Best Case Scenario

The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.
Never going to happen
They will not invalidate millions of votes

The best you could hope for is the court to tell them to never do it again

They're not "millions of votes." They're "millions of fraudulent votes."

Big difference, otherwise the SC wouldn't have fast-tracked the Texas case.
Fraudulent according to Trumplicans.

Not the Republican election officials.
Not the Republican governors of those states.
Not the courts.
Not the SCOTUS.
Not the DoJ.

Who's left?

Millions of fraudulent, forged, faked, and manipulated votes. Your really didn't think you could get away with that, did you?

Ain't gonna happen.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once.
If we did all of that trump would win easily
But he didnt win.

He never even came remotely close to winning. TRULY, he never did.

Please get your head out of the sand on Mara Lago's beach!!!!!!
10 States have now joined The Texas Law Suit and there will be more. The Texas Lawsuit has Constitutional Merit on several fronts.

The four states being sued held illegal and invalid elections and new elections will have to be held.

Joe Biden won a HISTORIC Low 16% of the counties in The US & all were Democrat Controlled Large Cities with thousands of sworn affidavits from people who witnessed fraud.

No President has ever been elected that won just 16% of all counties in The US. Fraud occurred.

Trump won 84% of The Counties and if God grants us Justice, President Trump is the 46th President of The United States.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once.

I think that's the only way that a war is headed off. The complete lack of understanding by the ruling elite and how they are harming the middle class is mind boggling. Marie Antoinette comes to mind. As does what happened to her.

Barring the SC does something funky, I see one of two possible scenarios:

1. They rule against the Texas lawsuit, in which case the constitution becomes irrelevant, the republic dies, and the country descends into full-blown socialism in its downward spiral.

2. They rule in favor of the Texas lawsuit, in which case those state's elections are declared invalid, the left goes totally unhinged, and starts rioting, burning, and looting. It could possibly escalate into some kind of insurrection.

These are interesting times we live in.

The SC will dismiss the Texas lawsuit with prejudice, Joe Biden will be certified the winner at the EC meeting on December 14th, he will be sworn in on 1/20/2021...and life..will go on as normal.
While 20% or so of Trump's followers may still stay vocal, the rest will go back to their daily lives and bitch about President Biden and the Democrats in Congress. :)

I doubt it. If they do it's over. So, we'll see. The laws are very clear. The Executive is not allowed to ignore the State legislatures to enact illegal voting practices. It's that simple.

If the SCOTUS ignores those laws then it's pretty much game on.

The bargaining here is beginning to border on desperation. The people have spoken. They voted Trump out. He lost.
Deal with it. It's that simple. :)

Chinese communist party members votes don't count. Dumbass.
Simple explanation of the TX lawsuit:

The Texas case is strictly about the Constitution. The states being sued violated the Constitution with rule changes not being legislated into law. Since Texas ( and the joining states) did follow the Constitution, then the voters in these states were disenfranchised, by the states who did not follow the Constitution
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.

Oh lordy. The denial is just heartbreaking.
Yes, the PA case is a done deal. They refused to hear it. Game over.
It'll be the same for the Texas debacle.

Please...for the love of god...move on! :auiqs.jpg:

Like you leakers "moved on" after the 2016 election?

We didn’t like it, bu
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
I heard the same kinda shit about the "Alito is gonna save us" PA case


The PA case is not a done deal. The SC has reversed decisions before and if they rule for Texas, Pennsylvania's election will either have to have all fraudulent or suspect votes removed, or the election done again.
Never going to happen
They will not invalidate millions of votes

The best you could hope for is the court to tell them to never do it again

They're not "millions of votes." They're "millions of fraudulent votes."

Big difference, otherwise the SC wouldn't have fast-tracked the Texas case.
Oh just stop the nonsense...
Do you realize how stupid that makes you look?
Simple explanation of the TX lawsuit:

The Texas case is strictly about the Constitution. The states being sued violated the Constitution with rule changes not being legislated into law. Since Texas ( and the joining states) did follow the Constitution, then the voters in these states were disenfranchised, by the states who did not follow the Constitution
Texas has no legal standing dictating how other states run their elections.

The sham will be quickly dismissed
Just like all the others
Best case scenario

Republicans boycott the Georgia Senate elections because they think voting is corrupt.
Dems take the two seats giving them 50 with Kamala Harris the deciding vote.
Dems abandon the filibuster and reign terror on Republicans
That's best case scenario for the Anti American crowd. Oh and as someone who votes republican AND lives in Georgia lol, we ain't boycotting the election. Loeffler and Perdue didn't do anything , that nutless pos governor did. He will feel our wrath in 2022.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.

Since the state of Texas has no standing to tell other states what is wrong and not wrong with their election process, I expect this one to last about as long as the last one did.
Maybe you'll even get a decision tonight. As I understand it, the Texas AG who filed this POS suit, has legal issues of his own. :)

The SC isn't hearing the AG's "issues." The court will be hearing how those four states violated the constitution by counting fraudulent votes. This is a purely constitutional case, and you can almost bet how they're going to rule. And this time, Justice Roberts is only one vote.
The SC, despite the misguided wet dreams of the Trumplicans, is not partisan.
Good thing this isn't a partisan case, it's a Constitutional one.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.
The Texas lawsuit will go nowhere
It is a publicity stunt.

You wish. Texas has a damned good case. Those states disenfranchised the entire election.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.
The Texas lawsuit will go nowhere
It is a publicity stunt.

You wish. Texas has a damned good case. Those states disenfranchised the entire election.


What are they alleging...specifically?

You don't you.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.
The Texas lawsuit will go nowhere
It is a publicity stunt.

You wish. Texas has a damned good case. Those states disenfranchised the entire election.


What are they alleging...specifically?

You don't you.

I surely do know. I'm betting you don't.
Last edited:
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.
The Texas lawsuit will go nowhere
It is a publicity stunt.

You wish. Texas has a damned good case. Those states disenfranchised the entire election.


What are they alleging...specifically?

You don't you.

I surely do know. I'm betting you don't.'re not listing anything....

Listen...I understand you're the dumbest person you know...and I'm sure it's frustrating...having such low self esteem. You should really re-think your life choices and you'll stop getting slapped down every morning for being so well...dumb.

They're alleging that the states they are suing changed voting laws. Its exactly what Texas did. Which makes it so hilarious. try to be brighter.
The USSC rules that the 5 states broke the law.(which they did)
Those states have to revote with total supervision.
No mail-in ballots.
No counting in secrecy.
No late ballots.
No date changing.
No ballot real ballots thrown out.
No fake ballots counted.
Voter ID required.
Every ballot must have a real person who only voting once. are aware that the PA case was just kicked to the curb and today is Safe Harbor, none of the above??

Trump lost. Biden won. Deal with it. No do overs.

Do you really think the SC can't reverse it's own ruling when they hear the Texas lawsuit? It's been done many times.
The Texas lawsuit will go nowhere
It is a publicity stunt.

You wish. Texas has a damned good case. Those states disenfranchised the entire election.

The Supreme Court just sent Trump packing due to shoddy evidence.
The Texas case is laughably bad.
The are irony of the Trump temper tantrum is that by trying to delegitimize the electoral process, he may cost Republicans the Senate.

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