Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

Sexuality is a behavior. Behaviors ARE issues and why we have penal and civil codes all over the books in law.

Learn the difference between doing and being.

I have no faith you would recognize. I'm reporting on the ones I'm currently studying as applicable to this topic.

So any port in a storm.
Got it.
I am a Agnostic. Religion is a moot point here. I may be a little sarcastic here, but perhaps fear of gays is genetic. And, I am just plain revolted by homosexuality. Like Spiders or poop. I don't think this is even a religious issue. I think there is a basic human issue here. And regardless of the wealth and disposable income of Homosexuals, you aren't going to ostracize it or buy it out. Try as you may.

Black racism used to be defended the same way.
In time your "ick" factor will be marginalized to the point it is negligible in society.
Be honest.
Did ou grow up around people that thought it was "icky" too?
I am confused by the first post here...But, not to worry, nobody takes the bible seriously. Unless, you are a christian. But heaven forbid, we disparage the Koran even though it's the same hoodo. GLAAD is taking on a power of it's own. When someone's sexuality drives their politics, that takes on a whole new aspect. Like race, it shouldn't be an issue. Racism, Homophobia, catchwords for a new political McCarthyism.

So if it's like racier and shouldn't be an issue, were the blacks in the 60's creating a new "Marxism" with the civil rights movement?
Your analogy makes no sense at all, unless you think the civil rights movement was an absurd abuse.
Is that your point?
Neither movement is about race or sexuality.
They are about the freedom to be what you are.
So did you read the part in the bible and the koran about the Sodom thing being about homosexuality Bruce? Or are we skipping on to another subject?
So did you read the part in the bible and the koran about the Sodom thing being about homosexuality Bruce? Or are we skipping on to another subject?

I think Ezekiel 16:49 is pretty darn clear about it.
Do you not like that book?
Does it not "count"?
Seems like you are the one that wants to skip this.
You never acknowledged it.
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So did you read the part in the bible and the koran about the Sodom thing being about homosexuality Bruce? Or are we skipping on to another subject?

I think Ezekiel 16:49 is pretty darn clear about it.
Do you not like that book?
Does it not "count"?
Seems like you are the one that wants to skip this.
You never acknowledged it.

I got tired of that being the only quick fix of unbelievers to distort every other verse and I reversed engineered the story to say it isn't just that. You missed a lot of the Bible if you think it is only that.
Any actor or actress will tell you privately that GLAAD runs Hollywood. And since GLAAD is THE main arm of the gay agenda and the gay agenda has announced its venom for religion [their blackmail has just unseated a Pope for the first time in 700 years for cripe's sake], and since the Ipad generation has about as much zeal for biblical movies as a cougar has for wheatgrass juice, we can only conclude that Hollywood is up to something with this latest obessesion with the Bible.

They aren't trying to appeal to the degenerates, for none of those folks already would walk through the theatre doors for a bible movie. They are into luring in practicing christians so they can redact in what's left of that population the actual biblical accounts and be "their new preacher" interpreting the bible in the LGBT way through film. Like I said, if it's not already in the film on Moses, you will find gay subliminals and innuendo in ones to come.

I am a SAG member myself and what you say is so silly it is hard to quantify how ridiculous you are being.
You have lost your mind.

A former 'pastor' turned actor... too funny! :lol:
Any actor or actress will tell you privately that GLAAD runs Hollywood. And since GLAAD is THE main arm of the gay agenda and the gay agenda has announced its venom for religion [their blackmail has just unseated a Pope for the first time in 700 years for cripe's sake], and since the Ipad generation has about as much zeal for biblical movies as a cougar has for wheatgrass juice, we can only conclude that Hollywood is up to something with this latest obessesion with the Bible.

They aren't trying to appeal to the degenerates, for none of those folks already would walk through the theatre doors for a bible movie. They are into luring in practicing christians so they can redact in what's left of that population the actual biblical accounts and be "their new preacher" interpreting the bible in the LGBT way through film. Like I said, if it's not already in the film on Moses, you will find gay subliminals and innuendo in ones to come.

I am a SAG member myself and what you say is so silly it is hard to quantify how ridiculous you are being.
You have lost your mind.

A former 'pastor' turned actor... too funny! :lol:
I was an actor first.
So did you read the part in the bible and the koran about the Sodom thing being about homosexuality Bruce? Or are we skipping on to another subject?

I think Ezekiel 16:49 is pretty darn clear about it.
Do you not like that book?
Does it not "count"?
Seems like you are the one that wants to skip this.
You never acknowledged it.

I got tired of that being the only quick fix of unbelievers to distort every other verse and I reversed engineered the story to say it isn't just that. You missed a lot of the Bible if you think it is only that.
It certainly includes that verse.
Why are you not commenting on the verse itself and instead doing your best to avoid it?
I am a SAG member myself and what you say is so silly it is hard to quantify how ridiculous you are being.
You have lost your mind.

A former 'pastor' turned actor... too funny! :lol:
I was an actor first.

Yes, an actor first. That explains the "pastor" role you played.. Much like the role of "accurate bible portrayer" Hollywood is about to interpret for the masses a la the story of Sodom in particular. We've already seen samples of the redacting you've given us. How the men at the door really wanted Lot's daughters. How Lot was a cad offering up his daughters to them. How "silly" the bible is anyway..etc. etc.

It'll start slow. Some serious films at first with few hints to the real agenda. Then a couple more, accentuating the most ridiculous of tales for the nonbeliever to grasp, or even the believers who question "how"? Of course putting all the animals in the world two by two on a large ark is absurd. So maybe Noah was the perfect place to start eh? I've seen theories that those animals came on board in frozen embryo form. Who knows what legions god has at its service? The great pyramids and Puma Punku didn't build themselves..

But I digress.

The accounts in the Koran, Jude 1 and Romans 1 of the Bible clearly spell out HOMOSEXUALITY was THE CAUSE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF SODOM. And hence the reason we call when a man uses another man's anus as an artificial vagina "sodomy".

But you already knew that. Sure you did...
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WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Monday narrowly upheld the centuries-old tradition of offering prayers to open government meetings, even if the prayers are overwhelmingly Christian and citizens are encouraged to participate.

The 5-4 ruling, supported by the court's conservative justices and opposed by its liberals, was based in large part on the history of legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution.

Christianity 1

Hollywood 0

Religion takes this round. The battle continues...

Imagine encouraging people to appeal to a power or spirituality higher than themselves for guidance? Shocking! Though I do think the prayer giver should ask the participants to pray in their own way of their own faith instead of forcing the christian brand on the act. But the intent behind the act? There's nothing wrong with it at all.
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WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Monday narrowly upheld the centuries-old tradition of offering prayers to open government meetings, even if the prayers are overwhelmingly Christian and citizens are encouraged to participate.

The 5-4 ruling, supported by the court's conservative justices and opposed by its liberals, was based in large part on the history of legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution.

Christianity 1

Hollywood 0

Religion takes this round. The battle continues...

Imagine encouraging people to appeal to a power or spirituality higher than themselves for guidance? Shocking! Though I do think the prayer giver should ask the participants to pray in their own way of their own faith instead of forcing the christian brand on the act. But the intent behind the act? There's nothing wrong with it at all.

Why should the government encourage me to practice religion?
I don't mind about the praying one bit. In some communities it's appropriate.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
A former 'pastor' turned actor... too funny! :lol:
I was an actor first.

Yes, an actor first. That explains the "pastor" role you played.. Much like the role of "accurate bible portrayer" Hollywood is about to interpret for the masses a la the story of Sodom in particular. We've already seen samples of the redacting you've given us. How the men at the door really wanted Lot's daughters. How Lot was a cad offering up his daughters to them. How "silly" the bible is anyway..etc. etc.

It'll start slow. Some serious films at first with few hints to the real agenda. Then a couple more, accentuating the most ridiculous of tales for the nonbeliever to grasp, or even the believers who question "how"? Of course putting all the animals in the world two by two on a large ark is absurd. So maybe Noah was the perfect place to start eh? I've seen theories that those animals came on board in frozen embryo form. Who knows what legions god has at its service? The great pyramids and Puma Punku didn't build themselves..

But I digress.

The accounts in the Koran, Jude 1 and Romans 1 of the Bible clearly spell out HOMOSEXUALITY was THE CAUSE OF THE DESTRUCTION OF SODOM. And hence the reason we call when a man uses another man's anus as an artificial vagina "sodomy".

But you already knew that. Sure you did...

Why does Ezekiel not count as an authoritative source?
WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Monday narrowly upheld the centuries-old tradition of offering prayers to open government meetings, even if the prayers are overwhelmingly Christian and citizens are encouraged to participate.

The 5-4 ruling, supported by the court's conservative justices and opposed by its liberals, was based in large part on the history of legislative prayer dating back to the Framers of the Constitution. Supreme Court upholds prayer at government meetings

Christianity 1

Hollywood 0

Religion takes this round. The battle continues...

Imagine encouraging people to appeal to a power or spirituality higher than themselves for guidance? Shocking! Though I do think the prayer giver should ask the participants to pray in their own way of their own faith instead of forcing the christian brand on the act. But the intent behind the act? There's nothing wrong with it at all.

Why should the government encourage me to practice religion?
I don't mind about the praying one bit. In some communities it's appropriate.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Some guy or gal saying a prayer at a town meeting isn't "the government". It's some guy or some gal.

Why should public schools in California encourage kids to practice gay sex by a zillion programs encouraging them to venerate it and the practitioners thereof [one of which is a famous pedophile]?

I guess what's good for the goose is good for the gander? If you don't want adults urging religion on other adults, you shouldn't be about urging the LGBT cult on little kids in school.
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Christianity 1

Hollywood 0

Religion takes this round. The battle continues...

Imagine encouraging people to appeal to a power or spirituality higher than themselves for guidance? Shocking! Though I do think the prayer giver should ask the participants to pray in their own way of their own faith instead of forcing the christian brand on the act. But the intent behind the act? There's nothing wrong with it at all.

Why should the government encourage me to practice religion?

I don't mind about the praying one bit. In some communities it's appropriate.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Some guy or gal saying a prayer at a town meeting isn't "the government". It's some guy or some gal.

Why should public schools in California encourage kids to practice gay sex by a zillion programs encouraging them to venerate it and the practitioners thereof [one of which is a famous pedophile]?

I guess what's good for the goose is good for the gander? If you don't want adults urging religion on other adults, you shouldn't be about urging the LGBT cult on little kids in school.

They don't, next.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
They do:

(4) May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day.
(b) On each of the days designated in subdivision (a), all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to observe those days and to conduct suitable commemorative exercises as follows:

...(4) On Harvey Milk Day, exercises remembering the life of Harvey Milk, recognizing his accomplishments, and familiarizing pupils with the contributions he made to this state.
(c) It is the intent of the Legislature that the exercises encouraged in this section be integrated into the regular school program, and be conducted by the school or institution within the amount otherwise budgeted for educational programs. Bill Text - SB-572 Harvey Milk Day: official designation.
[Read my signature for who Harvey Milk was and his occupying "values-icon" status for the behavioral cult known as "LGBT".]

About 'Day of Silence'

The so-called annual "Day of Silence" (DOS), which is sponsored by the "Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network" (GLSEN), takes place in most public schools every April. The next will be on or around Friday, April 11, 2014.

On this day, students participating in the "Day of Silence" will wear pro-homosexuality T-shirts, buttons, and stickers, refuse to answer teachers' questions in classrooms, make it difficult for other students to concentrate, and generally take over school campuses for the entire day.

Thousands of government high schools and increasing numbers of junior high and middle schools are allowing this propaganda throughout an entire day -- even during instructional time. The purpose of the silent civil disobedience is to promote homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to other students throughout the entire day. Day of Silence WALK OUT// -

[NOTE: Kevin Jennings, the founder of GLSEN, was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education! GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) is a national homosexual organization that targets children in the public schools, and has formed "gay straight alliance" clubs in schools across the country. Jennings was the Executive Director of GLSEN at the time and was the keynote speaker at this conference!]...

..."Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap....[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with...[and] to put you into an exploratory mode."

The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a state-sponsored workshop on during GLSEN-Boston's "TeachOut" Conference on March 25, 2000 held at Tufts University. Approximately 200 young teens and 300 adults attended the day-long event. Kids were bussed in from high schools across Massachusetts. The "Fistgate" incident

So when you want religion to be out of government institutions, don't preach in schools about how kids should try to relax and enjoy fisting in their anuses. It could be a gateway drug to penile penetration and increased exposure to the deadly HIV virus.

What's fair is fair.

So when you want religion to be out of government institutions, don't preach in schools about how kids should try to relax and enjoy fisting in their anuses. It could be a gateway drug to penile penetration and increased exposure to the deadly HIV virus.

What's fair is fair.

Do you ever notice how homophobes like Sil always describe gay sex acts in the most graphic way possible.

Now imagine, if you would, an avowed vegetarian who just can't stop talking about STEAK. How much he HATES Steak, how he just can't stop thinking about those Steak Juices dripping from the meat, the char-burns criss-crossed against the texture... smothered in onions and mushrooms.


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