Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

Sure, it's "paranoid" to think that Hollywood, run by GLAAD, currently embroiled in a CULTure war with christianity, would suddenly start churning out Bible films in a good light.

When I notice inconsistencies I point them out. Nervous people who are trying to keep a lid on a secret will be quick to point out my observations, and those of any logical mind that can connect the dots, "paranoid"..

'Tis you who are paranoid...worrying people will start thinking, "hey, if gays are at war with christians, why are they producing all these Bible films all of a sudden when very few people are likely to flock to theaters to see them?" [think: Ipad generation].
Sure, it's "paranoid" to think that Hollywood, run by GLAAD, currently embroiled in a CULTure war with christianity, would suddenly start churning out Bible films in a good light.

When I notice inconsistencies I point them out. Nervous people who are trying to keep a lid on a secret will be quick to point out my observations, and those of any logical mind that can connect the dots, "paranoid"..

'Tis you who are paranoid...worrying people will start thinking, "hey, if gays are at war with christians, why are they producing all these Bible films all of a sudden when very few people are likely to flock to theaters to see them?" [think: Ipad generation].

But you start with a faulty premise.
Hollywood isn't "run by GLAAD".
On what basis do you make such a hysterical claim?
Hollywood is run by money, just like any other major industry.
Everything else is a matter of serving that end.
Alec Baldwin is ripping a high-ranking member of GLAAD, blaming him -- along with a gay blogger ... for getting him 86'd from MSNBC...

... Baldwin told Gothamist, "You've got the fundamentalist wing of gay advocacy -- Rich Ferraro (VP of GLAAD) and (gay blogger) Andrew Sullivan -- they're out there, they've got you."

Baldwin added, "Rich Ferraro, this is probably one of his greatest triumphs. They killed my show."...

Read more: GLAAD |

GLAAD is asking TV comedy legend Bob Newhart to not keep his engagement next year with the conservative Catholic organization which maintains that homosexuality is a disorder. Newhart, 84, is scheduled to appear at a summit for Letagus along with noted anti-LGBT figures Rick Santorum and Bill Donohue. 'Personally, I'm choosing to believe that he just doesn't know and that this booking is the result of bad advice,' GLAAD's Special Projects Consultant Jeremy Hooper writes in a blog post. entitled Bob Newhart, do not become the next Kirk Cameron! - See more at: GLAAD asks TV legend Bob Newhart to not 'become the next Kirk Cameron' | Gay Star News

Last night on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight,” anti-gay actor and former teen idol Kirk Cameron spoke out against marriage equality as well as gay Americans.

Cameron described his personal bias against gay people by saying:

"I think that it's - it's - it's unnatural. I think that it's - it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization."

Click here to tell Kirk Cameron that he’s no longer your idol.

“In this interview, Kirk Cameron sounds even more dated than his 1980s TV character,” said Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs at GLAAD. “Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”

Piers Morgan disagreed with Cameron when asked what he would do if one of his kids came out. Morgan said: "If one of my sons [came out], I'd say 'that's great son, as long as you're happy.'"

Best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the 1980s television series "Growing Pains", Cameron also spoke out against marriage equality in the interview:

"Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don't think anyone else should either," explains Cameron. "So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't." Tell Kirk Cameron It's Time to Finally Grow Up | GLAAD

GLAAD: Lethal Enforcers of the Left's Tolerance Mob

"Duck Dynasty's" Phil Robertson is not alone. He's the latest in a long, long lineup of politically incorrect targets of the left's sensitivity mob. Founded in 1985, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gangstas won't stop until both the cultural and legal enforcement of their agenda are the norm...

...Robertson's punishable transgressions? Responding honestly to a question posed to him (this was not an unsolicited "anti-gay rant"; it was a response) and abiding by his Christian faith. GLAAD's P.C. Praetorian Guard sprung into repressive action....

...A&E folded faster than a stadium seat, immediately disavowing Robertson and suspending him from his family's show indefinitely. Meanwhile, network execs continued to cash in on the lucrative "Duck Dynasty" empire with a marathon of program reruns on the very day they threw Robertson under the bus. The network is free to do that, of course. And I am free to tell you all about the radical thugs that A&E indulged....

...GLAAD has worked tirelessly to marginalize and suppress the free speech of Christian leaders, Christian businesses and conservative talk-radio hosts dating back to their infamous Dr. Laura boycott 13 years ago. The group's mission is not about equality or defending against "defamation." It's about silencing critics, making open debate radioactive, demonizing people of faith and making even the slightest perceived slight a hate crime.

Last year, GLAAD speech-squelchers issued a blacklist of 34 Christian commentators they wanted networks to ban from their air for "extreme" views (read: opposing gay marriage). Earlier this year, GLAAD attacked the National Geographic Channel for partnering with the traditional values-promoting Boy Scouts on a reality TV program. GLAAD is free to start its own Gay Scouts, but instead chose to harangue NatGeo for refusing to run a "disclaimer" at the beginning of each show condemning the Boy Scouts' leadership policies.

It's not enough to live and let live. You must repent and genuflect before the self-serving gods of selective progressivism. That's why GLAAD forgave Hollywood director Brett Ratner for using the word "fag." He was allowed back into the protected Hollywood club after submitting to GLAAD reeducation camp and appearing in GLAAD public service announcements. Bill Clinton, who authored both the Defense of Marriage Act and the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policies so reviled by the homosexual lobby, ended up receiving a GLAAD "Advocate for Change" award earlier this year — for changing his mind when politically expedient....

...Nail, meet head. GLAAD's counterculture warriors know full well: It's a small leap from forcing Phil Robertson, the Boy Scouts and Rush Limbaugh out of the public square to forcing wedding photographers and cake bakers to serve gay customers against their will... GLAAD: Lethal Enforcers of the Left's Tolerance Mob

GLAAD this morning released its first annual Studio Responsibility Index report that maps the quantity, quality and diversity of images of LGBT people in films released by 6 major motion picture studios during the 2012 calendar year: 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Columbia, Universal Pictures, The Walt Disney Studios and Warner Brothers....

...“As a major influence in American culture and one of our nation’s largest media exports abroad, the lack of LGBT characters in big-budget films needs to change,” said GLAAD’s Wilson Cruz. “Until LGBT characters are depicted in these films in a substantial way with more regularity, there will remain the appearance of LGBT bias on the studios’ part. Whether it’s an action hero or a supporting character, moviegoers should be able to see LGBT people as integral players in the stories told by leading Hollywood studios.”...

...As part of the inaugural SRI, GLAAD also introduced the “Vito Russo Test,” a set of criteria analyzing how LGBT characters are represented in a fictional work. Named after GLAAD co-founder and celebrated film historian Vito Russo, and partly inspired by the “Bechdel Test,” these criteria represent a standard GLAAD would like to see a greater number of mainstream Hollywood films reach in the future.

The Vito Russo Test criteria:
1.The film contains a character that is identifiably lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender (LGBT).
2.That character must not be solely or predominantly defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity (i.e. the character is made up of the same sort of unique character traits commonly used to differentiate straight characters from one another).
3.The LGBT character must be tied into the plot in such a way that their removal would have a significant effect. Meaning they are not there to simply provide colorful commentary, paint urban authenticity, or (perhaps most commonly) set up a punchline; the character should matter.... GLAAD Ranks Film Studios by LGBT Roles: First Annual 'Studio Reponsibility Index' -

So you just have to wonder about that last quote. Do you suppose that a GLAAD-controlled media industry would tolerate a biblical movie without gay innuendo or characters central to the plot? I think you and I both no the answer is "no'. Look for gay themes to be woven into biblical movies. Like I said in the OP. Nevermind that promoting a homosexual culture for christians is equal to eternity in the pit of fire. GLAAD will take special care to redact that.
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Alec Baldwin is ripping a high-ranking member of GLAAD, blaming him -- along with a gay blogger ... for getting him 86'd from MSNBC...

... Baldwin told Gothamist, "You've got the fundamentalist wing of gay advocacy -- Rich Ferraro (VP of GLAAD) and (gay blogger) Andrew Sullivan -- they're out there, they've got you."

Baldwin added, "Rich Ferraro, this is probably one of his greatest triumphs. They killed my show."...

Read more: GLAAD |

GLAAD is asking TV comedy legend Bob Newhart to not keep his engagement next year with the conservative Catholic organization which maintains that homosexuality is a disorder. Newhart, 84, is scheduled to appear at a summit for Letagus along with noted anti-LGBT figures Rick Santorum and Bill Donohue. 'Personally, I'm choosing to believe that he just doesn't know and that this booking is the result of bad advice,' GLAAD's Special Projects Consultant Jeremy Hooper writes in a blog post. entitled Bob Newhart, do not become the next Kirk Cameron! - See more at: GLAAD asks TV legend Bob Newhart to not 'become the next Kirk Cameron' | Gay Star News

GLAAD: Lethal Enforcers of the Left's Tolerance Mob

"Duck Dynasty's" Phil Robertson is not alone. He's the latest in a long, long lineup of politically incorrect targets of the left's sensitivity mob. Founded in 1985, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gangstas won't stop until both the cultural and legal enforcement of their agenda are the norm...

...Robertson's punishable transgressions? Responding honestly to a question posed to him (this was not an unsolicited "anti-gay rant"; it was a response) and abiding by his Christian faith. GLAAD's P.C. Praetorian Guard sprung into repressive action....

...A&E folded faster than a stadium seat, immediately disavowing Robertson and suspending him from his family's show indefinitely. Meanwhile, network execs continued to cash in on the lucrative "Duck Dynasty" empire with a marathon of program reruns on the very day they threw Robertson under the bus. The network is free to do that, of course. And I am free to tell you all about the radical thugs that A&E indulged....

...GLAAD has worked tirelessly to marginalize and suppress the free speech of Christian leaders, Christian businesses and conservative talk-radio hosts dating back to their infamous Dr. Laura boycott 13 years ago. The group's mission is not about equality or defending against "defamation." It's about silencing critics, making open debate radioactive, demonizing people of faith and making even the slightest perceived slight a hate crime.

Last year, GLAAD speech-squelchers issued a blacklist of 34 Christian commentators they wanted networks to ban from their air for "extreme" views (read: opposing gay marriage). Earlier this year, GLAAD attacked the National Geographic Channel for partnering with the traditional values-promoting Boy Scouts on a reality TV program. GLAAD is free to start its own Gay Scouts, but instead chose to harangue NatGeo for refusing to run a "disclaimer" at the beginning of each show condemning the Boy Scouts' leadership policies.

It's not enough to live and let live. You must repent and genuflect before the self-serving gods of selective progressivism. That's why GLAAD forgave Hollywood director Brett Ratner for using the word "fag." He was allowed back into the protected Hollywood club after submitting to GLAAD reeducation camp and appearing in GLAAD public service announcements. Bill Clinton, who authored both the Defense of Marriage Act and the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policies so reviled by the homosexual lobby, ended up receiving a GLAAD "Advocate for Change" award earlier this year — for changing his mind when politically expedient....

...Nail, meet head. GLAAD's counterculture warriors know full well: It's a small leap from forcing Phil Robertson, the Boy Scouts and Rush Limbaugh out of the public square to forcing wedding photographers and cake bakers to serve gay customers against their will... GLAAD: Lethal Enforcers of the Left's Tolerance Mob

GLAAD this morning released its first annual Studio Responsibility Index report that maps the quantity, quality and diversity of images of LGBT people in films released by 6 major motion picture studios during the 2012 calendar year: 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Columbia, Universal Pictures, The Walt Disney Studios and Warner Brothers....

...“As a major influence in American culture and one of our nation’s largest media exports abroad, the lack of LGBT characters in big-budget films needs to change,” said GLAAD’s Wilson Cruz. “Until LGBT characters are depicted in these films in a substantial way with more regularity, there will remain the appearance of LGBT bias on the studios’ part. Whether it’s an action hero or a supporting character, moviegoers should be able to see LGBT people as integral players in the stories told by leading Hollywood studios.”...

...As part of the inaugural SRI, GLAAD also introduced the “Vito Russo Test,” a set of criteria analyzing how LGBT characters are represented in a fictional work. Named after GLAAD co-founder and celebrated film historian Vito Russo, and partly inspired by the “Bechdel Test,” these criteria represent a standard GLAAD would like to see a greater number of mainstream Hollywood films reach in the future.

The Vito Russo Test criteria:
1.The film contains a character that is identifiably lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender (LGBT).
2.That character must not be solely or predominantly defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity (i.e. the character is made up of the same sort of unique character traits commonly used to differentiate straighut characters from one another).
3.The LGBT character must be tied into the plot in such a way that their removal would have a significant effect. Meaning they are not there to simply provide colorful commentary, paint urban authenticity, or (perhaps most commonly) set up a punchline; the character should matter.... GLAAD Ranks Film Studios by LGBT Roles: First Annual 'Studio Reponsibility Index' -

So you just have to wonder about that last quote. Do you suppose that a GLAAD-controlled media industry would tolerate a biblical movie without gay innuendo or characters central to the plot? I think you and I both no the answer is "no'. Look for gay themes to be woven into biblical movies. Like I said in the OP. Nevermind that promoting a homosexual culture for christians is equal to eternity in the pit of fire. GLAAD will take special care to redact that.

All of this, and you show not a single suggestion of how they can enforce their views.
They have opinions and desires and have laid them out in detail.
Now show why anyone actually making a film have to pay attention to any of it.
GLAAD runs Hollywood like posters on USMB run national policy.
They ruin careers. They actively encourage boycotts of actors and work drumming them out of scripts. ie: "if you choose to be associated with so and so, we will give bad press to you and your associates"

Odd, when you quoted me you left out the story of Kirk Cameron, just that one. Perhaps it's because this was part of the GLAAD message to Kirk [and by example anyone else who dare defy the gay agenda in Hollywood]

"Click here to tell Kirk Cameron that he’s no longer your idol."

When you threaten to end someone's livelihood, Nazi style, because they aren't paying proper homage to your powerhold, I'd say that's pretty much of a Rainbow-Inquisition. Make no mistake, actors and actresses keep their christianity to themselves and will never challenge they gay agenda. The examples are numerous enough to keep the voices silenced.. So when they read the scripts for these "magically appearing biblically-themed movies", they will never question the gay innuendo or outright examples woven into them. They have mortgages too and need to eat.
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They ruin careers. They actively encourage boycotts of actors and work drumming them out of scripts. ie: "if you choose to be associated with so and so, we will give bad press to you and your associates"

Odd, when you quoted me you left out the story of Kirk Cameron, just that one. Perhaps it's because this was part of the GLAAD message to Kirk [and by example anyone else who dare defy the gay agenda in Hollywood]

"Click here to tell Kirk Cameron that he’s no longer your idol."

When you threaten to end someone's livelihood, Nazi style, because they aren't paying proper homage to your powerhold, I'd say that's pretty much of a Rainbow-Inquisition. Make no mistake, actors and actresses keep their christianity to themselves and will never challenge they gay agenda. The examples are numerous enough to keep the voices silenced.. So when they read the scripts for these "magically appearing biblically-themed movies", they will never question the gay innuendo or outright examples woven into them. They have mortgages too and need to eat.

GLAAD is an interest group, just like the Family Research Council, nothing more. FRC targets people, businesses, films, media of all kinds.
No different.
You have to ask the real question in play
Why are you losing the war of ideas?
GLAAD is an interest group, just like the Family Research Council, nothing more. FRC targets people, businesses, films, media of all kinds.
No different.
You have to ask the real question in play
Why are you losing the war of ideas?

Why did you leave the Kirk Cameron quote out of your last post?

[and you admit your ilk has declared war on the ideas in the Bible. Thanks again for the leg up in this debate.]
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GLAAD is an interest group, just like the Family Research Council, nothing more. FRC targets people, businesses, films, media of all kinds.
No different.
You have to ask the real question in play
Why are you losing the war of ideas?

Why did you leave the Kirk Cameron quote out of your last post?

[and you admit your ilk has declared war on the ideas in the Bible. Thanks again for the leg up in this debate.]

The debate is about GLAAD ruling Hollywood.
You have done nothing to make that case.
Whether they fight biblical decrees or not, they remain one of many competing interest groups.
Why are you losing the war of ideas?
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The debate is about GLAAD ruling Hollywood.
You have done nothing to make that case.
Whether they fight biblical decrees or not, they remain one of many competing interest groups.
Why are you losing the war of ideas?

...and your leaving the Kirk Cameron quote out of my post #85 when you cited me IS about GLAAD ruling Hollywood. You didn't want anyone to notice that GLAAD included a link to "unfame" Cameron in their debasing article on Kirk merely stating his religious views as to gay marriage.

Why are you waging a war on [biblical] ideas? If your cause is so popular as you "fake it till you make it" assert, why is a war necessary? Seems if so many hearts were warming up to two people of the same gender trying to role-play "husband and wife" "father and mother", you wouldn't need a "war" would you?

Could it be you are fabricating the facts? Something that a person keenly schooled in the art of subterfuge and manipulating public awareness might do?... :eusa_shifty:
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On the previous page you asked for facts showing GLAAD's nefarious influence in Hollywood. So I gave you these:

Alec Baldwin is ripping a high-ranking member of GLAAD, blaming him -- along with a gay blogger ... for getting him 86'd from MSNBC...

... Baldwin told Gothamist, "You've got the fundamentalist wing of gay advocacy -- Rich Ferraro (VP of GLAAD) and (gay blogger) Andrew Sullivan -- they're out there, they've got you."

Baldwin added, "Rich Ferraro, this is probably one of his greatest triumphs. They killed my show."...

Read more: GLAAD |

GLAAD is asking TV comedy legend Bob Newhart to not keep his engagement next year with the conservative Catholic organization which maintains that homosexuality is a disorder. Newhart, 84, is scheduled to appear at a summit for Letagus along with noted anti-LGBT figures Rick Santorum and Bill Donohue. 'Personally, I'm choosing to believe that he just doesn't know and that this booking is the result of bad advice,' GLAAD's Special Projects Consultant Jeremy Hooper writes in a blog post. entitled Bob Newhart, do not become the next Kirk Cameron! - See more at: GLAAD asks TV legend Bob Newhart to not 'become the next Kirk Cameron' | Gay Star News

Last night on CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight,” anti-gay actor and former teen idol Kirk Cameron spoke out against marriage equality as well as gay Americans.

Cameron described his personal bias against gay people by saying:

"I think that it's - it's - it's unnatural. I think that it's - it's detrimental, and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization."

Click here to tell Kirk Cameron that he’s no longer your idol.

“In this interview, Kirk Cameron sounds even more dated than his 1980s TV character,” said Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs at GLAAD. “Cameron is out of step with a growing majority of Americans, particularly people of faith who believe that their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters should be loved and accepted based on their character and not condemned because of their sexual orientation.”

Piers Morgan disagreed with Cameron when asked what he would do if one of his kids came out. Morgan said: "If one of my sons [came out], I'd say 'that's great son, as long as you're happy.'"

Best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the 1980s television series "Growing Pains", Cameron also spoke out against marriage equality in the interview:

"Marriage is almost as old as dirt, and it was defined in the garden between Adam and Eve. One man, one woman for life till death do you part. So I would never attempt to try to redefine marriage. And I don't think anyone else should either," explains Cameron. "So do I support the idea of gay marriage? No, I don't." Tell Kirk Cameron It's Time to Finally Grow Up | GLAAD

GLAAD: Lethal Enforcers of the Left's Tolerance Mob

"Duck Dynasty's" Phil Robertson is not alone. He's the latest in a long, long lineup of politically incorrect targets of the left's sensitivity mob. Founded in 1985, the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) gangstas won't stop until both the cultural and legal enforcement of their agenda are the norm...

...Robertson's punishable transgressions? Responding honestly to a question posed to him (this was not an unsolicited "anti-gay rant"; it was a response) and abiding by his Christian faith. GLAAD's P.C. Praetorian Guard sprung into repressive action....

...A&E folded faster than a stadium seat, immediately disavowing Robertson and suspending him from his family's show indefinitely. Meanwhile, network execs continued to cash in on the lucrative "Duck Dynasty" empire with a marathon of program reruns on the very day they threw Robertson under the bus. The network is free to do that, of course. And I am free to tell you all about the radical thugs that A&E indulged....

...GLAAD has worked tirelessly to marginalize and suppress the free speech of Christian leaders, Christian businesses and conservative talk-radio hosts dating back to their infamous Dr. Laura boycott 13 years ago. The group's mission is not about equality or defending against "defamation." It's about silencing critics, making open debate radioactive, demonizing people of faith and making even the slightest perceived slight a hate crime.

Last year, GLAAD speech-squelchers issued a blacklist of 34 Christian commentators they wanted networks to ban from their air for "extreme" views (read: opposing gay marriage). Earlier this year, GLAAD attacked the National Geographic Channel for partnering with the traditional values-promoting Boy Scouts on a reality TV program. GLAAD is free to start its own Gay Scouts, but instead chose to harangue NatGeo for refusing to run a "disclaimer" at the beginning of each show condemning the Boy Scouts' leadership policies.

It's not enough to live and let live. You must repent and genuflect before the self-serving gods of selective progressivism. That's why GLAAD forgave Hollywood director Brett Ratner for using the word "fag." He was allowed back into the protected Hollywood club after submitting to GLAAD reeducation camp and appearing in GLAAD public service announcements. Bill Clinton, who authored both the Defense of Marriage Act and the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policies so reviled by the homosexual lobby, ended up receiving a GLAAD "Advocate for Change" award earlier this year — for changing his mind when politically expedient....

...Nail, meet head. GLAAD's counterculture warriors know full well: It's a small leap from forcing Phil Robertson, the Boy Scouts and Rush Limbaugh out of the public square to forcing wedding photographers and cake bakers to serve gay customers against their will... GLAAD: Lethal Enforcers of the Left's Tolerance Mob

GLAAD this morning released its first annual Studio Responsibility Index report that maps the quantity, quality and diversity of images of LGBT people in films released by 6 major motion picture studios during the 2012 calendar year: 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Columbia, Universal Pictures, The Walt Disney Studios and Warner Brothers....

...“As a major influence in American culture and one of our nation’s largest media exports abroad, the lack of LGBT characters in big-budget films needs to change,” said GLAAD’s Wilson Cruz. “Until LGBT characters are depicted in these films in a substantial way with more regularity, there will remain the appearance of LGBT bias on the studios’ part. Whether it’s an action hero or a supporting character, moviegoers should be able to see LGBT people as integral players in the stories told by leading Hollywood studios.”...

...As part of the inaugural SRI, GLAAD also introduced the “Vito Russo Test,” a set of criteria analyzing how LGBT characters are represented in a fictional work. Named after GLAAD co-founder and celebrated film historian Vito Russo, and partly inspired by the “Bechdel Test,” these criteria represent a standard GLAAD would like to see a greater number of mainstream Hollywood films reach in the future.

The Vito Russo Test criteria:
1.The film contains a character that is identifiably lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender (LGBT).
2.That character must not be solely or predominantly defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity (i.e. the character is made up of the same sort of unique character traits commonly used to differentiate straight characters from one another).
3.The LGBT character must be tied into the plot in such a way that their removal would have a significant effect. Meaning they are not there to simply provide colorful commentary, paint urban authenticity, or (perhaps most commonly) set up a punchline; the character should matter.... GLAAD Ranks Film Studios by LGBT Roles: First Annual 'Studio Reponsibility Index' -

So you just have to wonder about that last quote. Do you suppose that a GLAAD-controlled media industry would tolerate a biblical movie without gay innuendo or characters central to the plot? I think you and I both no the answer is "no'. Look for gay themes to be woven into biblical movies. Like I said in the OP. Nevermind that promoting a homosexual culture for christians is equal to eternity in the pit of fire. GLAAD will take special care to redact that.

And in quoting me, you left out the Kirk Cameron quote directly from the GLAAD website. In it there is a link to defame Cameron because he dared to oppose gay marriage on religious beliefs.

You left that out, brucebeat, on purpose because you knew it supported my points beyond a doubt. So some honesty from you about now would help to boost your manipulating skills. It's hard to manipulate people you just gave a reason to not trust you...
The debate is about GLAAD ruling Hollywood.
You have done nothing to make that case.
Whether they fight biblical decrees or not, they remain one of many competing interest groups.
Why are you losing the war of ideas?

...and your leaving the Kirk Cameron quote out of my post #85 when you cited me IS about GLAAD ruling Hollywood. You didn't want anyone to notice that GLAAD included a link to "unfame" Cameron in their debasing article on Kirk merely stating his religious views as to gay marriage.

Why are you waging a war on [biblical] ideas? If your cause is so popular as you "fake it till you make it" assert, why is a war necessary? Seems if so many hearts were warming up to two people of the same gender trying to role-play "husband and wife" "father and mother", you wouldn't need a "war" would you?

Could it be you are fabricating the facts? Something that a person keenly schooled in the art of subterfuge and manipulating public awareness might do?... :eusa_shifty:

Why are you fixated on this Kirk attack?
It is one example of how an interest group tries to make its case.
Why is this example so riveting to you?
How do you see what FRC is doing as different?
They are notorious for using evidence that has universally been discredited, leaning on "experts" that have been humiliated repeatedly in professional circles. They specialize in subterfuge and deceitful manipulation.
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Why are you fixated on this Kirk attack?

Because of all the quotes you left just that one out in your reply to me. You asked for an example of how GLAAD controls Hollywood. I gave you several. The most compelling was the Kirk issue because GLAAD included a link to defame him, to un-fame him. So I asked you to explain why you left it out. And as yet you haven't done that.

I'm not sure curiosity rises to the level of "fixation". I'll wait for your explanation though I won't be holding my breath. Both you and I know why that is.
Why are you fixated on this Kirk attack?

Because of all the quotes you left just that one out in your reply to me. You asked for an example of how GLAAD controls Hollywood. I gave you several. The most compelling was the Kirk issue because GLAAD included a link to defame him, to un-fame him. So I asked you to explain why you left it out. And as yet you haven't done that.

I'm not sure curiosity rises to the level of "fixation". I'll wait for your explanation though I won't be holding my breath. Both you and I know why that is.

I already did. It is simply their way of pushing their influence, just like any other interest group. You can hate the methods, that's fine, but it doesn't say anything about them controlling Hollywood. Not remotely.
I hate the Family Research Council and find the lying methods they use deplorable.
So you can hate GLAAD if you want, but stop with the insane conspiracy theory. It's embarrassing.
Why are you fixated on this Kirk attack?

Because of all the quotes you left just that one out in your reply to me. You asked for an example of how GLAAD controls Hollywood. I gave you several. The most compelling was the Kirk issue because GLAAD included a link to defame him, to un-fame him. So I asked you to explain why you left it out. And as yet you haven't done that.

I'm not sure curiosity rises to the level of "fixation". I'll wait for your explanation though I won't be holding my breath. Both you and I know why that is.

I already did. It is simply their way of pushing their influence, just like any other interest group. You can hate the methods, that's fine, but it doesn't say anything about them controlling Hollywood. Not remotely.
I hate the Family Research Council and find the lying methods they use deplorable.
So you can hate GLAAD if you want, but stop with the insane conspiracy theory. It's embarrassing.

Two wrongs don't make a right and I don't give a fig about either outfit. Only that Hollywood has as its motivation the promotion of a dark cult. Whereas a religious outfit has as their motivation, the promotion of a moral structure that isn't built around base animal drives and narcissism. One is a selfish animal cult. The other attempts to achieve the divine state of ascendance above all that. I suppose it's all what you're into. I'm into the latter.
Because of all the quotes you left just that one out in your reply to me. You asked for an example of how GLAAD controls Hollywood. I gave you several. The most compelling was the Kirk issue because GLAAD included a link to defame him, to un-fame him. So I asked you to explain why you left it out. And as yet you haven't done that.

I'm not sure curiosity rises to the level of "fixation". I'll wait for your explanation though I won't be holding my breath. Both you and I know why that is.

I already did. It is simply their way of pushing their influence, just like any other interest group. You can hate the methods, that's fine, but it doesn't say anything about them controlling Hollywood. Not remotely.
I hate the Family Research Council and find the lying methods they use deplorable.
So you can hate GLAAD if you want, but stop with the insane conspiracy theory. It's embarrassing.

Two wrongs don't make a right and I don't give a fig about either outfit. Only that Hollywood has as its motivation the promotion of a dark cult. Whereas a religious outfit has as their motivation, the promotion of a moral structure that isn't built around base animal drives and narcissism. One is a selfish animal cult. The other attempts to achieve the divine state of ascendance above all that. I suppose it's all what you're into. I'm into the latter.

Hollywood is driven by money. The rest is in your head.
If you are into all that good stuff, divine ascendance and all, run, don't walk, from FRC.
I just hope that we don't have to endure another Charlton Hesston gritting his teeth for 10 years like we did in the 1950's.
I just hope that we don't have to endure another Charlton Hesston gritting his teeth for 10 years like we did in the 1950's.

Oh my goodness no. But back then the Bible was popular among people who went to movies. Not so now. Which makes you wonder about Hollywood's sudden obsession with it since obviously it's not to make know the same time they've announced brazenly that they are at "war" [thank you Brucebeat] with the Bible's influence.
I just hope that we don't have to endure another Charlton Hesston gritting his teeth for 10 years like we did in the 1950's.

Oh my goodness no. But back then the Bible was popular among people who went to movies. Not so now. Which makes you wonder about Hollywood's sudden obsession with it since obviously it's not to make know the same time they've announced brazenly that they are at "war" [thank you Brucebeat] with the Bible's influence.

Your hands aren't clean.
A war takes at least two combatants.
Mel Gibson financially hit it out of the park with "The Passion".
The two small independent movies out now are already in the black.
We'll see how Russell does with his aquatic epic.
"Not so now"?
Based on what?
You are being ridiculous, Sil. You are just saying silly, unfounded stuff based on some bizarre paranoid fantasy.
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As bad as it seems, at least we will not have to endure a remake of "The Blair Witch project", in the foreseeable future.
As bad as it seems, at least we will not have to endure a remake of "The Blair Witch project", in the foreseeable future.

No, but we've had to endure all sorts of "Found Footage" films trying to copy the BWP's success.

Which is just as bad.

My problem with these is that when you are being attacked by Witches or Zombies or Godzilla, the last thing you are really going to be thinking is "Hey, I need to totally get this down on video before they eat me!"

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