Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..


Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

Read the OP again. They are going to start doing this with the Bible in film. You can bank on it.

Again, you make comments like this, and I think you are some kind of fucking retard.

Hollywood is probably considerably BEHIND society in portraying LGBT culture. There are very few gay characters on TV, and they really only stopped portraying them as over the top stereotypes in the 1990's.

Now, getting back to the crazy OP, the real problem is with Bible Movies is that they
"Disney-fy" the bible

If they made bible movies that were true to the Bible, that would do more to discredit Christian stupidity than a TV show where Xena is muff-diving on Ellen Degeneris.

Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

In 1973, a Morton Smith claimed to have found a previously unknown letter from a 17th-century edition of a manuscript which suggested Jesus had a homosexual liason - the original manuscript upon which it suppposedly came from was claimed to have been lost. [The Mar Saba letter]

The letter caused a firestorm at the time, but it turned out to be a forgery by Morton Smith it is surmised - who was a closet fag. A book by a lawyer, Lee Strobel presented extensive research and evidence including handwriting analysis and concluded the work was a hoax.

Later researchers claimed that the Mar Saba letter was based on a real work lost to time, but corrupted by "interpolations" - or false and fabricated insertions for the purpose one could only guess to be - propaganda .

Jesus, if he existed at all, was not Gay .

Hey Retard - I'm not a Christian.
Hey Retard - You're an asshole

You're lack of a substantive counterargument indicates I won the point.

I always love how a non-Christian is supposedly worried that Hollywood might "Corrupt" the bible to push the gay agenda.

I see you conveniently ignored the other posts ,where every argument you made was torn to shreads -LMAO- I guess I'll have to simplify it if I expect someone of such a minute and petty intellectual capacity, such as yourself , to be able to comprehend it .

Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

Read the OP again. They are going to start doing this with the Bible in film. You can bank on it.

Again, you make comments like this, and I think you are some kind of fucking retard.

Hollywood is probably considerably BEHIND society in portraying LGBT culture. There are very few gay characters on TV, and they really only stopped portraying them as over the top stereotypes in the 1990's.

Now, getting back to the crazy OP, the real problem is with Bible Movies is that they
"Disney-fy" the bible

If they made bible movies that were true to the Bible, that would do more to discredit Christian stupidity than a TV show where Xena is muff-diving on Ellen Degeneris.

Well when an intent is sustained for many decades it makes it hard to put a finger on the incremental introduction of LGBT content in subliminal form.

In 1973, a Morton Smith claimed to have found a previously unknown letter from a 17th-century edition of a manuscript which suggested Jesus had a homosexual liason - the original manuscript upon which it suppposedly came from was claimed to have been lost. [The Mar Saba letter]

The letter caused a firestorm at the time, but it turned out to be a forgery by Morton Smith it is surmised - who was a closet fag. A book by a lawyer, Lee Strobel presented extensive research and evidence including handwriting analysis and concluded the work was a hoax.

Later researchers claimed that the Mar Saba letter was based on a real work lost to time, but corrupted by "interpolations" - or false and fabricated insertions for the purpose one could only guess to be - propaganda .

Jesus, if he existed at all, was not Gay .

What does that have to do with anything I said?

Hey Retard - I'm not a Christian.
Hey Retard - You're an asshole

You're lack of a substantive counterargument indicates I won the point.

I always love how a non-Christian is supposedly worried that Hollywood might "Corrupt" the bible to push the gay agenda.

I see you conveniently ignored the other posts ,where every argument you made was torn to shreads -LMAO- I guess I'll have to simplify it if I expect someone of such a minute and petty intellectual capacity, such as yourself , to be able to comprehend it .

Guy, other than sputtering out some bizarre stuff about Xena being a children's show, you really didn't do all that much.

You know, I really wonder about all the effort that homophobes put into being homophobes. It's not anything that really has any impact on your life. But just the very thought that a gay couple can walk down the street horrifies you.
...You know, I really wonder about all the effort that homophobes put into being homophobes. It's not anything that really has any impact on your life. But just the very thought that a gay couple can walk down the street horrifies you.

Well let me clear up the explanation for my "effort" as "a homophobe". My good family friend was molested as a boy, grew up "gay" [compulsively sexually promiscuous towards other males] as a result, but was torn inside because his heart kept falling in love with women. So, incapable of getting therapy as he aged and his angst reached a head, surrounded by other "gays" of the same genesis who kept convincing him that his sexuality was "perfectly normal" and that it was good that he was "tampered with" at a young age, he set out on a subconscious [conscious?] vendetta. He got HIV of course and after the diagnosis, went out as an AIDS terrorist and had as much unprotected sex with gay men as he could. By the time he died a lingering horrible death from AIDS, he probably took a couple thousand guys with him.

After reading that, you can read this and put the two together to understand "my homophobia"..

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place
You're lack of a substantive counterargument indicates I won the point.

I always love how a non-Christian is supposedly worried that Hollywood might "Corrupt" the bible to push the gay agenda.

I see you conveniently ignored the other posts ,where every argument you made was torn to shreads -LMAO- I guess I'll have to simplify it if I expect someone of such a minute and petty intellectual capacity, such as yourself , to be able to comprehend it .

Guy, other than sputtering out some bizarre stuff about Xena being a children's show, you really didn't do all that much.

You know, I really wonder about all the effort that homophobes put into being homophobes. It's not anything that really has any impact on your life. But just the very thought that a gay couple can walk down the street horrifies you.

Correction - You are incapable of comprehending , apparently it's WAY over your head. Here it is again dumbass -

Children are also targeted via Entertainment. And the methodology of force feeding their views and lifestyle are not always overt. Bryan Singer - accused pedophile and screenwriter of X-men, superman returns and others has admitted to inserting subliminal and neuro linguistic messages into the scripts.

Other programs and Movies include
Xena: Warrior Princess.
Harry Potter
Happy Feet
Buster Bunny
etc... etc... etc...

I Trimmed it down a tad , so even a mental midget such as yourself might be able to grasp the basic concept...... maybe , perhaps ,hopefully - but I doubt it.
...You know, I really wonder about all the effort that homophobes put into being homophobes. It's not anything that really has any impact on your life. But just the very thought that a gay couple can walk down the street horrifies you.

Well let me clear up the explanation for my "effort" as "a homophobe". My good family friend was molested as a boy, grew up "gay" [compulsively sexually promiscuous towards other males] as a result, but was torn inside because his heart kept falling in love with women. So, incapable of getting therapy as he aged and his angst reached a head, surrounded by other "gays" of the same genesis who kept convincing him that his sexuality was "perfectly normal" and that it was good that he was "tampered with" at a young age, he set out on a subconscious [conscious?] vendetta. He got HIV of course and after the diagnosis, went out as an AIDS terrorist and had as much unprotected sex with gay men as he could. By the time he died a lingering horrible death from AIDS, he probably took a couple thousand guys with him.

After reading that, you can read this and put the two together to understand "my homophobia"..

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

.You know, I really wonder about all the effort that homophobes put into being homophobes. It's not anything that really has any impact on your life. But just the very thought that a gay couple can walk down the street horrifies you {JoeButtfucker131}

Yo Joe - You are deflecting, and attempting to frame the argument to your advantage. Nobody really cares about two little fruitcakes walking down the street holding hands. They might get a giggle or some eye rolls - but such is life. Don't try to pretend that you are incapable of following the discussion, even YOU are not that friggin Stupid - you know damn fucking well what the topic is re: The Gay Agenda - nobody is as Ignorant to reality as your are feigning to be - or hoping that others will be .

The most prestigious research group in the US says that a population of 2% of the US [homosexual men] account for nudging up to half of all molestation of the entire US population's pedophiles. Remember, if a male desires sex with another male, he is a homosexual.

Here's what makes that worse. The Mayo Clinic predicts that if a boy was molested by a man, he was imprinted with that sexual orientation. Later, he can be predicted to seek out other males for sex. Young ones
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Correction - You are incapable of comprehending , apparently it's WAY over your head. Here it is again dumbass -

Children are also targeted via Entertainment. And the methodology of force feeding their views and lifestyle are not always overt. Bryan Singer - accused pedophile and screenwriter of X-men, superman returns and others has admitted to inserting subliminal and neuro linguistic messages into the scripts.

Other programs and Movies include
Xena: Warrior Princess.
Harry Potter
Happy Feet
Buster Bunny
etc... etc... etc...

I Trimmed it down a tad , so even a mental midget such as yourself might be able to grasp the basic concept...... maybe , perhaps ,hopefully - but I doubt it.

Guy, you called Xena: Warrior Princess a "Children's Show".

It was a show about a couple of Lesbians who ride around Ancient Greece killing people with a razor frisbee...

And it was actually kind of awesome.

Yo Joe - You are deflecting, and attempting to frame the argument to your advantage. Nobody really cares about two little fruitcakes walking down the street holding hands. They might get a giggle or some eye rolls - but such is life. Don't try to pretend that you are incapable of following the discussion, even YOU are not that friggin Stupid - you know damn fucking well what the topic is re: The Gay Agenda - nobody is as Ignorant to reality as your are feigning to be - or hoping that others will be .
The most prestigious research group in the US....

Guy, if you are going to start with the "Gay=Pedophile" shit, I'm just going to report this thread to the Mods and let them deal with you.

Yes, it's terrible when children are abused. It has nothing to do with a discussion about whether adults entering into consensual relationships, or whether Hollywood is sending secret messages through the Teletubbies.
Well let me clear up the explanation for my "effort" as "a homophobe". My good family friend was molested as a boy, grew up "gay" [compulsively sexually promiscuous towards other males] as a result, but was torn inside because his heart kept falling in love with women. So, incapable of getting therapy as he aged and his angst reached a head, surrounded by other "gays" of the same genesis who kept convincing him that his sexuality was "perfectly normal" and that it was good that he was "tampered with" at a young age, he set out on a subconscious [conscious?] vendetta. He got HIV of course and after the diagnosis, went out as an AIDS terrorist and had as much unprotected sex with gay men as he could. By the time he died a lingering horrible death from AIDS, he probably took a couple thousand guys with him.

After reading that, you can read this and put the two together to understand "my homophobia"..

My first inclination is to call "bullshit" on that story.

My second is that if they guy had sex with thousands of other men, he wasn't confused about his sexual orientation at all. He was gay as the day was long. Queer as a square doughnut.
Well let me clear up the explanation for my "effort" as "a homophobe". My good family friend was molested as a boy, grew up "gay" [compulsively sexually promiscuous towards other males] as a result, but was torn inside because his heart kept falling in love with women. So, incapable of getting therapy as he aged and his angst reached a head, surrounded by other "gays" of the same genesis who kept convincing him that his sexuality was "perfectly normal" and that it was good that he was "tampered with" at a young age, he set out on a subconscious [conscious?] vendetta. He got HIV of course and after the diagnosis, went out as an AIDS terrorist and had as much unprotected sex with gay men as he could. By the time he died a lingering horrible death from AIDS, he probably took a couple thousand guys with him.

After reading that, you can read this and put the two together to understand "my homophobia"..

My first inclination is to call "bullshit" on that story.

My second is that if they guy had sex with thousands of other men, he wasn't confused about his sexual orientation at all. He was gay as the day was long. Queer as a square doughnut.

People don't contend that gay people exist. Where the contention lies is what makes them that way and is it OK for them to be tampered with as children to "turn out" gay...
...You know, I really wonder about all the effort that homophobes put into being homophobes. It's not anything that really has any impact on your life. But just the very thought that a gay couple can walk down the street horrifies you.

Well let me clear up the explanation for my "effort" as "a homophobe". My good family friend was molested as a boy, grew up "gay" [compulsively sexually promiscuous towards other males] as a result, but was torn inside because his heart kept falling in love with women. So, incapable of getting therapy as he aged and his angst reached a head, surrounded by other "gays" of the same genesis who kept convincing him that his sexuality was "perfectly normal" and that it was good that he was "tampered with" at a young age, he set out on a subconscious [conscious?] vendetta. He got HIV of course and after the diagnosis, went out as an AIDS terrorist and had as much unprotected sex with gay men as he could. By the time he died a lingering horrible death from AIDS, he probably took a couple thousand guys with him.

After reading that, you can read this and put the two together to understand "my homophobia"..

ATLANTA [2005 Clinical Psychiatry News] -- Substance abuse is pervasive among gay men and is so intricately intertwined with epidemics of depression, partner abuse, and childhood sexual abuse that adequately addressing one issue requires attention to the others as well, said Ronald Stall, Ph.D., chief of prevention research for the division of HIV/AIDS prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta...

Mayo Clinic 2007

One of the most obvious examples of an environmental
factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming
an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child
This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle”
or “abused-abusers phenomena.”

why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor,
in which the abused child is trying to gain a new
identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual
arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse
leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

So you take an anecdotal tale about one individual and create a phobia surrounding an entire class of people from it.
Got it.

Hey Retard - I'm not a Christian.
Hey Retard - You're an asshole

You're lack of a substantive counterargument indicates I won the point.

I always love how a non-Christian is supposedly worried that Hollywood might "Corrupt" the bible to push the gay agenda.

I see you conveniently ignored the other posts ,where every argument you made was torn to shreads -LMAO- I guess I'll have to simplify it if I expect someone of such a minute and petty intellectual capacity, such as yourself , to be able to comprehend it .

Run, run, run, run Runaway!
People don't contend that gay people exist. Where the contention lies is what makes them that way and is it OK for them to be tampered with as children to "turn out" gay...

So when did someone "make' you straight, then?

That's got to be one of the most simple minded asinine statements parroted over and over again by LGBT wackadoodles. Everybody is made "straight" that's why the Human Race is so prolific and has survived countless generations. "Straight" procreation is natures reason for sex . Gay sex serves no natural function other than to disseminate disease.
People don't contend that gay people exist. Where the contention lies is what makes them that way and is it OK for them to be tampered with as children to "turn out" gay...

So when did someone "make' you straight, then?

That's got to be one of the most simple minded asinine statements parroted over and over again by LGBT wackadoodles. Everybody is made "straight" that's why the Human Race is so prolific and has survived countless generations. "Straight" procreation is natures reason for sex . Gay sex serves no natural function other than to disseminate disease.

Honestly, not really.

Before puberty, most boys think girls are "icky". (And vice versa).

So if someone made a gay kid gay, who made you straight?
NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

satan runs Hollywood--fake religious movies--the occult--immoral sex and violence ( all table of demons)is what they stand for= antichrist. how about the supporters? where do they stand with God?
So when did someone "make' you straight, then?

That's got to be one of the most simple minded asinine statements parroted over and over again by LGBT wackadoodles. Everybody is made "straight" that's why the Human Race is so prolific and has survived countless generations. "Straight" procreation is natures reason for sex . Gay sex serves no natural function other than to disseminate disease.

Honestly, not really.

Before puberty, most boys think girls are "icky". (And vice versa).

So if someone made a gay kid gay, who made you straight?

Homestly, not really.
As usual Joe, you're speaking out of pure uninformed ignorance- which is forgiveable considering what you have to work with in the line of mental faculties.

Sexual development begins in a child's very first years. Infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and young school-aged kids develop an emotional and physical foundation for sexuality before they're potty trained.

By age 2 or 3, a child will begin to develop a sense of masculinity or femininity
- gender identity. Kids this age start to understand the difference between boys and girls, and can identify themselves as either of the two . The general consensus was that gender identity is biologically determined. However there is a school of thought that theorizes that it's a product of a child's environment. This is one of the key stages in a childs psych. sexual development where a fag - dyke dysphoria can develop

Let me know if I went too fast for you Joey boy, I wouldn't want too much to go over your head - perhaps you'll be able to grasp some of that .... Ya Think ?
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NOT TO WORRY it's just hollywood raising dead genres from the grave....
guess most of you are too young to remember all the big screen biblical epics of the fifties...
do names like ben hur or the ten commandments ring a bell?
hollywood will make as many faith based films as money can buy. it's a fad, when people get tired of being preached at and hollywood starts losing will stop ..

satan runs Hollywood--fake religious movies--the occult--immoral sex and violence ( all table of demons)is what they stand for= antichrist. how about the supporters? where do they stand with God?

That evil is rampant in Hollywood is not even questionable - it's factual . However kj I suggest you leave the religous hulabaloo at the door if you seek credibility.

I personally have no desire to attack your religous beliefs , I'm not a Christian, but respect your beliefs. Most people on this forum will simply dismiss you without a second thought once you bring in terms such as "Satan and Anti-Christ"

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