Best thing about a Sanders victory, nobody will ever have to work again

Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Investing in the functional illiterates that "graduate" our high schools is a great idea.


Let the colleges determine who deserves a merit scholarship, shall we? The cost of tuition is already too high before the Mo' 'n Better Free Stuff brigade nationalizes it
Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Giving money to government is not an "investment." It's pissing money down the toilet bowl. Government schools don't educate, and government healthcare costs 5 times what it would cost otherwise.

You are not giving to the government tho, you are giving it to the schools to educate the youth of this nation, so they don't become criminals or deadbeats, but educated people who are capable of contributing to the economy of this country, increasing the output, therefore creating wealth for all.

What do you mean by "government schools", you talking about elementary schools or colleges?

I think Sanders talking about tuition free colleges, which are doing pretty well overall, top ranking colleges all over the planet...

Horseshit. You're giving money to the government. To be more accurate, government is taking the money by force. The theory that people wouldn't educate their children if government didn't force them to is an insult to every parent in this country. It has also been disproven by the facts of history. government schools are not an investment. They are suckholes for money that return nothing.

Government schools are where kids turn into criminals and deadbeats.

Yes, government takes the money from you, and invest in educating the young people to be able to provide them a good future, so they are not hopeless deadbeats at the end.

I agree, most parents are concerned with their childrens education, but a lot of them having difficulty to provide it to them. As a nation looking to progress and prosper, it is no brainer to go down the route to invest in knowledge and health of your society.

You can think of this as investing in infrastructure which will bring growth and wealth as an roi for the country.

And seems like American people buying into this too, he might WIN, especially against Trump, if he could make it of course :)

Free college is no more infrastructure than free cars so people can get to work. How parenting became a social obligation is beyond me. It doesn't take a village, it takes responsible people to decide whether they can afford to have children and give them the things they need. If they can't, don't have children.
"You sometimes hear it said--and I think this comes mostly from the lunatic fringe among the reactionaries--that the Government promises to make it possible for people to live without working... They say our Government programs would make us a nation of deadbeats and loafers. Of course, that is just as absurd as it can be."
-- Harry Truman; from Address in Butte, Mt (May 12, 1950)

Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Giving money to government is not an "investment." It's pissing money down the toilet bowl. Government schools don't educate, and government healthcare costs 5 times what it would cost otherwise.

You are not giving to the government tho, you are giving it to the schools to educate the youth of this nation, so they don't become criminals or deadbeats, but educated people who are capable of contributing to the economy of this country, increasing the output, therefore creating wealth for all.

What do you mean by "government schools", you talking about elementary schools or colleges?

I think Sanders talking about tuition free colleges, which are doing pretty well overall, top ranking colleges all over the planet...

Horseshit. You're giving money to the government. To be more accurate, government is taking the money by force. The theory that people wouldn't educate their children if government didn't force them to is an insult to every parent in this country. It has also been disproven by the facts of history. government schools are not an investment. They are suckholes for money that return nothing.

Government schools are where kids turn into criminals and deadbeats.

Yes, government takes the money from you, and invest in educating the young people to be able to provide them a good future, so they are not hopeless deadbeats at the end.

I agree, most parents are concerned with their childrens education, but a lot of them having difficulty to provide it to them. As a nation looking to progress and prosper, it is no brainer to go down the route to invest in knowledge and health of your society.

You can think of this as investing in infrastructure which will bring growth and wealth as an roi for the country.

And seems like American people buying into this too, he might WIN, especially against Trump, if he could make it of course :)

Oh goody we get 10 million more kids with liberal arts degrees.

Hey stupid shit you know this is America we are talking about correct? The land where kids with law degrees are suing colleges because they can't find a job....
Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Giving money to government is not an "investment." It's pissing money down the toilet bowl. Government schools don't educate, and government healthcare costs 5 times what it would cost otherwise.

You are not giving to the government tho, you are giving it to the schools to educate the youth of this nation, so they don't become criminals or deadbeats, but educated people who are capable of contributing to the economy of this country, increasing the output, therefore creating wealth for all.

What do you mean by "government schools", you talking about elementary schools or colleges?

I think Sanders talking about tuition free colleges, which are doing pretty well overall, top ranking colleges all over the planet...

Horseshit. You're giving money to the government. To be more accurate, government is taking the money by force. The theory that people wouldn't educate their children if government didn't force them to is an insult to every parent in this country. It has also been disproven by the facts of history. government schools are not an investment. They are suckholes for money that return nothing.

Government schools are where kids turn into criminals and deadbeats.

Yes, government takes the money from you, and invest in educating the young people to be able to provide them a good future, so they are not hopeless deadbeats at the end.

I agree, most parents are concerned with their childrens education, but a lot of them having difficulty to provide it to them. As a nation looking to progress and prosper, it is no brainer to go down the route to invest in knowledge and health of your society.

You can think of this as investing in infrastructure which will bring growth and wealth as an roi for the country.

And seems like American people buying into this too, he might WIN, especially against Trump, if he could make it of course :)

Free college is no more infrastructure than free cars so people can get to work. How parenting became a social obligation is beyond me. It doesn't take a village, it takes responsible people to decide whether they can afford to have children and give them the things they need. If they can't, don't have children.
A lot can happen in 18 years. I imagine that's why young people today are choosing not to have kids.
No need to explain your own calculated ignorance on this topic. It's patent.

Can't wait for you to pay for my healthcare and college


Have you figured out what stock speculation is yet?

you mean like the Petrobas deal that Obama helped Soros make? that kind?

or maybe the futures deal where Hillary turned 10K into 100K overnight.

It was $1,000 into $100,000. No commodity trader ever matched her record

Oh yes there has. In the commodities market, it happens all the time.
Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Investing in the functional illiterates that "graduate" our high schools is a great idea.


Let the colleges determine who deserves a merit scholarship, shall we? The cost of tuition is already too high before the Mo' 'n Better Free Stuff brigade nationalizes it

"Tuition Free" doesnt mean anybody can just walk into a college and demand the professors teach him anything and everything.

It means, the college education will be based on success, rather than money. Success and hard work will be rewarded, not momies and dadies college fund. So we get a much more efficient education system where we end up with the right people, with the right education so they can move us forward...
Awww, the kiddies are posting Photoshops again. Trophies for everyone!

Did you get your trophy yet?

But remember "Bernie Sanders is old and nobody takes him seriously and anyway he's old" has been your side's attitude since he announced.

Less time searching for stupid photos and more time edumacating yourself if you think your guy stands a chance.

he's an old white guy, Hillary is an old white woman. Party of diversity-------------not even close.

Were you under the impression that the party only consists of two people? Do you always color-code your candidates? No one's asking you to date them.
Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Investing in the functional illiterates that "graduate" our high schools is a great idea.


Let the colleges determine who deserves a merit scholarship, shall we? The cost of tuition is already too high before the Mo' 'n Better Free Stuff brigade nationalizes it

"Tuition Free" doesnt mean anybody can just walk into a college and demand the professors teach him anything and everything.

It means, the college education will be based on success, rather than money. Success and hard work will be rewarded, not momies and dadies college fund. So we get a much more efficient education system where we end up with the right people, with the right education so they can move us forward...

Based on success, you mean like an academic scholarship?

Did you know that 2/3 of the kids who "Graduate" NYC high school require remedial help in English and math? Is that the group you want in college?
Puhleeze. All of history is proof of reality.

Then it should be easy for you to present some facts for a change.

So you are actually contending that socialism doesn't take money from those who earned it?
Do Wall Street CEOs earn it?

Of course they do. Everything they have has been acquired as a result of totally voluntary exchanges. That's what it means to "earn" something. Government parasites, on the other hand, have earned nothing.
Uh huh. Like that time I voluntarily let them gamble my 401k money and they lost 1/3 of it? They don't "earn" a fucking thing. Tell me what they've actually produced with their transactions.
And if you kept in the 401k, you would be so far ahead. Do you give credit for that or did you knee jerk and pulled the 401k out?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Investing in the functional illiterates that "graduate" our high schools is a great idea.


Let the colleges determine who deserves a merit scholarship, shall we? The cost of tuition is already too high before the Mo' 'n Better Free Stuff brigade nationalizes it

"Tuition Free" doesnt mean anybody can just walk into a college and demand the professors teach him anything and everything.

It means, the college education will be based on success, rather than money. Success and hard work will be rewarded, not momies and dadies college fund. So we get a much more efficient education system where we end up with the right people, with the right education so they can move us forward...

Based on success, you mean like an academic scholarship?

Did you know that 2/3 of the kids who "Graduate" NYC high school require remedial help in English and math? Is that the group you want in college?

Indeed I do. They need education more than anybody else, don't you agree???
Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Investing in the functional illiterates that "graduate" our high schools is a great idea.


Let the colleges determine who deserves a merit scholarship, shall we? The cost of tuition is already too high before the Mo' 'n Better Free Stuff brigade nationalizes it

"Tuition Free" doesnt mean anybody can just walk into a college and demand the professors teach him anything and everything.

It means, the college education will be based on success, rather than money. Success and hard work will be rewarded, not momies and dadies college fund. So we get a much more efficient education system where we end up with the right people, with the right education so they can move us forward...

So only certain individuals will get to go to college, so it won't be for all? You only want the "right" people. Interesting.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

But remember "Bernie Sanders is old and nobody takes him seriously and anyway he's old" has been your side's attitude since he announced.

Less time searching for stupid photos and more time edumacating yourself if you think your guy stands a chance.

he's an old white guy, Hillary is an old white woman. Party of diversity-------------not even close.

Were you under the impression that the party only consists of two people? Do you always color-code your candidates? No one's asking you to date them.

just making a point. the dems claim to be the party of diversity, but their candidate are both old white people who have spent their entire lives in politics.
We should do with college whatever the nations do that are beating us academically.
Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

Investing on the education and health of your people, who are essentially generating the wealth in this country, actually has a pretty good roi, as been tested and been successful in a lot of other countries all over the world.

The reason you see it as a fairy tale, is because you have never been outside of the bubble you are living in...

Investing in the functional illiterates that "graduate" our high schools is a great idea.


Let the colleges determine who deserves a merit scholarship, shall we? The cost of tuition is already too high before the Mo' 'n Better Free Stuff brigade nationalizes it

"Tuition Free" doesnt mean anybody can just walk into a college and demand the professors teach him anything and everything.

It means, the college education will be based on success, rather than money. Success and hard work will be rewarded, not momies and dadies college fund. So we get a much more efficient education system where we end up with the right people, with the right education so they can move us forward...

Based on success, you mean like an academic scholarship?

Did you know that 2/3 of the kids who "Graduate" NYC high school require remedial help in English and math? Is that the group you want in college?

Indeed I do. They need education more than anybody else, don't you agree???

How is turning 18 and not being able to read "success"?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, I dunno. I'm starting to get jazzed about this Bernie Sanders phenom. Think of it, free stuff as far the government paid for prescription glasses can see.

What's not to like?

just out of curiousity, frank, how is not thinking it's good for 1/10 of 1% of our population to own 90% of the wealth equal to encouraging people not to work?

i'll wait.

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