Beto/Booker 2020: A Ticket That Can Inspire Americans to stop being violent & love their enemies!

Booker voted against Betsy DeVos, voted against Kavanaugh, he has the best record of voting against Trump's nominees. Booker's been working with an array of senators including Little Marco on the issue of how we end sexual assault on campus. we need a nationwide survey asking kids have you been assaulted. kids get laughed out of police stations all the time, my friends
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
You do know thousands are crying of oppression in bookers town right? Lol
tough shit
Why would you vote for someone who is hurting people
i respect your opinion. bless your poor heart!
i never considered myself a political person. that all changed with the candidacy of Obama. i tuned out the Trump years...until Beto came on the scene.

i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
Cory Booker, the guy who wrote in 1992 that he sexually assaulted an underage woman when he was 15? Cory Booker Once Admitted He Sexually Assaulted a Woman (REPORT)

And you think he should team up with Beto O'Rourke, who was arrested for drunk driving and attempting to leave the scene of his crime. Gosh, we'll have to call 'em President Love 'Em and Vice President Leave 'em. <giggle>

GREAT IDEA!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
Cory Booker, the guy who wrote in 1992 that he sexually assaulted an underage woman when he was 15? Cory Booker Once Admitted He Sexually Assaulted a Woman (REPORT)

And you think he should team up with Beto O'Rourke, who was arrested for drunk driving and attempting to leave the scene of his crime. Gosh, we'll have to call 'em President Love 'Em and Vice President Leave 'em. <giggle>

GREAT IDEA!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
everybody's done something terribly wrong at some point...
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
Cory Booker, the guy who wrote in 1992 that he sexually assaulted an underage woman when he was 15? Cory Booker Once Admitted He Sexually Assaulted a Woman (REPORT)

And you think he should team up with Beto O'Rourke, who was arrested for drunk driving and attempting to leave the scene of his crime. Gosh, we'll have to call 'em President Love 'Em and Vice President Leave 'em. <giggle>

GREAT IDEA!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
everybody's done something terribly wrong at some point...
Oh, but basquebromance, there's nobody like you. You paired up Misters Love 'em and Leave 'em! You're a one-of-a-kind! Hear, hear! :beer:
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
Cory Booker, the guy who wrote in 1992 that he sexually assaulted an underage woman when he was 15? Cory Booker Once Admitted He Sexually Assaulted a Woman (REPORT)

And you think he should team up with Beto O'Rourke, who was arrested for drunk driving and attempting to leave the scene of his crime. Gosh, we'll have to call 'em President Love 'Em and Vice President Leave 'em. <giggle>

GREAT IDEA!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
everybody's done something terribly wrong at some point...
Oh, but basquebromance, there's nobody like you. You paired up Mrs. Love 'em and Leave 'em! You're a one-of-a-kind! Hear, hear! :beer:
i'm so very special! i'm a FREAK!
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
Cory Booker, the guy who wrote in 1992 that he sexually assaulted an underage woman when he was 15? Cory Booker Once Admitted He Sexually Assaulted a Woman (REPORT)

And you think he should team up with Beto O'Rourke, who was arrested for drunk driving and attempting to leave the scene of his crime. Gosh, we'll have to call 'em President Love 'Em and Vice President Leave 'em. <giggle>

GREAT IDEA!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
everybody's done something terribly wrong at some point...
Oh, but basquebromance, there's nobody like you. You paired up Mrs. Love 'em and Leave 'em! You're a one-of-a-kind! Hear, hear! :beer:
i'm so very special! i'm a FREAK!
Aw, come on, Mr. bb. Don't be so hard on yourself. :D
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
Cory Booker, the guy who wrote in 1992 that he sexually assaulted an underage woman when he was 15? Cory Booker Once Admitted He Sexually Assaulted a Woman (REPORT)

And you think he should team up with Beto O'Rourke, who was arrested for drunk driving and attempting to leave the scene of his crime. Gosh, we'll have to call 'em President Love 'Em and Vice President Leave 'em. <giggle>

GREAT IDEA!!! :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:
everybody's done something terribly wrong at some point...
Oh, but basquebromance, there's nobody like you. You paired up Mrs. Love 'em and Leave 'em! You're a one-of-a-kind! Hear, hear! :beer:
i'm so very special! i'm a FREAK!
Aw, come on, Mr. bb. Don't be so hard on yourself. :D
you were hard on me!
Beto's the real deal. Right out of the gate, he’s just right back in the saddle as to what he was doing in Texas with his fundraising!
He held out the $40 million he collected from other Democrats, pissing off every barracuda from the Aleutian Islands to Boston Harbor and from The St. Lawrence River to Pearl Harbor. When you add that to his already wealthy $10 million net family worth, you don't have a po' boy from Texas, you have a multimillionaire gunning for a billionaire.
Beto O'Rourke: "If you own an AR-15, keep it. Continue to use it responsibly and safely. I just don't think that we need to sell anymore weapons of war into this public unless we expect to see more gun violence going forward."
Beto O’Rourke is quintessentially Generation X, weaned on ‘Star Wars’ and punk rock and priding himself on authenticity over showmanship and a skepticism of the mainstream, my friends

he is a candidate of honesty and basic decency, à la Jimmy Carter
Kamalan Chameleon

BE whatever TO whomever.

Yep, typical politician, lie and cajole until voted in, the. It is all about power.
i'm so proud of Booker's record of being friends with Republicans Tim Scott and Mike Lee, working with Lamar Alexander, and having bible studies with Jim Inhofe. Inhofe and Booker passed an ammendment together that helps homeless kids. Inhofe presented Booker with his adopted black grandchildren. when you bleed with each other on the football field, you get rid of the BS, quite frankly, that Trump has engendered in America.

Jack Kemp and Bill Bradley hosted Booker's first political fundraiser. you didn't know that did ya!

i'm proud of my record!
Booker is a self-admitted sexual assaulted... )..
Bezo hacked Pcs to steal credit card #s...
Harris slept her way into politics
Diane Feinsrein committed Espionage
Hillary is a traitior..
i intend this thread to be my own personal project over the coming 2 years to elect Beto and/or Booker as President and/or VP or cabinet secretary, if president is not achievable. i ask for your patience as i make the case for unity, peace, and THE CONSPIRACY OF LOVE!
Many of our citizens have been misled, by a conspiracy of dangerous and ill-designing individuals, and have forgotten the allegiance that they owe to the Constitution and by extension, its government, which has protected and supported them for all these many years and in so doing, they have essentially, declared rebellion against the Constitution and by extension, its government and traitorously align with foreign anti-U.S. Communist/Socialist influences seeking to destroy our great nation. All efforts, up to and including military intervention, if necessary, should be brought to bear, to end this assault on the very freedoms listed in our Bill of Rights.
Beto O'Rourke, a former hacker and burglar and Cory Booker, are but two examples of the "enemy within."

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