Best Health Care, Huh?

Categories like the following:

healthy lives​

don't measure the quality of healthcare. They measure how socialist it is, or they measure cultural issues that affect health.

The article doesn't explain how the other categories:

effective care
safe care
coordinated care
patient centered care​

are measured. Furthermore, the last two sound like bogus measures that don't really measure the quality of the care.

The only thing that really measures the quality of healthcare: ie, how many people who go into the hospital with a health issue come out with a successful resolution. The United States beats every other country by far in that category - the only one that matters to the patient.

In short, your article is bullshit propaganda.

what it measures is ACCESS. if you can't OBTAIN health care, then it doesn't matter how effective, safe, coordinated or patient-centered the care is.

so yes, i'd choose columbia pres/ny hospital cornell over almost anything in the world if i needed a hospital (or mass general or johns hopkins, etc.) but if you earn $100,000 a year and your care is going to cost $300,000 then it doesn't matter how good the doctors are.

as for it meaning how many people who go to a doctor have a successful resolution, what else would you measure health care by some fantasmagircal make believe standard where you chant USA USA?

how about the right stop being defensive about the things we don't do well... and start solving problems?

oh right... that would mean thought, that a desire to solve those problems and actually govern.

never mind.

Very true. What the study really does is point out how many ticks and leaches there are in the American health care industry. I mean when was the last time you got your lab results before you got the bill?

Do you really think ACA wil change any of that?-----------can you say VA?

Do you really think that a govt beaurocracy will be better than the free market?
what it measures is ACCESS. if you can't OBTAIN health care, then it doesn't matter how effective, safe, coordinated or patient-centered the care is.

so yes, i'd choose columbia pres/ny hospital cornell over almost anything in the world if i needed a hospital (or mass general or johns hopkins, etc.) but if you earn $100,000 a year and your care is going to cost $300,000 then it doesn't matter how good the doctors are.

as for it meaning how many people who go to a doctor have a successful resolution, what else would you measure health care by some fantasmagircal make believe standard where you chant USA USA?

how about the right stop being defensive about the things we don't do well... and start solving problems?

oh right... that would mean thought, that a desire to solve those problems and actually govern.

never mind.

Very true. What the study really does is point out how many ticks and leaches there are in the American health care industry. I mean when was the last time you got your lab results before you got the bill?

Do you really think ACA wil change any of that?-----------can you say VA?

Do you really think that a govt beaurocracy will be better than the free market?

I don't really expect the ACA to do much. Obama should have stuck to his guns and pushed through single payer as was his original intention. Too many special interests involved for that to have seen the light of day I guess.
Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox

Ezra Klein? A PMSNBC analyst? Got it ;)
Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox

wheres Chris?.....he says no one beats France....they did not fare to well in that thing either compared to everyone else.....we even came out better than them on a few categories....
No one in the USA was faced with that choice before ACA, but many could be after ACA.

you dumb libs don't understand what your messiah has shoved up your asses.

Millions of Americans were faced with that and still are...but fewer will because they now have insurance to cover their medical bills.

Medical bankruptcy is unheard of in other developed nations.

Here's some truth for you, wytch. Yes, there are lots of bankrupcies in the USA, and many of them have unpaid medical bills---------but only a tiny % of them go bankrupt because of medical bills. the vast majority go bankrupt because of mortgages, car payments, credit cards, loss of a job, etc. Most doctors and hospitals write off unpaid bills rather than spend the money trying to collect them.

Once again, you repeat a left wing talking point that is based on a LIE.

that's false and not based on anything but wishful thinking.

more than 50% of the bankruptcies in the US are the result of unanticipated medical care, and, in fact, is the single largest cause of bankruptcy filings.

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

a large part of the reason for that is not just medical costs but our entire health care delivery system, with people losing coverage when they get sick because they can't work, so they are out of pocket for health care. that will, hopefully be helped some with the ACA and expanded medicare coverage (oh right... red states hate that).

but we're the only civilized nation that has this problem.

so now that you know this, you won't repeat that only a small percentage of bankruptcies are based on medical expenses, right?

and, no... most people do NOT file for bankruptcy because of mortgages. you're simply making that up.
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Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox

We've proven it before. The VA system, once one gets in, is far superior to any hospital.

Which reminds me...
Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst

The United States comes in dead last in a new, international ranking of health care systems from a top health-care non-profit.

This doesn't mean that we're the worst in the world; there are plenty of less-developed countries that have worse systems than America's. But when the United States is compared against peer countries like France and Canada it does not come out well. It comes out the very worst.

A new Commonwealth Fund report looks at how the United States stacks up against other countries on things like access to doctors and quality of care. It pulls from three separate surveys conducted over the past three years: a 2011 survey of sicker patients, a 2012 survey of doctors and a 2013 survey of adults over 18. It also uses health outcome data from the OECD and World Health Organization. This means it captures the experience of the medical system from the people who use it a lot, those who use it a little and the doctors treating them.

America ranks worst overall

The American health care system came in last both in the overall rankings, which pull together data on 11 specific measures of success for a health care system. This includes metrics like how easily residents can access health care, if that medical care is affordable and if its effective.

There was no measure where the United States came in first place — our best ranking was coming in third in the effectiveness of our medicine (more on what this means later).

more at link

Five ways the American health care system is literally the worst - Vox

Ezra Klein? A PMSNBC analyst? Got it ;)

yes, we know... he's actually smart so you hate him. and how dare he publish information.

now run along and listen to sarah bawwacuda
what it measures is ACCESS. if you can't OBTAIN health care, then it doesn't matter how effective, safe, coordinated or patient-centered the care is.

so yes, i'd choose columbia pres/ny hospital cornell over almost anything in the world if i needed a hospital (or mass general or johns hopkins, etc.) but if you earn $100,000 a year and your care is going to cost $300,000 then it doesn't matter how good the doctors are.

as for it meaning how many people who go to a doctor have a successful resolution, what else would you measure health care by some fantasmagircal make believe standard where you chant USA USA?

how about the right stop being defensive about the things we don't do well... and start solving problems?

oh right... that would mean thought, that a desire to solve those problems and actually govern.

never mind.

Very true. What the study really does is point out how many ticks and leaches there are in the American health care industry. I mean when was the last time you got your lab results before you got the bill?

Do you really think ACA wil change any of that?-----------can you say VA?

Do you really think that a govt beaurocracy will be better than the free market?

the ACA SHOULD say that.

the VA works when the patients are admitted. want more efficient admissions tell your idiot rightwingers to stop cutting discretionary spending and taxes for rich people.

and I understand that you can't respond to any of this except by repeating things you heard rush limbot say. but maybe if righties actually gave it the old college try they might come up with actual ideas. come on... give it the old college try.
Millions of Americans were faced with that and still are...but fewer will because they now have insurance to cover their medical bills.

Medical bankruptcy is unheard of in other developed nations.

Here's some truth for you, wytch. Yes, there are lots of bankrupcies in the USA, and many of them have unpaid medical bills---------but only a tiny % of them go bankrupt because of medical bills. the vast majority go bankrupt because of mortgages, car payments, credit cards, loss of a job, etc. Most doctors and hospitals write off unpaid bills rather than spend the money trying to collect them.

Once again, you repeat a left wing talking point that is based on a LIE.

that's false and not based on anything but wishful thinking.

more than 50% of the bankruptcies in the US are the result of unanticipated medical care, and, in fact, is the single largest cause of bankruptcy filings.

Medical Bills Are the Biggest Cause of US Bankruptcies: Study

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

a large part of the reason for that is not just medical costs but our entire health care delivery system, with people losing coverage when they get sick because they can't work, so they are out of pocket for health care. that will, hopefully be helped some with the ACA and expanded medicare coverage (oh right... red states hate that).

but we're the only civilized nation that has this problem.

so now that you know this, you won't repeat that only a small percentage of bankruptcies are based on medical expenses, right?

and, no... most people do NOT file for bankruptcy because of mortgages. you're simply making that up.

more lies, but if you choose to believe them, go right ahead.

There are virtually no US bankrupcies SOLELY caused by medical bills, Just because a bankrupcy filing includes unpaid medical bills does not prove that the bankrupcy was CAUSED by medical bills.

you have bought into the left wing lies about this. If you choose to remain ignorant, do so at your peril. I could not care less what you believe.
I downloaded the full report and will study it first. Others can do likewise:

And the overview:

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, 2014 Update: How the U.S. Health Care System Compares Internationally - The Commonwealth Fund

Important to find out exactly how they conducted the study and if it is kosher before jumping to any personal conclusions. I say this about EVERY study, without exception.

Will get back with you on this once I have digested the study.

Kosher did the study we find?
The study was conducted by

The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that promotes a high performance health care system providing better access, improved quality, and greater efficiency. The Fund’s work focuses particularly on society’s most vulnerable, including low-income people, the uninsured, minority Americans, young children, and elderly adults.
The Fund carries out this mandate by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. An international program in health policy is designed to stimulate innovative policies and practices in the United States and other industrialized countries.​

I wonder if stimulating innovative policies and practices requires more public funding.....


....would ranking the USA below any other nation would stimulate more public funding? Would more public funding grow, or shrink government?

I'm not certain why the Commonwealth Fund doesn't simply call the report: The USA: A Nation that should spend more money on healthcare because we compared them with UK, a much smaller nation with completely different demographics and found that the UK spends LESS per capita!!!
Very true. What the study really does is point out how many ticks and leaches there are in the American health care industry. I mean when was the last time you got your lab results before you got the bill?

Do you really think ACA wil change any of that?-----------can you say VA?

Do you really think that a govt beaurocracy will be better than the free market?

the ACA SHOULD say that.

the VA works when the patients are admitted. want more efficient admissions tell your idiot rightwingers to stop cutting discretionary spending and taxes for rich people.

and I understand that you can't respond to any of this except by repeating things you heard rush limbot say. but maybe if righties actually gave it the old college try they might come up with actual ideas. come on... give it the old college try.

College try? They don't need no stinkin' college. :D
It cost at least double today for me to cover my family than it did last year. That dang Bush!

no one believes that.

unless of course you had scam coverage before which only covered catastrophic care and now you have actual medical coverage.

why Jillian?.....i know a guy who's premiums and deductible have gone up quite a that just a scam? premium went up 1200 a year as of Jan 1st....and usually with federal workers nothing changes until the new contracts are negotiated....not this time apparently...
Very true. What the study really does is point out how many ticks and leaches there are in the American health care industry. I mean when was the last time you got your lab results before you got the bill?

Do you really think ACA wil change any of that?-----------can you say VA?

Do you really think that a govt beaurocracy will be better than the free market?

the ACA SHOULD say that.

the VA works when the patients are admitted. want more efficient admissions tell your idiot rightwingers to stop cutting discretionary spending and taxes for rich people.

and I understand that you can't respond to any of this except by repeating things you heard rush limbot say. but maybe if righties actually gave it the old college try they might come up with actual ideas. come on... give it the old college try.

Want some ideas that would actually work?

1. allow interstate competition between insurance companies
2. tort reform, limit malpractice awards and make the looser pay all court and lawyer costs
3. shorten drug patents to 3 years and get cheap generics in the system faster
4. stop wasteful defensive medicine by reforming malpractice laws
5. stop giving free treatment to illegals, give them life saving treatment only and then send them home
6. require insurance companies to take people with pre-existing conditions and eliminate life maximum payments.
7. fully fund medicare advantage, it works and saves money for the govt and the people
8, Fully repeal ACA

OK, there are 8 that would actually work. Putting the entire country under a VA-like system with insurance companies as the payment vehicle will never work.
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.
Having been in both the American and Canadian systems, I would rather be in the American system.

But if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd rather be in Canada.


but i think it goes further than that. i don't consider a salary of six figures to be lower middle class, yet if there's a health crisis in the family, that income would be insufficient.

hence the problem

I had better healthcare here when I didn't make six figures.

I think the middle class is generally better served by the American system. For the lower middle class and the poor, I don't think that's true.
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

yokie dokie
We changed your Pub scam of a system , hater dupes. If you don't like, YOU move, "no compromise, un-American TP GOP"- TIME...Pfffft!!

Frankie....shut the fuck up.....if anyone is a hater here....its prove it with just about every post.....
Do you really think ACA wil change any of that?-----------can you say VA?

Do you really think that a govt beaurocracy will be better than the free market?

the ACA SHOULD say that.

the VA works when the patients are admitted. want more efficient admissions tell your idiot rightwingers to stop cutting discretionary spending and taxes for rich people.

and I understand that you can't respond to any of this except by repeating things you heard rush limbot say. but maybe if righties actually gave it the old college try they might come up with actual ideas. come on... give it the old college try.

College try? They don't need no stinkin' college. :D

I actually had a 21 year old idiot on another board tell me he didn't go to college because he didn't want to be taught by "liberals". he earned $8,000 a year, refused to go on his parents' health care when the law allowed him to stay on til he was 26 (because he didn't want any part of "obamacare") and couldn't afford his own health care, wouldn't take medicare and couldn't afford a car to go to work so walked miles...

but he had money for pot.

so there ya go.
My healthcare has always been very good. My insurance company has always taken people with existing conditions and I've never had to wait in the emergency room.

You can find good healthcare if you take time to research it. People need to realize that they can make their lives good all by themselves. It just takes a little effort.

yokie dokie

Ignorance is bliss.

She doesnt know it sucks compared to other nations therefore its awesome

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