Bettsy DeVos

Why is there a department of education at the Federal level? Where's THAT in the Constitution?

Shut it down.

Yes, because we totally need to limit ourselves to the thinking of 18th century slave rapists.

Indoor Plumbing? That's totally not in the constitution. Shut it down and shit in a chamber pot just like Thomas Jefferson did!

Whaaaat? Group think boy responds with a logical fallacy?

Say it ain't so!

Red Herring - Attempting to redirect the argument to another issue that to which the person doing the redirecting can better respond. While it is similar to the avoiding the issue fallacy, the red herring is a deliberate diversion of attention with the intention of trying to abandon the original argument.
Whaaaat? Group think boy responds with a logical fallacy?

Say it ain't so!

Not a logical fallacy at all guy. Your view is we shouldn't have things that the Founding Slave Rapists didn't think of.

When they would find our world truly alien.

They didn't have a department of education because they really didn't feel the need to educate most people. They thought that the franchise should be limited to property owning white males. (Even though a few, like Thomas Jefferson, saw the value in public education.)

today, we know society can't work like that.

Now, there might be some arguments as to why we don't need a Dept. of Education on the Federal level. But "It isn't in the constitution" isn't one of them.
Whaaaat? Group think boy responds with a logical fallacy?

Say it ain't so!

Not a logical fallacy at all guy. Your view is we shouldn't have things that the Founding Slave Rapists didn't think of.

When they would find our world truly alien.

They didn't have a department of education because they really didn't feel the need to educate most people. They thought that the franchise should be limited to property owning white males. (Even though a few, like Thomas Jefferson, saw the value in public education.)

today, we know society can't work like that.

Now, there might be some arguments as to why we don't need a Dept. of Education on the Federal level. But "It isn't in the constitution" isn't one of them.

Blah, blah, blah...

I ask where the Federal government is authorized to meddle in education (doesn't exist) and you respond by saying I'm against indoor plumbing.


Fail again dumbshit!
Blah, blah, blah...

Your lack of a cogent response in noted...

I ask where the Federal government is authorized to meddle in education (doesn't exist) and you respond by saying I'm against indoor plumbing.

Where is the federal government authorized to meddle in indoor plumbing?

Yet they spend billions of dollars helping build sewers and water reclamation plants...and that's totally unconstitutional!!!!

So dude, you totally need to break out that chamberpot in honor of our Founding Slave Rapists.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

Kids come out of these private school scams without the ability to read..

The charter-school scam deepens: The sick new “bubble” that could explode urban schools

I've read that charter schools have a higher percentage of high school graduates. So? What's the problem?

Study: Charter High Schools Have 7-11% Higher Graduation Rates Than Their Public School Peers

They aren't unionized, Joey Boi loves the unions, even though he doesn't belong to one. Stats don't mean anything to Joey Boi, just a headline on Google from a far left biased source and he uses that to base his whole thesis. Very dishonest.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
What does he mean by school choice? Not partisan bullshit--actual facts in a nutshell, please.
Liberals would have less control. And that is the most important thing to them. And these dupes need someone to lead them.

Cleetus did someone explain to you at Home Skule that you don't start sentences with a conjunction!
Joey, did anyone ever explain the correct use of commas, exclamation points, and question marks to you?

Wait...they did, but you are simply too dense to understand it.
Careful there ChrisL. If you offer JoeyB Dolezal such leeway he'll just start making stuff up, again.

Are you still butthurt, Dominican Rent Boy?
LOL...why would I be butthurt? You're the one who makes up lies to fit your lefty agenda. All I do is laugh and ridicule you about them, and let others know your modus operandi. It's fun actually.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.

So......if those schools fail to educate..they will close down and those voucher dollars will go is not abilty to escape a crap want those kids trapped with no options...

Why should tax payers subsidize private schools, when they have already paid taxes for public services?

They aren't.....we have bought into public funding of education.....we are already paying the bill......this would just allow those recieving it to actually go to real schools....making our tax dollars actually work to educate children. The whole point...we would no longer expect people to double pay...they would just get the dollars and could spend it at any school, private or public......and all education would be improved...just like your cell phone...

So you say. The first effort of the magic christians was to pack school boards and radicalize the schools. If the social conservatives want their kids indoctrinated, let them build and fund their own schools. As for those who abhor integrated schools/busing, and that is the hidden agenda of many on the right; let them fund and run politically correct schools teaching racism, bigotry and history revised. That'll be cool, imagine a better way to fully divide our nation.

Keep reading, I know this will offend some, but don't be willfully ignorant and see some ideas below which even 2aguy, CrusaderFrank and others like them may comprehend!

Public schooling can be great, mediocre or bad. Bad schools do not attract experienced and expert teachers, and teachers who themselves are mediocre are not hired or rehired by good principals, and eventually drift to those schools who cannot find the former and must settle for the latter. Some teachers in bad schools are great.

Several things contribute to bad schools. Most are unsafe, due to crime, gangs; drugs and a lack of parent support, all contribute to a lack of interest in learning and an attitude that even if they work hard college is out of the question due to costs, and good jobs paying jobs require much more than a HS Degree in the 21st Century.
Herein are some ideas used by local governments:
  • Allow parents to place their child in any school in the district (forcing a district to 'fix' low attendance schools)
  • Provide space in every school for a SMART (School Mentoring And Rehabilitation Team), including school counselors, social workers, Juvenile Probation Officers and Police Officers, professional volunteers [see below] and parents) and this team to focus on schools not meeting community expectations
  • Establish a Youth Court, a system where students act as judge, jury, prosecutors and defense attorney''s, and bailiffs, clerks and reporters. Each "convicted" student of a school infraction, and low grade misdemeanors are not sent to Juvenile Court, or detained in a juvenile hall, but judged by other students and given sentences of detention, school clean up, and restitution, detention to make up unfinished or not completed work). Then putting the defendant onto the Jury to judge others, and decide on their fate, innocence or guilt, and recommending to the Judge (also a former defendant) a sentence.
  • The SMART Team would recruit real prosecutors, public defenders, judges and other court personal to explain their jobs to parents and teachers and students, so everyone is on the same page understands the reasoning behind such a program
  • For those not interested or finding this "funny" I suggest they google Youth or Peer Court and learn a bit.
  • SMART would also evaluate slow, disinterested and low performing students to try to ascertain their learning style and interests.
  • SMART should begin as early as K informally at first, developing a process which IMO would be much more effective than spanking or sending the child to the office.
Of course real crimes, such as robbery (stealing for a student), burglary (stealing for others lockers), sexual battery or haveing drugs or weapons on campus need to be evaluated by the Probation Officer and the prosecutor, if and only if some mitigation suggests youth court would be appropriate.
So what some are saying is that every person shouldn't go to college. That means less pay for some. So then you are against class warfare and believe it is bad for a country correct? I believe the opposite in all aspects.

WRONG. Many 21st Century Jobs are technological in nature. In the past I've written we need to add to grades 11 & 12 courses for students who did not take the AP courses and chose to want to go to work right away (and not attend a Jr. college, to take course in technology). Offering a first course in the 10th grade with guest speakers talking about their job in dozens of areas that a technical degree is needed might inspire even the most disaffected student.
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They aren't unionized, Joey Boi loves the unions, even though he doesn't belong to one. Stats don't mean anything to Joey Boi, just a headline on Google from a far left biased source and he uses that to base his whole thesis. Very dishonest.

I'm still waiting for you guys to explain how teachers are going to do better jobs if they have less money and less rights at work.

You see, the main reason why I'm not a teacher (despite people telling me much of my life I should be one) is because most of my life, I could make more money in a non-union job. And now you guys are saying, "Hey, we can attract top talent by paying them less!!!!"

No, really?
They aren't unionized, Joey Boi loves the unions, even though he doesn't belong to one. Stats don't mean anything to Joey Boi, just a headline on Google from a far left biased source and he uses that to base his whole thesis. Very dishonest.

I'm still waiting for you guys to explain how teachers are going to do better jobs if they have less money and less rights at work.

You see, the main reason why I'm not a teacher (despite people telling me much of my life I should be one) is because most of my life, I could make more money in a non-union job. And now you guys are saying, "Hey, we can attract top talent by paying them less!!!!"

No, really?

Simple, they have more accountability and an incentive to do well instead of some bullshit govt pay system, based on seniority and not merrit.
If bad teachers can be fired and good ones promoted or given a raise, it creates incentives to work harder and to do better work.
Also discipline is a major area. If there is little or none, then you cant teach. Need to allow more discipline.
They aren't unionized, Joey Boi loves the unions, even though he doesn't belong to one. Stats don't mean anything to Joey Boi, just a headline on Google from a far left biased source and he uses that to base his whole thesis. Very dishonest.

I'm still waiting for you guys to explain how teachers are going to do better jobs if they have less money and less rights at work.

You see, the main reason why I'm not a teacher (despite people telling me much of my life I should be one) is because most of my life, I could make more money in a non-union job. And now you guys are saying, "Hey, we can attract top talent by paying them less!!!!"

No, really?

Simple, they have more accountability and an incentive to do well instead of some bullshit govt pay system, based on seniority and not merrit.
If bad teachers can be fired and good ones promoted or given a raise, it creates incentives to work harder and to do better work.
Also discipline is a major area. If there is little or none, then you cant teach. Need to allow more discipline.

Of course you didn't, or would not view the programming broadcast on PBS; however there was a two-hour episode on NOVA, funded partly by David Koch BTW, on The School of the Future.

Had you, you might be much better informed and not spread such ignorance around. While there is some merit to criticize "bad" teachers, there are more systemic issues to consider. Pegagogy has changed little since I was a student half a century ago. Poor teaching can be corrected by updating training and discipline can be controlled by modern methods, not the carrot / stick or stick only approach.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

Kids come out of these private school scams without the ability to read..

The charter-school scam deepens: The sick new “bubble” that could explode urban schools

I've read that charter schools have a higher percentage of high school graduates. So? What's the problem?

Study: Charter High Schools Have 7-11% Higher Graduation Rates Than Their Public School Peers

The only problem is that Joe doesn't want to see inner city kids with a choice of schools. He doesn't want them to attend better schools.

Oh and its a Rep President who put the lady in charge of education so he knows its a bad move and nothing good will come of charter schools.

Guess we'll find out and so will he.
Simple, they have more accountability and an incentive to do well instead of some bullshit govt pay system, based on seniority and not merrit.
If bad teachers can be fired and good ones promoted or given a raise, it creates incentives to work harder and to do better work.

Guy, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years. They didn't fire the bad teachers. They didn't even fire the fucking pedophiles. (Like the HS sophmore football coach who invited the kids over to watch gay porn with him.) We had another teacher who was transferred to our HS because he hit a kid too hard at his last one... and his parents sued.

Also discipline is a major area. If there is little or none, then you cant teach. Need to allow more discipline.

I would kind of agree with this.

The only problem is that Joe doesn't want to see inner city kids with a choice of schools. He doesn't want them to attend better schools.

Oh and its a Rep President who put the lady in charge of education so he knows its a bad move and nothing good will come of charter schools.

Well, this lady was in charge of the Charter School program in Michigan, which was an absolute fucking disaster.

As one of the architects of Detroit’s charter school system, she is partly responsible for what even charter advocates acknowledge is the biggest school reform disaster in the country. At least some of the other candidates for education secretary, like Michelle Rhee, the former District of Columbia schools chancellor, led reforms that were accompanied by improved student results.

Consider this: Detroit is one of many cities in the country that participates in an objective and rigorous test of student academic skills, called the National Assessment of Educational Progress. The other cities participating in the urban version of this test, including Baltimore, Cleveland and Memphis, are widely considered to be among the lowest-performing school districts in the country.
They aren't unionized, Joey Boi loves the unions, even though he doesn't belong to one. Stats don't mean anything to Joey Boi, just a headline on Google from a far left biased source and he uses that to base his whole thesis. Very dishonest.

I'm still waiting for you guys to explain how teachers are going to do better jobs if they have less money and less rights at work.

You see, the main reason why I'm not a teacher (despite people telling me much of my life I should be one) is because most of my life, I could make more money in a non-union job. And now you guys are saying, "Hey, we can attract top talent by paying them less!!!!"

No, really?

Simple, they have more accountability and an incentive to do well instead of some bullshit govt pay system, based on seniority and not merrit.
If bad teachers can be fired and good ones promoted or given a raise, it creates incentives to work harder and to do better work.
Also discipline is a major area. If there is little or none, then you cant teach. Need to allow more discipline.

Of course you didn't, or would not view the programming broadcast on PBS; however there was a two-hour episode on NOVA, funded partly by David Koch BTW, on The School of the Future.

Had you, you might be much better informed and not spread such ignorance around. While there is some merit to criticize "bad" teachers, there are more systemic issues to consider. Pegagogy has changed little since I was a student half a century ago. Poor teaching can be corrected by updating training and discipline can be controlled by modern methods, not the carrot / stick or stick only approach.

Yes you can train teachers, but there is no incentive. Financial gain is a major incentive, so some standard pay scale determined by seniority does not give that major incentive.

And if you can't be fired, why go the extra mile and attend new training or workshops?

You're assuming everyone has ambition and wants to be the best, but that is not the case.
Alot of people are slackers and do just enough

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