Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

They do:

(4) May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day.

(b) On each of the days designated in subdivision (a), all public schools and educational institutions are encouraged to observe those days and to conduct suitable commemorative exercises as follows:

...(4) On Harvey Milk Day, exercises remembering the life of Harvey Milk, recognizing his accomplishments, and familiarizing pupils with the contributions he made to this state.

(c) It is the intent of the Legislature that the exercises encouraged in this section be integrated into the regular school program, and be conducted by the school or institution within the amount otherwise budgeted for educational programs. Bill Text - SB-572 Harvey Milk Day: official designation.
[Read my signature for who Harvey Milk was and his occupying "values-icon" status for the behavioral cult known as "LGBT".]

About 'Day of Silence'

The so-called annual "Day of Silence" (DOS), which is sponsored by the "Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network" (GLSEN), takes place in most public schools every April. The next will be on or around Friday, April 11, 2014.

On this day, students participating in the "Day of Silence" will wear pro-homosexuality T-shirts, buttons, and stickers, refuse to answer teachers' questions in classrooms, make it difficult for other students to concentrate, and generally take over school campuses for the entire day.

Thousands of government high schools and increasing numbers of junior high and middle schools are allowing this propaganda throughout an entire day -- even during instructional time. The purpose of the silent civil disobedience is to promote homosexuality, bisexuality and transsexuality to other students throughout the entire day. Day of Silence WALK OUT// -

[NOTE: Kevin Jennings, the founder of GLSEN, was appointed by the Obama administration to run the Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools in the US Department of Education! GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network) is a national homosexual organization that targets children in the public schools, and has formed "gay straight alliance" clubs in schools across the country. Jennings was the Executive Director of GLSEN at the time and was the keynote speaker at this conference!]...

..."Fisting [forcing one's entire hand into another person's rectum or vagina] often gets a bad rap....[It's] an experience of letting somebody into your body that you want to be that close and intimate with...[and] to put you into an exploratory mode."

The above quotation comes from Massachusetts Department of Education employees describing the pleasures of homosexual sex to a group of high school students at a state-sponsored workshop on during GLSEN-Boston's "TeachOut" Conference on March 25, 2000 held at Tufts University. Approximately 200 young teens and 300 adults attended the day-long event. Kids were bussed in from high schools across Massachusetts. The "Fistgate" incident

So when you want religion to be out of government institutions, don't preach in schools about how kids should try to relax and enjoy fisting in their anuses. It could be a gateway drug to penile penetration and increased exposure to the deadly HIV virus.

What's fair is fair.


Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Do you ever notice how homophobes like Sil always describe gay sex acts in the most graphic way possible.

You mean how a medical doctor or scientist would describe it? Like using the anus for an artificial vagina or a strapon penis for an artificial penis?

Once again we know when an LGBT cultee feels really backed into a corner in debate. The very last trick in their bag is to pull out the "you're a closet homosexual". That one usually shuts it down, right?

Except in my case because I don't give a flying fcuk. I'm too old for all that.

Old people and children have a knack for just saying stuff as they see it. The young because they haven't been thoroughly frightened into silence yet by the delusionists young adults; the old because as I just said, we don't give a rat's anymore.

So is it that you're worried folks will start to wonder about the subconscious motivations of a gay man using another man's anus as an artificial vagina, or why a "lesbian" asks her partner to strap on a fake penis? Or is it the graphic description of how deadly depositing semen in the colon is, given that the colon has no natural defenses to it and actually resorbs fluids and large dissolved particles like a virus, for example [it can't tell the difference] directly back into the bloodstream.

Call it what you want. I call it a stark scientific risk assessment and revelations of issues.
Do you ever notice how homophobes like Sil always describe gay sex acts in the most graphic way possible.

You mean how a medical doctor or scientist would describe it? Like using the anus for an artificial vagina or a strapon penis for an artificial penis?

Once again we know when an LGBT cultee feels really backed into a corner in debate. The very last trick in their bag is to pull out the "you're a closet homosexual". That one usually shuts it down, right?

Except in my case because I don't give a flying fcuk. I'm too old for all that.

Old people and children have a knack for just saying stuff as they see it. The young because they haven't been thoroughly frightened into silence yet by the delusionists young adults; the old because as I just said, we don't give a rat's anymore.

So is it that you're worried folks will start to wonder about the subconscious motivations of a gay man using another man's anus as an artificial vagina, or why a "lesbian" asks her partner to strap on a fake penis? Or is it the graphic description of how deadly depositing semen in the colon is, given that the colon has no natural defenses to it and actually resorbs fluids and large dissolved particles like a virus, for example [it can't tell the difference] directly back into the bloodstream.

Call it what you want. I call it a stark scientific risk assessment and revelations of issues.

Uh, huh.

Frankly, i don't discuss graphic medical things with anyone but my doctor.

Not sure why you do.

Incidently, you do realize that 38% of heterosexuals have tried anal sex, do you not? And that 99% of them practice cunnilingus and fellatio.
Do you ever notice how homophobes like Sil always describe gay sex acts in the most graphic way possible.

You mean how a medical doctor or scientist would describe it? Like using the anus for an artificial vagina or a strapon penis for an artificial penis?

Once again we know when an LGBT cultee feels really backed into a corner in debate. The very last trick in their bag is to pull out the "you're a closet homosexual". That one usually shuts it down, right?

Except in my case because I don't give a flying fcuk. I'm too old for all that.

Old people and children have a knack for just saying stuff as they see it. The young because they haven't been thoroughly frightened into silence yet by the delusionists young adults; the old because as I just said, we don't give a rat's anymore.

So is it that you're worried folks will start to wonder about the subconscious motivations of a gay man using another man's anus as an artificial vagina, or why a "lesbian" asks her partner to strap on a fake penis? Or is it the graphic description of how deadly depositing semen in the colon is, given that the colon has no natural defenses to it and actually resorbs fluids and large dissolved particles like a virus, for example [it can't tell the difference] directly back into the bloodstream.

Call it what you want. I call it a stark scientific risk assessment and revelations of issues.

Uh, huh.

Frankly, i don't discuss graphic medical things with anyone but my doctor.

Not sure why you do.

Incidently, you do realize that 38% of heterosexuals have tried anal sex, do you not? And that 99% of them practice cunnilingus and fellatio.

Yes, as a matter of reproductive courtship/foreplay with members of the opposite gender. Though anal sex isn't that popular, no matter what you or your twisted friends try to sell. Especially if people learned it was like mainlining whatever is present in semen straight into the bloodstream of the woman foolish or masochistic enough to be on the receiving end.

Because this is a public debate over a public topic that stands to affect every single person in the US. I'm sure you'd love to clamp down on it and shove the topic in a closet. But we've all come out of the closet remember? All of us! And so have all the taboos around discussing human sexuality, the good, the bad and the diseased... It seems like you're saying "some sexual topics are off limits here". Really? Coming from a group that does THIS in front of kids down main street as a matter of "pride"?

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Yes, as a matter of reproductive courtship/foreplay with members of the opposite gender. Though anal sex isn't that popular, no matter what you or your twisted friends try to sell. Especially if people learned it was like mainlining whatever is present in semen straight into the bloodstream of the woman foolish or masochistic enough to be on the receiving end.

And some chicks are into that. deal with it.

Because this is a public debate over a public topic that stands to affect every single person in the US. I'm sure you'd love to clamp down on it and shove the topic in a closet. But we've all come out of the closet remember? All of us! And so have all the taboos around discussing human sexuality, the good, the bad and the diseased... It seems like you're saying "some sexual topics are off limits here". Really? Coming from a group that does THIS in front of kids down main street as a matter of "pride"?

the only reason why gays have affected my life is that the GOP used homophobia to get that stupid fuck George W. Bush re-elected, and he proceeded to screw up everything.

Now, you might like getting played by these guys, but I really don't.

Also, honestly, you need to get a grip. by the time I was 11, I knew what all the bad words were and what all the naughty bits were for. ANd this was being brought up with a pretty strict Catholic upbringing.
the only reason why gays have affected my life is that the GOP used homophobia to get that stupid fuck George W. Bush re-elected, and he proceeded to screw up everything.

Now, you might like getting played by these guys, but I really don't.

Also, honestly, you need to get a grip. by the time I was 11, I knew what all the bad words were and what all the naughty bits were for. ANd this was being brought up with a pretty strict Catholic upbringing.

Sounds like you were prematurely exposed to sex. Too bad. That's exactly what I'm stumping for: to leave kids alone in their formative years to, without undue influences, discovery their own sexuality in their own time based on the observations they make about the adult world. That world must be a heterosexual icon as much as physically possible. Being gay is not a normal state of being. It is an acquired affect. Compassion for it yes, but not promotion. That's the message to send to kids about it.

I hated Bush. I'm a democrat. But you should know that Bush was never in power. It was Cheney the whole time.

But this topic is about Hollywood redacting and then ridiculing the Bible [the core of faith] through the silver screen.
the rhetoric has been and unless there's a sea change in christian "thinking" always will be on the christian side.
there are millions of lgbt christians..

the most conservative estimate for the percentage of gays and lesbians in the population, which is 3.5 %, that means that there are, at the very least, 8 million gay and lesbian Christians in the United States alone. If the percentage is 4%, then the figure is 10 million.

There are at least 8 million gay and lesbian Christians in the U.S.

Gay and lesbian Christians are only outnumbered by the Roman Catholic Church (68 million) and the Southern Baptist Convention (16 million).

There are more gay and lesbian Christian than there are members of the United Methodist Church (7.7 million), the Mormon church (6 million), Church of God in Christ (5.5 million), the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A. (5 million), the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (4.5 million), the National Baptist Convention of America, Inc., (3.5 million), the Assemblies of God (2.9 million), the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (2.8 million), or the African Methodist Episcopal Church (2.5 million). There are another 13 denominations between 2.5 million and 1 million.

How Many Gay and Lesbian Christians are there in the U.S.? | Bible-Thumping Liberal

There are sinners of every description in the fold of the christian church. They don't close their doors to anyone. Have you not had a full understanding of what the christian religion does? It takes sinners and leads them to salvation.

Did you think the ranks of the churches were made up of angels?.. :lol:

A particular type of going-astray that has given itself a label, does not become a "so-and-so christian". All christians are just christians. The act of homosexuality is no more devine or condoned as a common value than the act of infidelity, gluttony or other vice. Yet all infidels, gluttons etc. are welcome to come into the church and shed their vices over time with prayer and meditation.
the only reason why gays have affected my life is that the GOP used homophobia to get that stupid fuck George W. Bush re-elected, and he proceeded to screw up everything.

Now, you might like getting played by these guys, but I really don't.

Also, honestly, you need to get a grip. by the time I was 11, I knew what all the bad words were and what all the naughty bits were for. ANd this was being brought up with a pretty strict Catholic upbringing.

Sounds like you were prematurely exposed to sex. Too bad. That's exactly what I'm stumping for: to leave kids alone in their formative years to, without undue influences, discovery their own sexuality in their own time based on the observations they make about the adult world. That world must be a heterosexual icon as much as physically possible. Being gay is not a normal state of being. It is an acquired affect. Compassion for it yes, but not promotion. That's the message to send to kids about it.

I hated Bush. I'm a democrat. But you should know that Bush was never in power. It was Cheney the whole time.

But this topic is about Hollywood redacting and then ridiculing the Bible [the core of faith] through the silver screen.

Um, no, like most kids, we figure it out.

ANd sorry, some kids figure out they are gay. My friend who is a lesbian said she knew she liked girls when she was 11. No one taught her that, she was brought up in a strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses.

I'm sorry you don't realize your party left you behind. I used to be a Republican, until I figured out they don't give a fuck about working folks and use BULLSHIT like gay marriage to keep the stupid people voting against their own actions.

Now, for "ridiculing" the bible, I'm sorry, I don't see the bible being ridiculed by Hollywood.

The worst thing Hollywood could do is produce movies about the Bible IN CONTEXT. Because in context, Yahweh is kind of a prick. He murders babies, he tortures faithful people on bets with Satan, he orders the deaths of his followers on petty offenses.

The God of Judges 11 isn't worthy of anyone's worship.
the only reason why gays have affected my life is that the GOP used homophobia to get that stupid fuck George W. Bush re-elected, and he proceeded to screw up everything.

Now, you might like getting played by these guys, but I really don't.

Also, honestly, you need to get a grip. by the time I was 11, I knew what all the bad words were and what all the naughty bits were for. ANd this was being brought up with a pretty strict Catholic upbringing.

Sounds like you were prematurely exposed to sex. Too bad. That's exactly what I'm stumping for: to leave kids alone in their formative years to, without undue influences, discovery their own sexuality in their own time based on the observations they make about the adult world. That world must be a heterosexual icon as much as physically possible. Being gay is not a normal state of being. It is an acquired affect. Compassion for it yes, but not promotion. That's the message to send to kids about it.

I hated Bush. I'm a democrat. But you should know that Bush was never in power. It was Cheney the whole time.

But this topic is about Hollywood redacting and then ridiculing the Bible [the core of faith] through the silver screen.

Um, no, like most kids, we figure it out.

ANd sorry, some kids figure out they are gay. My friend who is a lesbian said she knew she liked girls when she was 11. No one taught her that, she was brought up in a strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses.

I'm sorry you don't realize your party left you behind. I used to be a Republican, until I figured out they don't give a fuck about working folks and use BULLSHIT like gay marriage to keep the stupid people voting against their own actions.

Now, for "ridiculing" the bible, I'm sorry, I don't see the bible being ridiculed by Hollywood.

The worst thing Hollywood could do is produce movies about the Bible IN CONTEXT. Because in context, Yahweh is kind of a prick. He murders babies, he tortures faithful people on bets with Satan, he orders the deaths of his followers on petty offenses.

The God of Judges 11 isn't worthy of anyone's worship.

ANd sorry, some kids figure out they are gay. My friend who is a lesbian said she knew she liked girls when she was 11. No one taught her that, she was brought up in a strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses.

A strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses, yeah okay real wholesom bible thumping dingbats . Could probably find instances of psychological child abuse [non-sexual] in that scenario.

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence ( After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays page 184)
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Um, no, like most kids, we figure it out.

ANd sorry, some kids figure out they are gay. My friend who is a lesbian said she knew she liked girls when she was 11. No one taught her that, she was brought up in a strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses...


No, children at precisely that age are beginning to be sexually charged with hormones and are into copulation. It's who they find themselves around and handy is where the experimentation starts and the eventual habitual behavior becomes imprinted...

I think it was Freud who called this the "latent homosexual stage". For boys, boys are less fearsome than girls. For girls, girls are less fearsome than boys. Then there is the genuine "tampering". The molestations so common in "gay" people that they report from chldhood.

Don't Jehovahs send their kids off to those religious camps every Summer? Probably some creepy matrons there where she "suddenly discovered she liked girls"...
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A strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses, yeah okay real wholesom bible thumping dingbats . Could probably find instances of psychological child abuse [non-sexual] in that scenario.

Maybe. But I know her mom, nice lady. So, no, I don't buy that, either.

And while I do agree the JH are a bunch of dingbats, they aren't any more so than the Catholics, Baptists, or any other set of dingbats who believe in magic Sky fairies.

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence

Okay, so what is your argument here?

That sexual orientation is the result of complex interactions when kids are growing up.

Okay, great.

So why should the adult be penalized for what he or she probably had no control over when she was a kid.

You know, I have this thing for Asian chicks. Not sure where it came from, but I do. Probably not something I could control. I just happen to think Asian chicks are really hot.

ANd you know, what, that is kind of between me and the Asian chicks, isn't it?
No, children at precisely that age are beginning to be sexually charged with hormones and are into copulation. It's who they find themselves around and handy is where the experimentation starts and the eventual habitual behavior becomes imprinted...

I think it was Freud who called this the "latent homosexual stage". For boys, boys are less fearsome than girls. For girls, girls are less fearsome than boys. Then there is the genuine "tampering". The molestations so common in "gay" people that they report from chldhood.

Don't Jehovahs send their kids off to those religious camps every Summer? Probably some creepy matrons there where she "suddenly discovered she liked girls"...

Actually, I did know another gal who was a lesbian who told me she was molested by a male at a pre-pubescent age. But that's a different story.

I've never heard about the JW "camps", though.

The Catholics segregate the sexes in HS. Or at least they did in my generation. And we had a lot of priests who were kind of "funny". Oddly, we don't seem to have more or less gays than anyone else.

A strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses, yeah okay real wholesom bible thumping dingbats . Could probably find instances of psychological child abuse [non-sexual] in that scenario.

Maybe. But I know her mom, nice lady. So, no, I don't buy that, either.

And while I do agree the JH are a bunch of dingbats, they aren't any more so than the Catholics, Baptists, or any other set of dingbats who believe in magic Sky fairies.

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence

Okay, so what is your argument here?

That sexual orientation is the result of complex interactions when kids are growing up.

Okay, great.

So why should the adult be penalized for what he or she probably had no control over when she was a kid.

You know, I have this thing for Asian chicks. Not sure where it came from, but I do. Probably not something I could control. I just happen to think Asian chicks are really hot.

ANd you know, what, that is kind of between me and the Asian chicks, isn't it?

Joe -I think you and a lot of other decent people are missing the point on the backlash against homosexuals. The book I quoted from in my previous post on this thread was written by two Gay researchers in neuropsychiatry - basically mass mind control, brainwashing techniques , neuro linguistic sublimination... a lot of nasty mental manipulation . It was a blueprint for what the Gay Activists are currently perpetrating and it goes far beyond mere acceptance of an "alternative lifestyle".

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence

Okay, so what is your argument here?

That sexual orientation is the result of complex interactions when kids are growing up.

The post was in reply to a claim that Gays were born Gay and have no control over their orientation, which is not true. They were not born that way , they were perverted en route to adulthood - and never quite made it all the way there . In fact there are studies that demonstrate that an extremely high percentage of homosexual males were molested as very young children - which theoretically is a contributing factor to their sexual dementia.

This same sexual dementia that they advocate passing off to children as "an alternative lifestyle" .

So why should the adult be penalized for what he or she probably had no control over when she was a kid.

They shouldn't be penalized -you're right - but they also shouldn't be flaunting their dementia as if it's something to be proud of, trying to pass of sexual perversion as a normal way of life is not healthy - either personally or on a societal level.

PS: I like Asian chicks too - but I don't wear a banner on my chest to advertise the fact.

Joe -I think you and a lot of other decent people are missing the point on the backlash against homosexuals. The book I quoted from in my previous post on this thread was written by two Gay researchers in neuropsychiatry - basically mass mind control, brainwashing techniques , neuro linguistic sublimination... a lot of nasty mental manipulation . It was a blueprint for what the Gay Activists are currently perpetrating and it goes far beyond mere acceptance of an "alternative lifestyle".

Um, yeah, okay. I honestly don't know where to go with this, because it sounds like the kind of paranoia that they used to ascribe to Jews and Catholics. "Protocols of the Elders of Fabulous".

The post was in reply to a claim that Gays were born Gay and have no control over their orientation, which is not true. They were not born that way , they were perverted en route to adulthood - and never quite made it all the way there . In fact there are studies that demonstrate that an extremely high percentage of homosexual males were molested as very young children - which theoretically is a contributing factor to their sexual dementia.

This same sexual dementia that they advocate passing off to children as "an alternative lifestyle" .

THat's right. It's all a conspiracy to make your kids ghey.

Reality check. during adolescence, most kids experiment. few of them grow up to be gay.

They shouldn't be penalized -you're right - but they also shouldn't be flaunting their dementia as if it's something to be proud of, trying to pass of sexual perversion as a normal way of life is not healthy - either personally or on a societal level.

PS: I like Asian chicks too - but I don't wear a banner on my chest to advertise the fact.

But no one is passing laws saying you can't marry one or beating the snot out of you for going on a date with an Asian gal.

Of course, you guys will focus on the one fool wearing assless chaps at a Pride Parade and ignore the fact the vast majority of the participants are just regular folks.

A strict family of Jehovah's Witnesses, yeah okay real wholesom bible thumping dingbats . Could probably find instances of psychological child abuse [non-sexual] in that scenario.

Maybe. But I know her mom, nice lady. So, no, I don't buy that, either.

And while I do agree the JH are a bunch of dingbats, they aren't any more so than the Catholics, Baptists, or any other set of dingbats who believe in magic Sky fairies.

Okay, so what is your argument here?

That sexual orientation is the result of complex interactions when kids are growing up.

Okay, great.

So why should the adult be penalized for what he or she probably had no control over when she was a kid.

You know, I have this thing for Asian chicks. Not sure where it came from, but I do. Probably not something I could control. I just happen to think Asian chicks are really hot.

ANd you know, what, that is kind of between me and the Asian chicks, isn't it?

Joe -I think you and a lot of other decent people are missing the point on the backlash against homosexuals. The book I quoted from in my previous post on this thread was written by two Gay researchers in neuropsychiatry - basically mass mind control, brainwashing techniques , neuro linguistic sublimination... a lot of nasty mental manipulation . It was a blueprint for what the Gay Activists are currently perpetrating and it goes far beyond mere acceptance of an "alternative lifestyle".

Okay, so what is your argument here?

That sexual orientation is the result of complex interactions when kids are growing up.

The post was in reply to a claim that Gays were born Gay and have no control over their orientation, which is not true. They were not born that way , they were perverted en route to adulthood - and never quite made it all the way there . In fact there are studies that demonstrate that an extremely high percentage of homosexual males were molested as very young children - which theoretically is a contributing factor to their sexual dementia.

This same sexual dementia that they advocate passing off to children as "an alternative lifestyle" .

So why should the adult be penalized for what he or she probably had no control over when she was a kid.

They shouldn't be penalized -you're right - but they also shouldn't be flaunting their dementia as if it's something to be proud of, trying to pass of sexual perversion as a normal way of life is not healthy - either personally or on a societal level.

PS: I like Asian chicks too - but I don't wear a banner on my chest to advertise the fact.
With all the absurd paranoia about the recruitment of youth by an organized army of marauding gays, the percentage of the population that identifies as homosexual never seems to change.
Pretty ineffectual conspiracy.
All that is changing is the persecution of these people is lessening.
What a shame, huh, Green Bean?
I don't think it was them that were "perverted en route to adulthood". The dementia is all yours.
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Joe -I think you and a lot of other decent people are missing the point on the backlash against homosexuals. The book I quoted from in my previous post on this thread was written by two Gay researchers in neuropsychiatry - basically mass mind control, brainwashing techniques , neuro linguistic sublimination... a lot of nasty mental manipulation . It was a blueprint for what the Gay Activists are currently perpetrating and it goes far beyond mere acceptance of an "alternative lifestyle".

Um, yeah, okay. I honestly don't know where to go with this, because it sounds like the kind of paranoia that they used to ascribe to Jews and Catholics. "Protocols of the Elders of Fabulous".

The post was in reply to a claim that Gays were born Gay and have no control over their orientation, which is not true. They were not born that way , they were perverted en route to adulthood - and never quite made it all the way there . In fact there are studies that demonstrate that an extremely high percentage of homosexual males were molested as very young children - which theoretically is a contributing factor to their sexual dementia.

This same sexual dementia that they advocate passing off to children as "an alternative lifestyle" .

THat's right. It's all a conspiracy to make your kids ghey.

Reality check. during adolescence, most kids experiment. few of them grow up to be gay.

They shouldn't be penalized -you're right - but they also shouldn't be flaunting their dementia as if it's something to be proud of, trying to pass of sexual perversion as a normal way of life is not healthy - either personally or on a societal level.

PS: I like Asian chicks too - but I don't wear a banner on my chest to advertise the fact.

But no one is passing laws saying you can't marry one or beating the snot out of you for going on a date with an Asian gal.

Of course, you guys will focus on the one fool wearing assless chaps at a Pride Parade and ignore the fact the vast majority of the participants are just regular folks.

Um, yeah, okay. I honestly don't know where to go with this, because it sounds like the kind of paranoia that they used to ascribe to Jews and Catholics. "Protocols of the Elders of Fabulous".

Protocols of the Elders of Zion was fabricated - The Gay Agenda is Real. The bookI cited fromis available on -there are others. Here's a few more quotes..

"All sexual morality should be abolished" (pages 64 to 67)

Homosexual agenda can succeed by "jamming" and "confusing" adversaries, so as to block or counteract the "rewarding of prejudice" (page 153);

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

A media campaign should portray only the most favorable side of gays (page 170);

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

THat's right. It's all a conspiracy to make your kids ghey.

That's Right - it is a conspiracy. To make them Gay when possible - to "neutralize" them or win their adoration otherwise.

In 2009, Obama nominated homosexual propagandist Kevin Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education he was in charge of overseeing the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program.

Jennings, an accused but never convicted pedophilia promoter {2}, was a founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network {GLSEN}. The same group that gave courses on Fisting and Spit or swallow Is it rude?

Jennings was appointed during the first Obama administration ,52 members of Congress, wrote to President Obama requesting that he rescind the appointment because Jennings had for more than 20 years, almost exclusively focused on promoting the homosexual agenda. The Obama regime refused to do so. Jennings only lasted two years before he resigned, but in that 2 years he did possibly irreparable damage. Gay Agenda in Public Schools

An article from Queerty, an online homosexual publication somewhat jumped the gun when it published the following .

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? - Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal? ... We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it. Recruiting children? You bet we are ... I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it is OK to be gay.... And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men. - Daniel Villarreal -
Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

Joe -I think you and a lot of other decent people are missing the point on the backlash against homosexuals. The book I quoted from in my previous post on this thread was written by two Gay researchers in neuropsychiatry - basically mass mind control, brainwashing techniques , neuro linguistic sublimination... a lot of nasty mental manipulation . It was a blueprint for what the Gay Activists are currently perpetrating and it goes far beyond mere acceptance of an "alternative lifestyle".

Um, yeah, okay. I honestly don't know where to go with this, because it sounds like the kind of paranoia that they used to ascribe to Jews and Catholics. "Protocols of the Elders of Fabulous".

THat's right. It's all a conspiracy to make your kids ghey.

Reality check. during adolescence, most kids experiment. few of them grow up to be gay.

But no one is passing laws saying you can't marry one or beating the snot out of you for going on a date with an Asian gal.

Of course, you guys will focus on the one fool wearing assless chaps at a Pride Parade and ignore the fact the vast majority of the participants are just regular folks.

Protocols of the Elders of Zion was fabricated - The Gay Agenda is Real. The bookI cited fromis available on -there are others. Here's a few more quotes..

"All sexual morality should be abolished" (pages 64 to 67)

Homosexual agenda can succeed by "jamming" and "confusing" adversaries, so as to block or counteract the "rewarding of prejudice" (page 153);

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

A media campaign should portray only the most favorable side of gays (page 170);

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

THat's right. It's all a conspiracy to make your kids ghey.

That's Right - it is a conspiracy. To make them Gay when possible - to "neutralize" them or win their adoration otherwise.

In 2009, Obama nominated homosexual propagandist Kevin Jennings as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Education he was in charge of overseeing the Safe and Drug-Free Schools program.

Jennings, an accused but never convicted pedophilia promoter {2}, was a founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network {GLSEN}. The same group that gave courses on Fisting and Spit or swallow Is it rude?

Jennings was appointed during the first Obama administration ,52 members of Congress, wrote to President Obama requesting that he rescind the appointment because Jennings had for more than 20 years, almost exclusively focused on promoting the homosexual agenda. The Obama regime refused to do so. Jennings only lasted two years before he resigned, but in that 2 years he did possibly irreparable damage. Gay Agenda in Public Schools

An article from Queerty, an online homosexual publication somewhat jumped the gun when it published the following .

Can We Please Just Start Admitting That We Do Actually Want To Indoctrinate Kids? - Why would we push anti-bullying programs or social studies classes that teach kids about the historical contributions of famous queers unless we wanted to deliberately educate children to accept queer sexuality as normal? ... We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it. Recruiting children? You bet we are ... I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it is OK to be gay.... And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men. - Daniel Villarreal -

Villarreal makes the case for recruiting children to the cause of tolerance and acceptance, not to the sexual preference of homosexuality. If you only troll websites that promote your homophobia, like the one you have cut and pasted from, you will distort the message of many good people, including Villarreal who uses over the top style to make his point for tolerance, not a greater percentage of gays in the population.
Thankfully, people like you are becoming dinosaurs.
They, too, screeched and screamed as they died.

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