Bette Midler, with such class, says Melania still can't speak English and to get her Illegal self off the stage.

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

ILLEGAL immigrants are bad yes!!!!

You liberals have no F idea the word ILLEGAL even exists.

Kenosha has some dead F looters as more to follow. The long guns are out.

Bullshit. tRump and his loyal tRump-a-lumps hate all immigrants. You're only giving her a pass because you think she's pretty. Conservatives are shallow that way.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.


What I think is why should I give a flying f*ck what some old used-up has-been ugly ratbag thinks of the greatest American President. I also think she should choke on a bag of rotten monkey dicks.


Take it back!

No can do. What has been seen cannot be unseen. Not even a gallon of eye bleach will undo that.



What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

Hypocritical much, tRumpling?

Trump never said that. He directed his comment to someone that believes this country is evil and needs to be destroyed. He told her to go someplace better suited. I feel the same way. Citizen or not if you want to destroy the nation get your ass out.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

Do you think Sofia Vergara's accent is atrocious?

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

Nope. Many people retain their accents for professional purposes. My own Korean TKD instructor spoke with a thick accent in public - people found it cute - yet spoke nearly accent free in private. My childhood doctor from Ireland did the same. He turned the accent on and off.

Sometimes it doesn't work. Bela Lugosi retained his accent, and it severely limited his career.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

Nope. Many people retain their accents for professional purposes. My own Korean TKD instructor spoke with a thick accent in public - people found it cute - yet spoke nearly accent free in private. My childhood doctor from Ireland did the same. He turned the accent on and off.

Sometimes it doesn't work. Bela Lugosi retained his accent, and it severely limited his career.

lol. okay. she retains her accent for professional purposes. that's funny.

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