Best satanic advice?

How did Satan get from a prosecutor to a torturer?
Both? I think has always been both.

What do you mean?

Translated from Hebrew the role is adversary in God's court. The prosecutor. If God created all things then he invented the worm. To claim that the Satan was in the business of creating anything indicates equal power and at that point is no longer monotheism. Cognitive dissonance.
Best satanic advice?

When you get to hell, don't pass Adolf the salt.
The very beginning of the Book of Job clearly says :

"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them."

The Satan (a title of office, not a name!) is frequently in Heaven!! He is a high official of the Divine Court, fulfilling the function which in modern governments is the office of public prosecutor -- that is shown by the fact that "satan" means "adversary," "accuser". The translation from Hebrew into Greek was "diabolos", whence English derived the word "devil". The term in Greek specifically means "a person who accuses another person in a law court, one who brings a charge against another person." The earliest translation of the Bible into Greek, The Septuagint, in the Book of Job, translates specifically "ha-satan" as "diabolos", the accuser in a law court.

Most Americans are quite incapable of understanding history. The God of Bronze Age Babylonian goat herders was nothing like the God of more recent times. He was a Babylonian king writ large : unpredictable, wrathful, cruel, susceptible to flattery and bribery, worshipped for His power, not His goodness!! Like any king, he had His Heavenly Court, and His high officials, one of whom was "Ha-Satan", the Accuser -- a powerful, necessary, angelic functionary, equally respectable as all other "sons of God", though obviously not an angel likely to be popular with those against whom he exercised his High Office !! · · :D

Only after the introduction of abstract dualistic ideas of Good and Evil from Persian Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism in late antiquity did Ha-Satan begin to become the Absolutely Evil Opposite of God found in Dante and other tedious religious tracts.

Wikipedia :
Satan is primarily understood as an "accuser" or "adversary" in the Hebrew Bible, and is not necessarily the personification of evil that he would become in later Abrahamic religions. In the New Testament, Satan is a name that refers to a decidedly malevolent entity (devil) who possesses demonic god-like qualities....

The original Hebrew term, satan, is a noun from a verb meaning primarily to, “obstruct, oppose,” as it is found in Numbers 22:22, 1 Samuel 29:4, Psalms 109:6.

Ha-Satan is traditionally translated as “the accuser,” or “the adversary.” The definite article “ha-” ( English: “the"), is used to show that this is a title bestowed on a being, versus the name of a being. Thus this being would be referred to as “the satan.”

In the Book of Job, ha-Satan is a member of the Divine Council, "the sons of God" who are subservient to God. Ha-Satan, in this capacity, is many times translated as "the prosecutor", and is charged by God to tempt humans and to report back to God all who go against His decrees.

...scholars see contact with religious dualism in Babylon, and early Zoroastrianism in particular, as having influenced Second Temple period Judaism, and consequently early Christianity. Subsequent development of Satan as a "deceiver" has parallels with the evil spirit in Zoroastrianism, known as "the Lie", who directs the forces of darkness.
The worm pill puts worms into you that slowly chew you up from the inside until you die, and no doctor can take all thousand of them out of you, worse than the famous thousand cut of China, and you are aware of it all the way through up to your death, for even years.

You don't think an anthelmintic drug would take care of the worms?

If you want satanic advice, ask Satan's children, the Jews. But, don't expect their best advice.
If you want satanic advice, ask Satan's children, the Jews. But, don't expect their best advice.
Or Satan's recently adopted children, the insane, war-mongering oligarchs of the United States ruling class.

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