Beware Of False Prophets

Really? Only wealthy people can afford propane? My family must have been wealthy then, because we used propane for most of our household energy needs when I was growing up. We filled the tank only once every couple of months (large metal tank in the backyard). I must have also been wealthy when as an E-4 I lived in a trailer and filled propane bottles once every month and a half for heat and cooking. I guess all those people living in trailer parks with propane tanks in back of their homes are wealthy too.

By the way, propane is one of the cheapest household energy sources there is, which is why so many middle class and lower income people use it for heat and cooking.

You didn't read the article either which tells us how massive the Propane tank is one most people would never buy as it is way too big and expensive.

It's not illegal if the state grants an exemption (which they did). There was nothing in the article that stated anything was illegal, just that they asked for exemptions and got them, even if it was not via normal channels, and managed to piss some people off. Got anything else to say it was illegal, because post 54 has nothing. Oh you still also believe that propane is an expensive fuel that is only used by millionaires?
Really? Only wealthy people can afford propane? My family must have been wealthy then, because we used propane for most of our household energy needs when I was growing up. We filled the tank only once every couple of months (large metal tank in the backyard). I must have also been wealthy when as an E-4 I lived in a trailer and filled propane bottles once every month and a half for heat and cooking. I guess all those people living in trailer parks with propane tanks in back of their homes are wealthy too.

By the way, propane is one of the cheapest household energy sources there is, which is why so many middle class and lower income people use it for heat and cooking.
You are being an idiot since the article stated 2,500 gallon tank while you and your family used far smaller tanks probably 150 gallon and smaller tanks.

You can't be that stupid?
It's not illegal if the state grants an exemption (which they did). There was nothing in the article that stated anything was illegal, just that they asked for exemptions and got them, even if it was not via normal channels, and managed to piss some people off. Got anything else to say it was illegal, because post 54 has nothing. Oh you still also believe that propane is an expensive fuel that is only used by millionaires?

LOL, you are a terrible reader as the following quotes prove:

"Under state and county laws, such projects are typically banned. Scientists and environmental experts say seawalls are the primary cause of beach loss throughout the state, and officials expect older ones to fall into obsolescence."


"As the Honolulu Star-Advertiser and ProPublica reported this summer, the so-called shoreline setback variance is just one of several loopholes that developers have exploited across the islands over the past two decades to get around policies that are supposed to protect the state’s treasured beaches and sensitive coastlines."


"Consultants for Nesbitt later argued the $3.2 million seawall renovation was necessary in order to protect the property from erosion and ocean-related hazards. The plan will increase the height of some sections of the wall, while two new walls totaling 70 feet in length will be built behind it for support."


"Honolulu Councilwoman Heidi Tsuneyoshi told county officials that she was gravely concerned that the primary purpose of the seawall repair project was to protect the private estate, as opposed to environmental and cultural resources. She urged planning officials to require the owners to go back and obtain the environmental permit they had skirted. She said that exemption violated the spirit of the law. The county declined."

bolding mine

Obama is getting undue preferential treatment a fact you will ignore.
You didn't read the article either which tells us how massive the Propane tank is one most people would never buy as it is way too big and expensive.

I read the article, it's a 2,500 gal. propane tank. Typical household tanks that sit in the back yard are 500 gal., and if you have a pool or a really large home, they use 1,000 gal tanks. Considering that there are 3 different homes being built on the property, as well as a pool, I don't think that a 2,500 gal tank is too big for 3 properties and a pool. Guess you're bitching just to be bitching because it's Obama that is doing it.

500-Gallon Tanks

The 500-gallon tank is the most common size propane tank for residential propane use. It is often used for home heating, generator powering, cooking, pool heating, and more.

The primary benefit of this larger tank is that you can go that much longer without having to get it refilled. And when you are buying more gallons of propane, you can often get a slightly lower price rate for buying in bulk.

Typically, a home needs to be at least 2,500 square feet, and use propane for multiple appliances for a 500-gallon tank to be the best choice. You can also choose above-ground or below-ground tank installation for 500-gallon tanks.

1,000-Gallon Tanks

Long story short about the 1,000-gallon tank? It does everything that the 500-gallon tank does, but it is twice as big.

That means this tank is also suitable for heating homes and pools and for powering generators. However, because this tank is so large, you should not buy it unless your home is at least 4,500 square feet.

1,000-gallon tanks are also popular for agricultural uses.
I read the article, it's a 2,500 gal. propane tank. Typical household tanks that sit in the back yard are 500 gal., and if you have a pool or a really large home, they use 1,000 gal tanks. Considering that there are 3 different homes being built on the property, as well as a pool, I don't think that a 2,500 gal tank is too big for 3 properties and a pool. Guess you're bitching just to be bitching because it's Obama that is doing it.

500-Gallon Tanks

The 500-gallon tank is the most common size propane tank for residential propane use. It is often used for home heating, generator powering, cooking, pool heating, and more.

The primary benefit of this larger tank is that you can go that much longer without having to get it refilled. And when you are buying more gallons of propane, you can often get a slightly lower price rate for buying in bulk.

Typically, a home needs to be at least 2,500 square feet, and use propane for multiple appliances for a 500-gallon tank to be the best choice. You can also choose above-ground or below-ground tank installation for 500-gallon tanks.

1,000-Gallon Tanks

Long story short about the 1,000-gallon tank? It does everything that the 500-gallon tank does, but it is twice as big.

That means this tank is also suitable for heating homes and pools and for powering generators. However, because this tank is so large, you should not buy it unless your home is at least 4,500 square feet.

1,000-gallon tanks are also popular for agricultural uses.

Nice try but you still didn't understand why he is exposed as a hypocrite which you are trying hard to ignore.
LOL, you are a terrible reader as the following quotes prove:

"Under state and county laws, such projects are typically banned. Scientists and environmental experts say seawalls are the primary cause of beach loss throughout the state, and officials expect older ones to fall into obsolescence."


"As the Honolulu Star-Advertiser and ProPublica reported this summer, the so-called shoreline setback variance is just one of several loopholes that developers have exploited across the islands over the past two decades to get around policies that are supposed to protect the state’s treasured beaches and sensitive coastlines."


"Consultants for Nesbitt later argued the $3.2 million seawall renovation was necessary in order to protect the property from erosion and ocean-related hazards. The plan will increase the height of some sections of the wall, while two new walls totaling 70 feet in length will be built behind it for support."


"Honolulu Councilwoman Heidi Tsuneyoshi told county officials that she was gravely concerned that the primary purpose of the seawall repair project was to protect the private estate, as opposed to environmental and cultural resources. She urged planning officials to require the owners to go back and obtain the environmental permit they had skirted. She said that exemption violated the spirit of the law. The county declined."

bolding mine

Obama is getting undue preferential treatment a fact you will ignore.

It says that projects like that are typically banned. Meaning they usually say no (i.e. typically), but can say yes in some cases. Nothing illegal about it. It also says in your bolded part that the shoreline variance exemption is one loophole among others that developers have used for the past 2 decades (20 years) meaning Obama isn't the first one to do it, and more than likely won't be the last. Are you going to also speak out against all the other property developers who have used the loopholes prior to Obama doing it? Besides, I thought you guys liked loopholes, as it allows a person to skirt the law without breaking it. To hear Trump talk about legal loopholes, they are useful and anyone who doesn't use them isn't very smart.
It says that projects like that are typically banned. Meaning they usually say no (i.e. typically), but can say yes in some cases. Nothing illegal about it. It also says in your bolded part that the shoreline variance exemption is one loophole among others that developers have used for the past 2 decades (20 years) meaning Obama isn't the first one to do it, and more than likely won't be the last. Are you going to also speak out against all the other property developers who have used the loopholes prior to Obama doing it? Besides, I thought you guys liked loopholes, as it allows a person to skirt the law without breaking it. To hear Trump talk about legal loopholes, they are useful and anyone who doesn't use them isn't very smart.

Now you have been reduced to making excuses which I would never do because I care about standing up for the law and the environment all the time.

Just because others benefitted from breaking the shoreline protection law doesn't mean it is ok for Obama to do it but you use that "loop hole" to defend your hypocrite from doing what all the others before shouldn't do.

Now the shoreline area damage will spread because they want a famous ass kissing hypocrite live there behind the wall that is bad for the shoreline.

It says that projects like that are typically banned. Meaning they usually say no (i.e. typically), but can say yes in some cases. Nothing illegal about it. It also says in your bolded part that the shoreline variance exemption is one loophole among others that developers have used for the past 2 decades (20 years) meaning Obama isn't the first one to do it, and more than likely won't be the last. Are you going to also speak out against all the other property developers who have used the loopholes prior to Obama doing it? Besides, I thought you guys liked loopholes, as it allows a person to skirt the law without breaking it. To hear Trump talk about legal loopholes, they are useful and anyone who doesn't use them isn't very smart.
sheeeesh does that mean that all of Holland is illegal?

Hawaii’s Beaches Are Disappearing. New Legislation Could Help ... if It’s Enforced.​

A legal loophole allowed wealthy property owners to protect their real estate at the expense of Hawaii’s coastlines. Now, the state Legislature is considering bills to crack down on the destructive practices, but questions around enforcement remain.

by Sophie Cocke, Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Feb. 7, 2021



A burrito system in front of a home on Sunset Beach, Hawaii. (Cindy Ellen Russell/Honolulu Star Advertiser)

It's not illegal if the state grants an exemption (which they did). There was nothing in the article that stated anything was illegal, just that they asked for exemptions and got them, even if it was not via normal channels, and managed to piss some people off. Got anything else to say it was illegal, because post 54 has nothing. Oh you still also believe that propane is an expensive fuel that is only used by millionaires?

Ummmmm, if you have to get an exemption it is by definition either illegal, or against code.

Thread summary:

When all the science says you're a deluded cult imbecile, run with your butthurt to deflect from that.
I noticed you didn't post a link to the article. Why? Is it because you made it up?

It's behind a pay wall, and few here would have a subscription, so what would be the point? And besides, I don't care what ideologues like or don't like, so there is that. What idiots believe to be true or false is not my problem. The story is in the June 5th weekend edition for those who do have scrip.
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I do it in one when I drive it. It's an easy drive. I can even do some antiquing along the way.

When there get to be a lot of them the lines at charging stations alone will make them far less desirable. The long waiting times are ridiculous.

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