Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

Well we can certainly see the script that is already written for the redaction on the silver screen:

"Sodom: The tale where venial and mortal sins blend, where two wrongs make a right!"

Okay, let's look at that. Some people in Sodom are having the butt-sex. So God had to destroy them. But then he sends two angels down to save Lot. And when the "Sodomites" came to do what they Sodomites do, Lot offered his two VIRGIN daughters up to this angry mob to be gang-raped. And this is the righteous man God had to save. Oh, but it gets better. for some reason, the daughters of Lot think this man's seed needs to be preserved, so they ply him with wine and have sex with him- THEIR OWN FATHER. Mind you, these were the family GOd had to save. Gays=bad, incestous daughter pimp = Righteous.

Again, the singular acts of Lot and his daughters are not comparable to an ENTIRE CULTURAL TAKEOVER of a human society. Venial sins of duress were 1. A man offering virgin FEMALES to HOMOSEXUAL men intent on raping his male guests. Do you really believe that Lot felt his daughters were in actual danger of being "taken"? 2. After destroying the whole civilizaiton for falling prey to and enabling a new homosexual matrix within which no christian no matter how steadfast, could self-improve, Lot and his daughters were the only gig in town. So incest had to do to perpetuate the species in the region in this isolated incident of mitigating factors.

But if you'd read my post you'd know that already. It's one thing to commit individual sins under duress. It's quite another, a mortal sin, to convert or enable the conversion of the entire matrix of a human society into a den of sodomy where sin is "normal" and those who do not sin are "abnormal/drummed out" we see happening the letter in fact...

Apparently the Big Guy gets pissed off when you tamper with an entire matrix he's set up to test the souls of men in. But when a pond created to test the strength of a swimmer turns into quicksand where those same efforts suck you down no matter how hard you swim, it's time to clean out the depression and refill it with clean water again. That's the lesson of Sodom. Not random individual sins. An entire matrix!

The "HOMOSEXUAL MEN" as you put it were the husbands of the women of Sodom and their sons. It stands to reason Lot most definitely was offering his daughters with full intent to follow through and expected it would work.
Nice try, but a major whiff.
What the hell. Just because the males of Sodom were enjoying the intimate pleasures of prostate stimulation doesn't make all of them "homosexual". Pehaps some. They could still be bisexual and fully enjoy conventional vaginal intercourse. Or orgies with a comfortable, exciting mix of both sexes. Hell, some could still even be "heterosexual"! And just allow the women to stimulate their prostate.

It's also interesting how, when a woman enjoys anal penetration, its rarely discussed as "sodomy" and seems like less of a taboo.

Human beings, I swear.

Okay, let's look at that. Some people in Sodom are having the butt-sex. So God had to destroy them. But then he sends two angels down to save Lot. And when the "Sodomites" came to do what they Sodomites do, Lot offered his two VIRGIN daughters up to this angry mob to be gang-raped. And this is the righteous man God had to save. Oh, but it gets better. for some reason, the daughters of Lot think this man's seed needs to be preserved, so they ply him with wine and have sex with him- THEIR OWN FATHER. Mind you, these were the family GOd had to save. Gays=bad, incestous daughter pimp = Righteous.

Again, the singular acts of Lot and his daughters are not comparable to an ENTIRE CULTURAL TAKEOVER of a human society. Venial sins of duress were 1. A man offering virgin FEMALES to HOMOSEXUAL men intent on raping his male guests. Do you really believe that Lot felt his daughters were in actual danger of being "taken"? 2. After destroying the whole civilizaiton for falling prey to and enabling a new homosexual matrix within which no christian no matter how steadfast, could self-improve, Lot and his daughters were the only gig in town. So incest had to do to perpetuate the species in the region in this isolated incident of mitigating factors.

But if you'd read my post you'd know that already. It's one thing to commit individual sins under duress. It's quite another, a mortal sin, to convert or enable the conversion of the entire matrix of a human society into a den of sodomy where sin is "normal" and those who do not sin are "abnormal/drummed out" we see happening the letter in fact...

Apparently the Big Guy gets pissed off when you tamper with an entire matrix he's set up to test the souls of men in. But when a pond created to test the strength of a swimmer turns into quicksand where those same efforts suck you down no matter how hard you swim, it's time to clean out the depression and refill it with clean water again. That's the lesson of Sodom. Not random individual sins. An entire matrix!

Oh, come on.

Sodom is a myth, and Genesis 19 is propaganda. The Ammonites and Moabites claimed descent from Lot, sothe Hebrews claimed they were the result of incest. It's the ultimate 'yo mama' joke.

Incidently, the Islamic telling of the story of Lot leaves out the gang-rape pimping and incest, for some reason.

But sorry, the one who really comes off like a jerk in this story is God. It's just another case of his mass murdering people on a whim. Which is understandable if you were a bronze age savage and "God" was the go to answer for every bit of nature you really didn't understand.

Plague? God must be mad at us.
Locust? God must be mad at us.
Famine? God must be mad at us.

Today, we have anti-biotics and insecticides and modern agriculture and we don't need to appease imaginary sky pixies or use that as an excuse when people are having sex we don't like.
Oh, come on.

Sodom is a myth, and Genesis 19 is propaganda. The Ammonites and Moabites claimed descent from Lot, sothe Hebrews claimed they were the result of incest. It's the ultimate 'yo mama' joke.

Incidently, the Islamic telling of the story of Lot leaves out the gang-rape pimping and incest, for some reason.

But sorry, the one who really comes off like a jerk in this story is God. It's just another case of his mass murdering people on a whim. Which is understandable if you were a bronze age savage and "God" was the go to answer for every bit of nature you really didn't understand.

Plague? God must be mad at us.
Locust? God must be mad at us.
Famine? God must be mad at us.

Today, we have anti-biotics and insecticides and modern agriculture and we don't need to appease imaginary sky pixies or use that as an excuse when people are having sex we don't like.

Keep telling yourself that we are immune to plagues. We also have HIV/AIDS that keeps mutating. And mutating bacteria grown in the bodies of AIDS patients that doctors are trying heroic medicines on. Like plague petri dishes that are dispensing these superbugs out to the general population.

It isn't entirely impossible that if God does have epic wrath, that this entity uses science to get it done. After all, we use nuclear weapons and they would be quite a plague, wouldn't they? Don't judge a plague or disaster by its causalitiy. Judge it by its timing and who it affects. Maybe its random. Maybe its not.

But the story of Sodom was that the city was wiped out because homosexuality took over and became a cult. Just like today. Abnormal became normal. And when that happens, those who enable it actively or passively go down with that ship to the pit of fire.

You aren't allowed to redact a religion simply because you feel it isn't worthy of your consideration as viable. Individual sins are one thing. Changing the matrix men find themselves tested in is against God's will. It's like walking up to God's little animal farm and opening all the gates and letting them all run wild. There are wolves out in those woods... It pisses God off apparently.
You nutters get nuttier every day. All you preach is more and more hate but this is just plain weird. I'm surprised that some of you work up enough nerve to even come out from under your bed.
She's right and your ad hom attack was reported. Insults and personal attacks shouldn't be condoned on any forum.
[MENTION=44514]Silhouette[/MENTION], your OP is spot on. You should post that on other forums too.
Just sayinnnnn....
[MENTION=44514]Silhouette[/MENTION], your OP is spot on. You should post that on other forums too.
Just sayinnnnn....

Thanks. :D

If I did it would get hit with a hailstorm of "you're a nutter because you're defending christianity" etc. Here at least there are attracted at least a paltry few of those souls struggling to rise above base instincts and the new gay religion.

It's really a weird fluke that I ran into the guy who helped get GLAAD started. Completely by accident. You wouldn't believe what a nutter that guy is and the crowd he hangs with. Off the charts. Some of them used to stalk their ex-guru's house and go through his garbage, digging for condoms to see if he was having sex, what he was eating, every single thing about him.

They are SO BITTER at his rebuking their homosexuality that its hard to put into words. That bitterness and squirming lust for vengeance is the wind beneath their sails. They are utterly blind to their own ambitions. Utterly. And they don't care who they take down in their quest to get even with any established religion that has dogma that dis-includes homosexuality. If a person was tempted to put it in biblical terms, they really are demons who are GLAADly doing the devil's work with a singular aim: to dissolve the last vestiges of faith and moral structure so that "being gay will finally be OK". Oh how cool it was that the APA removed LGBTs from the DSM, forcefully, back in the 1970s...because clearly, you know, they're not insane at all. :cuckoo:

This is the group who brainstormed The Agenda. GLAAD is the outfit who decides what gets on the silver screen and what doesn't. Who works and who doesn't, in Hollywood. Hollywood [GLAAD. ergo] has a sudden fasciation with the Bible, even though it's widely unpopular with the movie crowd. Gays have a sudden declared "culture war" on christianity.

In other words, after meeting this guy, knowing his impetus, it really wasn't all that hard to see what is going on with this sudden surge of Biblical films. It involves the ability to think logically and to trace the odd breadcrumbs backwards.
[MENTION=44514]Silhouette[/MENTION], your OP is spot on. You should post that on other forums too.
Just sayinnnnn....

Thanks. :D

If I did it would get hit with a hailstorm of "you're a nutter because you're defending christianity" etc. Here at least there are attracted at least a paltry few of those souls struggling to rise above base instincts and the new gay religion.

It's really a weird fluke that I ran into the guy who helped get GLAAD started. Completely by accident. You wouldn't believe what a nutter that guy is and the crowd he hangs with. Off the charts. Some of them used to stalk their ex-guru's house and go through his garbage, digging for condoms to see if he was having sex, what he was eating, every single thing about him.

They are SO BITTER at his rebuking their homosexuality that its hard to put into words. That bitterness and squirming lust for vengeance is the wind beneath their sails. They are utterly blind to their own ambitions. Utterly. And they don't care who they take down in their quest to get even with any established religion that has dogma that dis-includes homosexuality. If a person was tempted to put it in biblical terms, they really are demons who are GLAADly doing the devil's work with a singular aim: to dissolve the last vestiges of faith and moral structure so that "being gay will finally be OK". Oh how cool it was that the APA removed LGBTs from the DSM, forcefully, back in the 1970s...because clearly, you know, they're not insane at all. :cuckoo:

This is the group who brainstormed The Agenda. GLAAD is the outfit who decides what gets on the silver screen and what doesn't. Who works and who doesn't, in Hollywood. Hollywood [GLAAD. ergo] has a sudden fasciation with the Bible, even though it's widely unpopular with the movie crowd. Gays have a sudden declared "culture war" on christianity.

In other words, after meeting this guy, knowing his impetus, it really wasn't all that hard to see what is going on with this sudden surge of Biblical films. It involves the ability to think logically and to trace the odd breadcrumbs backwards.
Your premise about GLAAD is profoundly absurd, and your argument that Hollywood is making movies anathema to the tastes of the public are equally ludicrous. Biblical stories were some of the very first films made and have been well represented ever since, in every time period.
The public loves these tales and they inevitably make money.
You aren't crazy because you defend Christianity.
You are nuts because you are a paranoid conspiracy theorist.
Keep telling yourself that we are immune to plagues. We also have HIV/AIDS that keeps mutating. And mutating bacteria grown in the bodies of AIDS patients that doctors are trying heroic medicines on. Like plague petri dishes that are dispensing these superbugs out to the general population.

It isn't entirely impossible that if God does have epic wrath, that this entity uses science to get it done. After all, we use nuclear weapons and they would be quite a plague, wouldn't they? Don't judge a plague or disaster by its causalitiy. Judge it by its timing and who it affects. Maybe its random. Maybe its not.

But the story of Sodom was that the city was wiped out because homosexuality took over and became a cult. Just like today. Abnormal became normal. And when that happens, those who enable it actively or passively go down with that ship to the pit of fire.

You aren't allowed to redact a religion simply because you feel it isn't worthy of your consideration as viable. Individual sins are one thing. Changing the matrix men find themselves tested in is against God's will. It's like walking up to God's little animal farm and opening all the gates and letting them all run wild. There are wolves out in those woods... It pisses God off apparently.

I'm an atheist because people like you walk the earth. Someone who thinks that God is a cosmic hit man inflicting pain on all the people they don't like.

There was no Sodom. It's a myth by savages to justify their savagery. The sooner the last bible is thrown into the recycle bin, the better off humanity will be.

You might be happy to worship a god who DROWNS AND BURNS BABIES, but I refuse to. I wouldn't even if he did exist, but you all can't even meet that low standard.
You might be happy to worship a god who DROWNS AND BURNS BABIES, but I refuse to. I wouldn't even if he did exist, but you all can't even meet that low standard.

I'm cool with that, and totally happy worshipping God/ Allah/ Adonai/ YHWH.... as creative and destructive as God may choose to be. God is GOD after all, and we ARE God's creations, so our lives belong to God to do with according to God's will.

If I make a mistake on a drawing or a painting, I'll erase it, or paint over it. If the canvas or the paper becomes ruined, I may just discard the entire thing and start over, preserving part of the original idea to develop something better. On a cosmic level, it would seem that God chooses to do the same.

Besides... it is within God's power to reincarnate them so its really no big deal.
You might be happy to worship a god who DROWNS AND BURNS BABIES, but I refuse to. I wouldn't even if he did exist, but you all can't even meet that low standard.

I'm cool with that, and totally happy worshipping God/ Allah/ Adonai/ YHWH.... as creative and destructive as God may choose to be. God is GOD after all, and we ARE God's creations, so our lives belong to God to do with according to God's will.

If I make a mistake on a drawing or a painting, I'll erase it, or paint over it. If the canvas or the paper becomes ruined, I may just discard the entire thing and start over, preserving part of the original idea to develop something better. On a cosmic level, it would seem that God chooses to do the same.

Besides... it is within God's power to reincarnate them so its really no big deal.

Well the lesson of Sodom is a big deal because being sent to the pit of fire forever for merely enabling the fouling of the pond, the destruction of the matrix of testing doesn't bode well for "reincarnation". Though I tend to believe reincarnation is part of the big plan for some who have passed their lessons well, or have spent some time in purgatory, like an afterlife jail for being bad. The pit of fire forever though is what is prescribed for the sodomites and their enablers. God seems pretty adamant that this paricular behavior/cult is not a good idea.. And I've stated the reasons why.

There are a lot of things that are part of that Plan that shouldn't be discussed though. If everyone knew about reincarnation, they wouldn't take each life's lessons as seriously as they should. "Why work hard this time? I'll just do it next time"..etc. So while the Hindus are insightful, perhaps they are more insightful for their own good. Another example are christians who believe that if they are "saved", no matter what they do they will go to heaven. So they become lazy, slothful, indolent, haughty, even arrogant with their "faith". This is as big a mistake as thinking you get to live again to do it right next time.
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You might be happy to worship a god who DROWNS AND BURNS BABIES, but I refuse to. I wouldn't even if he did exist, but you all can't even meet that low standard.

I'm cool with that, and totally happy worshipping God/ Allah/ Adonai/ YHWH.... as creative and destructive as God may choose to be. God is GOD after all, and we ARE God's creations, so our lives belong to God to do with according to God's will.

If I make a mistake on a drawing or a painting, I'll erase it, or paint over it. If the canvas or the paper becomes ruined, I may just discard the entire thing and start over, preserving part of the original idea to develop something better. On a cosmic level, it would seem that God chooses to do the same.

Besides... it is within God's power to reincarnate them so its really no big deal.

Well the lesson of Sodom is a big deal because being sent to the pit of fire forever for merely enabling the fouling of the pond, the destruction of the matrix of testing doesn't bode well for "reincarnation". Though I tend to believe reincarnation is part of the big plan for some who have passed their lessons well, or have spent some time in purgatory, like an afterlife jail for being bad. The pit of fire forever though is what is prescribed for the sodomites and their enablers. God seems pretty adamant that this paricular behavior/cult is not a good idea.. And I've stated the reasons why.

There are a lot of things that are part of that Plan that shouldn't be discussed though. If everyone knew about reincarnation, they wouldn't take each life's lessons as seriously as they should. "Why work hard this time? I'll just do it next time"..etc. So while the Hindus are insightful, perhaps they are more insightful for their own good.

Let's walk you back off your ledge one step at a time.
Are you ready to admit that the idea that Lot was on safe ground offering his virgin daughters to the mob is totally absurd, as the mob wasn't "HOMOSEXUAL" men, but all the fathers and husbands of Sodom?
Or are you just going to continue to ignore that?

"But before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter:" KJV
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That mob you refer to was likely comprised of homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual men, most or all of whom realized the pleasures of prostate stimulation, yet could not contain these sexual urges. They still totally could have ravaged Lot's daughters.

It wasn't that messed up though.

Did Lot know the two guests were angels yet? I mean he bowed to them with his face to the earth, so he probably did, even before they revealed their plans to nuke Sodom. If so, he showed he was willing to make quite the sacrifice for God. But if not, it doesn't matter how messed up that is, because God was "remembering Abraham" and thus seemed more inclined to deliver Lot and and his family from destruction.

And about Lot banging his daughters-

They plotted to sleep with him. They gave him wine, got him drunk, and took his "seed". Is Lot truly at fault here? They even described their reasoning for it beforehand. It was because there was no other man around to give them children, as is the custom all over the earth. They were isolated, alone and away in a cave in the mountains. They wanted to preserve their blood line through their father out of survival, not out of lust.
That mob you refer to was likely comprised of homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual men, most or all of whom realized the pleasures of prostate stimulation, yet could not contain these sexual urges. They still totally could have ravaged Lot's daughters.

It wasn't that messed up though.

Did Lot know the two guests were angels yet? I mean he bowed to them with his face to the earth, so he probably did, even before they revealed their plans to nuke Sodom. If so, he showed he was willing to make quite the sacrifice for God. But if not, it doesn't matter how messed up that is, because God was "remembering Abraham" and thus seemed more inclined to deliver Lot and and his family from destruction.

And about Lot banging his daughters-

They plotted to sleep with him. They gave him wine, got him drunk, and took his "seed". Is Lot truly at fault here? They even described their reasoning for it beforehand. It was because there was no other man around to give them children, as is the custom all over the earth. They were isolated, alone and away in a cave in the mountains. They wanted to preserve their blood line through their father out of survival, not out of lust.

A couple of things.

first, the verb used in the Hebrew is "Yada", "To KNow". Which is used for sexual contact in other parts of the bible, but is only in a heterosexual sense. In no other part of the bible is "Yada" used to decribe homosexual contact.

It is equally probable that the men of Sodom wanted to know who these strangers were. After all, in a previous chapter, the "Cities of the plain" had just fought a war against a neighboring King. They might have wanted to know if these were spies.

Also, after the Angels decide to destroy the city, Lot tries to convice his sons in law to flee with him. so essentially, Lot was lying about these girls being virgins before offering them up for gang rape.

Also, also, it says that God spared the city of Zoar so that Lot and family could flee there. so it is safe to assume that there were men there that Lot's daughters could marry before they got all "Red State" with their dad. But instead, they were in a cave with enough wine to get Lot drunk.

So let's review. God destroys Sodom because the men wickedly wanted to know who strangers were, Lot offers his daughters up for Gang Rape, has drunken sex with them. Poor Mrs. Lot gets turned into a condiment because she didn't heed a vaguely worded warning when her entire life was being destroyed.

You know, this would make an awesome movie!

Well the lesson of Sodom is a big deal because being sent to the pit of fire forever for merely enabling the fouling of the pond, the destruction of the matrix of testing doesn't bode well for "reincarnation". Though I tend to believe reincarnation is part of the big plan for some who have passed their lessons well, or have spent some time in purgatory, like an afterlife jail for being bad. The pit of fire forever though is what is prescribed for the sodomites and their enablers. God seems pretty adamant that this paricular behavior/cult is not a good idea.. And I've stated the reasons why.

There are a lot of things that are part of that Plan that shouldn't be discussed though. If everyone knew about reincarnation, they wouldn't take each life's lessons as seriously as they should. "Why work hard this time? I'll just do it next time"..etc. So while the Hindus are insightful, perhaps they are more insightful for their own good. Another example are christians who believe that if they are "saved", no matter what they do they will go to heaven. So they become lazy, slothful, indolent, haughty, even arrogant with their "faith". This is as big a mistake as thinking you get to live again to do it right next time.

Gee, it would be nice if the Imaginary Sky Pixie you worship made all these things clear so people wouldn't make sensible mistakes.

I frankly can't worship someone who would torture people eternally for being who God made them, though. I'm not sure why you feel the need to worship a sadistic monster, I take great joy in his non-existence.
Whats the big deal about someone choosing to be a rump bandit? Like I have said, if a guy wants to have sex with a chicken, then fine with me. Just don't expect to reap the benefits of marriage from such union with a chicken

Whats the big deal about someone choosing to be a rump bandit? Like I have said, if a guy wants to have sex with a chicken, then fine with me. Just don't expect to reap the benefits of marriage from such union with a chicken


Why is it when you guys can't argue against two adults in a consentual relationship, you have to talk about bestiality or some such shit?

Here's the thing. Gay marriage is legal, and your imaginary sky friend hasn't wiped us off the face of the earth.

Deal with it.
Whats the big deal about someone choosing to be a rump bandit? Like I have said, if a guy wants to have sex with a chicken, then fine with me. Just don't expect to reap the benefits of marriage from such union with a chicken


Why is it when you guys can't argue against two adults in a consentual relationship, you have to talk about bestiality or some such shit?

Here's the thing. Gay marriage is legal, and your imaginary sky friend hasn't wiped us off the face of the earth.

Deal with it.

Legal? Just another example of unjust laws that should be overturned. But hey, from where I sit, not much difference between choosing to have sex with another man, or a chicken.

Both are equally distasteful

I'm not sure why you feel the need to worship a sadistic monster, I take great joy in his non-existence.

Nobody's perfect. I can be sadistic, sociopathic, masochistic, mildly psychopathic and misanthropic, malignantly narcissistic, machiavellianistic ... So personally I feel quite alright worshipping this "sadistic monster" you seem to be so fond of.

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