Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

If that's what you truly believe , than you are
1- ill informed
2- ignorant [Or a Liberal which is basically the same thing as ignorant]
3- indoctrinated
4 -gay
5- All of the Above
Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

If that's what you truly believe , than you are
1- ill informed
2- ignorant [Or a Liberal which is basically the same thing as ignorant]
3- indoctrinated
4 -gay
5- All of the Above

Or I just realize that a Gay person has never done anything really bad to me in my entire life.

If fact, there have been a lot of occassions where gay folks have done me a solid, like the manager who fought like heck to bring me on full-time despite a hiring freeze.

You see, here's why I want to see you homophobic idiots ground into the dust and pilloried in the Public Square.

Because you let the Plutocrats fuck it up.

We had a pretty sweet deal under Clinton, but along came Bush with his promises that he wasn't going to let the gays get you, and you all voted for him and he proceeded to bring us war and recession and misery.

And guess what. Gay Marriage is being legalized anyway.
Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

If that's what you truly believe , than you are
1- ill informed
2- ignorant [Or a Liberal which is basically the same thing as ignorant]
3- indoctrinated
4 -gay
5- All of the Above

This is a declaration of your bigotry, not an argument.
There is a reason for this.
Nationally, you are losing the argument.
And the dinosaurs scream.
Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

If that's what you truly believe , than you are
1- ill informed
2- ignorant [Or a Liberal which is basically the same thing as ignorant]
3- indoctrinated
4 -gay
5- All of the Above

Or I just realize that a Gay person has never done anything really bad to me in my entire life.

I can certainly agree with that statement, I employ a Gay manager - he's an awesome person, a great human being and a highly competent professional in his field. In my life I've met many Gays whom I wopuld have no problem "breaking bread" with.

There are alot ,and I mean a real lot of hard working, respectable and likeable homosexual people . But you and others need to differentiate between Gay Individuals and the Gay Elite and their Agenda.

If fact, there have been a lot of occassions where gay folks have done me a solid,
- Ditto, but I believe you are trying to "Frame" the argument to portray any who are oppossed to the Gay Agenda as being a Homophobic Hater which is wholly untrue - Getting back to the book I previously quoted

All opposing disagreements to homosexual behavior is rooted in "Homophobia, Homohatred, and Prejudice" (page 112)

Discourage anti-gay harassment by linking and calling all those that have opposing opinions to latent homosexuality (i.e., call people homophobic) (page 227)

It is acceptable to call people "Homophobic" or "Haters" if they do not agree 100% with the gay agenda views, opinions, or behavior. (page 23)

We had a pretty sweet deal under Clinton, but along came Bush with his promises that he wasn't going to let the gays get you, and you all voted for him and he proceeded to bring us war and recession and misery.

All Righty then - it's #2 [See Last Post] you"re an ignorant Liberal

And guess what. Gay Marriage is being legalized anyway.

Gay Marriage being legalized is a Good Thing - I've never opposed it - it'something every free American should have a right to despite their mental illness or sexual dysphoria it's not a privilege it's a Right
Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

If that's what you truly believe , than you are
1- ill informed
2- ignorant [Or a Liberal which is basically the same thing as ignorant]
3- indoctrinated
4 -gay
5- All of the Above

This message is hidden because thebrucebeat is on your ignore list.
Last edited:
All Righty then - it's #2 [See Last Post] you"re an ignorant Liberal

And guess what. Gay Marriage is being legalized anyway.

Gay Marriage being legalized is a Good Thing - I've never opposed it - it'something every free American should have a right to despite their mental illness or sexual dysphoria it's not a privilege it's a Right

No, guy, I used to be a Right Wing Republican, until I realized that the GOP only works for rich people and I'm not rich.

Sorry, being gay is not a mental illness. I know gay folks who are more centered and focused than most straight folks I know. The aforementioned manager who did me a solid is probably going to be a CEO some day.

Here's the real problem.

At some point, being a homophobe is going to be as socially distasteful as being a racist or an anti-Semite.

That's what I think you guys are going to have a hard time dealing with.
All Righty then - it's #2 [See Last Post] you"re an ignorant Liberal

And guess what. Gay Marriage is being legalized anyway.

Gay Marriage being legalized is a Good Thing - I've never opposed it - it'something every free American should have a right to despite their mental illness or sexual dysphoria it's not a privilege it's a Right

No, guy, I used to be a Right Wing Republican, until I realized that the GOP only works for rich people and I'm not rich.

And the Democrats don't ? They simply employ a more under handed and psychologically sound methodology.

Sorry, being gay is not a mental illness. I know gay folks who are more centered and focused than most straight folks I know.

Your personal acquaintances are not a scientific basis for establishing a case - that's been done already. Homosexuality is a Mental Illness. Getting back to the "under handed and psychologically sound methodology." try googling someof these search terms APA credibilty, Nicholas Cummings, Evelyn Hooker, Dr. Apu Chakraborty, Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms, Jeffrey Satinover, The adjustment of the male overt homosexual ............ educate yourself , [if that is at all possible ] and then get back to me.

Here's the real problem.

At some point, being a homophobe is going to be as socially distasteful as being a racist or an anti-Semite.

That's what I think you guys are going to have a hard time dealing with

Possibly True -It's a Brave New World isn't it .... as a matter of fact what you are projecting was predicted way back in 1984

Heaven Help us All
And the Democrats don't ? They simply employ a more under handed and psychologically sound methodology.

I think the democrats are for those who live off government. Neither party works FOR working schlubs, but the GOP Is the one actively screwing us.

Your personal acquaintances are not a scientific basis for establishing a case - that's been done already. Homosexuality is a Mental Illness. Getting back to the "under handed and psychologically sound methodology." try googling someof these search terms APA credibilty, Nicholas Cummings, Evelyn Hooker, Dr. Apu Chakraborty, Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms, Jeffrey Satinover, The adjustment of the male overt homosexual ............ educate yourself , [if that is at all possible ] and then get back to me.

I'm sure there are a few homophobes in lab coats who don't realize they lost the argument. But the argument has been lost. Deal with it.

Here's the real problem.

At some point, being a homophobe is going to be as socially distasteful as being a racist or an anti-Semite.

That's what I think you guys are going to have a hard time dealing with

Possibly True -It's a Brave New World isn't it .... as a matter of fact what you are projecting was predicted way back in 1984

Heaven Help us All

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

Fact is, you can't be a racist in polite company. Spewing racist or anti-semitic bile will get you ostracized, and you should be.

And the same with homophobia.
And the Democrats don't ? They simply employ a more under handed and psychologically sound methodology.

I think the democrats are for those who live off government. Neither party works FOR working schlubs, but the GOP Is the one actively screwing us.

Your personal acquaintances are not a scientific basis for establishing a case - that's been done already. Homosexuality is a Mental Illness. Getting back to the "under handed and psychologically sound methodology." try googling someof these search terms APA credibilty, Nicholas Cummings, Evelyn Hooker, Dr. Apu Chakraborty, Sexual minority status and psychotic symptoms, Jeffrey Satinover, The adjustment of the male overt homosexual ............ educate yourself , [if that is at all possible ] and then get back to me.

I'm sure there are a few homophobes in lab coats who don't realize they lost the argument. But the argument has been lost. Deal with it.

Here's the real problem.

At some point, being a homophobe is going to be as socially distasteful as being a racist or an anti-Semite.

That's what I think you guys are going to have a hard time dealing with

Possibly True -It's a Brave New World isn't it .... as a matter of fact what you are projecting was predicted way back in 1984

Heaven Help us All

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

Fact is, you can't be a racist in polite company. Spewing racist or anti-semitic bile will get you ostracized, and you should be.

And the same with homophobia.

There's a Universe of difference between Racism and this so called "Homophobia" shit you bozos invented . And once again, you're trying to "frame" the argument by equating a natural disdain for perversion and mental illness [Homosexuality] with a disdainful tribalism that disemminates racial hatred .

You're fuzzy logic is an insult to all minorities who have endured racial bigotry. I recall back in the early 60s, my father being beating the snot out of a racist, not unlike yourself, who taunted him continuoslly about his dark skin and called him "half a ******" - you haven'tc changed much have you ? Keep your racism and sexual perversion out of everybody elses face - you're a hater and a pervert !

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

If this is true , then obviouslly - as your activity on this forum also reaffirms - your reading comprehension is very poor. Perhaps you can see the analogy in this quote from Ronald Reagan. "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

That you are capable of reading is believable , that you are incapable of understanding or at the very least comprehending the underlieing message of complex stories is demonstrable. In your case -Complex Stories can be defined as anything beyond Spongebob and SCooby Doo .
Last edited:
And the Democrats don't ? They simply employ a more under handed and psychologically sound methodology.

I think the democrats are for those who live off government. Neither party works FOR working schlubs, but the GOP Is the one actively screwing us.

I'm sure there are a few homophobes in lab coats who don't realize they lost the argument. But the argument has been lost. Deal with it.

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

Fact is, you can't be a racist in polite company. Spewing racist or anti-semitic bile will get you ostracized, and you should be.

And the same with homophobia.

There's a Universe of difference between Racism and this so called "Homophobia" shit you bozos invented . And once again, you're trying to "frame" the argument by equating a natural disdain for perversion and mental illness [Homosexuality] with a disdainful tribalism that disemminates racial hatred .

You're fuzzy logic is an insult to all minorities who have endured racial bigotry. I recall back in the early 60s, my father being beating the snot out of a racist, not unlike yourself, who taunted him continuoslly about his dark skin and called him "half a ******" - you haven'tc changed much have you ? Keep your racism and sexual perversion out of everybody elses face - you're a hater and a pervert !

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

If this is true , then obviouslly - as your activity on this forum also reaffirms - your reading comprehension is very poor. Perhaps you can see the analogy in this quote from Ronald Reagan. "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

That you are capable of reading is believable , that you are incapable of understanding or at the very least comprehending the underlieing message of complex stories is demonstrable. In your case -Complex Stories can be defined as anything beyond Spongebob and SCooby Doo .

Actually he is making the case that you are the person that Orwell warned us about, easily led by a massive brainwash to maintain the status quo at all cost.
It hasn't worked.
I think the democrats are for those who live off government. Neither party works FOR working schlubs, but the GOP Is the one actively screwing us.

I'm sure there are a few homophobes in lab coats who don't realize they lost the argument. But the argument has been lost. Deal with it.

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

Fact is, you can't be a racist in polite company. Spewing racist or anti-semitic bile will get you ostracized, and you should be.

And the same with homophobia.

There's a Universe of difference between Racism and this so called "Homophobia" shit you bozos invented . And once again, you're trying to "frame" the argument by equating a natural disdain for perversion and mental illness [Homosexuality] with a disdainful tribalism that disemminates racial hatred .

You're fuzzy logic is an insult to all minorities who have endured racial bigotry. I recall back in the early 60s, my father being beating the snot out of a racist, not unlike yourself, who taunted him continuoslly about his dark skin and called him "half a ******" - you haven'tc changed much have you ? Keep your racism and sexual perversion out of everybody elses face - you're a hater and a pervert !

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

If this is true , then obviouslly - as your activity on this forum also reaffirms - your reading comprehension is very poor. Perhaps you can see the analogy in this quote from Ronald Reagan. "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

That you are capable of reading is believable , that you are incapable of understanding or at the very least comprehending the underlieing message of complex stories is demonstrable. In your case -Complex Stories can be defined as anything beyond Spongebob and SCooby Doo .

Actually he is making the case that you are the person that Orwell warned us about, easily led by a massive brainwash to maintain the status quo at all cost.
It hasn't worked.

Okay Brucey, you keep quoting me - so I clicked on that button in the corner that allows you to view ignored posters and I see you are still your old entertaining self .

What Orwell warned us About ...

The tactics employed by current day Liberals and in particular Gay Activists was developed in the 30s and 40s by the Nazis and Stalinist Russia , was perfected by the totalitarian dictators of Communist China in the 50s and 60s, and utilized extensively by American Liberals since at least the early 70s. Exposed in a fictional format by George Orwell's work of Fiction entitled 1984, it was scientifically first exposed by Robert Jay Lifton in Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'Brainwashing' in China in the 60s .

It's incorporation into the Gay Arsenal began with a book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume)by Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and his sidekick Hunter Madsen. A powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular book within the gay community it presents an impassioned plea, and a brilliant strategy for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions, and brainwash the young.

The brainwashing and propaganda campaign, based on the Communist Chinese tactics, employs Desensitization - Jamming - Conversion - Associative Conditioning - Direct Emotional Modeling and Framing Gay* Brainwashing Techniques
There's a Universe of difference between Racism and this so called "Homophobia" shit you bozos invented . And once again, you're trying to "frame" the argument by equating a natural disdain for perversion and mental illness [Homosexuality] with a disdainful tribalism that disemminates racial hatred .

You're fuzzy logic is an insult to all minorities who have endured racial bigotry. I recall back in the early 60s, my father being beating the snot out of a racist, not unlike yourself, who taunted him continuoslly about his dark skin and called him "half a ******" - you haven'tc changed much have you ? Keep your racism and sexual perversion out of everybody elses face - you're a hater and a pervert !

If this is true , then obviouslly - as your activity on this forum also reaffirms - your reading comprehension is very poor. Perhaps you can see the analogy in this quote from Ronald Reagan. "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

That you are capable of reading is believable , that you are incapable of understanding or at the very least comprehending the underlieing message of complex stories is demonstrable. In your case -Complex Stories can be defined as anything beyond Spongebob and SCooby Doo .

Actually he is making the case that you are the person that Orwell warned us about, easily led by a massive brainwash to maintain the status quo at all cost.
It hasn't worked.

Okay Brucey, you keep quoting me - so I clicked on that button in the corner that allows you to view ignored posters and I see you are still your old entertaining self .

What Orwell warned us About ...

The tactics employed by current day Liberals and in particular Gay Activists was developed in the 30s and 40s by the Nazis and Stalinist Russia , was perfected by the totalitarian dictators of Communist China in the 50s and 60s, and utilized extensively by American Liberals since at least the early 70s. Exposed in a fictional format by George Orwell's work of Fiction entitled 1984, it was scientifically first exposed by Robert Jay Lifton in Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'Brainwashing' in China in the 60s .

It's incorporation into the Gay Arsenal began with a book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume)by Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and his sidekick Hunter Madsen. A powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular book within the gay community it presents an impassioned plea, and a brilliant strategy for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions, and brainwash the young.

The brainwashing and propaganda campaign, based on the Communist Chinese tactics, employs Desensitization - Jamming - Conversion - Associative Conditioning - Direct Emotional Modeling and Framing Gay* Brainwashing Techniques

Ah yes, those famous Nazi liberals!
All of those techniques have been employed on you flawlessly!

Okay Brucey, you keep quoting me - so I clicked on that button in the corner that allows you to view ignored posters and I see you are still your old entertaining self .

What Orwell warned us About ...

The tactics employed by current day Liberals and in particular Gay Activists was developed in the 30s and 40s by the Nazis and Stalinist Russia , was perfected by the totalitarian dictators of Communist China in the 50s and 60s, and utilized extensively by American Liberals since at least the early 70s. Exposed in a fictional format by George Orwell's work of Fiction entitled 1984, it was scientifically first exposed by Robert Jay Lifton in Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'Brainwashing' in China in the 60s .

It's incorporation into the Gay Arsenal began with a book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume)by Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and his sidekick Hunter Madsen. A powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular book within the gay community it presents an impassioned plea, and a brilliant strategy for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions, and brainwash the young.

The brainwashing and propaganda campaign, based on the Communist Chinese tactics, employs Desensitization - Jamming - Conversion - Associative Conditioning - Direct Emotional Modeling and Framing Gay* Brainwashing Techniques


This message is hidden because thebrucebeat is on your ignore list. :eusa_hand:
Okay Brucey, you keep quoting me - so I clicked on that button in the corner that allows you to view ignored posters and I see you are still your old entertaining self .

What Orwell warned us About ...

The tactics employed by current day Liberals and in particular Gay Activists was developed in the 30s and 40s by the Nazis and Stalinist Russia , was perfected by the totalitarian dictators of Communist China in the 50s and 60s, and utilized extensively by American Liberals since at least the early 70s. Exposed in a fictional format by George Orwell's work of Fiction entitled 1984, it was scientifically first exposed by Robert Jay Lifton in Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism: A Study of 'Brainwashing' in China in the 60s .

It's incorporation into the Gay Arsenal began with a book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's (Plume)by Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and his sidekick Hunter Madsen. A powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular book within the gay community it presents an impassioned plea, and a brilliant strategy for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions, and brainwash the young.

The brainwashing and propaganda campaign, based on the Communist Chinese tactics, employs Desensitization - Jamming - Conversion - Associative Conditioning - Direct Emotional Modeling and Framing Gay* Brainwashing Techniques


This message is hidden because thebrucebeat is on your ignore list. :eusa_hand:

My little Runaway!
Run run run run Runaway!
(Thanks Del Shannon!)
Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

If that's what you truly believe , than you are
1- ill informed
2- ignorant [Or a Liberal which is basically the same thing as ignorant]
3- indoctrinated
4 -gay
5- All of the Above

Not true at all in my experience. I know three gay people, educated and wonderful folks, and we share, overwhelmingly, the same experiences; making the car payment, rising health care costs, rising food prices, etc.

Your aversion to gays may be a function of some flamers, but they're a bit of an embarrassment even to the gays I know.

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