Best Health Care, Huh?

It doesn't matter anymore. I'm in the end of my life years
I just worry about my children...We've seen and heard of Englands socialist health care and it's as pretty as Medicaid, what's coming out on our Va , etc
I just worry about what my children will have to deal with

You've heard bullshit on Fox.



Again, for the Fox viewers...In the United States two healthcare systems are consistently rated highest in patient satisfaction. Do you know what they are? Can you guess?

who did that poll? posting something with no citation is invalid. a poll taken at you local LGBT meeting doesn't hold much water.
I am not sure how people rate things I only know what effects me. Most of the countries that are developed do not have the unique problems that face America. The biggest being an open border where thousands are pouring across the border bring who know what disease. Use to be that immigrants would go through a medical examine and sent back if sick, not no more.

Also most countries are not the mix of race, color and creeds that is America.

So I can only go by what I see for myself.

1. I have a lot of access to healthcare whether I pay for it myself or am covered. I can go to Walmart and receive care. I called one convenience care place when I had an infected tooth because the dentists couldn't see me and they gave me better advice then did my dentist.

2. Any care I have received, which isn't a whole lot, has gone without problem and within a reasonable time frame. Those I know who had emergencies were seen quickly and treated effectively regardless of their health care coverage.

3. What I do see as a problem for me in the future is the out of control cost that Obamacare has cost ME. I don't qualify for subsidizes, which is a good thing, so I am going to have to pay the full load because the company I work(ed) for is dropping me in 2015. They say Obamacare will save me money, they lie it will be very expensive.

4. What really is mind boggling is the cost of drugs, THIS is the real problem in my opinion. Why Canada can sell the same drug for much less is a puzzle to me and why the government won't let a person mail order the drugs is also a puzzle. Why one of the biggest expenses for the average Joe was not addressed by Obamacare is a crime.
Having been in both the American and Canadian systems, I would rather be in the American system.

But if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd rather be in Canada.

Well, I happen to put great store in American exceptionalism and I think we can set up our public/private system better than any other country. Better than Germany, better than Canada. It's just going to take us longer because we're younger.

Weren't you touting how wonderful the VA was a few months ago? That's your public health care.
Having been in both the American and Canadian systems, I would rather be in the American system.

But if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd rather be in Canada.

Well, I happen to put great store in American exceptionalism and I think we can set up our public/private system better than any other country. Better than Germany, better than Canada. It's just going to take us longer because we're younger.

Weren't you touting how wonderful the VA was a few months ago? That's your public health care.

The VA is wonderful. It works fantastically when we don't have an obstructionist Congress blocking funding to hire more doctors and build more hospitals.

Odd that Congress is willing to keep pushing equipment onto the military that it doesn't want, but can't find the money to pay for the healthcare they require when they come back from the wars they started.
You've heard bullshit on Fox.



Again, for the Fox viewers...In the United States two healthcare systems are consistently rated highest in patient satisfaction. Do you know what they are? Can you guess?

who did that poll? posting something with no citation is invalid. a poll taken at you local LGBT meeting doesn't hold much water.

When you quoted me, you sourced the image Einstein. It's Gallup.
You've heard bullshit on Fox.



Again, for the Fox viewers...In the United States two healthcare systems are consistently rated highest in patient satisfaction. Do you know what they are? Can you guess?

who did that poll? posting something with no citation is invalid. a poll taken at you local LGBT meeting doesn't hold much water.

When you quoted me, you sourced the image Einstein. It's Gallup. And there goes Fishy...gotta bring up the gay in an unrelated thread. Man, you've got an obsession. So sad.
insurance companies + doctors +lawyers = bad health care system.
Well, I happen to put great store in American exceptionalism and I think we can set up our public/private system better than any other country. Better than Germany, better than Canada. It's just going to take us longer because we're younger.

Weren't you touting how wonderful the VA was a few months ago? That's your public health care.

The VA is wonderful. It works fantastically when we don't have an obstructionist Congress blocking funding to hire more doctors and build more hospitals.

Odd that Congress is willing to keep pushing equipment onto the military that it doesn't want, but can't find the money to pay for the healthcare they require when they come back from the wars they started.

That wonderful health care system is embroiled in scandal so deep the recent nominee withdrew rather than deal with it. It has literally killed thousands of people.
The VA's budget has doubled in the last 5 years, so dont blame a stingy Congress. No, the problem is socialized medicine. And you want more of it.
We changed your Pub scam of a system , hater dupes. If you don't like, YOU move, "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME...Pfffft!!

what do you care how ObamaCare is going to hurt people
I witnessed my 86year old mother's last year of her life under Medicaid being herded like cattle from one place to next, poking prodding and never could find the blood that was leaking into her stomach, transfusions every month and she has no veins so they stuck pic line in her neck until she finally died a miserable death suffering for two weeks from that dirty pic line they forgot to clean...

yea for socialist care

No you they didnt..
who did that poll? posting something with no citation is invalid. a poll taken at you local LGBT meeting doesn't hold much water.

When you quoted me, you sourced the image Einstein. It's Gallup. And there goes Fishy...gotta bring up the gay in an unrelated thread. Man, you've got an obsession. So sad.

Nowhere in that image does it say Gallup did it or when it was done. The obsession is yours. So sad.
Well, I happen to put great store in American exceptionalism and I think we can set up our public/private system better than any other country. Better than Germany, better than Canada. It's just going to take us longer because we're younger.

It's also going to take longer because you've got people like ME and my family who will not take Government Health Care. We would rather DIE, thank you very much.

I have no problem letting this happen..
Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox

So this study effectively proves what I have said all along: Americans like to bitch and complain about everything. :eusa_whistle:
I am not sure how people rate things I only know what effects me. Most of the countries that are developed do not have the unique problems that face America. The biggest being an open border where thousands are pouring across the border bring who know what disease. Use to be that immigrants would go through a medical examine and sent back if sick, not no more.

Also most countries are not the mix of race, color and creeds that is America.

So I can only go by what I see for myself.

1. I have a lot of access to healthcare whether I pay for it myself or am covered. I can go to Walmart and receive care. I called one convenience care place when I had an infected tooth because the dentists couldn't see me and they gave me better advice then did my dentist.

2. Any care I have received, which isn't a whole lot, has gone without problem and within a reasonable time frame. Those I know who had emergencies were seen quickly and treated effectively regardless of their health care coverage.

3. What I do see as a problem for me in the future is the out of control cost that Obamacare has cost ME. I don't qualify for subsidizes, which is a good thing, so I am going to have to pay the full load because the company I work(ed) for is dropping me in 2015. They say Obamacare will save me money, they lie it will be very expensive.

4. What really is mind boggling is the cost of drugs, THIS is the real problem in my opinion. Why Canada can sell the same drug for much less is a puzzle to me and why the government won't let a person mail order the drugs is also a puzzle. Why one of the biggest expenses for the average Joe was not addressed by Obamacare is a crime.

The exhorbitant cost of drugs goes back to Medicare Part D. The Republicans blocked the ability of the government to negotiate with Big Pharma for reduced drug prices. Every other nation negotiates for lower drug prices hence the reason why Canada can sell the same drug for less.

The ACA partially remedied that problem although you might not see it directly. It is one of the biggest cost reductions for Medicare and Medicaid. If we had a Single Payer system that would allow the average Joe to obtain cheaper medications too. Unfortunately the ACA means that your private health insurer still gets to gouge you on medications.
Worst healthcare in the world is the reason people flock here for healthcare from all over the world.

They dont...

Oh, but they do. Sick people come to the USA for medical care in droves. Including illegals. Do you ever hear of americans going to the UK or Canada for medical care? Nope. But we are trying to copy their failed systems. amazingly stupid.
So Steph, what would you like the option for your Mother on Medicare to have been? What would you like to see done to insure that people like your mother don't suffer under inadequate care?

It doesn't matter anymore. I'm in the end of my life years
I just worry about my children...We've seen and heard of Englands socialist health care and it's as pretty as Medicaid, what's coming out on our Va , etc
I just worry about what my children will have to deal with

Thank god.....anyways..hopefully what we have to deal with is a lowering of healthcare costs.
Worst healthcare in the world is the reason people flock here for healthcare from all over the world.

They dont...

Oh, but they do. Sick people come to the USA for medical care in droves. Including illegals. Do you ever hear of americans going to the UK or Canada for medical care? Nope. But we are trying to copy their failed systems. amazingly stupid.

But they also go abroad to have surgeries done because it's cheaper....I've been over this already with people. People tend to come here because we have the best cancer treatments...people go abroad more for surgery.

What might cost you 20000 here will cost you 4 thousand someplace else.
I am not sure how people rate things I only know what effects me. Most of the countries that are developed do not have the unique problems that face America. The biggest being an open border where thousands are pouring across the border bring who know what disease. Use to be that immigrants would go through a medical examine and sent back if sick, not no more.

Also most countries are not the mix of race, color and creeds that is America.

So I can only go by what I see for myself.

1. I have a lot of access to healthcare whether I pay for it myself or am covered. I can go to Walmart and receive care. I called one convenience care place when I had an infected tooth because the dentists couldn't see me and they gave me better advice then did my dentist.

2. Any care I have received, which isn't a whole lot, has gone without problem and within a reasonable time frame. Those I know who had emergencies were seen quickly and treated effectively regardless of their health care coverage.

3. What I do see as a problem for me in the future is the out of control cost that Obamacare has cost ME. I don't qualify for subsidizes, which is a good thing, so I am going to have to pay the full load because the company I work(ed) for is dropping me in 2015. They say Obamacare will save me money, they lie it will be very expensive.

4. What really is mind boggling is the cost of drugs, THIS is the real problem in my opinion. Why Canada can sell the same drug for much less is a puzzle to me and why the government won't let a person mail order the drugs is also a puzzle. Why one of the biggest expenses for the average Joe was not addressed by Obamacare is a crime.

The exhorbitant cost of drugs goes back to Medicare Part D. The Republicans blocked the ability of the government to negotiate with Big Pharma for reduced drug prices. Every other nation negotiates for lower drug prices hence the reason why Canada can sell the same drug for less.

The ACA partially remedied that problem although you might not see it directly. It is one of the biggest cost reductions for Medicare and Medicaid. If we had a Single Payer system that would allow the average Joe to obtain cheaper medications too. Unfortunately the ACA means that your private health insurer still gets to gouge you on medications.

Obama had control of congress for his first two years. Why didn't he fix the big pharma drug rip off problem??????

answer: because they contributed too much to his campaign.

Wake the fuck up. You lefties bitch about oil companies making 8% profit but you are silent when big pharma makes 35%. hypocrisy.
They dont...

Oh, but they do. Sick people come to the USA for medical care in droves. Including illegals. Do you ever hear of americans going to the UK or Canada for medical care? Nope. But we are trying to copy their failed systems. amazingly stupid.

But they also go abroad to have surgeries done because it's cheaper....I've been over this already with people. People tend to come here because we have the best cancer treatments...people go abroad more for surgery.

What might cost you 20000 here will cost you 4 thousand someplace else.

If you want to have your kidney transplant done in Costa Rica, go right ahead. But why not go to Canada or the UK? they have the system that you want so badly. Could it be that you might have to wait 6 months and might die first?

I cannot believe the naivete of some of you libs.

Categories like the following:

healthy lives​

don't measure the quality of healthcare. They measure how socialist it is, or they measure cultural issues that affect health.

The article doesn't explain how the other categories:

effective care
safe care
coordinated care
patient centered care​

are measured. Furthermore, the last two sound like bogus measures that don't really measure the quality of the care.

The only thing that really measures the quality of healthcare: ie, how many people who go into the hospital with a health issue come out with a successful resolution. The United States beats every other country by far in that category - the only one that matters to the patient.

In short, your article is bullshit propaganda.

what it measures is ACCESS. if you can't OBTAIN health care, then it doesn't matter how effective, safe, coordinated or patient-centered the care is.

so yes, i'd choose columbia pres/ny hospital cornell over almost anything in the world if i needed a hospital (or mass general or johns hopkins, etc.) but if you earn $100,000 a year and your care is going to cost $300,000 then it doesn't matter how good the doctors are.

as for it meaning how many people who go to a doctor have a successful resolution, what else would you measure health care by some fantasmagircal make believe standard where you chant USA USA?

how about the right stop being defensive about the things we don't do well... and start solving problems?

oh right... that would mean thought, that a desire to solve those problems and actually govern.

never mind.

Very true. What the study really does is point out how many ticks and leaches there are in the American health care industry. I mean when was the last time you got your lab results before you got the bill?

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