Bette Midler, with such class, says Melania still can't speak English and to get her Illegal self off the stage.

Thank you to all the board females steppin up for your FL

You have Stones.

Melania: Class

Mooch: One huge ass

Why can’t we all just lay-off insulting First Ladies? This constant bashing of them is stupid. Michelle was a good First Lady and was living in the shadow of her husband, just like Melania is. It isn’t classy to insult First Ladies.

Nah, I'm good, but you go ahead.

I never did like Mooch, like her Big Eared husband did also, I won't be talked down to

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

that was not criticism, son. that was whining. melania trump has an atrocious accent for someone allegedly gifted in languages. i cannot count the times that it is paraded around on this board without any support that she is fluent in 5 languages. when she reads a speech written for her, she fumbles, and sounds like someone who has never set foot into an english speaking country. so that is not really supporting that she has any gift whatsoever concerning languages. pointing that out triggered you into whining about alleged bigotry, lol. consider your surroundings.
Last edited:

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

/----/ Pointing out democRATs' intolerance and their hatred of beautiful, outspoken women who don't play the victim, is not being triggered.
A good friend of mine used to be her guitar player when she had her gig at Caesar's Palace. I think her gig rotated with Cher and Elton John.

Anyway, my buddy Wayne got my wife and I tickets for the show, and some other friends who lived in Vegas came along, as well (at their expense). After the show we were waiting in the lobby and Wayne (the guitarist) comes out and tells us to come with him. One of the women who'd joined us was apoplectic that we were going to get to meet Bette but she was not. She's seriously the world's biggest Bette Midler fan.

Anyway, we go backstage and Wayne brings Bette over. She was absolutely wonderful, asking how we liked Vegas, how long I'd known Wayne, making restaurant recommendations, etc. My wife then commented how we shouldn't say anything to Elaine (the apoplectic chick) about how nice Bette was because it would just upset her. When Bette heard that, she told Wayne and me to go get her. Bette and my wife, presumably, chatted up some small talk.

When we brought Elaine back, she just started crying. Bette came over, hugged her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said "Honey, I'm not that big a fuckin' deal." Bette took pictures with Elaine (something Bette normally doesn't do), autographed our show programs, etc. She seemed genuinely appreciative that we'd come to see the show. She even gestured towards us, looked at my buddy and said "Wayne, did you get them the good seats?"
(he had).

The bottom line is that she was really, really nice and approachable. No, we didn't talk politics. We just talked ab out meaningless stuff. But she also didn't have to be as accommodating as she was. She sat with us for about ten minutes before going back to her dressing room.

So, politically, yeah, I agree with her on pretty much nothing. But I'm also glad I'm not so myopic as to judge someone solely based on their politics...
So in a thread where the OP claims “no class” these are the responses? Low class responses. Lol. Go back to your Hillary memes you low class righties!

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

There are many people who are fluent in multiple languages that speak broken English. Even those who speak Jive!

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

There are many people who are fluent in multiple languages that speak broken English. Even those who speak Jive!

A lot of people won't realize how funny that was...............LOLOLOL
Oh look, racism from the right. What a surprise.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

There are many people who are fluent in multiple languages that speak broken English. Even those who speak Jive!
A good friend of mine used to be her guitar player when she had her gig at Caesar's Palace. I think her gig rotated with Cher and Elton John.

Anyway, my buddy Wayne got my wife and I tickets for the show, and some other friends who lived in Vegas came along, as well (at their expense). After the show we were waiting in the lobby and Wayne (the guitarist) comes out and tells us to come with him. One of the women who'd joined us was apoplectic that we were going to get to meet Bette but she was not. She's seriously the world's biggest Bette Midler fan.

Anyway, we go backstage and Wayne brings Bette over. She was absolutely wonderful, asking how we liked Vegas, how long I'd known Wayne, making restaurant recommendations, etc. My wife then commented how we shouldn't say anything to Elaine (the apoplectic chick) about how nice Bette was because it would just upset her. When Bette heard that, she told Wayne and me to go get her. Bette and my wife, presumably, chatted up some small talk.

When we brought Elaine back, she just started crying. Bette came over, hugged her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said "Honey, I'm not that big a fuckin' deal." Bette took pictures with Elaine (something Bette normally doesn't do), autographed our show programs, etc. She seemed genuinely appreciative that we'd come to see the show. She even gestured towards us, looked at my buddy and said "Wayne, did you get them the good seats?"
(he had).

The bottom line is that she was really, really nice and approachable. No, we didn't talk politics. We just talked ab out meaningless stuff. But she also didn't have to be as accommodating as she was. She sat with us for about ten minutes before going back to her dressing room.

So, politically, yeah, I agree with her on pretty much nothing. But I'm also glad I'm not so myopic as to judge someone solely based on their politics...

Jeffrey Daumer was quite friendly with his dinners.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

What about all the messycans and south Americans that come here and never learn English at all?
Without an accent or otherwise.

What do you think?

Didn't Bette Midler go out with the hula-hoop?

No, but she went out with Tom Waits which made me question his judgment. However, that was over 40 years ago.

She was a well paid, butt ugly, self-hating, assimilated Jew 40 years ago.

What do you think?

Didn't Bette Midler go out with the hula-hoop?

No, but she went out with Tom Waits which made me question his judgment. However, that was over 40 years ago.

She was a well paid, butt ugly, self-hating, assimilated Jew 40 years ago.

And Tom Waits was still drinking heavily at the time so I suppose that excuses him.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

What about all the messycans and south Americans that come here and never learn English at all?
Without an accent or otherwise.

what about them? are they paraded around by xenophobic twats as being fluent in 5 languages? could you post a more ridiculous whataboutism? i am sure you can.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

I’m not triggered, you aren’t important enough in my life to trigger me. You have quite the ego for a dumb bigoted moron. Have a great day dummy.

you could have not commented on my post, if it was so unimportant. but no, you had to whine about me being a bigoted asshole, on this board for that mild post, mind you. LOL
yeah, you were triggered.

Lol! If you think my comment was triggered, then go right ahead. Morons such as yourself can’t take any criticism so you lash out at others with the same complaint. If it bothers you so much, then shut the fuck up. You aren’t entertaining me anymore so unless you have anything good in your next reply to keep me entertained, I’m done with you.

All of you tRump-tards are triggered. It's your permanent state of "mind", lol.

I’m triggered? You idiots bitch about Michelle Obama’s looks and vacations and Melania Trump’s accent and how she designed a Rose Garden and you think I’m the one triggered? You people are petty little sniffling bitches. The left and right wing nuts are more alike than they are different. Let me know when you idiots get a real issue to be upset over. Lol!

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