Beto is the new face of the NRA.

I was happy to hear and see 'beto' say what he said about confiscating effective and efficient firearms . So i'm happy that he was frustrated if that's why . I guess that 'hitler' was FRUSTRATED when he disarmed the Jews in Germany before he started herding the Jews to Concentration Camps eh Iceberg ??
The handful of guns owned by Jews would have stopped Hitler`s rise to power? No one can be stupid enough to believe that? Pistols vs. tanks, guns, flame throwers and bombers. Good one pissmoe.
You are so misinformed.

All the tanks and airplanes and artillery and other weaponry in the world will never replace a boot on the ground. Have you not paid attention to Afghanistan or Iraq or Vietnam?

The greatest army in the world will suffer long and hard trying to defeat armed citizens.


History is filled with examples of lesser armed revolutionaries defeating better armed government troops. Our war for independence is a great example.

If there is some massive anti government resistance formed due to oppression in the US you can bet that many in the military will join the other side.
Warsaw Ghetto was in POLAND . And I comment on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising by the JEW . Got nothing to do with Belgian cake eaters or French or 'eyetalians' AWest .
Last edited:
Thanks Beto. You're going to be on a lot of bumper stickers.


Let’s go for it!

Let’s make gun regulation a campaign issue and see how many Americans side with the NRA
And don't forget about reparations, the Green New Deal and banning private medical insurance, all guaranteed winners.

Reparations will drop as an issue

Dems will definitely be running on the environment and what Republicans have done to environmental protection. Ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires, droughts......Let republicans run on making them worse

People will be able to keep their private medical insurance. But when the price is compared to Medicare for all.......few will keep it
Millions have lost their health coverage under Republicans. Let them defend that
Reparations will be a major item in the campaign because Republicans will be demanding the Democratic nominee, whether it is the dolt or one of the two whacko socialists, if they still support it, and since no Democrat can win a national election without a strong turnout of black voters, this will remain a problem for the Democrats.

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with the environment. A zero carbon footprint in ten years would require the end of air travel and trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce, in other words, destroy the US economy. Warren and AOC and other socialists like it because an undertaking so huge would provide a pretext for the government to take over the economy. The Democrats have no rational plan for dealing with climate change.

Sanders' Medicare for all plan requires compensation to providers be cut by 40% and private medical insurance to be banned because few providers would be willing to work under Sanders plan and that means few consumers would want it. In other words, Sanders understands Medicare for all can't compete successfully with private insurance, but he is a committed socialist and is more interested in ideology than outcomes.
The eventual Dem Nominee will not support reparations. It made a nice side issue when there were 20 candidates

The Green New Deal sets vague guidelines on where we should be in the future. Dems will talk about the impact of global warming and make Republicans answer for it. Let’s compare the Green New Deal to Trump mocking Global Warming and see who wins

Nobody cares what Sanders proposes. He is like Ron Paul. He pops up every four years, spouts dogma and then drops out
The Dem candidate will have to address the issue of reparations during the campaign and if he or she refuses to take a position on or states he or she does not support it, it will dim enthusiasm for the candidate among black voters.

The is nothing vague about the Green New Deal. It calls for a zero carbon footprint in ten years and claims that after ten years it will be too late to do anything about climate change. A zero carbon footprint would clearly destroy the US economy, so while the administration's position on climate change is not ideal, it is clearly much better than destroying the economy, as the Green New Deal proposes. No one in the Democratic Party has proposed a rational approach to climate; in fact, no one in the Party seems to know anything about the options for dealing with it.

Medicare for all is Sanders' proposal and he has written a clear and specific description of what is involved,which includes cutting payments to providers by 40% and banning private health insurance. So if the Democrats campaign on Medicare for all, as you suggest the do, they will have to take a position on Sanders plan to ban private insurance.

You appear to like the Dem's slogans but not their ideas.
Sure....let’s have the voters decide the fate of the AR 15
Would you support a national referendum? 2021 after we've tossed 22M of your voters back over the Wall....agreed?
What are you afraid of?

Why not have voters decide about the future of AR 15s and AK 47s

because their possession by the American public is constitutionally protected under the 2nd Amendment....

They have been banned in the past
The second amendment does not allow limitless arms

That was before the "in common use" standard was set by the supremes.

I was happy to hear and see 'beto' say what he said about confiscating effective and efficient firearms . So i'm happy that he was frustrated if that's why . I guess that 'hitler' was FRUSTRATED when he disarmed the Jews in Germany before he started herding the Jews to Concentration Camps eh Iceberg ??
The handful of guns owned by Jews would have stopped Hitler`s rise to power? No one can be stupid enough to believe that? Pistols vs. tanks, guns, flame throwers and bombers. Good one pissmoe.
You are so misinformed.

All the tanks and airplanes and artillery and other weaponry in the world will never replace a boot on the ground. Have you not paid attention to Afghanistan or Iraq or Vietnam?

The greatest army in the world will suffer long and hard trying to defeat armed citizens.


History is filled with examples of lesser armed revolutionaries defeating better armed government troops. Our war for independence is a great example.

If there is some massive anti government resistance formed due to oppression in the US you can bet that many in the military will join the other side.
If history is filled with examples how about giving us 1 (one). The French helped us win our independence btw.
Sure....let’s have the voters decide the fate of the AR 15
Would you support a national referendum? 2021 after we've tossed 22M of your voters back over the Wall....agreed?
What are you afraid of?

Why not have voters decide about the future of AR 15s and AK 47s

because their possession by the American public is constitutionally protected under the 2nd Amendment....
It is indeed and the SC Heller ruling affirmed our right to regulate the hell out of guns.
So it proves that private gun ownership did little to stem the Nazis. It took armies to do so

You're talking 80 years ago and hunting weapons of that era. Fast forward to Vietnam....I can tell you in the early years, the VC's only weapons were what they stole from the Frogs or found on the battlefield. Once Kennedy put us in there and the Soviets responded, it was a whole different ballgame. Tojo was terrified of armed Americans....he claimed "there is a gun behind every blade of grass in America". We know you want us disarmed so you can lie and cheat your way into power.....and it will never happen.
Tojo never made the behind every blade of grass statement. Neither did Yamamoto

That is a myth propagated by gun nuts
Let’s go for it!

Let’s make gun regulation a campaign issue and see how many Americans side with the NRA
And don't forget about reparations, the Green New Deal and banning private medical insurance, all guaranteed winners.

Reparations will drop as an issue

Dems will definitely be running on the environment and what Republicans have done to environmental protection. Ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires, droughts......Let republicans run on making them worse

People will be able to keep their private medical insurance. But when the price is compared to Medicare for all.......few will keep it
Millions have lost their health coverage under Republicans. Let them defend that
Reparations will be a major item in the campaign because Republicans will be demanding the Democratic nominee, whether it is the dolt or one of the two whacko socialists, if they still support it, and since no Democrat can win a national election without a strong turnout of black voters, this will remain a problem for the Democrats.

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with the environment. A zero carbon footprint in ten years would require the end of air travel and trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce, in other words, destroy the US economy. Warren and AOC and other socialists like it because an undertaking so huge would provide a pretext for the government to take over the economy. The Democrats have no rational plan for dealing with climate change.

Sanders' Medicare for all plan requires compensation to providers be cut by 40% and private medical insurance to be banned because few providers would be willing to work under Sanders plan and that means few consumers would want it. In other words, Sanders understands Medicare for all can't compete successfully with private insurance, but he is a committed socialist and is more interested in ideology than outcomes.
The eventual Dem Nominee will not support reparations. It made a nice side issue when there were 20 candidates

The Green New Deal sets vague guidelines on where we should be in the future. Dems will talk about the impact of global warming and make Republicans answer for it. Let’s compare the Green New Deal to Trump mocking Global Warming and see who wins

Nobody cares what Sanders proposes. He is like Ron Paul. He pops up every four years, spouts dogma and then drops out
The Dem candidate will have to address the issue of reparations during the campaign and if he or she refuses to take a position on or states he or she does not support it, it will dim enthusiasm for the candidate among black voters.

The is nothing vague about the Green New Deal. It calls for a zero carbon footprint in ten years and claims that after ten years it will be too late to do anything about climate change. A zero carbon footprint would clearly destroy the US economy, so while the administration's position on climate change is not ideal, it is clearly much better than destroying the economy, as the Green New Deal proposes. No one in the Democratic Party has proposed a rational approach to climate; in fact, no one in the Party seems to know anything about the options for dealing with it.

Medicare for all is Sanders' proposal and he has written a clear and specific description of what is involved,which includes cutting payments to providers by 40% and banning private health insurance. So if the Democrats campaign on Medicare for all, as you suggest the do, they will have to take a position on Sanders plan to ban private insurance.

You appear to like the Dem's slogans but not their ideas.

Reparations will not be an issue for Dems. It is not even discussed now

Green New Deal sets objectives with no set plans for implementation
2020 will be a war for the environment and Trump will have to defend his mocking of Global Warming and obstruction of environmental laws.

Again Sanders is not a serious contender and his agenda will not be adopted. Biden proposes expanding Obamacare and Warren proposes a variation of Medicare for all. Private policies will not be abandoned but may become undesirable when compared to a universal policy
Medicare will be a buy in for those still working
And don't forget about reparations, the Green New Deal and banning private medical insurance, all guaranteed winners.

Reparations will drop as an issue

Dems will definitely be running on the environment and what Republicans have done to environmental protection. Ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires, droughts......Let republicans run on making them worse

People will be able to keep their private medical insurance. But when the price is compared to Medicare for all.......few will keep it
Millions have lost their health coverage under Republicans. Let them defend that
Reparations will be a major item in the campaign because Republicans will be demanding the Democratic nominee, whether it is the dolt or one of the two whacko socialists, if they still support it, and since no Democrat can win a national election without a strong turnout of black voters, this will remain a problem for the Democrats.

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with the environment. A zero carbon footprint in ten years would require the end of air travel and trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce, in other words, destroy the US economy. Warren and AOC and other socialists like it because an undertaking so huge would provide a pretext for the government to take over the economy. The Democrats have no rational plan for dealing with climate change.

Sanders' Medicare for all plan requires compensation to providers be cut by 40% and private medical insurance to be banned because few providers would be willing to work under Sanders plan and that means few consumers would want it. In other words, Sanders understands Medicare for all can't compete successfully with private insurance, but he is a committed socialist and is more interested in ideology than outcomes.
The eventual Dem Nominee will not support reparations. It made a nice side issue when there were 20 candidates

The Green New Deal sets vague guidelines on where we should be in the future. Dems will talk about the impact of global warming and make Republicans answer for it. Let’s compare the Green New Deal to Trump mocking Global Warming and see who wins

Nobody cares what Sanders proposes. He is like Ron Paul. He pops up every four years, spouts dogma and then drops out
The Dem candidate will have to address the issue of reparations during the campaign and if he or she refuses to take a position on or states he or she does not support it, it will dim enthusiasm for the candidate among black voters.

The is nothing vague about the Green New Deal. It calls for a zero carbon footprint in ten years and claims that after ten years it will be too late to do anything about climate change. A zero carbon footprint would clearly destroy the US economy, so while the administration's position on climate change is not ideal, it is clearly much better than destroying the economy, as the Green New Deal proposes. No one in the Democratic Party has proposed a rational approach to climate; in fact, no one in the Party seems to know anything about the options for dealing with it.

Medicare for all is Sanders' proposal and he has written a clear and specific description of what is involved,which includes cutting payments to providers by 40% and banning private health insurance. So if the Democrats campaign on Medicare for all, as you suggest the do, they will have to take a position on Sanders plan to ban private insurance.

You appear to like the Dem's slogans but not their ideas.

Reparations will not be an issue for Dems. It is not even discussed now

Green New Deal sets objectives with no set plans for implementation
2020 will be a war for the environment and Trump will have to defend his mocking of Global Warming and obstruction of environmental laws.

Again Sanders is not a serious contender and his agenda will not be adopted. Biden proposes expanding Obamacare and Warren proposes a variation of Medicare for all. Private policies will not be abandoned but may become undesirable when compared to a universal policy
Medicare will be a buy in for those still working
lol So you think the Dems will move away from all the things they said they supported during the primaries.
I was happy to hear and see 'beto' say what he said about confiscating effective and efficient firearms . So i'm happy that he was frustrated if that's why . I guess that 'hitler' was FRUSTRATED when he disarmed the Jews in Germany before he started herding the Jews to Concentration Camps eh Iceberg ??
The handful of guns owned by Jews would have stopped Hitler`s rise to power? No one can be stupid enough to believe that? Pistols vs. tanks, guns, flame throwers and bombers. Good one pissmoe.
You are so misinformed.

All the tanks and airplanes and artillery and other weaponry in the world will never replace a boot on the ground. Have you not paid attention to Afghanistan or Iraq or Vietnam?

The greatest army in the world will suffer long and hard trying to defeat armed citizens.


History is filled with examples of lesser armed revolutionaries defeating better armed government troops. Our war for independence is a great example.

If there is some massive anti government resistance formed due to oppression in the US you can bet that many in the military will join the other side.
If history is filled with examples how about giving us 1 (one). The French helped us win our independence btw.

You are a little confused about History. Moon Bats generally are as confused about History as they are Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution and Ethics.

The French did not enter the war until Washington and the Patriots had proven that they could fight the Brits.

Russian Revolution
French Revolution
Chinese Revolution
Mexican Revolution
Cuban Revolution
Almost every overthrow in Africa and South and Central America.
Reparations will drop as an issue

Dems will definitely be running on the environment and what Republicans have done to environmental protection. Ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires, droughts......Let republicans run on making them worse

People will be able to keep their private medical insurance. But when the price is compared to Medicare for all.......few will keep it
Millions have lost their health coverage under Republicans. Let them defend that
Reparations will be a major item in the campaign because Republicans will be demanding the Democratic nominee, whether it is the dolt or one of the two whacko socialists, if they still support it, and since no Democrat can win a national election without a strong turnout of black voters, this will remain a problem for the Democrats.

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with the environment. A zero carbon footprint in ten years would require the end of air travel and trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce, in other words, destroy the US economy. Warren and AOC and other socialists like it because an undertaking so huge would provide a pretext for the government to take over the economy. The Democrats have no rational plan for dealing with climate change.

Sanders' Medicare for all plan requires compensation to providers be cut by 40% and private medical insurance to be banned because few providers would be willing to work under Sanders plan and that means few consumers would want it. In other words, Sanders understands Medicare for all can't compete successfully with private insurance, but he is a committed socialist and is more interested in ideology than outcomes.
The eventual Dem Nominee will not support reparations. It made a nice side issue when there were 20 candidates

The Green New Deal sets vague guidelines on where we should be in the future. Dems will talk about the impact of global warming and make Republicans answer for it. Let’s compare the Green New Deal to Trump mocking Global Warming and see who wins

Nobody cares what Sanders proposes. He is like Ron Paul. He pops up every four years, spouts dogma and then drops out
The Dem candidate will have to address the issue of reparations during the campaign and if he or she refuses to take a position on or states he or she does not support it, it will dim enthusiasm for the candidate among black voters.

The is nothing vague about the Green New Deal. It calls for a zero carbon footprint in ten years and claims that after ten years it will be too late to do anything about climate change. A zero carbon footprint would clearly destroy the US economy, so while the administration's position on climate change is not ideal, it is clearly much better than destroying the economy, as the Green New Deal proposes. No one in the Democratic Party has proposed a rational approach to climate; in fact, no one in the Party seems to know anything about the options for dealing with it.

Medicare for all is Sanders' proposal and he has written a clear and specific description of what is involved,which includes cutting payments to providers by 40% and banning private health insurance. So if the Democrats campaign on Medicare for all, as you suggest the do, they will have to take a position on Sanders plan to ban private insurance.

You appear to like the Dem's slogans but not their ideas.

Reparations will not be an issue for Dems. It is not even discussed now

Green New Deal sets objectives with no set plans for implementation
2020 will be a war for the environment and Trump will have to defend his mocking of Global Warming and obstruction of environmental laws.

Again Sanders is not a serious contender and his agenda will not be adopted. Biden proposes expanding Obamacare and Warren proposes a variation of Medicare for all. Private policies will not be abandoned but may become undesirable when compared to a universal policy
Medicare will be a buy in for those still working
lol So you think the Dems will move away from all the things they said they supported during the primaries.
Dems usually move to the center for the General Election
This year will be no different.
I was happy to hear and see 'beto' say what he said about confiscating effective and efficient firearms . So i'm happy that he was frustrated if that's why . I guess that 'hitler' was FRUSTRATED when he disarmed the Jews in Germany before he started herding the Jews to Concentration Camps eh Iceberg ??
The handful of guns owned by Jews would have stopped Hitler`s rise to power? No one can be stupid enough to believe that? Pistols vs. tanks, guns, flame throwers and bombers. Good one pissmoe.
You are so misinformed.

All the tanks and airplanes and artillery and other weaponry in the world will never replace a boot on the ground. Have you not paid attention to Afghanistan or Iraq or Vietnam?

The greatest army in the world will suffer long and hard trying to defeat armed citizens.


History is filled with examples of lesser armed revolutionaries defeating better armed government troops. Our war for independence is a great example.

If there is some massive anti government resistance formed due to oppression in the US you can bet that many in the military will join the other side.
If history is filled with examples how about giving us 1 (one). The French helped us win our independence btw.

You are a little confused about History. Moon Bats generally are as confused about History as they are Economics, Climate Science, Biology, the Constitution and Ethics.

The French did not enter the war until Washington and the Patriots had proven that they could fight the Brits.

Russian Revolution
French Revolution
Chinese Revolution
Mexican Revolution
Cuban Revolution
Almost every overthrow in Africa and South and Central America.

French turned the tide once they entered the war
Washington provided most of the troops, France provided a Navy
Reparations will be a major item in the campaign because Republicans will be demanding the Democratic nominee, whether it is the dolt or one of the two whacko socialists, if they still support it, and since no Democrat can win a national election without a strong turnout of black voters, this will remain a problem for the Democrats.

The Green New Deal has nothing to do with the environment. A zero carbon footprint in ten years would require the end of air travel and trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce, in other words, destroy the US economy. Warren and AOC and other socialists like it because an undertaking so huge would provide a pretext for the government to take over the economy. The Democrats have no rational plan for dealing with climate change.

Sanders' Medicare for all plan requires compensation to providers be cut by 40% and private medical insurance to be banned because few providers would be willing to work under Sanders plan and that means few consumers would want it. In other words, Sanders understands Medicare for all can't compete successfully with private insurance, but he is a committed socialist and is more interested in ideology than outcomes.
The eventual Dem Nominee will not support reparations. It made a nice side issue when there were 20 candidates

The Green New Deal sets vague guidelines on where we should be in the future. Dems will talk about the impact of global warming and make Republicans answer for it. Let’s compare the Green New Deal to Trump mocking Global Warming and see who wins

Nobody cares what Sanders proposes. He is like Ron Paul. He pops up every four years, spouts dogma and then drops out
The Dem candidate will have to address the issue of reparations during the campaign and if he or she refuses to take a position on or states he or she does not support it, it will dim enthusiasm for the candidate among black voters.

The is nothing vague about the Green New Deal. It calls for a zero carbon footprint in ten years and claims that after ten years it will be too late to do anything about climate change. A zero carbon footprint would clearly destroy the US economy, so while the administration's position on climate change is not ideal, it is clearly much better than destroying the economy, as the Green New Deal proposes. No one in the Democratic Party has proposed a rational approach to climate; in fact, no one in the Party seems to know anything about the options for dealing with it.

Medicare for all is Sanders' proposal and he has written a clear and specific description of what is involved,which includes cutting payments to providers by 40% and banning private health insurance. So if the Democrats campaign on Medicare for all, as you suggest the do, they will have to take a position on Sanders plan to ban private insurance.

You appear to like the Dem's slogans but not their ideas.

Reparations will not be an issue for Dems. It is not even discussed now

Green New Deal sets objectives with no set plans for implementation
2020 will be a war for the environment and Trump will have to defend his mocking of Global Warming and obstruction of environmental laws.

Again Sanders is not a serious contender and his agenda will not be adopted. Biden proposes expanding Obamacare and Warren proposes a variation of Medicare for all. Private policies will not be abandoned but may become undesirable when compared to a universal policy
Medicare will be a buy in for those still working
lol So you think the Dems will move away from all the things they said they supported during the primaries.
Dems usually move to the center for the General Election
This year will be no different.
Meaning the usually lie to voters during the primaries.
The eventual Dem Nominee will not support reparations. It made a nice side issue when there were 20 candidates

The Green New Deal sets vague guidelines on where we should be in the future. Dems will talk about the impact of global warming and make Republicans answer for it. Let’s compare the Green New Deal to Trump mocking Global Warming and see who wins

Nobody cares what Sanders proposes. He is like Ron Paul. He pops up every four years, spouts dogma and then drops out
The Dem candidate will have to address the issue of reparations during the campaign and if he or she refuses to take a position on or states he or she does not support it, it will dim enthusiasm for the candidate among black voters.

The is nothing vague about the Green New Deal. It calls for a zero carbon footprint in ten years and claims that after ten years it will be too late to do anything about climate change. A zero carbon footprint would clearly destroy the US economy, so while the administration's position on climate change is not ideal, it is clearly much better than destroying the economy, as the Green New Deal proposes. No one in the Democratic Party has proposed a rational approach to climate; in fact, no one in the Party seems to know anything about the options for dealing with it.

Medicare for all is Sanders' proposal and he has written a clear and specific description of what is involved,which includes cutting payments to providers by 40% and banning private health insurance. So if the Democrats campaign on Medicare for all, as you suggest the do, they will have to take a position on Sanders plan to ban private insurance.

You appear to like the Dem's slogans but not their ideas.

Reparations will not be an issue for Dems. It is not even discussed now

Green New Deal sets objectives with no set plans for implementation
2020 will be a war for the environment and Trump will have to defend his mocking of Global Warming and obstruction of environmental laws.

Again Sanders is not a serious contender and his agenda will not be adopted. Biden proposes expanding Obamacare and Warren proposes a variation of Medicare for all. Private policies will not be abandoned but may become undesirable when compared to a universal policy
Medicare will be a buy in for those still working
lol So you think the Dems will move away from all the things they said they supported during the primaries.
Dems usually move to the center for the General Election
This year will be no different.
Meaning the usually lie to voters during the primaries.

Who is going to pay for the wall?
Don't forget Kamala. The thing of it is that hypocrite lefties conveniently forget "operation Fast/Furious" where Obama's A.G. authorized the insane ATF plan to ship 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and then lost track of them. Former A.G. Holder is guilty of at least negligent homicide for the death of the Border Patrol Officer who was killed with one of the weapons as well as the estimated hundreds of Mexican citizens.
The Dem candidate will have to address the issue of reparations during the campaign and if he or she refuses to take a position on or states he or she does not support it, it will dim enthusiasm for the candidate among black voters.

The is nothing vague about the Green New Deal. It calls for a zero carbon footprint in ten years and claims that after ten years it will be too late to do anything about climate change. A zero carbon footprint would clearly destroy the US economy, so while the administration's position on climate change is not ideal, it is clearly much better than destroying the economy, as the Green New Deal proposes. No one in the Democratic Party has proposed a rational approach to climate; in fact, no one in the Party seems to know anything about the options for dealing with it.

Medicare for all is Sanders' proposal and he has written a clear and specific description of what is involved,which includes cutting payments to providers by 40% and banning private health insurance. So if the Democrats campaign on Medicare for all, as you suggest the do, they will have to take a position on Sanders plan to ban private insurance.

You appear to like the Dem's slogans but not their ideas.

Reparations will not be an issue for Dems. It is not even discussed now

Green New Deal sets objectives with no set plans for implementation
2020 will be a war for the environment and Trump will have to defend his mocking of Global Warming and obstruction of environmental laws.

Again Sanders is not a serious contender and his agenda will not be adopted. Biden proposes expanding Obamacare and Warren proposes a variation of Medicare for all. Private policies will not be abandoned but may become undesirable when compared to a universal policy
Medicare will be a buy in for those still working
lol So you think the Dems will move away from all the things they said they supported during the primaries.
Dems usually move to the center for the General Election
This year will be no different.
Meaning the usually lie to voters during the primaries.

Who is going to pay for the wall?
What wall? Trump is building smart fence, the same smart fence the Democrats wanted to build in 2013 and the same smart fence Hillary lamented hadn't yet been built in her 2015 book, Hard Choices. The difference between the Dems proposal to build the fence and Trump's is that Schumer's bill would have spent $44 billion to build it and Trump says he can do it for $25 billion. Democrats who wanted to spend $44 billion now say $25 billion is too much.
Reparations will not be an issue for Dems. It is not even discussed now

Green New Deal sets objectives with no set plans for implementation
2020 will be a war for the environment and Trump will have to defend his mocking of Global Warming and obstruction of environmental laws.

Again Sanders is not a serious contender and his agenda will not be adopted. Biden proposes expanding Obamacare and Warren proposes a variation of Medicare for all. Private policies will not be abandoned but may become undesirable when compared to a universal policy
Medicare will be a buy in for those still working
lol So you think the Dems will move away from all the things they said they supported during the primaries.
Dems usually move to the center for the General Election
This year will be no different.
Meaning the usually lie to voters during the primaries.

Who is going to pay for the wall?
What wall? Trump is building smart fence, the same smart fence the Democrats wanted to build in 2013 and the same smart fence Hillary lamented hadn't yet been built in her 2015 book, Hard Choices. The difference between the Dems proposal to build the fence and Trump's is that Schumer's bill would have spent $44 billion to build it and Trump says he can do it for $25 billion. Democrats who wanted to spend $44 billion now say $25 billion is too much.
Smart Fence?
I don’t remember a smart fence when Trump was campaigning

I’m going to build a Smart Fence and MEXICO is going to pay for it!

Nope, don’t remember
lol So you think the Dems will move away from all the things they said they supported during the primaries.
Dems usually move to the center for the General Election
This year will be no different.
Meaning the usually lie to voters during the primaries.

Who is going to pay for the wall?
What wall? Trump is building smart fence, the same smart fence the Democrats wanted to build in 2013 and the same smart fence Hillary lamented hadn't yet been built in her 2015 book, Hard Choices. The difference between the Dems proposal to build the fence and Trump's is that Schumer's bill would have spent $44 billion to build it and Trump says he can do it for $25 billion. Democrats who wanted to spend $44 billion now say $25 billion is too much.
Smart Fence?
I don’t remember a smart fence when Trump was campaigning

I’m going to build a Smart Fence and MEXICO is going to pay for it!

Nope, don’t remember
I guess you just weren't listening. Trump said he wanted to build a smart fence just like the fence Israel built on its border with Egypt that stopped tens of thousands of Africans from crossing that border illegally. Obama had thought that was a great idea back in 2013, probably because no one told him the model for the fence he endorsed came from Israel, and Clinton who later said, "I want to build bridges not walls," was especially saddened that Schumer's smart fence had not been built but was outraged that Trump wanted to build it while saving taxpayers $19 billion than the Dems would have charged them. Not one honest word from any Democrat in Congress in over 2 1/2 years; why should anyone believe anything they say now?
while i do think it was done out of his own frustration, he did it. he said it. and he broke every tenant of "due process".

whatever we do to each other, no matter how bad it gets, if we lose "due process" we're done.
and yet another soaring example that this is only from the left. only. make all the hay you wish to try and say the right does the same thing, we sit here today with absolutely zero examples of similar shit from the right.

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