Bettsy DeVos

Yep.......they will.....and new ones will open...and those minority kids will actually get an education and a shot at the future........hopefully that voucher will be for the total amount of the education...not the pittance you left wing totalitarians allow for people who want to escape your indoctrination centers....

so I'm curious, when these new ones open, where are they going to find teachers and other professionals to run them?

Because less college students are choosing education as their major.


And that's before your Charter School Scammers knock their pay down to a pittance.

So you guys are going to make a career seem even LESS attractive and expect to achieve quality? No, really?

Moron....when more money is available to open new, better educational schools, there will actually be a boom for actual, good teachers...

And guess what genius...they will actually have to educate children...they won't be able to just pass kids through without teaching them how to read, write and do union protected teachers do now...

What is it about competition that you morons don't you sit there with your cell phones, and cars and other items that were made better, and less expensive through competition........
exactly twit...and with vouchers for the entire amount of the education cost...not the tiny amount you asshole democrats allow to go through, those parents will be able to send their kids to the best schools.....and even the crappy schools will get better as they have to compete to get educational dollars....

Why would they get "Better"? You think paying teachers less (as will happen when the goal becomes profitability for investors) is going to make for better schools?


The number of new teachers are declining. You really think more people are going to sign up for those careers if they become less lucrative than a customer service job?
Yes....they are still shackled by the democrats who put up all kinds of crap to keep charter schools from actually working.......and only an idiot....joe, would think that government schools can outperform real schools that parents will be able to choose on their own....

I've met kids who graduated from Catholic Schools who grew up to be losers, anyway.

I've known kids who went to public schools who achieved great things.

It's really not about the school, dummy. It's about the parents and the kids and what they put into it.

The problem with Charters and Vouchers is that there is no quality control. anyone could set up a charter school, hire whatever knobs they want to hire, and walk away with a lot of money before anyone gets wiser.

Charter Schools Are Mired in Fraud and Failure

But there's a lot of data that leans toward "worse" rather than "better." A Brookings report showed underperformance in Arizona's charter schools. An In the Public Interest group found that an analyst for the District of Columbia "could not provide a single instance in which its strategy of transferring a low-performing school to a charter management organization had resulted in academic gains for the students." The Minnesota Star Tribune reported that "Students in most Minnesota charter schools are failing to hit learning targets and are not achieving adequate academic growth." Over 85 percent of Ohio's charter students were in schools graded D or F in 2012–2013. In the much-heralded New Orleans charter experiment, the Investigative Fund found that "eight years after Hurricane Katrina...seventy-nine percent of RSD charters are still rated D or F by the Louisiana Department of Education."

The problem with Charters and Vouchers is that there is no quality control. anyone could set up a charter school, hire whatever knobs they want to hire, and walk away with a lot of money before anyone gets wiser.

You really are stupid......the quality control doesn't exist now because there aren't enough kids able to go to these schools, Charter schools are still controlled by the state......there isn't enough competition......the quality control will come in when parents can pull their kids out of any underperforming school...with their voucher money...and put them into a school that works...twit....that is quality control...the bad schools will fold, the good schools will make money...and they will hire teachers...and pay them more...because they will need quality teachers to attract those voucher dollars...

What is it about competition that you morons don't you sit there with your cell phones, and cars and other items that were made better, and less expensive through competition........

Actually, they were made cheaper because they moved the factories to where they were made at to places where the people are dirt poor and they can pollute the air and water with impunity...

Not to say that competition can't be a good thing, in some cases it can.

In this case, though, when you have corporate schools sponging off the government teet, and the pressure is going to be a return on investment for the people putting up the money, the first place they will always look to cut will be labor.

which means higher people with less credentials for less money...
exactly twit...and with vouchers for the entire amount of the education cost...not the tiny amount you asshole democrats allow to go through, those parents will be able to send their kids to the best schools.....and even the crappy schools will get better as they have to compete to get educational dollars....

Why would they get "Better"? You think paying teachers less (as will happen when the goal becomes profitability for investors) is going to make for better schools?


The number of new teachers are declining. You really think more people are going to sign up for those careers if they become less lucrative than a customer service job?

Moron..they will be paying teachers more, not less.....because you have to have good teachers to get those voucher dollars you twit....otherwise those parents will take their voucher dollars to another school......

you have no clue....which is why government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party suck....
What is it about competition that you morons don't you sit there with your cell phones, and cars and other items that were made better, and less expensive through competition........

Actually, they were made cheaper because they moved the factories to where they were made at to places where the people are dirt poor and they can pollute the air and water with impunity...

Not to say that competition can't be a good thing, in some cases it can.

In this case, though, when you have corporate schools sponging off the government teet, and the pressure is going to be a return on investment for the people putting up the money, the first place they will always look to cut will be labor.

which means higher people with less credentials for less money...

Colleges compete for money moron...and our Universities are the best in the world...because they actually have to compete to get the best students.......
You really are stupid......the quality control doesn't exist now because there aren't enough kids able to go to these schools, Charter schools are still controlled by the state......there isn't enough competition......the quality control will come in when parents can pull their kids out of any underperforming school...with their voucher money...and put them into a school that works...twit....that is quality control...the bad schools will fold, the good schools will make money...and they will hire teachers...and pay them more...because they will need quality teachers to attract those voucher dollars...

There's a whole lot of fallacies in your reasoning here, 2TinyGuy.

The first is that Charters are too regulated. In fact, the places where Charters are doing the worst are where the regulations on them are the most lax.

The second is that parents who are letting their kids fail in Public Schools are going to magically become more committed if they get a voucher to go to some Charter Scam.

The third fallacy is that the charters schools will really take the problem children. They won't take the ADHD kid or the disciplinary problem kid. They'll pick kids who test well to artificially boost their numbers.

But again, once teaching becomes less lucrative than working in Customer Service, you arent' going to get the best and brightest picking that as a career.
exactly twit...and with vouchers for the entire amount of the education cost...not the tiny amount you asshole democrats allow to go through, those parents will be able to send their kids to the best schools.....and even the crappy schools will get better as they have to compete to get educational dollars....

Why would they get "Better"? You think paying teachers less (as will happen when the goal becomes profitability for investors) is going to make for better schools?


The number of new teachers are declining. You really think more people are going to sign up for those careers if they become less lucrative than a customer service job?
Jesus...what catastrophic fail happened in 2008?????
they will be paying teachers more, not less.....because you have to have good teachers to get those voucher dollars you twit....otherwise those parents will take their voucher dollars to another school......

again, what do you base that on? what motivation is there to research and find the best school if you weren't all that committed or involved when your kid was going to the public school?

Hey, news flash... a lot of parents see school as just a place to put the kid while they are working. So even if your imaginary actually good Charter school opens up across town, a lot of people are just going to send their kid to the one that is the shortest drive.

It's why there's such a hue and cry when Rahm tries to close half empty schools in Chicago.

Colleges compete for money moron...and our Universities are the best in the world...because they actually have to compete to get the best students.......

But that's the problem. Higher education should be competing for the best students.

Basic education has to serve everyone... And if you have a few charters just greasing the numbers taking the students who will test well until the scam falls apart like Trump University, that's really not fixing anything.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.
You really are stupid......the quality control doesn't exist now because there aren't enough kids able to go to these schools, Charter schools are still controlled by the state......there isn't enough competition......the quality control will come in when parents can pull their kids out of any underperforming school...with their voucher money...and put them into a school that works...twit....that is quality control...the bad schools will fold, the good schools will make money...and they will hire teachers...and pay them more...because they will need quality teachers to attract those voucher dollars...

There's a whole lot of fallacies in your reasoning here, 2TinyGuy.

The first is that Charters are too regulated. In fact, the places where Charters are doing the worst are where the regulations on them are the most lax.

The second is that parents who are letting their kids fail in Public Schools are going to magically become more committed if they get a voucher to go to some Charter Scam.

The third fallacy is that the charters schools will really take the problem children. They won't take the ADHD kid or the disciplinary problem kid. They'll pick kids who test well to artificially boost their numbers.

But again, once teaching becomes less lucrative than working in Customer Service, you arent' going to get the best and brightest picking that as a career.

no...bad parents aren't going to help their kids.....but good parents will be able to actually educate their children....and by creating competition..those shitty public schools will have to improve...or get shut down due to lack of financing...and thne by default the kids with bad parents will end up in actual good schools since their shitty public school shut down...

problem kids...another lie from the left.....problem kids will end up in schools that will be created to deal with their actual needs..........people who care about them and want to educate the hard cases will be able to open schools that cater to their problems...instead of fucking warehousing them in a shitty public school until they can take their gang initiation beat down and start selling drugs......

Where do you get better customer service, the IRS, the DMV or Best Buy......twit....

You will actually have people going into teaching because they love to teach...and they will be able to actually teach kids without dealing with the government mess....or they will go to school, get their teaching degree and open their own school....and hire their own teachers...because they will now be able to do that...they won't have to just go into government education as the default.....
they will be paying teachers more, not less.....because you have to have good teachers to get those voucher dollars you twit....otherwise those parents will take their voucher dollars to another school......

again, what do you base that on? what motivation is there to research and find the best school if you weren't all that committed or involved when your kid was going to the public school?

Hey, news flash... a lot of parents see school as just a place to put the kid while they are working. So even if your imaginary actually good Charter school opens up across town, a lot of people are just going to send their kid to the one that is the shortest drive.

It's why there's such a hue and cry when Rahm tries to close half empty schools in Chicago.

Colleges compete for money moron...and our Universities are the best in the world...because they actually have to compete to get the best students.......

But that's the problem. Higher education should be competing for the best students.

Basic education has to serve everyone... And if you have a few charters just greasing the numbers taking the students who will test well until the scam falls apart like Trump University, that's really not fixing anything.

Yes......that is why you have thousands of parents waiting in line when a new charter school opens vying for the few hundred slots .....because parents are too stupid to know that their public school is failing their kids......

Higher education shows us how to educate everyone..........there are schools for everything from the trades to Medicine......and our elementary school would now be able to do the same thing moron......
I know Betsy DeVos. She lives nearby and is very active in the MI Republican Party, state chairwoman a couple of times, as well as involved in the local party activities, as am I but to a much lesser degree.

She's as tough as she is smart, having bucked heads with former Republican Gov. John Engler more than once, most notably over the school vouchers, works hard and gets things done. She'll be great as Education Secretary, and if I was a worthless department of education bureaucrat I'd start dusting off the old resume right now. Betsy's coming to town and you clowns are in trouble.
Meh,so we are going to see more of the School Choice Scams go on.

Trump University gets replaced by Trump Elementary.
Awwww, the unions lose power and cant force kindergarteners to attendo dildo Training.

And have Science replaced by faith, thinking replaced by rote and boys and girls separated to better prevent all of that sexual activity in the first two grades. Better to let the boys wonder and satisfy their curiosity by grabbing a girls between the legs. Doing all of this may make them President of the United States someday.

So......if those schools fail to educate..they will close down and those voucher dollars will go is not abilty to escape a crap want those kids trapped with no options...
You really are stupid......the quality control doesn't exist now because there aren't enough kids able to go to these schools, Charter schools are still controlled by the state......there isn't enough competition......the quality control will come in when parents can pull their kids out of any underperforming school...with their voucher money...and put them into a school that works...twit....that is quality control...the bad schools will fold, the good schools will make money...and they will hire teachers...and pay them more...because they will need quality teachers to attract those voucher dollars...

There's a whole lot of fallacies in your reasoning here, 2TinyGuy.

The first is that Charters are too regulated. In fact, the places where Charters are doing the worst are where the regulations on them are the most lax.

The second is that parents who are letting their kids fail in Public Schools are going to magically become more committed if they get a voucher to go to some Charter Scam.

The third fallacy is that the charters schools will really take the problem children. They won't take the ADHD kid or the disciplinary problem kid. They'll pick kids who test well to artificially boost their numbers.

But again, once teaching becomes less lucrative than working in Customer Service, you arent' going to get the best and brightest picking that as a career.

100,000 kids on a waiting list escape crappy schools.....and you, as a left wing idiot can't see the magic that giving parents those vouchers will create..

Charter school lottery to draw thousands of hopeful parents

There is such a demand for charter schools that the wait list to get in to them across the state currently stands at more than 100,000 kids.

If you want to enroll your child in a KIPP Academy school for next year, now is the time to sign up for the lottery system.

Right now, there are more than 32,000 kids on the wait list for charter schools in the Houston area.
Oh, as far as colleges being great models of "Capitalism"...

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Yes, we have professors on food stamps while students are putting themselves into debt.

When I went to UIC in the early 1980's, tuition there was 450 a quarter and another 150 in fees. So about $1900 in todays money. (They were still on a quarter system back then, so my outlay was about $1800 a year or about 5700 in today's money.

With me so far? Good, I know you have problems with math.

UIC Tuition today is

$22,796 tuition
$1,400 books and supplies
$3,004 fees

Holy Shit!!!

so by your logic, if "competition" was such a good thing, why does it cost four times as much to go to UIC as it did 35 years ago?
So......if those schools fail to educate..they will close down and those voucher dollars will go is not abilty to escape a crap want those kids trapped with no options...

I want the problems to be fixed, not for a bunch of rich cronies to make a profit pandering to dummies like you.

I think there is a good argument to be made for education reform. I think Common Core is a joke, i think too many teachers teach to the test and not to body of knowledge, I think schools spend too much time on politically correct nonsense and not enough on the working skills people are going to need when they graduate.

100,000 kids on a waiting list escape crappy schools.....and you, as a left wing idiot can't see the magic that giving parents those vouchers will create..

I should point out that your link is for a news station in Texas, where Republicans have been running everything for quite some time now.

the thing with "Magic" is that it isn't real.

Or do you think that magician really cut the lady in half?

And from my link...this is how the democrat party handicaps Charter schools...

Public charter schools do not get any funding from the state even though enrollment across Texas now stands at nearly a quarter million kids.

That will change when parents get vouchers for the whole frieght of their kids education...
Oh, as far as colleges being great models of "Capitalism"...

Your College Professor Could Be On Public Assistance

Yes, we have professors on food stamps while students are putting themselves into debt.

When I went to UIC in the early 1980's, tuition there was 450 a quarter and another 150 in fees. So about $1900 in todays money. (They were still on a quarter system back then, so my outlay was about $1800 a year or about 5700 in today's money.

With me so far? Good, I know you have problems with math.

UIC Tuition today is

$22,796 tuition
$1,400 books and supplies
$3,004 fees

Holy Shit!!!

so by your logic, if "competition" was such a good thing, why does it cost four times as much to go to UIC as it did 35 years ago?

Yes.....because the government is in control of student loans....twit.....then the Univeristies jack up the price to higher than the garuanteed is government involvement, not competition that creates the problem....

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