Best Health Care, Huh?

My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

yokie dokie

translation = I am too ignorant to shop for my own insurance or make my own decisions, I want to depend to the government to care for me, feed me, tell me how to live, and when to die. you are a liberal through and through, jilly. pathetic.
I downloaded the full report and will study it first. Others can do likewise:

And the overview:

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund

Important to find out exactly how they conducted the study and if it is kosher before jumping to any personal conclusions. I say this about EVERY study, without exception.

Will get back with you on this once I have digested the study.

Kosher did the study we find?
The study was conducted by

The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that promotes a high performance health care system providing better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency. The Fund’s work focuses particularly on society’s most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.
The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. An international program in health policy is designed to stimulate innovative policies and practices in the United States and other industrialized countries.​

I wonder if stimulating innovative policies and practices requires more public funding.....


....would ranking the USA below any other nation would stimulate more public funding? Would more public funding grow, or shrink government?

I'm not certain why the Commonwealth Fund doesn't simply call the report: The USA: A Nation that should spend more money on healthcare because we compared them with UK, a much smaller nation with completely different demographics and found that the UK spends LESS per capita!!!

they are probably JUST the people to do that study since their goal is to see that people DO have health coverage.... not being vested in any particular means of seeing that happens.
"Studies" like this are always amusing. THe formula is simple. Stack the deck in advance by picking some criteria you know the uS will do poorly in. Extra points if those criteria are subjective and hard to measure. Use something like "patient satisfaction with hospital food" as one measure. Do the study. Write the report, funded by interested parties. Then publicize it as "US HealthCare System Failing Badly!"
And then watch rubes like Jillian fall for it.
In my personal opinion, healthcare, like the defense of our nation, should not be a "for profit" industry. Insurance companies are not looking out for the interest of their consumers, of the patients, of Americans...they look out only for their shareholders. That amounts, again in my personal opinion, to profiteering.

That is called BUSINESS. The Military-Industrial complex is most definitely a For-Profit business. The US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard aren't, but unless you're going to Nationalize the health care industry, you're comparing apples and oranges.

We the People get to decide whether we want affordable healthcare as a right. That is what forming a more perfect union is all about. We the People decide our own destiny though a government of the people and by the people.

So you are entitled to your opinion but you alone don't get to decide what is and isn't a right that We the People can benefit from.

No, I don't get to decide. Our Founding Fathers decided it for us when they wrote the US Constitution, which does not have ANY mandate for Government involvement in health or medical issues. You the People get to change that only IF and WHEN you ammend the US Constitution. Anything else (like the ACA) is not only illegal, but immoral.
I downloaded the full report and will study it first. Others can do likewise:

And the overview:

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund

Important to find out exactly how they conducted the study and if it is kosher before jumping to any personal conclusions. I say this about EVERY study, without exception.

Will get back with you on this once I have digested the study.

Kosher did the study we find?
The study was conducted by

The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that promotes a high performance health care system providing better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency. The Fund’s work focuses particularly on society’s most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.
The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. An international program in health policy is designed to stimulate innovative policies and practices in the United States and other industrialized countries.​

I wonder if stimulating innovative policies and practices requires more public funding.....


....would ranking the USA below any other nation would stimulate more public funding? Would more public funding grow, or shrink government?

I'm not certain why the Commonwealth Fund doesn't simply call the report: The USA: A Nation that should spend more money on healthcare because we compared them with UK, a much smaller nation with completely different demographics and found that the UK spends LESS per capita!!!

they are probably JUST the people to do that study since their goal is to see that people DO have health coverage.... not being vested in any particular means of seeing that happens.

OK, one more time, try to pay attention, read each word slowly and carefully

not having insurance does NOT mean you don't have healthcare. NO ONE in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE.

There was no crisis in healthcare. It was a made up crisis aimed at ramming more socialism up the asses of american citizens.

It was part of obozo's plan to "fundamentally transform" the USA. You libs just sit there grinning as more and more of your rights and freedoms are taken away. You are too stupid to realize that once they are gone, you can't get them back.
Kosher did the study we find?
The study was conducted by

The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that promotes a high performance health care system providing better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency. The Fund’s work focuses particularly on society’s most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.
The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. An international program in health policy is designed to stimulate innovative policies and practices in the United States and other industrialized countries.​

I wonder if stimulating innovative policies and practices requires more public funding.....


....would ranking the USA below any other nation would stimulate more public funding? Would more public funding grow, or shrink government?

I'm not certain why the Commonwealth Fund doesn't simply call the report: The USA: A Nation that should spend more money on healthcare because we compared them with UK, a much smaller nation with completely different demographics and found that the UK spends LESS per capita!!!

they are probably JUST the people to do that study since their goal is to see that people DO have health coverage.... not being vested in any particular means of seeing that happens.

OK, one more time, try to pay attention, read each word slowly and carefully

not having insurance does NOT mean you don't have healthcare. NO ONE in the USA was being denied healthcare before ACA. NO ONE.

There was no crisis in healthcare. It was a made up crisis aimed at ramming more socialism up the asses of american citizens.

It was part of obozo's plan to "fundamentally transform" the USA. You libs just sit there grinning as more and more of your rights and freedoms are taken away. You are too stupid to realize that once they are gone, you can't get them back.

i'd suggest you worry about your own reading skills since you can't seem to even spell PRESIDENT OBAMA'S name properly.

(I put that in caps btw... because I know it upsests Obama deranged wackos)

as for the rant about rights and freedoms. blah blah blah blah blah. more rightwingnut talking points.

you're really boring. and the more frustrated become, the more you seem to rely on what the blogosphere tells you.

it's funny.
We changed your Pub scam of a system , hater dupes. If you don't like, YOU move, "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME...Pfffft!!

what do you care how ObamaCare is going to hurt people
I witnessed my 86year old mother's last year of her life under Medicaid being herded like cattle from one place to next, poking prodding and never could find the blood that was leaking into her stomach, transfusions every month and she has no veins so they stuck pic line in her neck until she finally died a miserable death suffering for two weeks from that dirty pic line they forgot to clean...

yea for socialist care

yea i know what you wife and her mother have the same kind of Arthritis .....her mother seems to get half-assed care from Medicare about relieving her problem while the wife has had things done by Blue Cross at St.Joes med Center that Medicare wont do for the Mo in law at Loma Linda Med Center....and we have asked them is too expensive so she has to just do what they will do for her which stops short of a few treatments that the wife has had and so far they have worked.....
Hey dude, who were those regular American citizens that designed the for profit health care system that we now have? Was it you? I wan't consulted? Who was that you know?

Or are you just speaking out your ass when you imply that "us Americans" desire this convoluted for profit system that we have?

The Founding Fathers, when they chose to leave any mention of a mandate for Government involvement in health care or medicine. The idea that everyone deserves to be treated is a very recent idea.... it was only enacted into law in the 1980's by supposedly (but not really) Conservative Ronald Reagan. At the founding of this nation there were no "Public" hospitals or clinics. There were private doctors and if you couldn't pay, you didn't get treated. Very simple.

insurance companies + doctors +lawyers = bad health care system.

Add the Government into the equation, even if you subtract the insurance companies and you get a result that's even worse.

I have no problem letting this happen..

See, but your cohorts do. That's why my mother had to spend 10 minutes arguing with a paramedic about my father's DNR order the day he died, and why I have the same issues with most hospitals on those rare occasions that I get admitted..... Far too many people believe that if there is an option to "help" it should be required to be undertaken, no matter what the patient actually wants.
what it measures is ACCESS. if you can't OBTAIN health care, then it doesn't matter how effective, safe, coordinated or patient-centered the care is.

jillian, I'm sorry to have to be the one to break this to you but health care is not a RIGHT in the United States. It never has been and hopefully never will be. Therefore "access" is something that is never likely to be where you want it to be.

See, here in the United States health care is an INDUSTRY. It's a BUSINESS. Therefore, those things which do not make the doctors, clinics, and hospitals money are not going to be offered. I understand that you and many others don't like that idea, so I've got a potential fix to the problem....

Move to Canada or the UK or France, or whichever other country has the system you most prefer and leave us AMERICANS to our own devices.

so there can be no tweaking of the "non money making" things so they are there for those who need them?......
Having been in both the American and Canadian systems, I would rather be in the American system.

But if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd rather be in Canada.

Well, I happen to put great store in American exceptionalism and I think we can set up our public/private system better than any other country. Better than Germany, better than Canada. It's just going to take us longer because we're younger.

well i agree there.....this country has always been able to rise to the top when it needed too....but you need a leader for that to happen.....we dont have any leaders around....
Shitstain....the sheer number of people in this country that need to be serviced is a negative against our healthcare system from the start compared to other countries not named India and China.

Sooooooo how do China and India stack up to the US??? Do Americans go there for care or the other way around?

Shut the fuck up, shit eater.

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox
Sorry to hear about your mother, Stephanie.

But I have to ask the obvious question.

What was stopping you from taking her to specialists and hospitals at your own expense if the "socialist care" was so "inferior" and they couldn't find the problem? There are plenty of excellent doctors and hospitals in the private sector in this nation. Why didn't you take your mother to one of those instead?

I wished I could of

But what was stopping you? Why couldn't you?

We would have the best Health Care in the entire world if the Feds would get their damn noses out it.

they had their noses out of it.


No they didn't.
We had a endless list of laws a regulations in Health Care that has become even bigger thanks to ACA.
We have the VA, Medicare and Medicaid. Planned Parenthood.
We should never even have a Federal Department of Health and Human Services.
We should have State Run health services.
No where in our Constitution does it say our Government has the right to run health care.
To this day I still have a problem with the concept of a family having to make the choice between the health/life of their child and bankruptcy.

No one in the USA was faced with that choice before ACA, but many could be after ACA.

you dumb libs don't understand what your messiah has shoved up your asses.

Millions of Americans were faced with that and still are...but fewer will because they now have insurance to cover their medical bills.

Medical bankruptcy is unheard of in other developed nations.

you sure?..... the original Drummer for Iron Maiden had to have a few Benefit Concerts to help pay for his Medical Bills because of the MS he had...he is from England for those who dont know....

yes, we know... he's actually smart so you hate him. and how dare he publish information.

now run along and listen to sarah bawwacuda
Ideology is everything to you, darlin'. It doesn't have to be right as long as it's liberal.
You wouldn't know "smart" if it bitch slapped you in the face.

Klein is just another leftwing ideologue that skews the numbers to make them support his premise. The rightwingers will do the same thing and is why I don't post polls, because a person needs to know the context of the questions.
Something that a "Lawyer" seems to think isn't important. Funny what you call smart
I too am very sorry to hear that your mother suffered such treatment...however, the Affordable Care Act is not responsible nor is it "socialist" you do realize don't you? It's private insurance, not "government" care.

The VA is "socialist" and "government care". Care at VA hospitals, when you can get it, is among the best in the country. Care received by VA patients and Medicare patients are consistently rated the best in the US in patient satisfaction surveys.

So Steph, what would you like the option for your Mother on Medicare to have been? What would you like to see done to insure that people like your mother don't suffer under inadequate care?

what I highlighted in red is the crux of socialist medicine. We see it in the VA, and we will experience it under ACA if it is allowed to remain in force.

You get what you vote for. You voted for obama and a dem controlled congress for obozo's first two years-----------you got the worst piece of legislation in our history and we will all suffer from your ignorance.

Unfortunately, the ACA isn't socialist's private insurance companies.

The crux for some VA's is Congress's inability to pass funding for them to increase the number of hospitals and doctors needed to care for all the returning victims of Bush's unnecessary wars.

unnecessary wars? were you another one of the 10% who was against us going into Afghanistan?....if so what do you think our response should have been?...

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