Bettsy DeVos

We must ensure that problematic violent kids cannot be expelled nor rejected by voucher or charter schools. They must be welcomed by vouchers and charters with their own individualized education plans. Give charters a taste of what its like dealing with delinquents. No hard line militaristic discipline either ad parents of those kiuds will sue the teachers as happens in public schools when teachers try to disciplkdisciplkine so they can teach.
they will be paying teachers more, not less.....because you have to have good teachers to get those voucher dollars you twit....otherwise those parents will take their voucher dollars to another school......

again, what do you base that on? what motivation is there to research and find the best school if you weren't all that committed or involved when your kid was going to the public school?

Hey, news flash... a lot of parents see school as just a place to put the kid while they are working. So even if your imaginary actually good Charter school opens up across town, a lot of people are just going to send their kid to the one that is the shortest drive.

It's why there's such a hue and cry when Rahm tries to close half empty schools in Chicago.

Colleges compete for money moron...and our Universities are the best in the world...because they actually have to compete to get the best students.......

But that's the problem. Higher education should be competing for the best students.

Basic education has to serve everyone... And if you have a few charters just greasing the numbers taking the students who will test well until the scam falls apart like Trump University, that's really not fixing anything.

No...the teachers unions want to protect those crappy teachers.......with vouchers...those parents could send their kids to the new schools, opened to compete with the crappy public their own that crappy public school is closed, they have to send their kids to another whole neighborhood through democrat, gang infested streets because they have to send their kids to another crappy public school..because they have no other option......
We must ensure that problematic violent kids cannot be expelled nor rejected by voucher or charter schools. They must be welcomed by vouchers and charters with their own individualized education plans. Give charters a taste of what its like dealing with delinquents. No hard line militaristic discipline either ad parents of those kiuds will sue the teachers as happens in public schools when teachers try to disciplkdisciplkine so they can teach.

Nope....that is a left wing attempt at making these schools fail.......with vouchers, new schools, specifically designed to deal with the worst of the worst will pop up...with actual ways to help those kids......and in these new schools they might actually be able to help these kids......because the people who open those schools will care about those kids...unlike the union teachers who just pass them to get them out of their classrooms......

you left wingers...just hate kids...that is why you want to abort them and doom them to failure in your crappy public schools...
And from my link...this is how the democrat party handicaps Charter schools...

Public charter schools do not get any funding from the state even though enrollment across Texas now stands at nearly a quarter million kids.

That will change when parents get vouchers for the whole frieght of their kids education...

Um... you realize that Texas has had Republican governors since 1994, right?

Yes.....because the government is in control of student loans....twit.....then the Univeristies jack up the price to higher than the garuanteed is government involvement, not competition that creates the problem....

again, are you one of these people who blames short dresses for rape?

If the Universities were truly competitive, they'd be driving prices DOWN, not up.

Instead, they've inflated the value of their product and make a killing off of it, because you can't get a good job without a college education today.

And I'm not even getting into the frauds like University of Phoenix.
If you want the best and top minds teaching, 2aguy you will have to pony up and triple the pittance pay just to get them to sniff. Time you give up your earning potential to teach american spawn. Those who complain could never do
Nope...wrong again. Schools to help the problem kids will not be opening and all the people who love kids will teach....for much higher wages than now. You want your cake without paying a penny for it. You gobble up propaganda like a bass on a nightcrawler....if you want people to deal with violent kids prepare to pay dearly, and I condone that. 150 grand per year for teachers to be in the same room with those kids.....point up.
No...the teachers unions want to protect those crappy teachers.......with vouchers...those parents could send their kids to the new schools, opened to compete with the crappy public their own that crappy public school is closed, they have to send their kids to another whole neighborhood through democrat, gang infested streets because they have to send their kids to another crappy public school..because they have no other option......

Yawn, guy, I've been hearing this fantasy for 30 years now... and it never happens.

In fact, Wisconsin under Tommy Thompson tried exactly what you propose... and it failed miserably.

Vouchers don't do much for students

In Milwaukee, just 13 percent of voucher students scored proficient in math and 11 percent made the bar in reading this spring. That’s worse on both counts than students in the city’s public schools. In Cleveland, voucher students in most grades performed worse than their peers in public schools in math, though they did better in reading.

In New Orleans, voucher students who struggle academically haven’t advanced to grade-level work any faster over the past two years than students in the public schools, many of which are rated D or F, state data show.

Vouchers Don’t Work: Evidence from Milwaukee

And anyone who looks at the NAEP reports on urban districts will see that after 22 years of vouchers, charters, and competition, Milwaukee is a poster child for the failure of vouchers, charters, and competition. The students in those schools all perform about the same level. No sector is better. The Milwaukee schools are ranked among the lowest performing of the urban districts tested by NAEP, ranking just above sad Detroit.

If choice was the answer, Milwaukee should be at the top of the nation’s urban districts. But it is near the bottom. Why? Because choice is not the answer. Addressing the causes of low test scores is the answer, and choice does not address the causes of low test scores: poverty and segregation.
Yup. Vouchers and charter schools under Scott fail out of college walkers plan are floundering. Filled with teachetrs who love kids.....
Nope....that is a left wing attempt at making these schools fail.......with vouchers, new schools, specifically designed to deal with the worst of the worst will pop up...with actual ways to help those kids......and in these new schools they might actually be able to help these kids......because the people who open those schools will care about those kids...unlike the union teachers who just pass them to get them out of their classrooms......

you left wingers...just hate kids...that is why you want to abort them and doom them to failure in your crappy public schools...

Try to keep on one subject, okay, we don't need to hear your whacky views on what women should do with their lady parts.

with vouchers, new schools, specifically designed to deal with the worst of the worst will pop up...with actual ways to help those kids....

Why would they do that? who would want to start the school for the "Worst of the worst", and what parent in his right mind would send his kids there? If you knew any real teachers, you'd know the biggest problem is getting these parents to admit Johnny has a problem.
The GOP plan.....test test test. But don't teach to the test...brilliant. Until the family unit is fixed, forget bout it.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.

Yeah, teach and encourage ng sex in kindergarteners is such a great idea. I mena we have birth control and sex ed and of course teenager pregnancy is so uncommon, opposed, its very common.

And science should be taught with if you cant prove it, its not true or science, so no more "study" science
Yeah, teach and encourage ng sex in kindergarteners is such a great idea. I mena we have birth control and sex ed and of course teenager pregnancy is so uncommon, opposed, its very common.

Okay, let's look at that. So your argument is that because we are teaching kids about sex at an early age, (Although i don't think anyone is teaching it to Kindergarteners, but never mind) then we are supposedly causing teen pregnancy... Um... Okay. Let's look at the trends.


Oh, wait. Um. no. Actually, the the teen pregnancy rate has declined from 59.9 per thousand to 26.5 per thousand.

And science should be taught with if you cant prove it, its not true or science, so no more "study" science

I'm curious how you prove science without studies, exactly... but never mind.
Oh, as far as colleges being great models of "Capitalism"...

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Yes, we have professors on food stamps while students are putting themselves into debt.

When I went to UIC in the early 1980's, tuition there was 450 a quarter and another 150 in fees. So about $1900 in todays money. (They were still on a quarter system back then, so my outlay was about $1800 a year or about 5700 in today's money.

With me so far? Good, I know you have problems with math.

UIC Tuition today is

$22,796 tuition
$1,400 books and supplies
$3,004 fees

Holy Shit!!!

so by your logic, if "competition" was such a good thing, why does it cost four times as much to go to UIC as it did 35 years ago?
Sorry Joe, average professor makes like 70k
And if professors salaries are not going up, where does all the increased tution go?

College is a scam, professors like.ward churchill.get paid, while real teachers have to town the liberal.line and kiss leftwing ass.
Sorry Joe, average professor makes like 70k
And if professors salaries are not going up, where does all the increased tution go?

College is a scam, professors like.ward churchill.get paid, while real teachers have to town the liberal.line and kiss leftwing ass.

Guy, I'd be more impressed with your arguments if you could spell and use proper grammar.

If a college professor is making an average of 70K, that's a pretty broken system.
Awesome Devos quote:

"[M]y family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican party….I have decided, however, to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence," the piece reads. "Now, I simply concede the point."

What were those promises Trump made about lobbyists?
Shes a donor. But nice try. Hes done much better than obama
Sorry Joe, average professor makes like 70k
And if professors salaries are not going up, where does all the increased tution go?

College is a scam, professors like.ward churchill.get paid, while real teachers have to town the liberal.line and kiss leftwing ass.

Guy, I'd be more impressed with your arguments if you could spell and use proper grammar.

If a college professor is making an average of 70K, that's a pretty broken system.

No its good money, 40 k is the average salary.
These are people that for nothing but stay in school, private sector is where you go to
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

Kids come out of these private school scams without the ability to read..

The charter-school scam deepens: The sick new “bubble” that could explode urban schools

I've read that charter schools have a higher percentage of high school graduates. So? What's the problem?

Study: Charter High Schools Have 7-11% Higher Graduation Rates Than Their Public School Peers
Liberals would have less control. And that is the most important thing to them. And these dupes need someone to lead them.
You're the one who said he's hiring lobbyists, with an S, so where are all of them? Cat got your tongue?
No its good money, 40 k is the average salary.
These are people that for nothing but stay in school, private sector is where you go to

Are you kidding me? 40K is HORRIBLE money for someone with a doctorate to be making. I'm sure it's a good salary for a barely educated Trump voter like yourself, though.

again, Tuition at a place like UIC is close to 30K. And that's a lower ranking state college.

The key people in providing that education should not be collecting food stamps.

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