Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

You nutters get nuttier every day. All you preach is more and more hate but this is just plain weird. I'm surprised that some of you work up enough nerve to even come out from under your bed.

Really?? so the movie Noah didn't depart in a major way then how it is described in the bible?

Did it or did it not?

Watch all the mazillions of other biblical movies.

There is nothing "new" in Hollywood's making of bible movies and there's certainly nothing new about "departures" in the stories that have been translated and changed so many times through the millennium that there is no longer any resemblance to the original.

Why aren't the nutters whining about all the old movies?

Nope. This is nothing more than their latest little "million mom" cause and they'll ride it until they can't get another word of print out of it. And then they'll be onto some new and terribly earthshaking cause to whine about.
NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

Apparently Noah is the very first movie ever made by them day-um Hollywood lib-rules, the first ever made that didn't follow the original bible aramaic, word for word.

We're just lucky the REAL christians caught it in time.
You nutters get nuttier every day. All you preach is more and more hate but this is just plain weird. I'm surprised that some of you work up enough nerve to even come out from under your bed.

It isn't weird. Furthermore if one does one's homework on names, places and events, one will find the hard facts back it up.

Telling the truth doesn't require crawling out under one's bed. But it does take nerve. Thanks for the compliments. I only stumbled upon these breadcrumbs while pursuing another interest. The internet is a small world too as it turns out. I can't believe that way back in the 90s I stumbled into one of the kingpins of the LGBT propaganda unit and had the opportunity to gain an extremely keen insight and very long exposure [interacted with him and his cronies for a couple of years almost every day] to the "methodology" behind him.

That's the weird part. But what I'm telling you about their methods is not false at all. There are books written about it. But I'll let you discover those on your own too.

I got to know him/them. I know what they're up to. I can guarantee you that.

You're nothing but a lower case version of Gismo. Just another coward, terrified of your own sexuality.

Hate and fear - that's all you post.

You talk of posting "hard facts" but never do.

LOL. Terrified of our own sexuality? Hahaha. Are you taking those hallucinogens again? What normal man on earth would be "terrified" of an attractive woman? Conversely speaking ... a man who avoids women is terrified of women or isn't man enough to "take care" of her. I think you have a short circuit somewhere in our noggin.
OK. Preamble necessary here. I happen to know of one of the founders of GLAAD, the infamous Hollywood propaganda unit dedicated doggedly to promoting all things LGBT. This man oddly has the same last name as one of Obama's gay high ranking officials in proximity to children. Nuff said.

This man studied for years under a cult that espoused sorcery. Not the role-playing type or with funny hats and scepters. An ancient form of sorcery that has at its heart the careful and intricate manipulation of perception in others. The more flawed practitioners of which there are scores, practice the active herding of the human psyche, singular or collective, to achieve a goal for power's sake.

This fool helped launch GLAAD and therefore it must be suspect at least of practicing the same type of manipulation. Lo and behold they're not even shy about stating it openly on their website and various propaganda materials. They exist to promote gayness to every fold of society. But any examination of what "gayness" actually is or where it comes from ist verboten. Ask any actor or actress in Hollywood how powerful GLAAD is in sculpting scripts for public consumption/absorption/mesmerization. They will tell you that if you're not on board with the GLAAD agenda, you don't work. The formula is that simple. Add to that the recent multiple purchases by gay interests of many cable TV networks and you have an information/propaganda monopoly that is iron clad. "Feel the rainbow. Taste the rainbow"...

This all unfolded about 30 or so years ago. Fast forward to today. Now as the moral normal folks begin to become panicked about what they wrongfully believe is a "sudden influx of deviant influences" into their lives and politics, their kids' schools etc., they are starting to push back citing 1st Amendment rights [religion] as their reasons to object legally. And right as this is happening and the LGBT coordinated voices are crying foul about it, suddenly we have Hollywood, of all places, cranking out a new slew of religious films.

I know how the gig goes so let me explain to you what I happen to know is going on. The Gay Agenda's media arm is up to these things:

1. "Tactfully" at first mythify the Old Testament only. Leave the New Testament out of it for now.

2. Insert the normal Hollywood trumped up sensationalism in this mythifying process.

3. By association of other unbelievable flicks and mythology plastered into media, denigrate the Old Testament as silly, absurd etc.

4. Add some subliminal or suggestive "gay scenes" throughout. Increase the amount as the next 5-10 years unfolds.

5. Begin to treat the New Testament the same way. Insert more scenes of Jesus approving of not just gay people, but the gay lifestyle [very important yet subtle distinction].

6. Take on the story of Sodom and Jude 1 and completely skew it to mean that God didn't disapprove of men lying with men. God disapproved of men lying with animals or something that isn't gay.

7. Continue the active redacting of the Bible to favor the Agenda until a new generation has never been to church and only relies upon the silver screen to get "the whole story on Christianity".

8. Send a strong message to the Vatican via blackmail that they'd better not make a fuss whilel this is going on. Unseat a Pope if they have to....oh...wait...they already did that.

9. Finally "vote out" christianity or even religion at all to have rights as superior to secular law with the new indoctrinated generation.

10. Bury religion after its last gasp. Use old abandoned churches as "bi-curious" party houses for teens & tweens to come and party at. [Ok, I improvised that last part, but you get the idea..]

In short, the new obsession with religious themes in Hollywood is an active, purposeful and aggressive [and you will find] sustained intent to completely redact the Bible, to ridicule it specifically and by extension the people who use it to reference their guidance in religion. It is the final battle in the war on religion.

It's very important for regular people to understand that as this attack is going on, religion is very vulnerable. The Bible is after all riddled with "disbelievable" almost Hollywood-sounding sensationalist stories. This will be a cake-walk for GLAAD.

The remedy I would suggest is for pastors and other christians and people with just a basic moral structure to focus on one point: That religion is an abstract concept that cannot be depicted. It's the reason the muslims get so riled about any depiction of Muhammed and Muhammed's desire to not be depicted. I think Jesus had many sayings similar but the Roman Catholic church decided to diefy him and create a marriage of pagan relics and rituals to the abstract core..thus adulterating the pure message...I digress...

Anyway, religion is the framework for mankind.. It is the grease in the hub of the wheel of humanity. Without it we are quicklly reduced to a bunch of selfish/grappling apes and we descend into the most abusive animal mess around. Dogs wouldn't even give us the time of day where we would be heading without a framework. Without that abstract structure that keeps us considering others besides ourselves in this complex human society we live in.

Without that grease the wheel will still seem to turn for a few more revolutions. But it will reach a friction point very quickly after that and suddenly it will sieze. At that point, society will predictably collapse. As we have seen in our history books time and time again. At the point where people become self-centered and turn their backs on an abstract higher power that they look to and strive to be like but never quite achieve [the beef is in the striving], you can set your stopwatch as to how many more days that society has intact.

Just saying.

A wise and educated (not University style but on a more spiritual level) person will see the subtle handiwork of Chirst's adversary (and adversaries) interwoven in almost every aspect of public life. TV, radio, newspapers, publications, social media, etc. are the avenues by which the anti-Christian minions push their agenda(s). I used the term "subtle" but sometimes it's just blatant and in-your-face.

Nothing truly good will ever come out of Hollyweird.

Many thought the movie Passion of the Chirst was just great but a student of the Bible will see the flaws and distortions in that movie. Whatever the case may be we can be certain that if Hollywood has any influence on anything produced for the human eye that it will be distorted.
A wise and educated (not University style but on a more spiritual level) person will see the subtle handiwork of Chirst's adversary (and adversaries) interwoven in almost every aspect of public life. TV, radio, newspapers, publications, social media, etc. are the avenues by which the anti-Christian minions push their agenda(s). I used the term "subtle" but sometimes it's just blatant and in-your-face.

Nothing truly good will ever come out of Hollyweird.

Many thought the movie Passion of the Chirst was just great but a student of the Bible will see the flaws and distortions in that movie. Whatever the case may be we can be certain that if Hollywood has any influence on anything produced for the human eye that it will be distorted.

Well yes, that goes without saying really. But this is new in that it is the final blow. The timing is the key. Before we had lots of young people still going to church. Not anymore. The scales will tip at this crucial moment. It's not an exaggeration to say that years and years went into the planning for this final assault.

They have to. People engaged in deep denial have to fend off the truth. Plus, if another religion says "what this religion does [LGBT] is strictly forbidden", then the cult has to eradicate the religion by any means necessary. Turns out incrementally with a final death blow is the magic recipe. That's what this "sudden obsession" Hollywood has with religion.

It isn't like their viewers are clamoring for it. It isn't like GLAAD views christianity as "the LGBT's friend". So it seems odd that an outfit dedicated to the complete promotion of all the LGBT dogmatic values in cinema [or you'll never work in this town again], suddenly takes an affinity to religious films. Something ain't right. Not right at this moment in Hollywood's political history..
A wise and educated (not University style but on a more spiritual level) person will see the subtle handiwork of Chirst's adversary (and adversaries) interwoven in almost every aspect of public life. TV, radio, newspapers, publications, social media, etc. are the avenues by which the anti-Christian minions push their agenda(s). I used the term "subtle" but sometimes it's just blatant and in-your-face.

Nothing truly good will ever come out of Hollyweird.

Many thought the movie Passion of the Chirst was just great but a student of the Bible will see the flaws and distortions in that movie. Whatever the case may be we can be certain that if Hollywood has any influence on anything produced for the human eye that it will be distorted.

Well yes, that goes without saying really. But this is new in that it is the final blow. The timing is the key. Before we had lots of young people still going to church. Not anymore. The scales will tip at this crucial moment. It's not an exaggeration to say that years and years went into the planning for this final assault.

They have to. People engaged in deep denial have to fend off the truth. Plus, if another religion says "what this religion does [LGBT] is strictly forbidden", then the cult has to eradicate the religion by any means necessary. Turns out incrementally with a final death blow is the magic recipe. That's what this "sudden obsession" Hollywood has with religion.

It isn't like their viewers are clamoring for it. It isn't like GLAAD views christianity as "the LGBT's friend". So it seems odd that an outfit dedicated to the complete promotion of all the LGBT dogmatic values in cinema [or you'll never work in this town again], suddenly takes an affinity to religious films. Something ain't right. Not right at this moment in Hollywood's political history..

I honestly don't let it rile me up much. It's all written in Prophecy. We know that folks who follow Christ will be persecuted simply based on their belief and we know that there would be a "great falling away." It's meant to be. For a tree to be healthy the dead limbs must be removed. It's like the purifying of silver. It must suffer the heat in order to remove the dross. What's left, though, is pure, unadulterated silver (Sterling, if you will).

The GLAADs and LGBTs and NAMBLAs of the world will have their day in divine Court and will face the final and ultimate Judge. Their fate is in His hands. We all get to choose the path and we've chosen a narrow one. Most travel the broad path that leads to their destination.
I honestly don't let it rile me up much. It's all written in Prophecy. We know that folks who follow Christ will be persecuted simply based on their belief and we know that there would be a "great falling away." It's meant to be. For a tree to be healthy the dead limbs must be removed. It's like the purifying of silver. It must suffer the heat in order to remove the dross. What's left, though, is pure, unadulterated silver (Sterling, if you will).

The GLAADs and LGBTs and NAMBLAs of the world will have their day in divine Court and will face the final and ultimate Judge. Their fate is in His hands. We all get to choose the path and we've chosen a narrow one. Most travel the broad path that leads to their destination.

Well a lazy man would choose Revelations instead of Jude 1 to formulate a plan on how to deal with the enemy.

What if you found out that God puts more weight on Jude 1 than "just lay back and let the evil do its worst". What if you found out that some smooth snake of the evil one inserted that "lay back and do nothing" clause "in the end times"? Perfect! Tell the faithful to expect to be taken over and not fight back because "it's all God's plan" Was every single scribe and Council that redacted the Bible complete immaculate and free of influence? No. The faithful have to search inside for what they know is right. If evil doesn't feel right, fight it!

No wonder they described it as a snake.

You might want to read Jude 1 and discover that when a homosexual cult tries to take over your town, God wants you to get off your dead butt, no matter what "times" we're in and "earnestly contend" for "the common salvation" [read it] and become a warrior in deed not just in theory. If you are wrong about laying around doing nothing, the price as described in Jude 1 is your soul for eternity in the pit of fire.

Read it. And then get back to me with this neo-christian "do nothing in the end times" crapola.
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This is fun!
The Crips and Bloods of the faithful in a throw down!
No wonder so many find the whole thing massively silly.
Hey Silhouette, it's "Revelation", not "Revelations"(sic).
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This is fun!
The Crips and Bloods of the faithful in a throw down!
No wonder so many find the whole thing massively silly.
Hey Silhouette, it's "Revelation", not "Revelations"(sic).

I would care if I was in the fold. But I'm not. I'm less worried about how words are spelled than I am the nuts and bolts of carrying them out.

Divide and conquer eh? That's the oldest trick in the book. Revelations does have some nuggets of wisdom. In fact you really can't blame the Bible per se about how some forked tongue with a preacher's robe is creatively interpreting it for his Master. Sitting around doing nothing while evil blooms all around you is not a ticket to heaven. No matter what man is telling you it is.
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This is fun!
The Crips and Bloods of the faithful in a throw down!
No wonder so many find the whole thing massively silly.
Hey Silhouette, it's "Revelation", not "Revelations"(sic).

I would care if I was in the fold. But I'm not. I'm less worried about how words are spelled than I am the nuts and bolts of carrying them out.

So you aren't a believer?
Who knew?
Why care about the nuts and bolts, then?
Your exposure to scripture with your very typical error regarding the title of the last book of scripture should have been a tip off.
My bad.
Your update simply repeats the error, proving you are not just misinformed but uneducable.
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Silohuette is our own equivalent of Wendy Skaggs, and Where_r_my_Keys of the Coulter clone, Politic Chic. Won't put them on ignore, just skip them.
Silohuette is our own equivalent of Wendy Skaggs, and Where_r_my_Keys of the Coulter clone, Politic Chic. Won't put them on ignore, just skip them.

Yes, attacking the messenger suffices to also attack the message. Good one. Except it's been overused.

Pay attention to the meat of the OP and don't get sidetracked with ad hominems.

Believe me. I of all people know how badly you want this topic to not be taken seriously..
Silohuette is our own equivalent of Wendy Skaggs, and Where_r_my_Keys of the Coulter clone, Politic Chic. Won't put them on ignore, just skip them.

Yes, attacking the messenger suffices to also attack the message. Good one. Except it's been overused.

Pay attention to the meat of the OP and don't get sidetracked with ad hominems.

Believe me. I of all people know how badly you want this topic to not be taken seriously..

So why avoid my post?
I just told you why. You are introducing a diversion. It doesn't matter what the messenger looks like, smells like, believes or doesn't believe. The message stands alone.
Just be wary of Hollywood being obsessed with the Bible at this particular point in time...

It's not to make money and it's not by accident. Do the math.
Just be wary of Hollywood being obsessed with the Bible at this particular point in time...

It's not to make money and it's not by accident. Do the math.

In Hollywood, it's ALWAYS about the money.

No, it isn't. Not when it comes to GLAAD. The timing is wrong. Why now? Why religious movies NOW in a town where GLAAD rules with an iron fist and LGBTs are on the warpath against christians and christianity in general?
Just be wary of Hollywood being obsessed with the Bible at this particular point in time...

It's not to make money and it's not by accident. Do the math.

In Hollywood, it's ALWAYS about the money.

No, it isn't. Not when it comes to GLAAD. The timing is wrong. Why now? Why religious movies NOW in a town where GLAAD rules with an iron fist and LGBTs are on the warpath against christians and christianity in general?

Because Mel made a friggin' fortune on "Passion".
Because Russell is box office gold.
Because Christians are a very simple target and not very discerning as long as it is supportive.
It's about the money.
It's always about the money.

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