Bette Midler, with such class, says Melania still can't speak English and to get her Illegal self off the stage.

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

wrong--you are babble crapping bullshit again ....

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

ILLEGAL immigrants are bad yes!!!!

You liberals have no F idea the word ILLEGAL even exists.

Kenosha has some dead F looters as more to follow. The long guns are out.

Bullshit. tRump and his loyal tRump-a-lumps hate all immigrants. You're only giving her a pass because you think she's pretty. Conservatives are shallow that way.

wrong again...the Dems HATE----this bitch PROVES it--again!!!!!
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

An easy mistake to make in their case.
Why? She's got less acçent than the tRump prostitute and knows we're on number 45.
.....she can speak many languages --and you?? you barely can speak your native tongue
..she outclasses you my a million miles

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

English is her most recent language learned... She knows five and speaks them fluently.

sure. you will believe anything. any time she has the opportunity to show her language skills, she decides to not use them, probably for "professional purposes". LOL

she has more brains than you--that's for sure
What a joke. Mel spoke better English than most people that have lived here forever. She just didn't lose her Slovenian accent. Bette's just being catty because MT is fit and attractive, and she ain't. :47:

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

that was not criticism, son. that was whining. melania trump has an atrocious accent for someone allegedly gifted in languages. i cannot count the times that it is paraded around on this board without any support that she is fluent in 5 languages. when she reads a speech written for her, she fumbles, and sounds like someone who has never set foot into an english speaking country. so that is not really supporting that she has any gift whatsoever concerning languages. pointing that out triggered you into whining about alleged bigotry, lol. consider your surroundings.

you don't know SHIT!!!! you CAN'T even communicate in another language
...MOST foreigners that go to another country have an accent!!!!!DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
....every foreigner I have known has an accent----and I've known many
...very, very few people that learn another language will NOT have an accent---it's hard enough just to be fluent in another language
..and I've been all over South America--twice, Europe, Honduras, Caribbean, and Tunisia

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

wrong --AGAIN---hahahahahahahahahahahah
triggered is like crying for 4 years because your candidate didn't win

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

wrong --AGAIN---hahahahahahahahahahahah
triggered is like crying for 4 years because your candidate didn't win

Punxsutawney Joe is do to see his shadow.
ugly Midler is a DUMBASS bitch
..very, very few people will NOT have an accent
..we have MANY foreigners at my work that have been in the US for 10, 15, 20 years, and they still have accents
...even if you are very fluent in a language, most will still have an accent
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

An easy mistake to make in their case.
Why? She's got less acçent than the tRump prostitute and knows we're on number 45.
.....she can speak many languages --and you?? you barely can speak your native tongue
..she outclasses you my a million miles
Actually I can ask for a beer and a bathroom in many languages but I can get by pretty well in French and Spanish and make myself understood in Farsi. The only one I'm conversational in besides English is Afrikaans, though.

Would you like to build another straw man for me to destroy now?
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

An easy mistake to make in their case.
Why? She's got less acçent than the tRump prostitute and knows we're on number 45.
.....she can speak many languages --and you?? you barely can speak your native tongue
..she outclasses you my a million miles
Actually I can ask for a beer and a bathroom in many languages but I can get by pretty well in French and Spanish and make myself understood in Farsi. The only one I'm conversational in besides English is Afrikaans, though.

Would you like to build another straw man for me to destroy now?
wow --you can say BEER in another language!!!!!!!!!! so can MILLIONS of others
so can I are NOWHERE near as fluent in languages like Melania is--don't try to bullshit us
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

An easy mistake to make in their case.
Why? She's got less acçent than the tRump prostitute and knows we're on number 45.
.....she can speak many languages --and you?? you barely can speak your native tongue
..she outclasses you my a million miles
Actually I can ask for a beer and a bathroom in many languages but I can get by pretty well in French and Spanish and make myself understood in Farsi. The only one I'm conversational in besides English is Afrikaans, though.

Would you like to build another straw man for me to destroy now?
wow --you can say BEER in another language!!!!!!!!!! so can MILLIONS of others
so can I are NOWHERE near as fluent in languages like Melania is--don't try to bullshit us
I'm not bullshitting. It's not that hard.

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

Midler has never done anything based on conservative values.

But she appreciates your passionate ass-kissing. LOL! Just kidding. She doesn't care if you live or die.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

Yes, but you believe Biden's "You know...the thing" speech is inspiring, so y'know, your opinion is kinda tainted by irrational hatred.

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

ILLEGAL immigrants are bad yes!!!!

You liberals have no F idea the word ILLEGAL even exists.

Kenosha has some dead F looters as more to follow. The long guns are out.

Bullshit. tRump and his loyal tRump-a-lumps hate all immigrants. You're only giving her a pass because you think she's pretty. Conservatives are shallow that way.

Immigrants are awesome. People who want to come here, join our nation, become citizens, contribute to society...amazing. I love watching naturalization ceremonies. Very moving. I proudly welcome the new Americans.

But none of that means anything to you. You don't give a shit about any of that. Probably due to your hatred of America.

But you damn sure love criminals who break into our country, don't you?

It would be cool if you could stop lying about conservatives. But you can't. So you can eat shit.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

It's easily understandable. What's your problem? She use too many big words for you?

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