Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

Because Mel made a friggin' fortune on "Passion".
Because Russell is box office gold.
Because Christians are a very simple target and not very discerning as long as it is supportive.
It's about the money.
It's always about the money.

Usually. I'm not convinced this time though. Just a few red flags popping up in the dialogue in Moses. We'll see as time goes on. I'll be calling this thread back up from time to time.
Because Mel made a friggin' fortune on "Passion".
Because Russell is box office gold.
Because Christians are a very simple target and not very discerning as long as it is supportive.
It's about the money.
It's always about the money.

Usually. I'm not convinced this time though. Just a few red flags popping up in the dialogue in Moses. We'll see as time goes on. I'll be calling this thread back up from time to time.

We will all be on pins and needles watching how you try to fulfill your mad conspiracy theory.
NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

^ This. If it's trendy and makes money, they will make it...until the trend no longer makes them money. I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing on Westerns again.
NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

^ This. If it's trendy and makes money, they will make it...until the trend no longer makes them money. I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing on Westerns again.

But it isn't trendy. That's the thing. Biblical enthusiasts are at an all-time low. Churches are having a heck of a time getting people through the doors in this new age of "me me me" hedonism and anything-goes indulgences. That's the antithesis of religious ferver.

So, no. It's not popular. There is another driving motivation..
NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

^ This. If it's trendy and makes money, they will make it...until the trend no longer makes them money. I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing on Westerns again.

But it isn't trendy. That's the thing. Biblical enthusiasts are at an all-time low. Churches are having a heck of a time getting people through the doors in this new age of "me me me" hedonism and anything-goes indulgences. That's the antithesis of religious ferver.

So, no. It's not popular. There is another driving motivation..

But the prosperity doctrine churches are growing.
They have found a way to make "me, me, me" biblical and profitable.
Whores will always find johns.
But the prosperity doctrine churches are growing.
They have found a way to make "me, me, me" biblical and profitable.
Whores will always find johns.

Not from the statistics I've read. Churches that used to be packed when I was young are being put up for sale all over the place. I can think of five in my area alone that have been sold and turned into rentals, flop houses and residences.

No, this isn't about popular sentiments towards religion in two generations now glued to their ipads and game consoles. This is about something else. And your complete disdain and nasty comments about religion is evidence to me about what that "something else" is.. Read the OP again..
But the prosperity doctrine churches are growing.
They have found a way to make "me, me, me" biblical and profitable.
Whores will always find johns.

Not from the statistics I've read. Churches that used to be packed when I was young are being put up for sale all over the place. I can think of five in my area alone that have been sold and turned into rentals, flop houses and residences.

No, this isn't about popular sentiments towards religion in two generations now glued to their ipads and game consoles. This is about something else. And your complete disdain and nasty comments about religion is evidence to me about what that "something else" is.. Read the OP again..

It's mainstream protestantism that is contracting.
The crazies are growing.
You can look it up.
Overall, you're right though.
4000 churches open every year. 7000 close.
Hope springs eternal.
NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

^ This. If it's trendy and makes money, they will make it...until the trend no longer makes them money. I'm waiting for the pendulum to swing on Westerns again.

But it isn't trendy. That's the thing. Biblical enthusiasts are at an all-time low. Churches are having a heck of a time getting people through the doors in this new age of "me me me" hedonism and anything-goes indulgences. That's the antithesis of religious ferver.

So, no. It's not popular. There is another driving motivation..

At the moment it IS a special effects kind of way. They would not be making such movies if there was no money in it. Once a few bust at the box office, they will go away like they did in the 60s.
But the prosperity doctrine churches are growing.
They have found a way to make "me, me, me" biblical and profitable.
Whores will always find johns.

Not from the statistics I've read. Churches that used to be packed when I was young are being put up for sale all over the place. I can think of five in my area alone that have been sold and turned into rentals, flop houses and residences.

No, this isn't about popular sentiments towards religion in two generations now glued to their ipads and game consoles. This is about something else. And your complete disdain and nasty comments about religion is evidence to me about what that "something else" is.. Read the OP again..

It's mainstream protestantism that is contracting.
The crazies are growing.
You can look it up.
Overall, you're right though.
4000 churches open every year. 7000 close.
Hope springs eternal.

A lot of Big Box churches with permanent "cult of personality" type preachers. You know you've got a "cult of personality" church when the preacher's name is painted on the marque.
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Church enrollment is DOWN. This is not a popular sentiment. Therefore the "money" doesn't justify the agenda.

Mark my words, there is an agenda..
Gay sorcerers?

This might be my favorite thread today.


Sorry, I couldn't help myself.
I see a different problem with Hollywood's new love of Bible Stories.

It's "Disney-fication".

If you look at Disney adaptations, they have a lovely habit of taking out the grisley bits of a story and instead making them kid friendly.

Shit, they gave "Hunchback of Notre Dame" a happy ending! They gave "The Jungle Book" a happy ending.

Aside- back in the 1990's, my 12 year old neice showed me a video she got of "The Jungle Book" from 1943, and then added, "This isn't the real Jungle Book from Walt Disney."

"Becky, sweetie, you realize that Walt Disney didn't write the Jungle Book right?"

At that point, she rolls her eyes, and was probably thinking "Uncle Joe is going on a rant again!"

So, let's take the Noah Movie. Some people have complained about it's "environmental" message, or how God is a disembodied character.

My problem with it is that it really is a horrible story. The loving God of the story commits WORLD WIDE GENOCIDE of not only mankind but nearly every other species.

and what is truly depressing is that a large chunk of Americans think NOah was as real as George Washington.
Church enrollment is DOWN. This is not a popular sentiment. Therefore the "money" doesn't justify the agenda.

Mark my words, there is an agenda..

what "agenda"?

It involves "sorcerers".

One of the key founders of GLAAD was completely into sorcery at the time and the manipulation of human awareness and perception, yes. I stumbled upon this totally by accident. And he is not alone I assure you. He has cohorts who I also interacted with for a time without putting the pieces together until later.

The way the Gay Agenda is progressing, with lying about statistical data, lying about polling data that conflicts with actual ballot results, co-opting the democratic party as its vehicle, using "herd think" to move perception around with respect to homosexuality... on and on. The nuances and blatant moves of that discipline are all there.

If you knew the discipline called "stalking", you'd understand completely what they're up to. I got out of that study precisely because I realized it lead to lying, manipulation and disturbed personalities of those who became addicted to the power of manipulating perception and deeds in others. Anyone involved in such a high discipline belongs in the CIA. Not some gay cult that wants to evangelize by mesmerizing and outright subterfuge/mind manipulaton.

Long story short, this new obsession of Hollywood's with religious flims pitched at the me me me Ipad generations is complete BS. It's not for money. Someone will be bankrolling this no matter what it makes at the box office. These people are as ruthless and dedicated as scientologists. In fact, scientology emerged in a sort of competitive spirit with this discipline around the same time frame. Scientology became the more famous. This discipline by remaining more obscure, became the more effective. You cannot fight what you don't know is going on, after all...
what "agenda"?

It involves "sorcerers".

One of the key founders of GLAAD was completely into sorcery at the time and the manipulation of human awareness and perception, yes. I stumbled upon this totally by accident. And he is not alone I assure you. He has cohorts who I also interacted with for a time without putting the pieces together until later.

The way the Gay Agenda is progressing, with lying about statistical data, lying about polling data that conflicts with actual ballot results, co-opting the democratic party as its vehicle, using "herd think" to move perception around with respect to homosexuality... on and on. The nuances and blatant moves of that discipline are all there.

If you knew the discipline called "stalking", you'd understand completely what they're up to. I got out of that study precisely because I realized it lead to lying, manipulation and disturbed personalities of those who became addicted to the power of manipulating perception and deeds in others. Anyone involved in such a high discipline belongs in the CIA. Not some gay cult that wants to evangelize by mesmerizing and outright subterfuge/mind manipulaton.

Long story short, this new obsession of Hollywood's with religious flims pitched at the me me me Ipad generations is complete BS. It's not for money. Someone will be bankrolling this no matter what it makes at the box office. These people are as ruthless and dedicated as scientologists. In fact, scientology emerged in a sort of competitive spirit with this discipline around the same time frame. Scientology became the more famous. This discipline by remaining more obscure, became the more effective. You cannot fight what you don't know is going on, after all...

You wouldn't want to provide a smidge of evidence for any of this, would you?
Are unsupported accusations supposed to constitute argument now?
Everyone from all sides is involved with massive competing conspiracies?
You wouldn't want to provide a smidge of evidence for any of this, would you?
Are unsupported accusations supposed to constitute argument now?
Everyone from all sides is involved with massive competing conspiracies?

People involved in fighting back against the Gay Agenda's war on religion can do their homework and find the things I'm talking about. Suffice to say I'm not making it up and that the internet indeed is a very small world.

You have been given a head's up. That goes for all readers here. These religious movies are a concerted, purposeful and direct intended attack on the last vestiges of credibility the Bible or christianity is clinging to. They have nothing to do with making money and everything to do with strategy of promoting the gay agenda.

Mark my words. You know if you know nothing else, that the LGBT crowd has declared a "culture war" upon christianity and right now as I type this the two camps are squaring off in the courts. So, small wonder that anyone supporting the pro-traditional stance would be lured into a religious film showing and then fed messages therein that "christianity is silly really, right? Mere fiction.. Hogwash.. not believable"..

The felling of christianity for good in film will be more like a formality realy than an actual battle. So far down are the numbers of those with moral fiber and convictions. It will be like breathing on a feather.. The long progressive intent, engaged for decades now, has finally reached its end. The bullfight is over and the bull hardly noticed all those gaffs going in itself. Wobbly, the final sword blow is just a mere act of showmanship.
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You wouldn't want to provide a smidge of evidence for any of this, would you?
Are unsupported accusations supposed to constitute argument now?
Everyone from all sides is involved with massive competing conspiracies?

People involved in fighting back against the Gay Agenda's war on religion can do their homework and find the things I'm talking about. Suffice to say I'm not making it up and that the internet indeed is a very small world.

You have been given a head's up. That goes for all readers here. These religious movies are a concerted, purposeful and direct intended attack on the last vestiges of credibility the Bible or christianity is clinging to. They have nothing to do with making money and everything to do with strategy of promoting the gay agenda.

Mark my words. You know if you know nothing else, that the LGBT crowd has declared a "culture war" upon christianity and right now as I type this the two camps are squaring off in the courts. So, small wonder that anyone supporting the pro-traditional stance would be lured into a religious film showing and then fed messages therein that "christianity is silly really, right? Mere fiction.. Hogwash.. not believable"..

The felling of christianity for good in film will be more like a formality realy than an actual battle. So far down are the numbers of those with moral fiber and convictions. It will be like breathing on a feather.. The long progressive intent, engaged for decades now, has finally reached its end. The bullfight is over and the bull hardly noticed all those gaffs going in itself. Wobbly, the final sword blow is just a mere act of showmanship.

"Suffice to say..."
"Mark my words..."
No evidence.
Trust you. You won't cum in my mouth.
You are merely displaying your paranoia and the frustration of losing the culture war.

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