Bette Midler, with such class, says Melania still can't speak English and to get her Illegal self off the stage.

Bette Midler is what we refer to in the south as a "sweat hog".
Fat and gross, she never had any class or manners. ... :cool:
As we get older, some don't age as well as others. Some where the ugliness they espoused in their lives. And maybe like children, at times we should be seen and not heard. We seem to be losing on all counts.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

What about all the messycans and south Americans that come here and never learn English at all?
Without an accent or otherwise.

what about them? are they paraded around by xenophobic twats as being fluent in 5 languages? could you post a more ridiculous whataboutism? i am sure you can.

Sorry..thats not going to fly.
Your selective outrage has been noted.

ok. random guy = flotus.

seems legit.

Are you implying that FLOTUS is more important than the average guy?
Thats not how America works amigo.

ok. random guy = allegedly polyglot flotus.

seems legit.

totally applicable and comparable. you must be very intelligent.

:laughing0301: So knowing five languages makes her a better person than a messycan who cant speak English at all?
You specialize in self ownership.

you make no sense at all. take a nap.

melania has an atrocious accent and most certainly is not fluently speaking 5 languages. this observation has triggered you pathetic twerps for pages now.

If you dont see the contradictions in your post you're an utter moron.
Prove she doesnt speak five languages.
Bette Midler is a staunch Democrat.

When Bette Midler came to Hollywood, it was a requirement that an actor or actress be a non-conservative and a non Republican. That has changed somewhat for the better as TRUMP pushes for free speech rights of all Americans.
Just love Bette Midler and her honesty, slapping Trump and Melania across their cheap tanned faces with the truth.

Bette Midler Isn’t Sorry She Called Melania Trump an ‘Illegal Alien’ Who ‘Can’t Speak English’

Commiecrat Rule #546

White Democrats are allowed to attack someone as being ILLEGAL, and can make fun of their accent. As long as they show their DNC card. And it's approved of by the DNC.

Where's George Kastanza when you need him?

Take out the Dimbocrat retard's legs again GEORGE!
Just love Bette Midler and her honesty, slapping Trump and Melania across their cheap tanned faces with the truth.

Bette Midler Isn’t Sorry She Called Melania Trump an ‘Illegal Alien’ Who ‘Can’t Speak English’

Thing is, our first lady can say that in 5 different languages. Midler can only say, "I have a mob mentality affliction" in one...

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

There's nothing wrong with immigration.
You're confusing a legal process (that has worked well for this country) with flat-out criminal activity. Democrats are human-trafficking for prostitution, drugs, and election fraud. Many of them are involved in organised crime. Training so-called peaceful protesters to cause chaos and destruction. COVID-19 has been relegated to the back burner in favor of their Marxist revolutionary tactics. That is the endgame. The destruction of our economy thru cancel-culture.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

What about all the messycans and south Americans that come here and never learn English at all?
Without an accent or otherwise.

what about them? are they paraded around by xenophobic twats as being fluent in 5 languages? could you post a more ridiculous whataboutism? i am sure you can.

I was speaking Spanish to my maid and I asked her if I had an accent. She said I most definitely had an American accent. And I always thought my annunciation was very accurate.

You should talk thru your nose a little when you speak Espanish. That way you won't have an American accent.

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

There's nothing wrong with immigration.
You're confusing a legal process (that has worked well for this country) with flat-out criminal activity. Democrats are human-trafficking for prostitution, drugs, and election fraud. Many of them are involved in organised crime. Training so-called peaceful protesters to cause chaos and destruction. COVID-19 has been relegated to the back burner in favor of their Marxist revolutionary tactics. That is the endgame. The destruction of our economy thru cancel-culture.

It will never happen. First a few then over night it will turn to masses. No prisoners! We have the means no matter how hard these branch bait tyrants try to take them. Out of my blood flowing hand cause I ain't going to the one dying.
Vile Xenophobe and immigrant hater Bette Midler Unleashes Xenophobic Tweet Storm on Melania Trump: ‘She Still Can’t Speak English!’

I'd like to see that ugly no talent washed up old witch give a national speech in a second language. I listed to her speech and her English was flawless, though nicely impacted by her native tongue, and when she looked forward, straight into the camera, I found her spell binding. She is an incredibly beautiful and gracious woman, and what a soft, gentler, yet strong message of healing she delivered to her beloved America.


What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

What about all the messycans and south Americans that come here and never learn English at all?
Without an accent or otherwise.

what about them? are they paraded around by xenophobic twats as being fluent in 5 languages? could you post a more ridiculous whataboutism? i am sure you can.

Al Sharpton is a lifelong New Yorker but he speaks with the dialect of an illiterate southerner. How do you explain that?

holy flonz. is there anything you morons would not try to deflect from the simple fact that melania is not gifted in languages.

No deflection.
Just looking for consistency.
A good friend of mine used to be her guitar player when she had her gig at Caesar's Palace. I think her gig rotated with Cher and Elton John.

Anyway, my buddy Wayne got my wife and I tickets for the show, and some other friends who lived in Vegas came along, as well (at their expense). After the show we were waiting in the lobby and Wayne (the guitarist) comes out and tells us to come with him. One of the women who'd joined us was apoplectic that we were going to get to meet Bette but she was not. She's seriously the world's biggest Bette Midler fan.

Anyway, we go backstage and Wayne brings Bette over. She was absolutely wonderful, asking how we liked Vegas, how long I'd known Wayne, making restaurant recommendations, etc. My wife then commented how we shouldn't say anything to Elaine (the apoplectic chick) about how nice Bette was because it would just upset her. When Bette heard that, she told Wayne and me to go get her. Bette and my wife, presumably, chatted up some small talk.

When we brought Elaine back, she just started crying. Bette came over, hugged her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said "Honey, I'm not that big a fuckin' deal." Bette took pictures with Elaine (something Bette normally doesn't do), autographed our show programs, etc. She seemed genuinely appreciative that we'd come to see the show. She even gestured towards us, looked at my buddy and said "Wayne, did you get them the good seats?"
(he had).

The bottom line is that she was really, really nice and approachable. No, we didn't talk politics. We just talked ab out meaningless stuff. But she also didn't have to be as accommodating as she was. She sat with us for about ten minutes before going back to her dressing room.

So, politically, yeah, I agree with her on pretty much nothing. But I'm also glad I'm not so myopic as to judge someone solely based on their politics...
Wayne Johnson. I saw him with the Manhattan Transfer back in the early 80’s.

Yup! He's a great guy, and an amazing guitarist as well. He was with the Transfer for a long time.

This is a publicity photo I took of him some years back while on tour with him in Ontario, Canada:

View attachment 380169

And another from a product shoot for Bose in 2010:

View attachment 380188
Dude won a Grammy. What do you play?

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

What about all the messycans and south Americans that come here and never learn English at all?
Without an accent or otherwise.

what about them? are they paraded around by xenophobic twats as being fluent in 5 languages? could you post a more ridiculous whataboutism? i am sure you can.

I was speaking Spanish to my maid and I asked her if I had an accent. She said I most definitely had an American accent. And I always thought my annunciation was very accurate.

then work on your enunciation. are you claiming that you are fluent in Spanish? have you lived in a spanish speaking country for decades and have become a citizen of this country? is your very uninteresting personal anecdote in any way relevant here? no.

It’s about dialect, not language formation.

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