Best Health Care, Huh?

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox

We've proven it before. The VA system, once one gets in, is far superior to any hospital.

Which reminds me...

and we have been through this before another thread that you ran from when you had a few links coming at you that you could not refute.....some Sheriff you are....

We've proven it before. The VA system, once one gets in, is far superior to any hospital.

Which reminds me...

and we have been through this before another thread that you ran from when you had a few links coming at you that you could not refute.....some Sheriff you are....

Ran from? lol

Either participate intelligently and disprove the facts or call mommy for help.

VA Care: Still the Best Care Anywhere? by Phillip Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

Group plans have always taken pre-existing conditions as far as i know...
the ACA SHOULD say that.

the VA works when the patients are admitted. want more efficient admissions tell your idiot rightwingers to stop cutting discretionary spending and taxes for rich people.

and I understand that you can't respond to any of this except by repeating things you heard rush limbot say. but maybe if righties actually gave it the old college try they might come up with actual ideas. come on... give it the old college try.

College try? They don't need no stinkin' college. :D

I actually had a 21 year old idiot on another board tell me he didn't go to college because he didn't want to be taught by "liberals". he earned $8,000 a year, refused to go on his parents' health care when the law allowed him to stay on til he was 26 (because he didn't want any part of "obamacare") and couldn't afford his own health care, wouldn't take medicare and couldn't afford a car to go to work so walked miles...

but he had money for pot.

so there ya go.

sounds more like a bunch of bull to push some buttons......
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

Group plans have always taken pre-existing conditions as far as i know...

You obviously know very little.
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

Group plans have always taken pre-existing conditions as far as i know...

true, you only got into that if you tried to buy an individual policy. I see that our gay poster has already made a fool of himself on this, but he is wrong.
the ACA SHOULD say that.

the VA works when the patients are admitted. want more efficient admissions tell your idiot rightwingers to stop cutting discretionary spending and taxes for rich people.

and I understand that you can't respond to any of this except by repeating things you heard rush limbot say. but maybe if righties actually gave it the old college try they might come up with actual ideas. come on... give it the old college try.

College try? They don't need no stinkin' college. :D

I actually had a 21 year old idiot on another board tell me he didn't go to college because he didn't want to be taught by "liberals". he earned $8,000 a year, refused to go on his parents' health care when the law allowed him to stay on til he was 26 (because he didn't want any part of "obamacare") and couldn't affod his own health care, wouldn't take medicare and couldn't afford a car to go to work so walked miles...

but he had money for pot.

so there ya go.

Sounds like [MENTION=1528]Yurt[/MENTION] le
We've proven it before. The VA system, once one gets in, is far superior to any hospital.

Which reminds me...

and we have been through this before another thread that you ran from when you had a few links coming at you that you could not refute.....some Sheriff you are....

Ran from? lol

Either participate intelligently and disprove the facts or call mommy for help.

VA Care: Still the Best Care Anywhere? by Phillip Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly

like you did? ran from the fucking thread Howey....and there was a couple of posters at the end of it wondering were you went...they are probably still wondering....
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

Group plans have always taken pre-existing conditions as far as i know...

You obviously know very little.

my wife has been an Epileptic since 1979.....i have switched Ins companies at work 4 or 5 times....she was never apparently you dont know very much do ya.....some fucking sheriff you are....
In my personal opinion, healthcare, like the defense of our nation, should not be a "for profit" industry. Insurance companies are not looking out for the interest of their consumers, of the patients, of Americans...they look out only for their shareholders. That amounts, again in my personal opinion, to profiteering.

That is called BUSINESS. The Military-Industrial complex is most definitely a For-Profit business. The US Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard aren't, but unless you're going to Nationalize the health care industry, you're comparing apples and oranges.

We the People get to decide whether we want affordable healthcare as a right. That is what forming a more perfect union is all about. We the People decide our own destiny though a government of the people and by the people.

So you are entitled to your opinion but you alone don't get to decide what is and isn't a right that We the People can benefit from.

No, I don't get to decide. Our Founding Fathers decided it for us when they wrote the US Constitution, which does not have ANY mandate for Government involvement in health or medical issues. You the People get to change that only IF and WHEN you ammend the US Constitution. Anything else (like the ACA) is not only illegal, but immoral.

The Welfare of the People clause covers healthcare!

Your inability to comprehend the Constitution doesn't negate that the government was given the power to do what is in the best interests of We the People. Healthcare is constitutional and the SCOTUS agreed.

Your whining won't change any of that.
I too am very sorry to hear that your mother suffered such treatment...however, the Affordable Care Act is not responsible nor is it "socialist" you do realize don't you? It's private insurance, not "government" care.

The VA is "socialist" and "government care". Care at VA hospitals, when you can get it, is among the best in the country. Care received by VA patients and Medicare patients are consistently rated the best in the US in patient satisfaction surveys.

So Steph, what would you like the option for your Mother on Medicare to have been? What would you like to see done to insure that people like your mother don't suffer under inadequate care?

what I highlighted in red is the crux of socialist medicine. We see it in the VA, and we will experience it under ACA if it is allowed to remain in force.

You get what you vote for. You voted for obama and a dem controlled congress for obozo's first two years-----------you got the worst piece of legislation in our history and we will all suffer from your ignorance.

Unfortunately, the ACA isn't socialist's private insurance companies.

The crux for some VA's is Congress's inability to pass funding for them to increase the number of hospitals and doctors needed to care for all the returning victims of Bush's unnecessary wars.

How much more funding do you want. We are already taxed out to the max.

The Feds spend 1.8 Trillion in Health Care and Welfare.

We spent 6.3 Trillion in 2014
We spent 3 Trillion in 2008.
It just keeps going up and up.
This has got to stop.

We spend 20% on Health Care
We spend 13% on Defense.
Defense for the Feds is in our Constitution
Welfare and Health Care are not.
The private sector can handle the expense much better the Feds who are robbing us blind from both parties.

Government Spending in United States: Federal State Local for 2014 - Charts Tables History
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so there can be no tweaking of the "non money making" things so they are there for those who need them?......

There can be no power exerted by the Government which forces medical facilities or practitioners to accept less money than they expect for any procedure or medication.

IF a medical professional or care center chooses to service people without compensation or with lower than normal payment that is their right, but they should never be forced to do so.
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

Group plans have always taken pre-existing conditions as far as i know...

true, you only got into that if you tried to buy an individual policy. I see that our gay poster has already made a fool of himself on this, but he is wrong.

he is a fucking jerk....said he is the new Sheriff and nothing will go by him .....yea until something comes along that puts a dent in what the new Sheriff said....
The Welfare of the People clause covers healthcare!

Your inability to comprehend the Constitution doesn't negate that the government was given the power to do what is in the best interests of We the People. Healthcare is constitutional and the SCOTUS agreed.

Where is this "Welfare of the People" clause? Are you referring to the "General Welfare and Common Defense" language of Article I, Section 8? If so, then you have no idea what you're talking about. That language refers to the Welfare and Defense of the NATION, not its individual citizens AND more importantly, the limitations and description of what that entails is laid out in the 18 specific items listed further on in that Section; none of which refer to medicine, medical care, or health.

Your whining won't change any of that.

No, but my rifle will, along with the rifles of a whole lot of other frustrated people in this country. If things are not straightened out in due course, this may well be an issue that could again cause revolution, like the illegal imposition of Federal laws onto States did in 1861.
Oh, but they do. Sick people come to the USA for medical care in droves. Including illegals. Do you ever hear of americans going to the UK or Canada for medical care? Nope. But we are trying to copy their failed systems. amazingly stupid.

But they also go abroad to have surgeries done because it's cheaper....I've been over this already with people. People tend to come here because we have the best cancer treatments...people go abroad more for surgery.

What might cost you 20000 here will cost you 4 thousand someplace else.

If you want to have your kidney transplant done in Costa Rica, go right ahead. But why not go to Canada or the UK? they have the system that you want so badly. Could it be that you might have to wait 6 months and might die first?

I cannot believe the naivete of some of you libs.

Neat...This meme..
The Welfare of the People clause covers healthcare!

Your inability to comprehend the Constitution doesn't negate that the government was given the power to do what is in the best interests of We the People. Healthcare is constitutional and the SCOTUS agreed.

Where is this "Welfare of the People" clause? Are you referring to the "General Welfare and Common Defense" language of Article I, Section 8? If so, then you have no idea what you're talking about. That language refers to the Welfare and Defense of the NATION, not its individual citizens AND more importantly, the limitations and description of what that entails is laid out in the 18 specific items listed further on in that Section; none of which refer to medicine, medical care, or health.

Your whining won't change any of that.

No, but my rifle will, along with the rifles of a whole lot of other frustrated people in this country. If things are not straightened out in due course, this may well be an issue that could again cause revolution, like the illegal imposition of Federal laws onto States did in 1861.

Your ignorance of the Constitution is your problem.

As far as your insurrectionist sedition and delusions of resurrecting slavery are concerned you are in the wrong thread. Start your own instead of derailing the OP.
Your ignorance of the Constitution is your problem.

No, my knowldege of the Constitution is my problem. It creates a situation where I cannot make the words on that Founding Document agree with the society, government, and nation I happen to live in.

what politicians of their age said is less important than the caselaw construing it since the words have little meaning absent judicial construction.

the "founding fathers" also believed women shouldn't have the vote, and slavery was peachy keen.

they disagreed on most things. the courts during their lifetime didn't necessarily rule in their favor since they knew they were just politicians and didn't deify them.

and yes, you are ignorant of the constitution which provides that taxes may be levied for the general welfare of the people. you seem to have missed a few things in your zeal to misread the second amendment.

if only you were so literal with the words "well-regulated militia" since for over 200 years until scalia and his wingers, no justice ever believed the second created a private right of ownership.
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Having been in both the American and Canadian systems, I would rather be in the American system.

But if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd rather be in Canada.

Considering that around 80% of the US population is either middle class or poor, your statement speaks volumes and in volumes.
It also amazes me that we have people here are content to pay the highest prices in the world by far for a healthcare system that's just adequate. These same folks have no problem with how much healthcare in the US is eating up our GDP. It's also hurting our economy, individuals, families and businesses. Anyone want to explain why that's all OK? Anyone?
To the poster that claimed that Obamacare is responsible for the high cost, Obamacare has been in effect just a short period. From 1999 to 2009 healthcare insurance rose 131% and that's before Obamacare. In real life, this past year the cost of healthcare insurance had one of it's smaller increases.
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what politicians of their age said is less important than the caselaw construing it since the words have little meaning absent judicial construction.

BULLSHIT!! The words have total meaning. The problem is that you people don't want to read what was written, but rather what you want it to mean.

the "founding fathers" also believed women shouldn't have the vote, and slavery was peachy keen.

Both of which ARE the correct beliefs on those topics.

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