Beware in the suburbs


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Black people have rights too, you know.
The problem there is a severe shortage of low income housing or smaller homes because builders are not motivated to make less dough, so for many years communities, cities, counties and states have had to supplement the low wage outcome with public monies.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Black people have rights too, you know.
Stick to the subject. No to federal zoning.
As far as the suburbs go they suck, I grew up in a suburb or two and owned a home in one for fifteen years, they can blow me, I live in the country now and don't miss my fellow Americans on the block.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Black people have rights too, you know.

They're free to buy a house in the suburbs.
As far as the suburbs go they suck, I grew up in a suburb or two and owned a home in one for fifteen years, they can blow me, I live in the country now and don't miss my fellow Americans on the block.
Whatever floats your boat.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.

Well, I cannot feel too sorry for the 80,000,000 Biden voters if they are personally affected by the plan to move low-cost housing into the suburbs.

Here in Los Angeles, the city council is planning to house homeless people in a very upscale neighborhood. I assume that many of the residents there are liberal Democrats.

Some people are going to be hoist by their own petard.
The problem there is a severe shortage of low income housing or smaller homes because builders are not motivated to make less dough, so for many years communities, cities, counties and states have had to supplement the low wage outcome with public monies.


The problem is that landlord-tenant law makes it a tremendous burden for landlords to evict delinquent tenants for non-payment. And landlords find that low income individuals are the ones most likely to be deadbeats.

If cities gave landlords more prerogative at getting deadbeats out of their places like the landlady in this tremendous ballad had, more landlords would be motivated to go for the bottom of the barrel.

As far as the suburbs go they suck, I grew up in a suburb or two and owned a home in one for fifteen years, they can blow me, I live in the country now and don't miss my fellow Americans on the block.
Well that’s not fair. The federal government should surround your home with low income housing. Poor people like the country too you know.
The problem there is a severe shortage of low income housing or smaller homes because builders are not motivated to make less dough, so for many years communities, cities, counties and states have had to supplement the low wage outcome with public monies.


The problem is that landlord-tenant law makes it a tremendous burden for landlords to evict delinquent tenants for non-payment. And landlords find that low income individuals are the ones most likely to be deadbeats.

If cities gave landlords more prerogative at getting deadbeats out of their places like the landlady in this tremendous ballad had, more landlords would be motivated to go for the bottom of the barrel.

btw love the GT and Delaware destroyers part.
As far as the suburbs go they suck, I grew up in a suburb or two and owned a home in one for fifteen years, they can blow me, I live in the country now and don't miss my fellow Americans on the block.
Well that’s not fair. The federal government should surround your home with low income housing. Poor people like the country too you know.
My first home was a 990 square foot USDA-FMHA home and it was subsidized for low income, if you lost your ability to work because of illness or injury you could get payments stopped during the period of lost income. The home was a ranch style three bedroom and garage, too bad Reagan killed off the program.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Black people have rights too, you know.
They have the right to get a job and live where they can afford. Same as everybody else
The problem there is a severe shortage of low income housing or smaller homes because builders are not motivated to make less dough, so for many years communities, cities, counties and states have had to supplement the low wage outcome with public monies.


The problem is that landlord-tenant law makes it a tremendous burden for landlords to evict delinquent tenants for non-payment. And landlords find that low income individuals are the ones most likely to be deadbeats.

If cities gave landlords more prerogative at getting deadbeats out of their places like the landlady in this tremendous ballad had, more landlords would be motivated to go for the bottom of the barrel.

One reason I gave up on doing the whole rental scene, and the ones that didn't pay were the ones with jobs, they just had a hard time affording an ex wife and child support.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Now I know Obama is running things...this is Obama's dream...he couldn't get it done so he will use his demented puppet and do it now....
As far as the suburbs go they suck, I grew up in a suburb or two and owned a home in one for fifteen years, they can blow me, I live in the country now and don't miss my fellow Americans on the block.
Well that’s not fair. The federal government should surround your home with low income housing. Poor people like the country too you know.

Actually, no they don't. No city buses in the country. The 711's don't carry Schlitz Malt Liquor. The cops, as well as the local residents, will tell you to "move on" if you hang out on the street corners.
Joe Biden is coming for the suburbs - American Thinker

Thief in Chief Biden on his way.

President Trump tried to make a big deal about Joe Biden's plan to federally mandate cheap apartments with low-income residents into suburban single-family zones. The claim was that it would achieve "equality." The unstated plan was "more Democrat voters."

Trump warned of it as a scheme to end the suburbs, and it turns out he was right. Biden's $3.2-trillion infrastructure plan sneaks that leftist dream scheme into its thousands of pages of legislation, instead of letting the bad idea die on its own through a true congressional vote.

The New York Post warned in 2020 that the whole scheme is "disastrous."

Biden and the equality warriors are using accusations of racism to accomplish something different. Their message is: You worked and saved to move to the suburbs, but you can't have that way of life unless everyone else can, too.
The wisdom of tightly packing them in in the Age of COVID is quite an idiocy, but as the summer of 2020 riots demonstrated, COVID precautions are unimportant when the issue is "racism," which this Biden federal takeover of housing zonings was supposed to cure.
Black people have rights too, you know.
Be true to yourselves then. Build them in Progressive voting dominated suburbs. See if the men and women are hearty believers of the Progressive Socialist realm. If they are, then you can not be criticized for it. Although some others will not be happy.
As far as the suburbs go they suck, I grew up in a suburb or two and owned a home in one for fifteen years, they can blow me, I live in the country now and don't miss my fellow Americans on the block.
Well that’s not fair. The federal government should surround your home with low income housing. Poor people like the country too you know.

Actually, no they don't. No city buses in the country. The 711's don't carry Schlitz Malt Liquor. The cops, as well as the local residents, will tell you to "move on" if you hang out on the street corners.
There is Ozark Transit for the country folks.

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