Bette Midler, with such class, says Melania still can't speak English and to get her Illegal self off the stage.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

Nope. Many people retain their accents for professional purposes. My own Korean TKD instructor spoke with a thick accent in public - people found it cute - yet spoke nearly accent free in private. My childhood doctor from Ireland did the same. He turned the accent on and off.

Sometimes it doesn't work. Bela Lugosi retained his accent, and it severely limited his career.

lol. okay. she retains her accent for professional purposes. that's funny.


Common practice.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

An easy mistake to make in their case.
Why? She's got less acçent than the tRump prostitute and knows we're on number 45.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

Nope. Many people retain their accents for professional purposes. My own Korean TKD instructor spoke with a thick accent in public - people found it cute - yet spoke nearly accent free in private. My childhood doctor from Ireland did the same. He turned the accent on and off.

Sometimes it doesn't work. Bela Lugosi retained his accent, and it severely limited his career.

The accent didn't limit Lugosi's career. It was his refusal to appear in anything but his Dracula costume that limited his career. He was buried in that cape. The same with Clayton Moore, the Lone Ranger and Duncan Reynaldo the Cisco Kid.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

Hypocritical much, tRumpling?

Trump never said that. He directed his comment to someone that believes this country is evil and needs to be destroyed. He told her to go someplace better suited. I feel the same way. Citizen or not if you want to destroy the nation get your ass out.
I included links.

He did say that. Your willful blindness canning change the facts.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

An easy mistake to make in their case.
Why? She's got less acçent than the tRump prostitute and knows we're on number 45.
You're a Democrat. The enemy of all Americans.

What do you think?

The filthy Leftists aka Communists POS should be given NO MERCY, literally ANYTHING should be allowed to be thrown at them, any insult or ANY THREAT because afterall we are dealing with the SAME crowd who APPROVED and CELEBRATED the below ugly bitch doing this:


Leftists are ALL ugly, they are UGLY on the inside and on the outside, ALL Leftist wimmens are FUCKING UGLY and look like MEN in DRAG. Leftists CELEBRATE UGLINESS, they HATE ANYTHING of BEAUTY because Beauty is of The Gods and Leftists are of The Bottomless Pit.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

Nope. Many people retain their accents for professional purposes. My own Korean TKD instructor spoke with a thick accent in public - people found it cute - yet spoke nearly accent free in private. My childhood doctor from Ireland did the same. He turned the accent on and off.

Sometimes it doesn't work. Bela Lugosi retained his accent, and it severely limited his career.

The accent didn't limit Lugosi's career. It was his refusal to appear in anything but his Dracula costume that limited his career. He was buried in that cape. The same with Clayton Moore, the Lone Ranger and Duncan Reynaldo the Cisco Kid.

He made many films without the Dracula get-up.
Educate the ignorant Midler. Malania Trump is just as American as she is. I do appreciate this Democrat attacking naturalized citizens. It makes the democrats look that much better.
You mean like when tRump said this:

An easy mistake to make in their case.
Why? She's got less acçent than the tRump prostitute and knows we're on number 45.

Because of their foreign, Marxist attitudes toward America.

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

I have no issue with legal immigrants into our country, I welcome them. The language barrier can be frustrating however it is no big deal. I do have an issue with illegal immigration as do as it creates more problems and crime.

What do you think?

She right, if you go by conservitard values.

Immigrants are bad, especially immigrants who don't assimilate instantly and bring their elderly parents with them.

Assimilation is not instant. Assimilation may take some years. However when the immigration door is stuck unlocked with tens of millions of illegals also, the system is overloaded. we are now taking on the cultures and customs of the nations that are not in good shape. Even the united States has to watch how many we let in. It sucks I know. We have opened and closed out borders many tines in our history. Except the last 55 years. And here we are. With all the wealthier Progs pushing things that can not be sustained all packed and ready to go to more peacefully environs if the system falls apart. Their job will be finished.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

I would expect that opinion from a bigoted asshole. Thanks for proving me right.

such a snowflake. a mild comment about her atrocious accent, which shows that she is not at all gifted in languages, seems to trigger you into barfing up the bigot card.

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.



Look in a mirror.

do you think her accent is not atrocious for someone who is allegedly gifted in languages and living stateside for years?

Nope. Many people retain their accents for professional purposes. My own Korean TKD instructor spoke with a thick accent in public - people found it cute - yet spoke nearly accent free in private. My childhood doctor from Ireland did the same. He turned the accent on and off.

Sometimes it doesn't work. Bela Lugosi retained his accent, and it severely limited his career.

The accent didn't limit Lugosi's career. It was his refusal to appear in anything but his Dracula costume that limited his career. He was buried in that cape. The same with Clayton Moore, the Lone Ranger and Duncan Reynaldo the Cisco Kid.

He made many films without the Dracula get-up.

I love Bela Lugosi and yes he did many other films including "White Zombie", "Murders In The Rue Morgue", "The Raven", "Ninotchka", "Black Friday" and many others and they ALL were post-"Dracula", um for general comedic value I will add "Glen or Glenda" and his last film "Plan 9 From Outer Space"

What do you think?

i listened to the first sentences of her speech. for someone allegedly polyglot, and living in the USA for such a long time, her accent sure is atrocious.

English is her most recent language learned... She knows five and speaks them fluently. Complaining about ones accent, that has been learned from birth in her first language, is bigotry..

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