Beware Of False Prophets

It uses propane, which is the cleanest burning fossil fuel available.

Propane is the cleanest burning fossil fuel available, and it produces about half the carbon dioxide and other emissions of gasoline. It also doesn’t harm water or soil. Natural gas is mostly made up of methane, a greenhouse gas that’s about 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Fortunately, natural gas also burns more cleanly than most other fossil fuels. Therefore, pollutants from natural gas can usually only get into the atmosphere after leaks in pipelines or accidents during drilling. After spending several years in the air, methane will break down into carbon dioxide on its own.

It's also cheaper than electricity as we currently produce it.

In some areas, natural gas is more economical, and in others, propane costs less. Both types of fuel are more efficient and less expensive than electricity in many regions.

But propane is cleaner than natural gas. Might help to learn about what you are discounting before throwing stones.

But propane is cleaner than natural gas.

Why do you feel that?
But propane is cleaner than natural gas.

Why do you feel that?

Because of what the scientists say about the composition of natural gas vs. propane, as well as what the experts in the field of energy state. Read the link in post 17 and it will explain why. If you need further proof, simply Google "is propane cleaner than natural gas", or "why is propane cleaner than natural gas". You will find experts and scientists who will explain it to you.
Because of what the scientists say about the composition of natural gas vs. propane, as well as what the experts in the field of energy state. Read the link in post 17 and it will explain why. If you need further proof, simply Google "is propane cleaner than natural gas", or "why is propane cleaner than natural gas". You will find experts and scientists who will explain it to you.

Because of what the scientists say about the composition of natural gas vs. propane,

What about the composition makes propane cleaner?

Read the link in post 17 and it will explain why.

I read it. It didn't back up the claim.
Because of what the scientists say about the composition of natural gas vs. propane,

What about the composition makes propane cleaner?

Read the link in post 17 and it will explain why.

I read it. It didn't back up the claim.

Not only does natural gas contain methane and propane doesn't, they have different chemical compositions..............

Since coal power plants are popular in the United States, methane and propane are both more environmentally friendly than electricity in many areas. Both types of fuel are hydrocarbons, but they have different chemical compositions. Methane is CH4, and propane is C3H8. Propane is actually a byproduct of petroleum refining and natural gas processing, along with other hydrocarbons like butane, ethane, and pentane.

If you want further education on the difference, simply go to the Google machine and ask it the difference between natural gas and propane, and why one burns cleaner. I don't have the time to give you a chemistry lesson.
Not only does natural gas contain methane and propane doesn't, they have different chemical compositions..............

Since coal power plants are popular in the United States, methane and propane are both more environmentally friendly than electricity in many areas. Both types of fuel are hydrocarbons, but they have different chemical compositions. Methane is CH4, and propane is C3H8. Propane is actually a byproduct of petroleum refining and natural gas processing, along with other hydrocarbons like butane, ethane, and pentane.

If you want further education on the difference, simply go to the Google machine and ask it the difference between natural gas and propane, and why one burns cleaner. I don't have the time to give you a chemistry lesson.

Not only does natural gas contain methane and propane doesn't, they have different chemical compositions..............

Damn right. Still doesn't show that propane burns cleaner.

I don't have the time to give you a chemistry lesson.

Or the knowledge.
Not only does natural gas contain methane and propane doesn't, they have different chemical compositions..............

Since coal power plants are popular in the United States, methane and propane are both more environmentally friendly than electricity in many areas. Both types of fuel are hydrocarbons, but they have different chemical compositions. Methane is CH4, and propane is C3H8. Propane is actually a byproduct of petroleum refining and natural gas processing, along with other hydrocarbons like butane, ethane, and pentane.

If you want further education on the difference, simply go to the Google machine and ask it the difference between natural gas and propane, and why one burns cleaner. I don't have the time to give you a chemistry lesson.
If the air/fuel mixture is correct, there is literally no difference, chemically, once it is burned. The breakdown is almost the same. Anything you might think is 'dirtier' is so negligible it is almost undetectable. Epic fail.
If the air/fuel mixture is correct, there is literally no difference, chemically, once it is burned. The breakdown is almost the same. Anything you might think is 'dirtier' is so negligible it is almost undetectable. Epic fail.

You're right, both burn clean, but, natural gas contains methane, propane does not.

Propane is also more efficient than natural gas. You would burn two units of natural gas to one unit of propane to get the same amount of BTU's.

While natural gas and propane both burn clean, the reason propane is considered "green" and natural gas isn't is because of the methane. If propane leaks into the environment, it will not harm the eco system. If natural gas leaks into the environment, it will do damage because of the methane it contains.

Differences between Propane and Natural Gas​

  1. Heat Energy Efficiency: Propane delivers more than twice the energy of natural gas as measured in BTUs (British Thermal Unit), which means a propane furnace will be a more efficient source of heat. To put it differently, a propane furnace will produce the same amount of heat using half the amount of fuel. This is an important factor to consider when the price of natural gas per unit is usually a bit more than propane. People often look at just the price, without considering the fact that a natural gas furnace will burn twice the amount of fuel as it’s propane counterpart.
  2. Clean and Green: While both natural gas and propane are clean burning, Propane is considered a green fuel, where natural gas is not. The difference is that propane is eco-friendly both before and after combustion. Propane is non-toxic and not damaging to the environment when leaked into the atmosphere. Natural gas, on the other hand, is composed mainly of methane, which when leaked into the environment before combustion is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases.

Propane is the cleanest burning fossil fuel available, and it produces about half the carbon dioxide and other emissions of gasoline. It also doesn’t harm water or soil. Natural gas is mostly made up of methane, a greenhouse gas that’s about 84 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Fortunately, natural gas also burns more cleanly than most other fossil fuels. Therefore, pollutants from natural gas can usually only get into the atmosphere after leaks in pipelines or accidents during drilling. After spending several years in the air, methane will break down into carbon dioxide on its own.

Since coal power plants are popular in the United States, methane and propane are both more environmentally friendly than electricity in many areas. Both types of fuel are hydrocarbons, but they have different chemical compositions. Methane is CH4, and propane is C3H8. Propane is actually a byproduct of petroleum refining and natural gas processing, along with other hydrocarbons like butane, ethane, and pentane.
Never trust a prophet who isn't willing to make a profit ...


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