Bettsy DeVos was a left wing socialist can't lie about it anymore......people now know the truth.....get help....

No, guy, it was a movement of the right. Fascism and Nazism are placed on the right wing of the political spectrum.

Debunking The “Nazis Were Leftists” Lie «

The basis of the conflation of nazism and socialism is the term "National Socialism," a self description of the Nazis. "National Socialism" includes the word "socialism", but it is just a word. Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.
Hey dipshit, 40 k is for everyone
Do you know any facts?
Professors a re 70k
So what if they have a PHD, my dad does, works at utmemphis and makes like 150k, so professors can make money, but he does research. Teaching alone is not lucrative. Never has been, never will be.

Phds are teachers not doers. If you rant to make money go to the private sector

And again where does that tuition go to? You never care about that do you?

so how did you get through life without being able to write a sentence.

The point is, teaching SHOULD be a well-compensated profession, so you attract the best people to do it.
No its teaching, its not doing. Researchers make more money. abuse they Do. They apply what they teach
And wtf do
you care about this?
Liberals would have less control. And that is the most important thing to them. And these dupes need someone to lead them.

Cleetus did someone explain to you at Home Skule that you don't start sentences with a conjunction!
Deflecting attention again, this guy isn't serious about discussing issues. was a left wing socialist can't lie about it anymore......people now know the truth.....get help....

No, guy, it was a movement of the right. Fascism and Nazism are placed on the right wing of the political spectrum.

Debunking The “Nazis Were Leftists” Lie «

The basis of the conflation of nazism and socialism is the term "National Socialism," a self description of the Nazis. "National Socialism" includes the word "socialism", but it is just a word. Hitler and the Nazis outlawed socialism, and executed socialists and communists en masse, even before they started rounding up Jews. In 1933, the Dachau concentration camp held socialists and leftists exclusively. The Nazis arrested more than 11,000 Germans for "illegal socialist activity" in 1936.
Wrong Joe
What were the differences between Hitler and Stalin?
What were the differences between Nazis and commies?
Who started fascism? A socialist name Mussolini

Sorry bro, it's leftwing.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.

So......if those schools fail to educate..they will close down and those voucher dollars will go is not abilty to escape a crap want those kids trapped with no options...

Who wrote they will fail to educate? Ratiocination is a form of education, which you ought to know, since you have obviously been indoctrinated.
Sorry public schools suck.
People don't learn much in them.
Its all sex ed, global warming and social bullshit
real subjects are not taught
Monopolies are bad.
Apparently you can start a sentence with whatever one wants. Without have to get a tissue babies permission.

Okay, we are starting to see a pattern here. Unable to form cogent thoughts, Trump Supporters elected a guy who articulated their rage.

(Let me know if you need help with the big words, Mike.)
You're seeing a pattern? Does it look like this:


Naw, with you guys, it looks more like this.

yep Joe, that's right we're Nazis, we love big government and dictators, oh wait that's you......try again.
You really are stupid......the quality control doesn't exist now because there aren't enough kids able to go to these schools, Charter schools are still controlled by the state......there isn't enough competition......the quality control will come in when parents can pull their kids out of any underperforming school...with their voucher money...and put them into a school that works...twit....that is quality control...the bad schools will fold, the good schools will make money...and they will hire teachers...and pay them more...because they will need quality teachers to attract those voucher dollars...

There's a whole lot of fallacies in your reasoning here, 2TinyGuy.

The first is that Charters are too regulated. In fact, the places where Charters are doing the worst are where the regulations on them are the most lax.

The second is that parents who are letting their kids fail in Public Schools are going to magically become more committed if they get a voucher to go to some Charter Scam.

The third fallacy is that the charters schools will really take the problem children. They won't take the ADHD kid or the disciplinary problem kid. They'll pick kids who test well to artificially boost their numbers.

But again, once teaching becomes less lucrative than working in Customer Service, you arent' going to get the best and brightest picking that as a career.

100,000 kids on a waiting list escape crappy schools.....and you, as a left wing idiot can't see the magic that giving parents those vouchers will create..

Charter school lottery to draw thousands of hopeful parents

There is such a demand for charter schools that the wait list to get in to them across the state currently stands at more than 100,000 kids.

If you want to enroll your child in a KIPP Academy school for next year, now is the time to sign up for the lottery system.

Right now, there are more than 32,000 kids on the wait list for charter schools in the Houston area.

Herein is a source, which may or may not be credible, but one which has some provocative stories on education in Houston.

Education Archives - The Texas Observer

Here's an interesting read:

About us |

And no, throwing money at education isn't a solution; not funding education at a necessary level is a problem.

Every child needs to learn how to read, write, compute and think critically. Not every child needs to go to the U. We need to rethink education in America, and not attempt to put every child in a seat, some need to learn tactically and moving around.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.

So......if those schools fail to educate..they will close down and those voucher dollars will go is not abilty to escape a crap want those kids trapped with no options...

Who wrote they will fail to educate? Ratiocination is a form of education, which you ought to know, since you have obviously been indoctrinated.
Sorry public schools suck.
People don't learn much in them.
Its all sex ed, global warming and social bullshit
real subjects are not taught
Monopolies are bad.

You're are either a liar or dumber than I ever thought you might be, & probably a product of home schooling and AM Radio instruction.
Why is there a department of education at the Federal level? Where's THAT in the Constitution?

Shut it down.
So what some are saying is that every person shouldn't go to college. That means less pay for some. So then you are against class warfare and believe it is bad for a country correct? I believe the opposite in all aspects.
You really are stupid......the quality control doesn't exist now because there aren't enough kids able to go to these schools, Charter schools are still controlled by the state......there isn't enough competition......the quality control will come in when parents can pull their kids out of any underperforming school...with their voucher money...and put them into a school that works...twit....that is quality control...the bad schools will fold, the good schools will make money...and they will hire teachers...and pay them more...because they will need quality teachers to attract those voucher dollars...

There's a whole lot of fallacies in your reasoning here, 2TinyGuy.

The first is that Charters are too regulated. In fact, the places where Charters are doing the worst are where the regulations on them are the most lax.

The second is that parents who are letting their kids fail in Public Schools are going to magically become more committed if they get a voucher to go to some Charter Scam.

The third fallacy is that the charters schools will really take the problem children. They won't take the ADHD kid or the disciplinary problem kid. They'll pick kids who test well to artificially boost their numbers.

But again, once teaching becomes less lucrative than working in Customer Service, you arent' going to get the best and brightest picking that as a career.

100,000 kids on a waiting list escape crappy schools.....and you, as a left wing idiot can't see the magic that giving parents those vouchers will create..

Charter school lottery to draw thousands of hopeful parents

There is such a demand for charter schools that the wait list to get in to them across the state currently stands at more than 100,000 kids.

If you want to enroll your child in a KIPP Academy school for next year, now is the time to sign up for the lottery system.

Right now, there are more than 32,000 kids on the wait list for charter schools in the Houston area.

Herein is a source, which may or may not be credible, but one which has some provocative stories on education in Houston.

Education Archives - The Texas Observer

Here's an interesting read:

About us |

And no, throwing money at education isn't a solution; not funding education at a necessary level is a problem.

Every child needs to learn how to read, write, compute and think critically. Not every child needs to go to the U. We need to rethink education in America, and not attempt to put every child in a seat, some need to learn tactically and moving around.
Not every child, not in this country at least. Here, only American children, or those with visas and the approval to go to school here.
Not all public schools are bad. I went to public school and my schools were all very nice and I was pretty well educated. It's the inner city schools where the poor live where you have really bad schools.
So what some are saying is that every person shouldn't go to college. That means less pay for some. So then you are against class warfare and believe it is bad for a country correct? I believe the opposite in all aspects.

Hell no everyone need not go to college. Nothing wrong with a man trained in a trade. You don't need college for that.

And no, not everyone will make the 'same pay', They do that in Cuba. How's that working out?

Regardless, are you suggesting theft from some is acceptable because your ideas are just so darn good? Does your plan require armed government agents to enforce compliance?

If so, pass.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.

So......if those schools fail to educate..they will close down and those voucher dollars will go is not abilty to escape a crap want those kids trapped with no options...

Why should tax payers subsidize private schools, when they have already paid taxes for public services?
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.

So......if those schools fail to educate..they will close down and those voucher dollars will go is not abilty to escape a crap want those kids trapped with no options...

Why should tax payers subsidize private schools, when they have already paid taxes for public services?

They aren't.....we have bought into public funding of education.....we are already paying the bill......this would just allow those recieving it to actually go to real schools....making our tax dollars actually work to educate children. The whole point...we would no longer expect people to double pay...they would just get the dollars and could spend it at any school, private or public......and all education would be improved...just like your cell phone...
No its teaching, its not doing. Researchers make more money. abuse they Do. They apply what they teach
And wtf do
you care about this?

Gee , why would I care if our education system is keeping up with the Germans and Japanese and Chinese, Cleetus? I think that answers itself.

Wrong Joe
What were the differences between Hitler and Stalin?
What were the differences between Nazis and commies?
Who started fascism? A socialist name Mussolini

Yeah, there were major differences. The big corporations did very well under Fascism. Henry Ford praised the shit out of Hitler until the war started. The main reason why Hitler and Mussolini got as far as they did is because the plutocrats in the west liked what they saw. (Compared to Stalin, who just shot the plutocrats and took their shit.)
Why is there a department of education at the Federal level? Where's THAT in the Constitution?

Shut it down.

Yes, because we totally need to limit ourselves to the thinking of 18th century slave rapists.

Indoor Plumbing? That's totally not in the constitution. Shut it down and shit in a chamber pot just like Thomas Jefferson did!

Not all public schools are bad. I went to public school and my schools were all very nice and I was pretty well educated. It's the inner city schools where the poor live where you have really bad schools.

and you don't think Racism is a thing or that is an accident?

"Nope. No racism here!" she said as she voted for the Nazi.

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