Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..


There's a Universe of difference between Racism and this so called "Homophobia" shit you bozos invented . And once again, you're trying to "frame" the argument by equating a natural disdain for perversion and mental illness [Homosexuality] with a disdainful tribalism that disemminates racial hatred .

You're fuzzy logic is an insult to all minorities who have endured racial bigotry. I recall back in the early 60s, my father being beating the snot out of a racist, not unlike yourself, who taunted him continuoslly about his dark skin and called him "half a ******" - you haven'tc changed much have you ? Keep your racism and sexual perversion out of everybody elses face - you're a hater and a pervert !

Um, guy, sorry, racists beat up minorities and homophobes beat up gays or people they precieve to be gay. Sorry, it really, is the same thing. Sorry you all can't admit that.

I've read both of those books, and no, neither one predicted this.

If this is true , then obviouslly - as your activity on this forum also reaffirms - your reading comprehension is very poor. Perhaps you can see the analogy in this quote from Ronald Reagan. "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Really, here's a quote from Reagan. "Well, I just shit my pants."

Seriously, who cares what that senile old fuck had to say about anything. That asshole (whom I'm ashamed to admit I voted for) destroyed the middle class in this country.

That said, you getting your sorry ass fired for being a homophobic bigot is not the same as 1984 or Communism or "Brave New World" (which was actually a critique of corporatism)

That you are capable of reading is believable , that you are incapable of understanding or at the very least comprehending the underlieing message of complex stories is demonstrable. In your case -Complex Stories can be defined as anything beyond Spongebob and SCooby Doo .

Uh, Cleetus, I find it laughable that some inbred Bible-thumping moron is going to lecture anyone on literacy.

You guys have lost the argument. You'll all have to keep your bigotry in your own houses, where people will roll their eyes like they do about senile old Uncle Bob talking about the "coloreds".

Deal with it.
Honestly, a lot of these things sound like the gheys are trolling you homophobes.

And it's working.

Meanwhile, back here in the real world, most of us realize that the gay folks are in the same boat the rest of us are in.

If that's what you truly believe , than you are
1- ill informed
2- ignorant [Or a Liberal which is basically the same thing as ignorant]
3- indoctrinated
4 -gay
5- All of the Above

Not true at all in my experience. I know three gay people, educated and wonderful folks, and we share, overwhelmingly, the same experiences; making the car payment, rising health care costs, rising food prices, etc.

Your aversion to gays may be a function of some flamers, but they're a bit of an embarrassment even to the gays I know.

Hollie, considering that as of 2010 the US Census reported a population of 310 Million People - of which about 4% were Gay - I would venture to say that the three people you know are hardly an adequate sample upon which to base such an assertion .

In addition sweety, the average Gay person does have the same concerns about everyday life as everyone else - their personal Agenda includes buying Groceries , paying the rent and getting to work on time - they do not all get together at some secret location and plot to take over the world , they aren't awaitng a seret code signalling them to attack.

The Queer elite are another issue altogether - not the average faggot on the street
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In addition sweety, the average Gay person does have the same concerns about everyday life as everyone else - their personal Agenda includes buying Groceries , paying the rent and getting to work on time - they do not all get together at some secret location and plot to take over the world , they aren't awaitng a seret code signalling them to attack.

Oh, they jump to the dog whistle all right. And they do because they know innately that what they're doing is seedy...wrong...objectionable...contested. They instinctively know that what they're doing is a deviant compulsion they cannot control and don't want to recapitulate. Denial defense systems are a great whip. All that has to happen is one of these perception-manipulators I was speaking about in the OP suggest that some inroad will be made into their psyches if "x" doesn't happen and the dogwhistle will be heard by all.

"Bullying" is equated to any opposition to these deviant behaviors on any level, any time, by anyone for any reason whatsoever. "Bullying" is that dog whistle that says "if we allow people to question what we do or ask us to explain it, we will have to face ourselves to find the answers". And so denial systems require their human to kneejerk rise up and fight off any threat at those tightly closed doors.

So yes, there is a "secret signal code". And it's the very mental issues that need the light of day, fiercely protecting themselves..

There's a Universe of difference between Racism and this so called "Homophobia" shit you bozos invented . And once again, you're trying to "frame" the argument by equating a natural disdain for perversion and mental illness [Homosexuality] with a disdainful tribalism that disemminates racial hatred .

You're fuzzy logic is an insult to all minorities who have endured racial bigotry. I recall back in the early 60s, my father being beating the snot out of a racist, not unlike yourself, who taunted him continuoslly about his dark skin and called him "half a ******" - you haven'tc changed much have you ? Keep your racism and sexual perversion out of everybody elses face - you're a hater and a pervert !

Um, guy, sorry, racists beat up minorities and homophobes beat up gays or people they precieve to be gay. Sorry, it really, is the same thing. Sorry you all can't admit that.

If this is true , then obviouslly - as your activity on this forum also reaffirms - your reading comprehension is very poor. Perhaps you can see the analogy in this quote from Ronald Reagan. "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Really, here's a quote from Reagan. "Well, I just shit my pants."

Seriously, who cares what that senile old fuck had to say about anything. That asshole (whom I'm ashamed to admit I voted for) destroyed the middle class in this country.

That said, you getting your sorry ass fired for being a homophobic bigot is not the same as 1984 or Communism or "Brave New World" (which was actually a critique of corporatism)

That you are capable of reading is believable , that you are incapable of understanding or at the very least comprehending the underlieing message of complex stories is demonstrable. In your case -Complex Stories can be defined as anything beyond Spongebob and SCooby Doo .

Uh, Cleetus, I find it laughable that some inbred Bible-thumping moron is going to lecture anyone on literacy.

You guys have lost the argument. You'll all have to keep your bigotry in your own houses, where people will roll their eyes like they do about senile old Uncle Bob talking about the "coloreds".

Deal with it.

Uh, Cleetus, I find it laughable that some inbred Bible-thumping moron is going to lecture anyone on literacy.

I'm not a Christian, Jesus is a Myth and you'll rarely see me quoting the Bible - although I did study theology.

Seriously, who cares what that senile old fuck had to say about anything. That asshole (whom I'm ashamed to admit I voted for) destroyed the middle class in this country.

That said, you getting your sorry ass fired for being a homophobic bigot is not the same as 1984 or Communism or "Brave New World" (which was actually a critique of corporatism)

You have just demonstrated that are truly one hopelessly clueless asshole .
That "senile Old Fuck" as you like to call him ushered in the longest period of prosperity this country has ever seen , he , along with Mikhail Gorbachev are responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and quite possibly averting ,or at the very least forestalling what many viewed as an imminent Nuclear proliferation. He is the most beloved Pesident in Modern History.
In addition sweety, the average Gay person does have the same concerns about everyday life as everyone else - their personal Agenda includes buying Groceries , paying the rent and getting to work on time - they do not all get together at some secret location and plot to take over the world , they aren't awaitng a seret code signalling them to attack.

Oh, they jump to the dog whistle all right. And they do because they know innately that what they're doing is seedy...wrong...objectionable...contested. They instinctively know that what they're doing is a deviant compulsion they cannot control and don't want to recapitulate. Denial defense systems are a great whip. All that has to happen is one of these perception-manipulators I was speaking about in the OP suggest that some inroad will be made into their psyches if "x" doesn't happen and the dogwhistle will be heard by all.

"Bullying" is equated to any opposition to these deviant behaviors on any level, any time, by anyone for any reason whatsoever. "Bullying" is that dog whistle that says "if we allow people to question what we do or ask us to explain it, we will have to face ourselves to find the answers". And so denial systems require their human to kneejerk rise up and fight off any threat at those tightly closed doors.

So yes, there is a "secret signal code". And it's the very mental issues that need the light of day, fiercely protecting themselves..

Well put - I guess figuratively , you could say they a secret code . On the Bullying topic or " frame" -

Bullying has been around as long as human beings have, and probably longer. It's basic human nature , part of the 'hardening' process of growing up. It's part of establishing a pecking order amongst a litter of puppies, and there's little difference in a juvenile social order. Gay agenda groups have seized the opportunity to promote homosexuality and push for acceptance of sexual perversion and promotion of degenerate behavior among adolescents and children. Lessons in homosexuality and homosexual glorification are being force fed to children as young as Kindergarten under the cloak of "anti-bullying programs" "tolerance" and "safe school initiatives" .

A large part of the educational establishment promotes the notion that bullying is a at epidemic proportions in recent years and indicative of the violence inherent in modern times. They promote the belief that bullying is a product of modern society.

Kevin Jennings, an accused but never convicted pedophilia promoter , was a founder of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network {GLSEN}. He also served as Sec of Education for a short period in the Obama Regime.

An important aspect of the Jennings strategy involves linking the Gay Agenda to universal values that all members of society share. Basically to latch onto tolerance, diversity, safety, and peaceful coexistence amongst children of many variations - which is a good thing. It's a tactic referred to as Framing. From this simple dirt path, they seek to build a super-highway into the minds of our youth. Anybody who objected to the Gay Agendas planned indoctrination would be heretofore be labeled a heartless bully, a homophobic demon with a complete disregard for children and students.

This framing short-circuited their arguments [heterosexuals] and left them back-pedaling from day one, .... [N]o one could speak up against our frame and say, Why, yes, I do think students should kill themselves , This allowed us to set the terms for debate. - Kevin Jennings

Recruiting children? You bet we are ... I for one certainly want tons of school children to learn that it is OK to be gay.... And I would very much like for many of these young boys to grow up and start f**ing men. - Daniel Villarreal -
You know, I don't particularly like homosexuality, especially the super flamboyant "in your face ubergay" types...


...if I might borrow from Jefferson, it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket if two dudes want to fuck in a bath house or if two diesel dykes want to get married. So long as I'm left alone, they can live their deviant life, but I feel that way about all kinds of people. Gays, Wiccans, vegans, fans of Auto Tuned pop music, the guy that keeps bankrolling Adam Sandler films, it's all good providing everyone involved is a consenting adult. Just leave me out of it.
You know, I don't particularly like homosexuality, especially the super flamboyant "in your face ubergay" types...


...if I might borrow from Jefferson, it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket if two dudes want to fuck in a bath house or if two diesel dykes want to get married. So long as I'm left alone, they can live their deviant life, but I feel that way about all kinds of people. Gays, Wiccans, vegans, fans of Auto Tuned pop music, the guy that keeps bankrolling Adam Sandler films, it's all good providing everyone involved is a consenting adult. Just leave me out of it.

The problem begins when LGBT cultees want access to marriage and all its priveleges and one of those priveleges is access to adoptable orphans. Since they have elevated their gay messiah as Harvey Milk and he raped teen boys on drugs who were orphaned on the streets and mentally ill, there's a huge problem with gays getting married.

If you care about children at all, you care about them being accessed by people who apologize for and venerate a child sex predator..
You know, I don't particularly like homosexuality, especially the super flamboyant "in your face ubergay" types...


...... providing everyone involved is a consenting adult. Just leave me out of it.

That's the whole point Steven - they aren't leaving you or yours out of it, in particular , your offspring . The LGBT Elite have infiltrated schools and upstanding youth groups and are seriously and subliminally pushing a warped agenda aimed at the indoctrination of the younger generation. They hold a powerful position in the entertainment Industry as well -

Children are also targeted via Entertainment. And the methodology of force feeding their views and lifestyle are not always overt. Bryan Singer - accused pedophile and screenwriter of X-men, superman returns and others has admitted to inserting subliminal and neuro linguistic messages into the scripts.

Other programs and Movies include
Xena: Warrior Princess.
Harry Potter
Happy Feet
Buster Bunny
etc... etc... etc...

You have just demonstrated that are truly one hopelessly clueless asshole .
That "senile Old Fuck" as you like to call him ushered in the longest period of prosperity this country has ever seen , he , along with Mikhail Gorbachev are responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and quite possibly averting ,or at the very least forestalling what many viewed as an imminent Nuclear proliferation. He is the most beloved Pesident in Modern History.

NO, that Senile Old Fuck destroyed the middle class. I am guessing you are probably too young to remember what it was like in this country when we had a middle class. When Dad could work one job and mom could stay at home with the kids. When Reagan fired the PATCO workers, he told Corporate America the government wouldn't side with working folks. Since 1980, working class wages have declined while the wealthy have seen their compensation increase 400%.

And sorry, he had nothing to do with bringing down the USSR, but he DID manage to fund a bunch of "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan who turned into Al Qaeda.
You know, I don't particularly like homosexuality, especially the super flamboyant "in your face ubergay" types...


...... providing everyone involved is a consenting adult. Just leave me out of it.

That's the whole point Steven - they aren't leaving you or yours out of it, in particular , your offspring . The LGBT Elite have infiltrated schools and upstanding youth groups and are seriously and subliminally pushing a warped agenda aimed at the indoctrination of the younger generation. They hold a powerful position in the entertainment Industry as well -

Children are also targeted via Entertainment. And the methodology of force feeding their views and lifestyle are not always overt. Bryan Singer - accused pedophile and screenwriter of X-men, superman returns and others has admitted to inserting subliminal and neuro linguistic messages into the scripts.

Other programs and Movies include
Xena: Warrior Princess.
Harry Potter
Happy Feet
Buster Bunny
etc... etc... etc...

wow, that was the best list you could come up with?


Xena: Warrior Princess?

You have just demonstrated that are truly one hopelessly clueless asshole .
That "senile Old Fuck" as you like to call him ushered in the longest period of prosperity this country has ever seen , he , along with Mikhail Gorbachev are responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union, and quite possibly averting ,or at the very least forestalling what many viewed as an imminent Nuclear proliferation. He is the most beloved Pesident in Modern History.

NO, that Senile Old Fuck destroyed the middle class. I am guessing you are probably too young to remember what it was like in this country when we had a middle class. When Dad could work one job and mom could stay at home with the kids. When Reagan fired the PATCO workers, he told Corporate America the government wouldn't side with working folks. Since 1980, working class wages have declined while the wealthy have seen their compensation increase 400%.

And sorry, he had nothing to do with bringing down the USSR, but he DID manage to fund a bunch of "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan who turned into Al Qaeda.

NO, that Senile Old Fuck destroyed the middle class. I am guessing you are probably too young to remember what it was like in this country when we had a middle class

I'm old enough to have voted for him, and was on active duty while Osama Bin Laden was in Afghansan fighting the Russians. Afghanistan was Russias Vietnam.

When Reagan fired the PATCO workers, he told Corporate America the government wouldn't side with working folks. .

So far as PATCO, they were given ample warning and opportunity. They violated the Taylor Laws and had no qualms about shutting down the Nation to get their way . If someone had stood up to the UAW - perhaps we would still have an AUtomobile Industry and Detroit wouldn't be the Ghetto Ghost Town it has become - Thanks UAW - Thanks Democratic Party , as a matter of fact - every fucking urban area where the Democrats have been entrenched for decades is in severe decay - while Republican areas - which include middle class , working class and productive and prosperous layers of the class structure in the USA are the havens being flocked to.

Since 1980, working class wages have declined

Working Class wages have been in decline since the early 70s - Reagonomics slowed it somewhat - but as the economies of the rest of the world grew - [at that time it was primarily Japan], the economic weight of the American Worker declined - Today following Clintons shady deals with the Chinese - you'd be hard pressed to find a consumer product manufactured in the USA , as a matter of fact you rarely find one not made in China.

while the wealthy have seen their compensation increase 400%

True - the John Kerrys, Bill Clintons, George Soros, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates,

Ever since Americans were old enough to crawl in front of a television set, they’ve been told that Republicans are the party of rich white guys, and Democrats are the champions of the poor....Prepare to flip that thinking upside down. Results from an analysis based on Open Secrets reporting shows that the GOP has lost out to the Democrat Party in the eyes of fat cats by $416 million over the last 25 years.

The Real Party of the Rich: Democrats Have More Top Donors, Millionaires in Congress

Obama Admits: 95% of Income Gains During My Presidency Went to Top 1%

Forget the “limousine liberals” of the 1960s and 1970s, sending their own kids to private schools while advocating forced busing for everyone else; behold today’s burgeoning class of “Gulfstream liberals,” who jet about the globe while fretting about global warming.

What accounts for this astonishing state of affairs, and what does it mean for our politics in this age of supposed concern over economic inequality?

.today’s elitist, technocratic liberalism appeals to their superficial intellectual vanity. As a one-time critic of the new super rich once put it, “they found it hard to imagine that there might be any social ill that could not be cured with a high SAT score.” (That critic was Barack Obama, in The Audacity of Hope.) The recipient of much of their funding

How Did The Democrats Become The Party Of The Rich? - Forbes

And sorry, he had nothing to do with bringing down the USSR, but he DID manage to fund a bunch of "Freedom Fighters" in Afghanistan who turned into Al Qaeda.

The Reagan Star Wars and military build up, his support of the mujahedin in Afghanistan and IMO his collaboration with Mikhail Gorbachev are what brought the "EvilEmpire" down . Reagan Spoke - "Mr Gorbachev - tear down this wall " and that he did.
You know, I don't particularly like homosexuality, especially the super flamboyant "in your face ubergay" types...


...... providing everyone involved is a consenting adult. Just leave me out of it.

That's the whole point Steven - they aren't leaving you or yours out of it, in particular , your offspring . The LGBT Elite have infiltrated schools and upstanding youth groups and are seriously and subliminally pushing a warped agenda aimed at the indoctrination of the younger generation. They hold a powerful position in the entertainment Industry as well -

Children are also targeted via Entertainment. And the methodology of force feeding their views and lifestyle are not always overt. Bryan Singer - accused pedophile and screenwriter of X-men, superman returns and others has admitted to inserting subliminal and neuro linguistic messages into the scripts.

Other programs and Movies include
Xena: Warrior Princess.
Harry Potter
Happy Feet
Buster Bunny
etc... etc... etc...

wow, that was the best list you could come up with?


Xena: Warrior Princess?

Wow, you don't miss a beat on showcasing your ignorance of reality do you ? Why do you insist on engaging in discussions on topics of which you are completely and utterly clue less - yes pal - Xena: Warrior Princess

The producder was a Lesbian named Liz Friedman

Xena was a Lesbian, although that is never officialy proclaimed it is evident.
As per Lucy Lawless on Lesbian Xena Producer Liz Friedman ".. She's the first woman I've worshipped! I'd crawl 40 miles through broken glass just to wank off in her shadow!"

Lucy Lawless, the actress who portrayed Xena states in an interview ...

Interviewer: "Do you see a special role for Xena in kind of the hopes and the enjoyment that some people have pinned on that character?"

Lucy Lawless {Xena} : "Well, yes, I do. I do, because if you think about it, there's so little for the lesbian community to directly relate to on television,

Homoerotic subtext in Children's Entertainment

Talking to greenbean only brings one image to mind.


I'm old enough to have voted for him, and was on active duty while Osama Bin Laden was in Afghansan fighting the Russians. Afghanistan was Russias Vietnam.

Hey, stupid, that wasn't a GOOD thing. Point is, Afghanistan became a much more dangerous place because we supported the Jihadis there. The world would have been better off had the Russians dragged them into the modern world.

So far as PATCO, they were given ample warning and opportunity. They violated the Taylor Laws and had no qualms about shutting down the Nation to get their way .

You mean actually making the skyways safer? Yeah, that would have been horrible.

If someone had stood up to the UAW - perhaps we would still have an AUtomobile Industry and Detroit wouldn't be the Ghetto Ghost Town it has become - Thanks UAW - Thanks Democratic Party , as a matter of fact - every fucking urban area where the Democrats have been entrenched for decades is in severe decay - while Republican areas - which include middle class , working class and productive and prosperous layers of the class structure in the USA are the havens being flocked to.

Your argument would be LESS retarded if Detroit was beaten by a free-market capitalist Ayn Randian competitor. But, no Detroit didn't lose to those areas.

The lost to Germany and Japan, which have socialized medicine and Unions that actually have a say in who the CEO is.

Working Class wages have been in decline since the early 70s - Reagonomics slowed it somewhat - but as the economies of the rest of the world grew - [at that time it was primarily Japan], the economic weight of the American Worker declined - Today following Clintons shady deals with the Chinese - you'd be hard pressed to find a consumer product manufactured in the USA , as a matter of fact you rarely find one not made in China.

Wow, Corky, you are TOTALLY missing the point. Middle Class wages declined because idiots like Reagan and especially the Bushes let big corporations move their operations overseas. And sometimes even gave them tax breaks for doing it. Now, yeah, Clinton deserves some blame for drinking the Free Trade Koolaid... but it was Reagan and Bush that got that ball rolling.

Ever since Americans were old enough to crawl in front of a television set, they’ve been told that Republicans are the party of rich white guys, and Democrats are the champions of the poor....Prepare to flip that thinking upside down. Results from an analysis based on Open Secrets reporting shows that the GOP has lost out to the Democrat Party in the eyes of fat cats by $416 million over the last 25 years.

Yeah, and why do you think that is?

Oh, it's because the GOP spends so much time pandering to Religious White Trash morons who want to ban abortions and gays instead of dealing with the real problems. so the rich are trying to co-opt the democratic party since the GOP went Full Retard.

The Reagan Star Wars and military build up, his support of the mujahedin in Afghanistan and IMO his collaboration with Mikhail Gorbachev are what brought the "EvilEmpire" down . Reagan Spoke - "Mr Gorbachev - tear down this wall " and that he did.

Yup Reagan totally beat the USSR with $600 Toliet Seats and $200.00 hammers.

I know you retards totally need to believe that.

Man, talk to a Christian long enough, eventually they go Full Retard.

wow, that was the best list you could come up with?


Xena: Warrior Princess?

Wow, you don't miss a beat on showcasing your ignorance of reality do you ? Why do you insist on engaging in discussions on topics of which you are completely and utterly clue less - yes pal - Xena: Warrior Princess

The producder was a Lesbian named Liz Friedman

Xena was a Lesbian, although that is never officialy proclaimed it is evident.
As per Lucy Lawless on Lesbian Xena Producer Liz Friedman ".. She's the first woman I've worshipped! I'd crawl 40 miles through broken glass just to wank off in her shadow!"

Lucy Lawless, the actress who portrayed Xena states in an interview ...

Interviewer: "Do you see a special role for Xena in kind of the hopes and the enjoyment that some people have pinned on that character?"

Lucy Lawless {Xena} : "Well, yes, I do. I do, because if you think about it, there's so little for the lesbian community to directly relate to on television,

]Homoerotic subtext in Children's Entertainment[

Okay, dumbass, first, Xena was not a children's show.

Second, they never actually outright said Xena and Gabrielle were lesbians, nor did they ever have lesbian sex on the show. They did do a lot of bathing together, though.

IN the early seasons, both characters showed interest in men, but they couldn't really write them with romantic interests and still make them credible heroes.

Incidentally, I did watch all five seasons of Xena, even that last silly season where she kills off the entire Greek Pantheon for some reason.

So you have one show out of hundred with kind of gay characters, and gosh, it's a conspriarcy to corrupt our youth...

wow, that was the best list you could come up with?


Xena: Warrior Princess?

Wow, you don't miss a beat on showcasing your ignorance of reality do you ? Why do you insist on engaging in discussions on topics of which you are completely and utterly clue less - yes pal - Xena: Warrior Princess

The producder was a Lesbian named Liz Friedman

Xena was a Lesbian, although that is never officialy proclaimed it is evident.
As per Lucy Lawless on Lesbian Xena Producer Liz Friedman ".. She's the first woman I've worshipped! I'd crawl 40 miles through broken glass just to wank off in her shadow!"

Lucy Lawless, the actress who portrayed Xena states in an interview ...

Interviewer: "Do you see a special role for Xena in kind of the hopes and the enjoyment that some people have pinned on that character?"

Lucy Lawless {Xena} : "Well, yes, I do. I do, because if you think about it, there's so little for the lesbian community to directly relate to on television,

]Homoerotic subtext in Children's Entertainment[

Okay, dumbass, first, Xena was not a children's show.

Second, they never actually outright said Xena and Gabrielle were lesbians, nor did they ever have lesbian sex on the show. They did do a lot of bathing together, though.

IN the early seasons, both characters showed interest in men, but they couldn't really write them with romantic interests and still make them credible heroes.

Incidentally, I did watch all five seasons of Xena, even that last silly season where she kills off the entire Greek Pantheon for some reason.

So you have one show out of hundred with kind of gay characters, and gosh, it's a conspriarcy to corrupt our youth...

Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

Read the OP again. They are going to start doing this with the Bible in film. You can bank on it.
Wow, you don't miss a beat on showcasing your ignorance of reality do you ? Why do you insist on engaging in discussions on topics of which you are completely and utterly clue less - yes pal - Xena: Warrior Princess

The producder was a Lesbian named Liz Friedman

Xena was a Lesbian, although that is never officialy proclaimed it is evident.
As per Lucy Lawless on Lesbian Xena Producer Liz Friedman ".. She's the first woman I've worshipped! I'd crawl 40 miles through broken glass just to wank off in her shadow!"

]Homoerotic subtext in Children's Entertainment[

Okay, dumbass, first, Xena was not a children's show.

Second, they never actually outright said Xena and Gabrielle were lesbians, nor did they ever have lesbian sex on the show. They did do a lot of bathing together, though.

IN the early seasons, both characters showed interest in men, but they couldn't really write them with romantic interests and still make them credible heroes.

Incidentally, I did watch all five seasons of Xena, even that last silly season where she kills off the entire Greek Pantheon for some reason.

So you have one show out of hundred with kind of gay characters, and gosh, it's a conspriarcy to corrupt our youth...

Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

Read the OP again. They are going to start doing this with the Bible in film. You can bank on it.

So you have one show out of hundred with kind of gay characters, and gosh, it's a conspriarcy to corrupt our youth

Getting back to my original post -

Children are also targeted via Entertainment. And the methodology of force feeding their views and lifestyle are not always overt. Bryan Singer - accused pedophile and screenwriter of X-men, superman returns and others has admitted to inserting subliminal and neuro linguistic messages into the scripts.

Other programs and Movies include
Xena: Warrior Princess.
Harry Potter
Happy Feet
Buster Bunny
etc... etc... etc...

WE covered Xena - you get egg on your face
Lets see about Harry Potter....

On The O'Reilly Factor in October 2007 Bill O'Reilly questioned whether the Harry Potter character Albus Dumbledore was part of a "gay agenda" aimed at indoctrinating children.
"Is indoctrination too strong a term? How about socialization? Should it not concern parents that Rowling only now, ten years after the introduction of the character Dumbledore, admitted that she intended this character to be gay For goodness sake, this character is a father figure and a mentor in the books, and he falls in love with his evil arch-enemy!

How about Happy Feet

New York Posts Kyle Smith states that the animated movie Happy Feet 2 cant keep itself away from inserting the idea of “gay marriage into a movie aimed at kids. Crustaceans voiced by Matt Damon and Brad Pitt introduce it:

"Perplexingly, things take a turn for the gay: Damon's krill says he wants to raise kids together, at which point Pitts notes that they're both males, yet Damon thinks this is no big deal and (I am not making this up) starts suggestively singing a Wham! song, which causes Pitt (not unreasonably) to dump Damon." Smith added: "I have got nothing against alternative-lifestyle krill, but what are they doing in my dancing-penguin movie?"
'Happy Feet 2' Makes Matt Damon a Gay Crustacean - Fox Nation

Let's see about X-Men
Bryan Singer the faggot accused of raping and molesting young boys recentlywas the main screen writer for this crap.

The film uses metaphors traditionally assigned to the gay community in presenting their 'mutant' super heroes and strives to form a mental if not subliminal correlation between their fictional superheroes and real life homosexuals.
<<{NeuroLinguistic programming / brainwashing}

X-Men mutants struggle with societies reluctance to accept their mutations coming out, a term closely identified with gays "coming out" of the closet is supplanted with X-Men superheroes "coming out" with their mutations/super powers.

Gay Agendaites , in particular gay screen writer Dan Harris who wrote the screenplay for X2 and gay screenwriter Michael Dougherty who was his co-conspirator, admit that they portray the X-Men mutancy as Gay propaganda in its attempt to implant largely through semi subliminal metaphors ... to see Gays as Superheroes.

"...some behind the X-Men movies want their audience to see X-Men as superheroes coming out, as analogous to gays coming out of the closet, and their superpowers, as analogous to homosexual lifestyles." The real gay agenda is on your tv and movie screens | Gay Christian Movement Watch

"..Singer and his screenwriters equipped X-Men and X2 with the rhetorical stealth needed to fly below the gaydar of many critics and audience members."

Etcetra Etcetra Etcetra - it doesn't end -hardly one show out of Hundreds.
Wow, you don't miss a beat on showcasing your ignorance of reality do you ? Why do you insist on engaging in discussions on topics of which you are completely and utterly clue less - yes pal - Xena: Warrior Princess

The producder was a Lesbian named Liz Friedman

Xena was a Lesbian, although that is never officialy proclaimed it is evident.
As per Lucy Lawless on Lesbian Xena Producer Liz Friedman ".. She's the first woman I've worshipped! I'd crawl 40 miles through broken glass just to wank off in her shadow!"

]Homoerotic subtext in Children's Entertainment[

Okay, dumbass, first, Xena was not a children's show.

Second, they never actually outright said Xena and Gabrielle were lesbians, nor did they ever have lesbian sex on the show. They did do a lot of bathing together, though.

IN the early seasons, both characters showed interest in men, but they couldn't really write them with romantic interests and still make them credible heroes.

Incidentally, I did watch all five seasons of Xena, even that last silly season where she kills off the entire Greek Pantheon for some reason.

So you have one show out of hundred with kind of gay characters, and gosh, it's a conspriarcy to corrupt our youth...

Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

Read the OP again. They are going to start doing this with the Bible in film. You can bank on it.

They're going to make Jesus Gay and St. Paul a Priest who molests alter boys ?

They're going to twist the immaculate conception to be a Lesbian giving Birth without male participtaion .[SeaWytch would love that one.]

And the reason for the crucifixtion will be the Gay Martyrdom of Jesus - the scribes and Pharisees will be homophobes
Talking to greenbean only brings one image to mind.


I'm old enough to have voted for him, and was on active duty while Osama Bin Laden was in Afghansan fighting the Russians. Afghanistan was Russias Vietnam.

Hey, stupid, that wasn't a GOOD thing. Point is, Afghanistan became a much more dangerous place because we supported the Jihadis there. The world would have been better off had the Russians dragged them into the modern world.

So far as PATCO, they were given ample warning and opportunity. They violated the Taylor Laws and had no qualms about shutting down the Nation to get their way .

You mean actually making the skyways safer? Yeah, that would have been horrible.

Your argument would be LESS retarded if Detroit was beaten by a free-market capitalist Ayn Randian competitor. But, no Detroit didn't lose to those areas.

The lost to Germany and Japan, which have socialized medicine and Unions that actually have a say in who the CEO is.

Wow, Corky, you are TOTALLY missing the point. Middle Class wages declined because idiots like Reagan and especially the Bushes let big corporations move their operations overseas. And sometimes even gave them tax breaks for doing it. Now, yeah, Clinton deserves some blame for drinking the Free Trade Koolaid... but it was Reagan and Bush that got that ball rolling.

Ever since Americans were old enough to crawl in front of a television set, they’ve been told that Republicans are the party of rich white guys, and Democrats are the champions of the poor....Prepare to flip that thinking upside down. Results from an analysis based on Open Secrets reporting shows that the GOP has lost out to the Democrat Party in the eyes of fat cats by $416 million over the last 25 years.

Yeah, and why do you think that is?

Oh, it's because the GOP spends so much time pandering to Religious White Trash morons who want to ban abortions and gays instead of dealing with the real problems. so the rich are trying to co-opt the democratic party since the GOP went Full Retard.

The Reagan Star Wars and military build up, his support of the mujahedin in Afghanistan and IMO his collaboration with Mikhail Gorbachev are what brought the "EvilEmpire" down . Reagan Spoke - "Mr Gorbachev - tear down this wall " and that he did.

Yup Reagan totally beat the USSR with $600 Toliet Seats and $200.00 hammers.

I know you retards totally need to believe that.

Man, talk to a Christian long enough, eventually they go Full Retard.

Hey Retard - I'm not a Christian.
Hey Retard - You're an asshole

Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

Read the OP again. They are going to start doing this with the Bible in film. You can bank on it.

Again, you make comments like this, and I think you are some kind of fucking retard.

Hollywood is probably considerably BEHIND society in portraying LGBT culture. There are very few gay characters on TV, and they really only stopped portraying them as over the top stereotypes in the 1990's.

Now, getting back to the crazy OP, the real problem is with Bible Movies is that they
"Disney-fy" the bible

If they made bible movies that were true to the Bible, that would do more to discredit Christian stupidity than a TV show where Xena is muff-diving on Ellen Degeneris.

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