just heartbreaking.
Yes, the PA case is a done deal. They refused to hear it. Game over.
It'll be the same for the Texas debacle.

Please...for the love of god...move on! :auiqs.jpg:

Like you leakers "moved on" after the 2016 election?


Trump lost. Stop crying about it. The guy blew the response to the pandemic and the voters showed him the door.
Deal with it.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.
Never going to happen
They will not invalidate millions of votes

The best you could hope for is the court to tell them to never do it again
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.

Oh lordy. The denial is just heartbreaking.
Yes, the PA case is a done deal. They refused to hear it. Game over.
It'll be the same for the Texas debacle.

Please...for the love of god...move on! :auiqs.jpg:

Like you leakers "moved on" after the 2016 election?


Trump lost. Stop crying about it. The guy blew the response to the pandemic and the voters showed him the door.
Deal with it.

The election was fraudulent. And actually, he did a far better job handling the pandemic than Hillary would have, and Biden would.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once.

I think that's the only way that a war is headed off. The complete lack of understanding by the ruling elite and how they are harming the middle class is mind boggling. Marie Antoinette comes to mind. As does what happened to her.

Barring the SC does something funky, I see one of two possible scenarios:

1. They rule against the Texas lawsuit, in which case the constitution becomes irrelevant, the republic dies, and the country descends into full-blown socialism in its downward spiral.

2. They rule in favor of the Texas lawsuit, in which case those state's elections are declared invalid, the left goes totally unhinged, and starts rioting, burning, and looting. It could possibly escalate into some kind of insurrection.

These are interesting times we live in.

The SC will dismiss the Texas lawsuit with prejudice, Joe Biden will be certified the winner at the EC meeting on December 14th, he will be sworn in on 1/20/2021...and life..will go on as normal.
While 20% or so of Trump's followers may still stay vocal, the rest will go back to their daily lives and bitch about President Biden and the Democrats in Congress. :)

I doubt it. If they do it's over. So, we'll see. The laws are very clear. The Executive is not allowed to ignore the State legislatures to enact illegal voting practices. It's that simple.

If the SCOTUS ignores those laws then it's pretty much game on.

The bargaining here is beginning to border on desperation. The people have spoken. They voted Trump out. He lost.
Deal with it. It's that simple. :)
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.
Never going to happen
They will not invalidate millions of votes

The best you could hope for is the court to tell them to never do it again

They're not "millions of votes." They're "millions of fraudulent votes."

Big difference, otherwise the SC wouldn't have fast-tracked the Texas case.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.

Oh lordy. The denial is just heartbreaking.
Yes, the PA case is a done deal. They refused to hear it. Game over.
It'll be the same for the Texas debacle.

Please...for the love of god...move on! :auiqs.jpg:

Like you leakers "moved on" after the 2016 election?


Trump lost. Stop crying about it. The guy blew the response to the pandemic and the voters showed him the door.
Deal with it.

The election was fraudulent. And actually, he did a far better job handling the pandemic than Hillary would have, and Biden would.

Cruz, Rubio, Bush, Clinton...all would have handled the pandemic better than Trump did.
You get what you get when you elect a reality TV game show host. A sea of incompetence.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once.

I think that's the only way that a war is headed off. The complete lack of understanding by the ruling elite and how they are harming the middle class is mind boggling. Marie Antoinette comes to mind. As does what happened to her.

Barring the SC does something funky, I see one of two possible scenarios:

1. They rule against the Texas lawsuit, in which case the constitution becomes irrelevant, the republic dies, and the country descends into full-blown socialism in its downward spiral.

2. They rule in favor of the Texas lawsuit, in which case those state's elections are declared invalid, the left goes totally unhinged, and starts rioting, burning, and looting. It could possibly escalate into some kind of insurrection.

These are interesting times we live in.

The SC will dismiss the Texas lawsuit with prejudice, Joe Biden will be certified the winner at the EC meeting on December 14th, he will be sworn in on 1/20/2021...and life..will go on as normal.
While 20% or so of Trump's followers may still stay vocal, the rest will go back to their daily lives and bitch about President Biden and the Democrats in Congress. :)

I doubt it. If they do it's over. So, we'll see. The laws are very clear. The Executive is not allowed to ignore the State legislatures to enact illegal voting practices. It's that simple.

If the SCOTUS ignores those laws then it's pretty much game on.

The bargaining here is beginning to border on desperation. The people have spoken. They voted Trump out. He lost.
Deal with it. It's that simple. :)

Nobody's "bargaining" with you people. You can protest, riot, burn, and loot all you want to after the SC hears Texas' case, but you'll be trying to bargain your way out of the result. Just watch.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.
Never going to happen
They will not invalidate millions of votes

The best you could hope for is the court to tell them to never do it again

They're not "millions of votes." They're "millions of fraudulent votes."

Big difference, otherwise the SC wouldn't have fast-tracked the Texas case.
Fraudulent according to Trumplicans.

Not the Republican election officials.
Not the Republican governors of those states.
Not the courts.
Not the SCOTUS.
Not the DoJ.

Who's left?
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.
Never going to happen
They will not invalidate millions of votes

The best you could hope for is the court to tell them to never do it again

They're not "millions of votes." They're "millions of fraudulent votes."

Big difference, otherwise the SC wouldn't have fast-tracked the Texas case.
Fraudulent according to Trumplicans.

Not the Republican election officials.
Not the Republican governors of those states.
Not the courts.
Not the SCOTUS.
Not the DoJ.

Who's left?

Someone on CNN suggested Judge Judy, or the People's Court. :)
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once.

I think that's the only way that a war is headed off. The complete lack of understanding by the ruling elite and how they are harming the middle class is mind boggling. Marie Antoinette comes to mind. As does what happened to her.

Barring the SC does something funky, I see one of two possible scenarios:

1. They rule against the Texas lawsuit, in which case the constitution becomes irrelevant, the republic dies, and the country descends into full-blown socialism in its downward spiral.

2. They rule in favor of the Texas lawsuit, in which case those state's elections are declared invalid, the left goes totally unhinged, and starts rioting, burning, and looting. It could possibly escalate into some kind of insurrection.

These are interesting times we live in.

The SC will dismiss the Texas lawsuit with prejudice, Joe Biden will be certified the winner at the EC meeting on December 14th, he will be sworn in on 1/20/2021...and life..will go on as normal.
While 20% or so of Trump's followers may still stay vocal, the rest will go back to their daily lives and bitch about President Biden and the Democrats in Congress. :)

I doubt it. If they do it's over. So, we'll see. The laws are very clear. The Executive is not allowed to ignore the State legislatures to enact illegal voting practices. It's that simple.

If the SCOTUS ignores those laws then it's pretty much game on.

The bargaining here is beginning to border on desperation. The people have spoken. They voted Trump out. He lost.
Deal with it. It's that simple. :)

Nobody's "bargaining" with you people. You can protest, riot, burn, and loot all you want to after the SC hears Texas' case, but you'll be trying to bargain your way out of the result. Just watch.
I don't think so.

We will be watching the news to see who president elect Biden selects for his cabinet.

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