Best Health Care, Huh?

Having been in both the American and Canadian systems, I would rather be in the American system.

But if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd rather be in Canada.


but i think it goes further than that. i don't consider a salary of six figures to be lower middle class, yet if there's a health crisis in the family, that income would be insufficient.

hence the problem

I had better healthcare here when I didn't make six figures.

I think the middle class is generally better served by the American system. For the lower middle class and the poor, I don't think that's true.

I once had pink eye in Canada. As a Yank, I had to fork over $100, but got the see one of the 50 Punjabi Physicians working at the store-front clinic right away. [MENTION=2926]Toro[/MENTION]
The scum behind these bogus polls/stories put "access" above quality and wait times.

They feel if everyone in the nation can see a doctor sometime within the year aka spreading the pain and misery to everyone, that is better than the US system where people with money/insurance get timely and quality care and the poor without money/insurance get the leftovers in Medicaid or ER invasions.
what politicians of their age said is less important than the caselaw construing it since the words have little meaning absent judicial construction.

BULLSHIT!! The words have total meaning. The problem is that you people don't want to read what was written, but rather what you want it to mean.

the "founding fathers" also believed women shouldn't have the vote, and slavery was peachy keen.

Both of which ARE the correct beliefs on those topics.

The 2nd Amendment "as written" requires gun owners to belong to a well ordered militia. Unless you and every other gun owner belongs to a well ordered militia you and they are in violation of your interpretation of the Constitution.
The 2nd Amendment "as written" requires gun owners to belong to a well ordered militia. Unless you and every other gun owner belongs to a well ordered militia you and they are in violation of your interpretation of the Constitution.

I most definitely AM a member of a well regulated militia (not well ordered, please learn to read English) as defined in the 18th Century. In that day and age all males above the age of 16 were deemed to be members of the militia. Well regulated meant that the individuals trained and practiced regularly with their arms. I shoot probably somewhere betwen 300 and 500 rounds a month from a variety of arms. I also actively read and discuss military tactics, theory, and maneuver with others.

As I said, it would help if you people learned to actually read the language of the document you are talking about.
Why is it that liberals seem, no they do, to take great pride in tearing down the USA on almost every subject?

The Iraq war.

The Afghanistan war.

Our Health Care.

How a soldier that went AWOL is treated

The military



The list is freanin' endless. Next time any subject is posted note which side automatically picks the side that makes America look bad.
what politicians of their age said is less important than the caselaw construing it since the words have little meaning absent judicial construction.

BULLSHIT!! The words have total meaning. The problem is that you people don't want to read what was written, but rather what you want it to mean.

the "founding fathers" also believed women shouldn't have the vote, and slavery was peachy keen.

Both of which ARE the correct beliefs on those topics.

The 2nd Amendment "as written" requires gun owners to belong to a well ordered militia. Unless you and every other gun owner belongs to a well ordered militia you and they are in violation of your interpretation of the Constitution.

The NRA is a well regulated militia. I do believe that a militia is not a requirement. For example, say this was 1776 and all the guns in America were confiscated, could a well regulated militia then be formed? Hell no. So in order to form a militia, well regulated, the people had to have arms, that is not to be infringed.
The 2nd Amendment "as written" requires gun owners to belong to a well ordered militia. Unless you and every other gun owner belongs to a well ordered militia you and they are in violation of your interpretation of the Constitution.

I most definitely AM a member of a well regulated militia (not well ordered, please learn to read English) as defined in the 18th Century. In that day and age all males above the age of 16 were deemed to be members of the militia. Well regulated meant that the individuals trained and practiced regularly with their arms. I shoot probably somewhere betwen 300 and 500 rounds a month from a variety of arms. I also actively read and discuss military tactics, theory, and maneuver with others.

As I said, it would help if you people learned to actually read the language of the document you are talking about.

Home Land security would like your phone number. :badgrin: :lol: :eusa_whistle:
The 2nd Amendment "as written" requires gun owners to belong to a well ordered militia. Unless you and every other gun owner belongs to a well ordered militia you and they are in violation of your interpretation of the Constitution.

I most definitely AM a member of a well regulated militia (not well ordered, please learn to read English) as defined in the 18th Century. In that day and age all males above the age of 16 were deemed to be members of the militia. Well regulated meant that the individuals trained and practiced regularly with their arms. I shoot probably somewhere betwen 300 and 500 rounds a month from a variety of arms. I also actively read and discuss military tactics, theory, and maneuver with others.

As I said, it would help if you people learned to actually read the language of the document you are talking about.

You endorse slavery and denying women the right to vote. Your opinion on what constitutes a "well regulated" militia is probably as bogus as your interpretation of the constitution.

BTW how much healthcare would your family enjoy if you didn't waste your money on 300 to 500 rounds every month?
The 2nd Amendment "as written" requires gun owners to belong to a well ordered militia. Unless you and every other gun owner belongs to a well ordered militia you and they are in violation of your interpretation of the Constitution.

I most definitely AM a member of a well regulated militia (not well ordered, please learn to read English) as defined in the 18th Century. In that day and age all males above the age of 16 were deemed to be members of the militia. Well regulated meant that the individuals trained and practiced regularly with their arms. I shoot probably somewhere betwen 300 and 500 rounds a month from a variety of arms. I also actively read and discuss military tactics, theory, and maneuver with others.

As I said, it would help if you people learned to actually read the language of the document you are talking about.

You endorse slavery and denying women the right to vote. Your opinion on what constitutes a "well regulated" militia is probably as bogus as your interpretation of the constitution.

BTW how much healthcare would your family enjoy if you didn't waste your money on 300 to 500 rounds every month?

Saying that the constitution allows for citizens to bare arms in a well regulated militia but otherwise no? Isn't that the same as telling people they can from a baseball team but they just can't own bats, balls and gloves to do so.
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and we have been through this before another thread that you ran from when you had a few links coming at you that you could not refute.....some Sheriff you are....

Ran from? lol

Either participate intelligently and disprove the facts or call mommy for help.

VA Care: Still the Best Care Anywhere? by Phillip Longman | Political Animal | The Washington Monthly

like you did? ran from the fucking thread Howey....and there was a couple of posters at the end of it wondering were you went...they are probably still wondering....

Blame this forum for allowing multiple threads on same subjects. I never run from threads. I will, however, leave a thread when it's obvious I'm speaking to brick walls.

Group plans have always taken pre-existing conditions as far as i know...

You obviously know very little.

my wife has been an Epileptic since 1979.....i have switched Ins companies at work 4 or 5 times....she was never apparently you dont know very much do ya.....some fucking sheriff you are....

Changed your tune huh? Yes, some HUGE group plans may accept prior conditions and they're few. That's why Obamacare was created. And you failed to add you paid out of your ass for that coverage.
Your ignorance of the Constitution is your problem.

No, my knowldege of the Constitution is my problem. It creates a situation where I cannot make the words on that Founding Document agree with the society, government, and nation I happen to live in.

what politicians of their age said is less important than the caselaw construing it since the words have little meaning absent judicial construction.

the "founding fathers" also believed women shouldn't have the vote, and slavery was peachy keen.

they disagreed on most things. the courts during their lifetime didn't necessarily rule in their favor since they knew they were just politicians and didn't deify them.

and yes, you are ignorant of the constitution which provides that taxes may be levied for the general welfare of the people. you seem to have missed a few things in your zeal to misread the second amendment.

if only you were so literal with the words "well-regulated militia" since for over 200 years until scalia and his wingers, no justice ever believed the second created a private right of ownership.

These idiotic teabaggers amuse me. Wanna carry a gun like you think the founding fathers wanted?

Go buy a fucking musket tard!
Having been in both the American and Canadian systems, I would rather be in the American system.

But if I were poor or lower middle class, I'd rather be in Canada.

Considering that around 80% of the US population is either middle class or poor, your statement speaks volumes and in volumes.
It also amazes me that we have people here are content to pay the highest prices in the world by far for a healthcare system that's just adequate. These same folks have no problem with how much healthcare in the US is eating up our GDP. It's also hurting our economy, individuals, families and businesses. Anyone want to explain why that's all OK? Anyone?
To the poster that claimed that Obamacare is responsible for the high cost, Obamacare has been in effect just a short period. From 1999 to 2009 healthcare insurance rose 131% and that's before Obamacare. In real life, this past year the cost of healthcare insurance had one of it's smaller increases.

I think the middle class in America has better healthcare than the middle class in Canada.
Home Land security would like your phone number.

I'm quite sure they already have it along with my address, email, and everything else you can think of. If not, they're slacking.

You endorse slavery and denying women the right to vote. Your opinion on what constitutes a "well regulated" militia is probably as bogus as your interpretation of the constitution.

What part of the Constitution is contrary to either/both of those things?

BTW how much healthcare would your family enjoy if you didn't waste your money on 300 to 500 rounds every month?

I reload a lot of the ammo, so the cost isn't that extreme. Besides, it allows me to customize the ammo a bit more. I pay about $250 a month for health insurance, add about $40 a month for medications and another $25 for doctor's visits, bringing the total to about $315 a month. That's roughly one day's pay for me, so it's not a terribly significant amount of money, thank you very much. Besides, given the choice, I'd take that $315 and put it into more ammo rather than the health care.

but i think it goes further than that. i don't consider a salary of six figures to be lower middle class, yet if there's a health crisis in the family, that income would be insufficient.

hence the problem

I had better healthcare here when I didn't make six figures.

I think the middle class is generally better served by the American system. For the lower middle class and the poor, I don't think that's true.

I once had pink eye in Canada. As a Yank, I had to fork over $100, but got the see one of the 50 Punjabi Physicians working at the store-front clinic right away. [MENTION=2926]Toro[/MENTION]

There are some things that are better in Canada than in the US. For example, my wife once took our infant son to outpatients in Canada for a cold, and the total bill was less than our co-pay in the US.

Then I have a solution..... Stop paying for care of people who can't pay themselves. We should be able to at least triple that 45,000 number in the first year.
It cost at least double today for me to cover my family than it did last year. That dang Bush!

no one believes that.

unless of course you had scam coverage before which only covered catastrophic care and now you have actual medical coverage.

Well that's just plain silly. Come on Jill you seem to believe anything you're told by the liar and chief. I'm hurt. :(

yes, we know... he's actually smart so you hate him. and how dare he publish information.

now run along and listen to sarah bawwacuda

wow jilly, and you talk about people using right wing sites

Ezra Klein, his education is in medical, medicine, he's a doctor, professor?

Klein in October 2008

May 9, 1984 (age 30)
Irvine, California, United States


B.A., Political Science

Alma mater

Journalist and Political pundit

Washington Post, MSNBC, Bloomberg, Vox Media

Editor-in-Chief, Vox

now run along and listen to Rachel Maddcow
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BULLSHIT!! The words have total meaning. The problem is that you people don't want to read what was written, but rather what you want it to mean.

you can spew all you want... but we live in a common law system where caselaw has equal weight with statute and establishes precedent.

there is no meaning to "DUE" process absent caselaw.

there is no meaning to "equal protection" absent caselaw.

again... why aren't you demanding that guns are only in possession of those who are part of a well regulated militia (that doesn't mean thugs with guns on a ranch in AZ).

Both of which ARE the correct beliefs on those topics.

only if you're a troll or a moron.

I do believe you're a double threat in that regard.

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