Bettsy DeVos

Charter schools need to be required to pass all of the govt tests public schools are required to meet....if not, then No Child Left Behind needs abolishing....and let the Teachers, be teachers, just like in charter schools...

Otherwise, I like the idea of charter schools as a choice.... If charter Schools are suppose to be 'choice' or what would be called 'competition' then the rules need to be equal....don't strangle Public Schools for them to receive govt support with mandatory federal testing, while giving a no holds barred to the Charter schools getting our govt money.

I have some mixed feelings about this.

I think the biggest problem with all the testing that goes on is that teachers teach to the test, they don't teach to giving kids the skills and knowledge they are going to need to be able to secure jobs when they graduate.

Now, full disclosure, I was a product of Catholic Education back in the 1970s, and I think I did get a lot more out of it than I would have in public schools in Chicago back then. But the other part of that equation was that because my parents were chucking out money to send me to Catholic Schools, they were involved in making sure i did my homework and learned the material.

If you give a kid a voucher, are his parents going to care any more than they would have if he just attended the public school. The problem with the voucher debate is that it ignores the most important component, the parents.
Yes,,we noticed....
Charter schools need to be required to pass all of the govt tests public schools are required to meet....if not, then No Child Left Behind needs abolishing....and let the Teachers, be teachers, just like in charter schools...

Otherwise, I like the idea of charter schools as a choice.... If charter Schools are suppose to be 'choice' or what would be called 'competition' then the rules need to be equal....don't strangle Public Schools for them to receive govt support with mandatory federal testing, while giving a no holds barred to the Charter schools getting our govt money.

ALSO, do parents have to drop off their kids at charter and catholic schools etc, and there is no govt school buses?
I truly enjoy reading your comedy skits every morning. lulz

Charter schools generally have no oversight unless there is a major and very publicized problem or issue that needs to be addressed, regardless of the governmental standards imposed on them.
Then why should public schools? Why restrain one group of schools in order to get govt money, while not restraining private/charter schools to get govt money?
The rigors of inspection on the public school is more stringent than Charter schools, in practice.

If the actual quality of education were better than public schools I would support Charter school education.

It is not and there are other issues including the quality of socialization to name one.
Charter schools need to be required to pass all of the govt tests public schools are required to meet....if not, then No Child Left Behind needs abolishing....and let the Teachers, be teachers, just like in charter schools...

Otherwise, I like the idea of charter schools as a choice.... If charter Schools are suppose to be 'choice' or what would be called 'competition' then the rules need to be equal....don't strangle Public Schools for them to receive govt support with mandatory federal testing, while giving a no holds barred to the Charter schools getting our govt money.

I have some mixed feelings about this.

I think the biggest problem with all the testing that goes on is that teachers teach to the test, they don't teach to giving kids the skills and knowledge they are going to need to be able to secure jobs when they graduate.

Now, full disclosure, I was a product of Catholic Education back in the 1970s, and I think I did get a lot more out of it than I would have in public schools in Chicago back then. But the other part of that equation was that because my parents were chucking out money to send me to Catholic Schools, they were involved in making sure i did my homework and learned the material.

If you give a kid a voucher, are his parents going to care any more than they would have if he just attended the public school. The problem with the voucher debate is that it ignores the most important component, the parents.
Some good points! I went to Public Schools, though mostly on Military bases when overseas and here in the USA other than while living in Brooklyn and South Jersey, those were off base Public parents could not afford Catholic School, plus we moved so much....mid school year...

But, my mother WAS totally involved in my education....made certain us kids did our homework, went to all parent / teacher conferences, had to stand in front of both parents when they reviewed my report cards.... :eek: (they did pay me though, a dollar an ''A'') :lol:

My mother did not work, outside of the home, like most women in her generation who did not work, or only worked part time during hours their kids were in school.
Charter schools need to be required to pass all of the govt tests public schools are required to meet....if not, then No Child Left Behind needs abolishing....and let the Teachers, be teachers, just like in charter schools...

Otherwise, I like the idea of charter schools as a choice.... If charter Schools are suppose to be 'choice' or what would be called 'competition' then the rules need to be equal....don't strangle Public Schools for them to receive govt support with mandatory federal testing, while giving a no holds barred to the Charter schools getting our govt money.

I have some mixed feelings about this.

I think the biggest problem with all the testing that goes on is that teachers teach to the test, they don't teach to giving kids the skills and knowledge they are going to need to be able to secure jobs when they graduate.

Now, full disclosure, I was a product of Catholic Education back in the 1970s, and I think I did get a lot more out of it than I would have in public schools in Chicago back then. But the other part of that equation was that because my parents were chucking out money to send me to Catholic Schools, they were involved in making sure i did my homework and learned the material.

If you give a kid a voucher, are his parents going to care any more than they would have if he just attended the public school. The problem with the voucher debate is that it ignores the most important component, the parents.
Some good points! I went to Public Schools, though mostly on Military bases when overseas and here in the USA other than while living in Brooklyn and South Jersey, those were off base Public parents could not afford Catholic School, plus we moved so much....mid school year...

But, my mother WAS totally involved in my education....made certain us kids did our homework, went to all parent / teacher conferences, had to stand in front of both parents when they reviewed my report cards.... :eek: (they did pay me though, a dollar an ''A'') :lol:

My mother did not work, outside of the home, like most women in her generation who did not work, or only worked part time during hours their kids were in school.
What a sexist misogynist.....
Wasn't Trump going to abolish the Department of Education?

Oh gee, yes he did:

On the campaign trail, candidate Donald Trump promised to eliminate or drastically scale back the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Education - two examples, he argued, of federal government bloat.

President-elect Trump softens positions at New York Times meeting

But President-elect Trump might be having second thoughts, at least for now.

Asked by CBS News whether the Trump administration had plans to shutter federal agencies or departments, transition spokesman Sean Spicer responded, “Not that I’m aware of.”

In a March primary debate in Detroit, Fox News moderator Chris Wallace asked what Mr. Trump would cut to reduce the national debt.

“Department of Education,” Trump said. “Department of Environmental Protection.

Will Donald Trump shut down any federal agencies?


Add that lie to Trump's growing list of broken campaign promises.

And while we're at it, why are all you RW'ers who wanted the Dept of Ed abolished cheering the appointment of a new boss?

You certainly can't want her to have any big central government power of states and localities when it comes to education can you?

You can't possibly support that, you'd look like fucking idiots.

oh, well, okay...
Awesome Devos quote:

"[M]y family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican party….I have decided, however, to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence," the piece reads. "Now, I simply concede the point."

What were those promises Trump made about lobbyists?
Awesome Devos quote:

"[M]y family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican party….I have decided, however, to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence," the piece reads. "Now, I simply concede the point."

What were those promises Trump made about lobbyists?
Where are the lobbyists he's hiring?
Awesome Devos quote:

"[M]y family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican party….I have decided, however, to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence," the piece reads. "Now, I simply concede the point."

What were those promises Trump made about lobbyists?
Where are the lobbyists he's hiring?

He's hiring HER you idiot.

Dick DeVos, Betsy’s Husband: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
I've read that charter schools have a higher percentage of high school graduates. So? What's the problem?

well, you've read wrong. Not that "Graduating" is an actual measure of anything.

How do charter schools compare to traditional public schools in student performance? – Data First

On average, nationally, students in 17 percent of charter schools performed significantly better than if they had attended their neighborhood traditional public school. On the flip side, students in 37 percent of charter schools performed significantly worse, and students in the remaining 46 percent of charter schools did not perform significantly better or worse than if they had attended their neighborhood traditional public school.

Yes....they are still shackled by the democrats who put up all kinds of crap to keep charter schools from actually working.......and only an idiot....joe, would think that government schools can outperform real schools that parents will be able to choose on their own....
So? What's your problem with giving parents and students a choice?

Because they won't be the ones making the choice.

Do you really think that some private school is waiting to sign up the Ghetto kid with an $1800 voucher when they can get a suburban kid with less disciplinary problems whose parents are willing to fork over $6000.

So what will end up happening is that those suburban parents will say,' Hey, where's my voucher?" and while the Ghetto kid ends up going to some charter scam that will have a 37% chance of doing a worse job than a public school, the rest of us end up subsidizing rich people's education.

Yep.......they will.....and new ones will open...and those minority kids will actually get an education and a shot at the future........hopefully that voucher will be for the total amount of the education...not the pittance you left wing totalitarians allow for people who want to escape your indoctrination centers....
Yes....they are still shackled by the democrats who put up all kinds of crap to keep charter schools from actually working.......and only an idiot....joe, would think that government schools can outperform real schools that parents will be able to choose on their own....

I've met kids who graduated from Catholic Schools who grew up to be losers, anyway.

I've known kids who went to public schools who achieved great things.

It's really not about the school, dummy. It's about the parents and the kids and what they put into it.

The problem with Charters and Vouchers is that there is no quality control. anyone could set up a charter school, hire whatever knobs they want to hire, and walk away with a lot of money before anyone gets wiser.

Charter Schools Are Mired in Fraud and Failure

But there's a lot of data that leans toward "worse" rather than "better." A Brookings report showed underperformance in Arizona's charter schools. An In the Public Interest group found that an analyst for the District of Columbia "could not provide a single instance in which its strategy of transferring a low-performing school to a charter management organization had resulted in academic gains for the students." The Minnesota Star Tribune reported that "Students in most Minnesota charter schools are failing to hit learning targets and are not achieving adequate academic growth." Over 85 percent of Ohio's charter students were in schools graded D or F in 2012–2013. In the much-heralded New Orleans charter experiment, the Investigative Fund found that "eight years after Hurricane Katrina...seventy-nine percent of RSD charters are still rated D or F by the Louisiana Department of Education."
Why do liberals hate giving people choices?

You mean, why do we hate taking away valued resources and giving them to scam artists?
Here's the underlying problem with the Voucher and School Choice issue. The people doing the choosing aren't the parents.

Yeah, some private school might take a few ghetto kids with a voucher, but they'd still rather keep their nice white bread kids that they have no, whose parents pay cash up front.

so what's going to end up happening once these vouchers happen is you will have a lot of scam artists opening private schools, hiring people who have no qualifications to teach, pay them pretty poorly so they don't give a fuck and walk away to the bank.

All on the taxpayers dime.

Why do conservatives support bilking the taxpayer?

Your "racism" argument is old and boring, as well as ineffective. Think of a new angle.
Careful there ChrisL. If you offer JoeyB Dolezal such leeway he'll just start making stuff up, again.
Yep.......they will.....and new ones will open...and those minority kids will actually get an education and a shot at the future........hopefully that voucher will be for the total amount of the education...not the pittance you left wing totalitarians allow for people who want to escape your indoctrination centers....

so I'm curious, when these new ones open, where are they going to find teachers and other professionals to run them?

Because less college students are choosing education as their major.


And that's before your Charter School Scammers knock their pay down to a pittance.

So you guys are going to make a career seem even LESS attractive and expect to achieve quality? No, really?
Yes....they are still shackled by the democrats who put up all kinds of crap to keep charter schools from actually working.......and only an idiot....joe, would think that government schools can outperform real schools that parents will be able to choose on their own....

I've met kids who graduated from Catholic Schools who grew up to be losers, anyway.

I've known kids who went to public schools who achieved great things.

It's really not about the school, dummy. It's about the parents and the kids and what they put into it.

The problem with Charters and Vouchers is that there is no quality control. anyone could set up a charter school, hire whatever knobs they want to hire, and walk away with a lot of money before anyone gets wiser.

Charter Schools Are Mired in Fraud and Failure

But there's a lot of data that leans toward "worse" rather than "better." A Brookings report showed underperformance in Arizona's charter schools. An In the Public Interest group found that an analyst for the District of Columbia "could not provide a single instance in which its strategy of transferring a low-performing school to a charter management organization had resulted in academic gains for the students." The Minnesota Star Tribune reported that "Students in most Minnesota charter schools are failing to hit learning targets and are not achieving adequate academic growth." Over 85 percent of Ohio's charter students were in schools graded D or F in 2012–2013. In the much-heralded New Orleans charter experiment, the Investigative Fund found that "eight years after Hurricane Katrina...seventy-nine percent of RSD charters are still rated D or F by the Louisiana Department of Education."

exactly twit...and with vouchers for the entire amount of the education cost...not the tiny amount you asshole democrats allow to go through, those parents will be able to send their kids to the best schools.....and even the crappy schools will get better as they have to compete to get educational dollars....
Yes....they are still shackled by the democrats who put up all kinds of crap to keep charter schools from actually working.......and only an idiot....joe, would think that government schools can outperform real schools that parents will be able to choose on their own....

I've met kids who graduated from Catholic Schools who grew up to be losers, anyway.

I've known kids who went to public schools who achieved great things.

It's really not about the school, dummy. It's about the parents and the kids and what they put into it.

The problem with Charters and Vouchers is that there is no quality control. anyone could set up a charter school, hire whatever knobs they want to hire, and walk away with a lot of money before anyone gets wiser.

Charter Schools Are Mired in Fraud and Failure

But there's a lot of data that leans toward "worse" rather than "better." A Brookings report showed underperformance in Arizona's charter schools. An In the Public Interest group found that an analyst for the District of Columbia "could not provide a single instance in which its strategy of transferring a low-performing school to a charter management organization had resulted in academic gains for the students." The Minnesota Star Tribune reported that "Students in most Minnesota charter schools are failing to hit learning targets and are not achieving adequate academic growth." Over 85 percent of Ohio's charter students were in schools graded D or F in 2012–2013. In the much-heralded New Orleans charter experiment, the Investigative Fund found that "eight years after Hurricane Katrina...seventy-nine percent of RSD charters are still rated D or F by the Louisiana Department of Education."

So? There are all kinds of scams out there. It is your responsibility to investigate the potential school. Does the government have to tuck you in at night too?
Yep.......they will.....and new ones will open...and those minority kids will actually get an education and a shot at the future........hopefully that voucher will be for the total amount of the education...not the pittance you left wing totalitarians allow for people who want to escape your indoctrination centers....

so I'm curious, when these new ones open, where are they going to find teachers and other professionals to run them?

Because less college students are choosing education as their major.


And that's before your Charter School Scammers knock their pay down to a pittance.

So you guys are going to make a career seem even LESS attractive and expect to achieve quality? No, really?
From the best of the best.....why?

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