Beware of Hollywood's New Obsession with the Bible..

Your hands aren't clean.
A war takes at least two combatants.
Mel Gibson financially hit it out of the park with "The Passion".
The two small independent movies out now are already in the black.
We'll see how Russell does with his aquatic epic.
"Not so now"?
Based on what?
You are being ridiculous, Sil. You are just saying silly, unfounded stuff based on some bizarre paranoid fantasy.

The hands of men who fought on our side during WWII weren't clean either. There was blood all over them. You've heard the term "all's fair in love and war" I assume? Well you don't look at the bloody battlefield, you look at the principles being fought for.

Your side comes up short on appeal to the masses. You would say that it doesn't. I would say that it does. And you would claim "the numbers are behind LGBT". And I would counter with "If that's so, why do they need to force, for instance, gay marriage on the states when a referendum with such a "popular" cause would put the matter to rest just as easily?"

And so on. Yours is a singsong of trickery, of fakery, of blackmail, self-indulgences and a complete lack of moral compass...of thingifying others, even children, for your unreflective sex-addictions.. Mine is one of looking deeper, restraint and a structure to keep society together where the most people will receive the most regard and compassion via altruism. I'll let the readers decide who is crazy between the two of us.
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Any actor or actress will tell you privately that GLAAD runs Hollywood. And since GLAAD is THE main arm of the gay agenda and the gay agenda has announced its venom for religion [their blackmail has just unseated a Pope for the first time in 700 years for cripe's sake], and since the Ipad generation has about as much zeal for biblical movies as a cougar has for wheatgrass juice, we can only conclude that Hollywood is up to something with this latest obessesion with the Bible.

They aren't trying to appeal to the degenerates, for none of those folks already would walk through the theatre doors for a bible movie. They are into luring in practicing christians so they can redact in what's left of that population the actual biblical accounts and be "their new preacher" interpreting the bible in the LGBT way through film. Like I said, if it's not already in the film on Moses, you will find gay subliminals and innuendo in ones to come.
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Any actor or actress will tell you privately that GLAAD runs Hollywood. And since GLAAD is THE main arm of the gay agenda and the gay agenda has announced its venom for religion [their blackmail has just unseated a Pope for the first time in 700 years for cripe's sake], and since the Ipad generation has about as much zeal for biblical movies as a cougar has for wheatgrass juice, we can only conclude that Hollywood is up to something with this latest obessesion with the Bible.

They aren't trying to appeal to the degenerates, for none of those folks already would walk through the theatre doors for a bible movie. They are into luring in practicing christians so they can redact in what's left of that population the actual biblical accounts and be "their new preacher" interpreting the bible in the LGBT way through film. Like I said, if it's not already in the film on Moses, you will find gay subliminals and innuendo in ones to come.

I am a SAG member myself and what you say is so silly it is hard to quantify how ridiculous you are being.
You have lost your mind.
I am a SAG member myself and what you say is so silly it is hard to quantify how ridiculous you are being.
You have lost your mind.

Notice I said "privately". Of course what you just said is the official statement every actor and actress MUST make if they want to keep getting work in that town.
I see a different problem with Hollywood's new love of Bible Stories.

It's "Disney-fication".

If you look at Disney adaptations, they have a lovely habit of taking out the grisley bits of a story and instead making them kid friendly.

Shit, they gave "Hunchback of Notre Dame" a happy ending! They gave "The Jungle Book" a happy ending.

Aside- back in the 1990's, my 12 year old neice showed me a video she got of "The Jungle Book" from 1943, and then added, "This isn't the real Jungle Book from Walt Disney."

"Becky, sweetie, you realize that Walt Disney didn't write the Jungle Book right?"

At that point, she rolls her eyes, and was probably thinking "Uncle Joe is going on a rant again!"

So, let's take the Noah Movie. Some people have complained about it's "environmental" message, or how God is a disembodied character.

My problem with it is that it really is a horrible story. The loving God of the story commits WORLD WIDE GENOCIDE of not only mankind but nearly every other species.

and what is truly depressing is that a large chunk of Americans think NOah was as real as George Washington.

You mean the "fictional" Noah. The metaphysical accounting of Noah

Understand, there may have been an actual person that we could refer to as Noah.

Unfortunately, the story told about him is so fantastic that most people will discount the existence of such a person out of hand. This could become problematic if the remains of Noah are found. Would that mean the stories about Noah are true. I doubt it, but the position taken that Noah never existed and the refutation of that position could give credence to a myth when the myth deserves none.

Best way to think of is this way----the theologians are mixing facts with fiction. The idea is that if they can prove an embedded fact from their story to the multitude, then they can (illogically) argue that everything related to that fact is true.
Any actor or actress will tell you privately that GLAAD runs Hollywood. And since GLAAD is THE main arm of the gay agenda and the gay agenda has announced its venom for religion [their blackmail has just unseated a Pope for the first time in 700 years for cripe's sake], and since the Ipad generation has about as much zeal for biblical movies as a cougar has for wheatgrass juice, we can only conclude that Hollywood is up to something with this latest obessesion with the Bible.

They aren't trying to appeal to the degenerates, for none of those folks already would walk through the theatre doors for a bible movie. They are into luring in practicing christians so they can redact in what's left of that population the actual biblical accounts and be "their new preacher" interpreting the bible in the LGBT way through film. Like I said, if it's not already in the film on Moses, you will find gay subliminals and innuendo in ones to come.

I'm sorry, you really think that Ratzinger resigned the Papacy because of GLAAD?

He resigned because he was hip deep in covering up pedophile priests!

Frankly, the worst thing Hollywood could do to Religion would be to make Bible Movies that are true to scripture.

I would love to see Judges 11 portrayed on Screen with all the bloody gore it deserves!
I am a SAG member myself and what you say is so silly it is hard to quantify how ridiculous you are being.
You have lost your mind.

Notice I said "privately". Of course what you just said is the official statement every actor and actress MUST make if they want to keep getting work in that town.

If GLAAD owns the town why would they have to hide it?
This is really paranoid stuff, my friend.
Your hands aren't clean.
A war takes at least two combatants.
Mel Gibson financially hit it out of the park with "The Passion".
The two small independent movies out now are already in the black.
We'll see how Russell does with his aquatic epic.
"Not so now"?
Based on what?
You are being ridiculous, Sil. You are just saying silly, unfounded stuff based on some bizarre paranoid fantasy.

The hands of men who fought on our side during WWII weren't clean either. There was blood all over them. You've heard the term "all's fair in love and war" I assume? Well you don't look at the bloody battlefield, you look at the principles being fought for.

Your side comes up short on appeal to the masses. You would say that it doesn't. I would say that it does. And you would claim "the numbers are behind LGBT". And I would counter with "If that's so, why do they need to force, for instance, gay marriage on the states when a referendum with such a "popular" cause would put the matter to rest just as easily?"

And so on. Yours is a singsong of trickery, of fakery, of blackmail, self-indulgences and a complete lack of moral compass...of thingifying others, even children, for your unreflective sex-addictions.. Mine is one of looking deeper, restraint and a structure to keep society together where the most people will receive the most regard and compassion via altruism. I'll let the readers decide who is crazy between the two of us.

I'm pretty sure they have.
I'm sorry, you really think that Ratzinger resigned the Papacy because of GLAAD?

He resigned because he was hip deep in covering up pedophile priests!

Frankly, the worst thing Hollywood could do to Religion would be to make Bible Movies that are true to scripture.

I would love to see Judges 11 portrayed on Screen with all the bloody gore it deserves!

A couple of things:

1. The Vatican scandal last year came about because some high ranking gay priests [or whatever they call them when they get near the top] invited reporters to film them doing gay sex acts at a bar. They INVITED reporters to DOCUMENT homosexuality high up in the catholic church. The scandal resulted in the Vatican changing the guard and putting on a fresh face to avoid what the perpetrators of that blackmail scheme had in mind: the purposeful demolition of the catholic faith by disgruntled/activist gay clergy. One wonders right now if disgruntled gay clergy with axes to grind for not being approved of by the Vatican are planning some new stunt to call attention to themselves..or if they even get into the faith with the sole intent of working their way up and working the gay agenda as far as it will go there. The 2013 Vatican scandal was preplanned..

2. What the members of the clergy do or don't do is not equal to "the scriptures". One little white lie snowballs doesn't it? The Bible is the best approximation christians have to the actual word of God. The Pope et al are just figureheads in place because god knows how humans need fleshy leaders if they are to be introduced to any concept worthwhile. The messengers are not the message.

The message is what Hollywood is attempting to tamper with. They're going to get gay to be OK with christianity's founding church by god!

This was written just prior to the scandal coming out:

Is Pope Benedict Gay?

March 23, 2012

The question has been often asked, and sometimes answered by way of speculation amounting to not much more than guesswork or innuendo based largely on observations on the devoted, ever present and attentive gorgeous Georg, or the expensive Prada red shoes, or the personalized celebrity fragrance.

Does it matter? Richard Sipe, noting that Benedict has has been the author seriously nasty Vatican documents seeking to bar gay men from the priesthood, and labelling our orientation as “disordered”, and has delivered speeches condemning gay marriage a “threat to humanity”, writes in a recent post that yes, it does matter. After speaking to people on the ground in Rome, both clerics and journalists, he has produced the strongest evidence that I have yet seen that Benedict is indeed “gay” – in the limited sense of having an orientation to the same – sex. (He is careful to stress that this does not imply any actual sexual activity, and we may safely assume that he is not engaging in the so-called “gay lifestyle” in Rome’s gay bars, clubs and saunas – although many of his priests do)...

...There may well be some validity to the claim that the fierce hostility of John Paul II, was in reaction to what the conservative group Tradition in Action described as a “Homosexual Mafia” in the Vatican, which he was anxious to eradicate.

It’s high time that what is well known to Vatican insiders and reporters, be exposed to greater public knowledge. We need more openness about the sexuality and sexual behaviour not simply of the Pope, but of the people who surround him – and who really are the authors of the Vatican nastiness.

The announcement of the intent...and the subsequent delivery...

BY Bill Hutchinson /


Friday, February 22, 2013, 8:01 PM

The probe uncovered a number of factions within the Vatican, including one whose members were “united by sexual orientation,” La Repubblica reported, citing passages from the report.

Members of the gay lobby included high-ranking Catholic clergy who organized sex romps at a Rome sauna, a suburban Rome villa and a beauty parlor, according to the report. The group was also known to meet at a university residence used by an Italian archbishop.

Quoting a high-placed Vatican source, La Repubblica revealed members of the gay faction were being subjected to “external influence” or blackmail, from laymen with whom they had relationships of a “worldly nature.”

Male prostitutes — who had pictures of the priests dressed in drag and others performing gay sex acts — were behind the extortion...


oopsies...we gay priests accidentally got caught and filmed and now the pictures can be used to blackmail the Vatican. Whatever shall we do! Pope Benedict & the one before were adamant about drumming out what they knew to be a "gay mafia" within their ranks. Gay men who were disgruntled that the church would not and will not allow openly gay men to become priests or clergy.
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I'm sorry, you really think that Ratzinger resigned the Papacy because of GLAAD?

He resigned because he was hip deep in covering up pedophile priests!

Frankly, the worst thing Hollywood could do to Religion would be to make Bible Movies that are true to scripture.

I would love to see Judges 11 portrayed on Screen with all the bloody gore it deserves!

A couple of things:

1. The Vatican scandal last year came about because some high ranking gay priests [or whatever they call them when they get near the top] invited reporters to film them doing gay sex acts at a bar. They INVITED reporters to DOCUMENT homosexuality high up in the catholic church. The scandal resulted in the Vatican changing the guard and putting on a fresh face to avoid what the perpetrators of that blackmail scheme had in mind: the purposeful demolition of the catholic faith by disgruntled/activist gay clergy. One wonders right now if disgruntled gay clergy with axes to grind for not being approved of by the Vatican are planning some new stunt to call attention to themselves..or if they even get into the faith with the sole intent of working their way up and working the gay agenda as far as it will go there. The 2013 Vatican scandal was preplanned..

2. What the members of the clergy do or don't do is not equal to "the scriptures". One little white lie snowballs doesn't it? The Bible is the best approximation christians have to the actual word of God. The Pope et al are just figureheads in place because god knows how humans need fleshy leaders if they are to be introduced to any concept worthwhile. The messengers are not the message.

The message is what Hollywood is attempting to tamper with. They're going to get gay to be OK with christianity's founding church by god!
You know what is particularly sad about your unhinged rants?
A long time ago you admitted to not having seen the movie!
You read this conspiracy theory somewhere and it soothed your gay paranoia, gave you an enemy and you signed up, WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE of the issue of your own!
You talk like you have some insight that is valuable, when all you really have is your paranoia and fear.
This whole babble of yours is very embarrassing for you.
You know what is particularly sad about your unhinged rants?
A long time ago you admitted to not having seen the movie!
You read this conspiracy theory somewhere and it soothed your gay paranoia, gave you an enemy and you signed up, WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE of the issue of your own!
You talk like you have some insight that is valuable, when all you really have is your paranoia and fear.
This whole babble of yours is very embarrassing for you.

I didn't read the conspiracy theory anywhere. I know one of the guys who founded GLAAD. I know how he operates. I know the discipline he studied and I know he takes it damn seriously. I know he has sour grapes for his old guru casting his sexual orientation aside as "masturbatory". And I know he is on a vendetta that is organized to get even with "the breeders" for standing in the way of their intentions to eradicate any cult or religion that preaches that gayness is not OK.

GLAAD is powerful. It owns Hollywood. Anyone who speaks out against gay marriage on their religious convictions doesn't get to work anymore there. Period. End of story. That's a FACT.
I see a different problem with Hollywood's new love of Bible Stories.

It's "Disney-fication".

If you look at Disney adaptations, they have a lovely habit of taking out the grisley bits of a story and instead making them kid friendly.

Shit, they gave "Hunchback of Notre Dame" a happy ending! They gave "The Jungle Book" a happy ending.

Aside- back in the 1990's, my 12 year old neice showed me a video she got of "The Jungle Book" from 1943, and then added, "This isn't the real Jungle Book from Walt Disney."

"Becky, sweetie, you realize that Walt Disney didn't write the Jungle Book right?"

At that point, she rolls her eyes, and was probably thinking "Uncle Joe is going on a rant again!"

So, let's take the Noah Movie. Some people have complained about it's "environmental" message, or how God is a disembodied character.

My problem with it is that it really is a horrible story. The loving God of the story commits WORLD WIDE GENOCIDE of not only mankind but nearly every other species.

and what is truly depressing is that a large chunk of Americans think NOah was as real as George Washington.

You mean the "fictional" Noah. The metaphysical accounting of Noah

Understand, there may have been an actual person that we could refer to as Noah.

Unfortunately, the story told about him is so fantastic that most people will discount the existence of such a person out of hand. This could become problematic if the remains of Noah are found. Would that mean the stories about Noah are true. I doubt it, but the position taken that Noah never existed and the refutation of that position could give credence to a myth when the myth deserves none.

Best way to think of is this way----the theologians are mixing facts with fiction. The idea is that if they can prove an embedded fact from their story to the multitude, then they can (illogically) argue that everything related to that fact is true.

It's Not Just Frozen: Most Disney Movies Are Pro-Gay - Akash Nikolas - The Atlantic
You know what is particularly sad about your unhinged rants?
A long time ago you admitted to not having seen the movie!
You read this conspiracy theory somewhere and it soothed your gay paranoia, gave you an enemy and you signed up, WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE of the issue of your own!
You talk like you have some insight that is valuable, when all you really have is your paranoia and fear.
This whole babble of yours is very embarrassing for you.

I didn't read the conspiracy theory anywhere. I know one of the guys who founded GLAAD. I know how he operates. I know the discipline he studied and I know he takes it damn seriously. I know he has sour grapes for his old guru casting his sexual orientation aside as "masturbatory". And I know he is on a vendetta that is organized to get even with "the breeders" for standing in the way of their intentions to eradicate any cult or religion that preaches that gayness is not OK.

GLAAD is powerful. It owns Hollywood. Anyone who speaks out against gay marriage on their religious convictions doesn't get to work anymore there. Period. End of story. That's a FACT.

I agree.

It's Not Just Frozen: Most Disney Movies Are Pro-Gay - Akash Nikolas - The Atlantic

A couple of things:

1. The Vatican scandal last year came about because some high ranking gay priests [or whatever they call them when they get near the top] invited reporters to film them doing gay sex acts at a bar. They INVITED reporters to DOCUMENT homosexuality high up in the catholic church. The scandal resulted in the Vatican changing the guard and putting on a fresh face to avoid what the perpetrators of that blackmail scheme had in mind: the purposeful demolition of the catholic faith by disgruntled/activist gay clergy. One wonders right now if disgruntled gay clergy with axes to grind for not being approved of by the Vatican are planning some new stunt to call attention to themselves..or if they even get into the faith with the sole intent of working their way up and working the gay agenda as far as it will go there. The 2013 Vatican scandal was preplanned..

Okay, once again, you have this unhinged conspiracy theory, but the reality was Ratzinger resigned because he was really old and more than a little implicated in the Pedophile Priest scandal.

Of course, the real scandal is that the CHurch excluded all healthy heterosexual males and excluded gays and wondered why all they had left were pedophiles.

2. What the members of the clergy do or don't do is not equal to "the scriptures". One little white lie snowballs doesn't it? The Bible is the best approximation christians have to the actual word of God. The Pope et al are just figureheads in place because god knows how humans need fleshy leaders if they are to be introduced to any concept worthwhile. The messengers are not the message.

The message is what Hollywood is attempting to tamper with. They're going to get gay to be OK with christianity's founding church by god!

You missed my point. frankly, I've read the bible, which is why I'm an atheist.

The NOah story is that God committed genocide because people didn't like the choices that people made. Let's put aside the 100 reasons why it was scientifically impossible, the point is, the story shows a god who is really a sociopath.

And you have a crapload of other stories in the Bible that shows God to be nuts. Destroying Sodom. Killing all the first born in Egypt, killing David's baby because David sinned, having Jephthah sacrifice his daughter because of a foolish oath.

Hollywood 'Disney-fies" the Bible so that modern Christians who don't really read the horrible stuff in the bible can feel good about the stories there-in.
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You know what is particularly sad about your unhinged rants?
A long time ago you admitted to not having seen the movie!
You read this conspiracy theory somewhere and it soothed your gay paranoia, gave you an enemy and you signed up, WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE of the issue of your own!
You talk like you have some insight that is valuable, when all you really have is your paranoia and fear.
This whole babble of yours is very embarrassing for you.

I didn't read the conspiracy theory anywhere. I know one of the guys who founded GLAAD. I know how he operates. I know the discipline he studied and I know he takes it damn seriously. I know he has sour grapes for his old guru casting his sexual orientation aside as "masturbatory". And I know he is on a vendetta that is organized to get even with "the breeders" for standing in the way of their intentions to eradicate any cult or religion that preaches that gayness is not OK.

GLAAD is powerful. It owns Hollywood. Anyone who speaks out against gay marriage on their religious convictions doesn't get to work anymore there. Period. End of story. That's a FACT.

I agree.

It's Not Just Frozen: Most Disney Movies Are Pro-Gay - Akash Nikolas - The Atlantic

The topic is the gay subtext in the new religious movies.
Is "Frozen" one of those?
Who knew?
You missed my point. frankly, I've read the bible, which is why I'm an atheist.

The NOah story is that God committed genocide because people didn't like the choices that people made. Let's put aside the 100 reasons why it was scientifically impossible, the point is, the story shows a god who is really a sociopath.

And you have a crapload of other stories in the Bible that shows God to be nuts. Destroying Sodom. Killing all the first born in Egypt, killing David's baby because David sinned, having Jephthah sacrifice his daughter because of a foolish oath.

Hollywood 'Disney-fies" the Bible so that modern Christians who don't really read the horrible stuff in the bible can feel good about the stories there-in.

It's the timing...and the people who run Hollywood...and that it's not about money this sudden interest in [largely unpopular] biblical themes at the theater. Christians beware.

And thanks for the preview on what is to be redacted.

You can be a doubting Thomas. That's your right. We all have free will; that's the whole reason we are see how we use it, what path we will follow with it. The testing grounds..

I've seen things that cannot be explained with science. I've experienced things you would not believe even if I had your eyes duct-taped open and were there right with me. I too read the Bible as a teen, I had to. It was part of my induction. "Confirmation" they called it. I had the same recoiling you did. I come from a scientific background and my own father was officialy excommunicated from the catholic church. It caused him deep psychological wounds. Needless to say I grew up with a sour taste in my mouth for religion in general. Then weird things started happening. Things I couldn't explain.

Long story short, I'm not a zealot, nor am I a christian. But I do have a different perspective on the bible's "wild fantastical tales". Let's just say that if what can happen happened to little old me, some of the more powerful people in the Bible might have really had the things done to them or done by them that is reported. That's just the thing. It's an old book and none of us were really there. But the potential for those miraculous events exists. Of that I can assure you.

I have a much stronger respect for the essence of religion, if not the words that do seem fantastical at times. What Hollywood is after is to destroy the essence of religion by manipulating the words. The essence of religion is to remind us that there is more to this world than meets the eye. That this is a test. And examples are given of how to pass or how to fail the test.

Sodom is a story of how one fails that test. It isn't a story of individual sins here or there. It's an account of how a specific type of sinning became vogue within a society as a whole. How even the faithful did not stand in its way as it spread. And because of that, this sin-gone-wild had burned out the core of faith in an entire region. As a result, nobody within its influence could escape that whirlpool. The sin became an entity in and of itself. Through synergy, it became more than the sum of its individual sinners. And this was the reason an entire region was destroyed.

You see it happening lockstep today. You see the cult of LGBT forcefully spreading [evangelizing/inquisition] itself like wildfire.

Jude 1 in the Bible tells of how this happened back then too, through alternately forceful means by the gays then and through their "smooth speech" and influential persons. It warns that if another society in the future should dance down this path, it too will be laid to waste. It isn't the individual sin of homosexuality; or rather the hopeless condition of the individual's compulsive behaviors. Is is how certain behaviors with a strong instinctive drive and imprinting capability [sexuality] in homo sapiens can go awry and actually become a socially-transmitted mental disease that can and did take over an entire region.

The fact that people line up to support transsexuals, for example, shows you just how far this disease has spread unchecked. Years in the future when this fad has been beaten back and laid to waste, our descendants will tell tales of the "barbaric practices of old", "how men went to doctors and had them cut healthy parts of their bodies away so they could pretend to be women" and how "other men lay with these mutilated creatures as if women". And children and adolescents of the future will recoil in horror and say "NO WAY!". And they too will be jaded and in disbelief of those "impossible tales that couldn't possibly be true"...

Full circle..

LGBT cultees are always warning their evangelical targets, their mind-game chumps "don't be on the wrong side of history!" I suggest they take their own advice...
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"This man studied for years under a cult that espoused sorcery. Not the role-playing type or with funny hats and scepters. An ancient form of sorcery that has at its heart the careful and intricate manipulation of perception in others. The more flawed practitioners of which there are scores, practice the active herding of the human psyche, singular or collective, to achieve a goal for power's sake."

I admire such cults with a passion.
It's the timing...and the people who run Hollywood...and that it's not about money this sudden interest in [largely unpopular] biblical themes at the theater. Christians beware.

And thanks for the preview on what is to be redacted.

I think you miss the point of why they are redacting things. I'll admit, I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years, and never once did they mention the story of Jephthah. Understandably so, it really is a horrible story that makes God look bad. I only heard about it AFTER visiting atheist websites.

You can be a doubting Thomas. That's your right. We all have free will; that's the whole reason we are see how we use it, what path we will follow with it. The testing grounds..

I've seen things that cannot be explained with science. I've experienced things you would not believe even if I had your eyes duct-taped open and were there right with me. I too read the Bible as a teen, I had to. It was part of my induction. "Confirmation" they called it. I had the same recoiling you did. I come from a scientific background and my own father was officialy excommunicated from the catholic church. It caused him deep psychological wounds. Needless to say I grew up with a sour taste in my mouth for religion in general. Then weird things started happening. Things I couldn't explain.

I'm tempted to be snarky and say, "They have medications for that". sorry, there really isn't anything that can't be explained scientifically or rationally.

Long story short, I'm not a zealot, nor am I a christian. But I do have a different perspective on the bible's "wild fantastical tales". Let's just say that if what can happen happened to little old me, some of the more powerful people in the Bible might have really had the things done to them or done by them that is reported. That's just the thing. It's an old book and none of us were really there. But the potential for those miraculous events exists. Of that I can assure you.

But again, where is the evidence?


Sodom is a story of how one fails that test. It isn't a story of individual sins here or there. It's an account of how a specific type of sinning became vogue within a society as a whole. How even the faithful did not stand in its way as it spread. And because of that, this sin-gone-wild had burned out the core of faith in an entire region. As a result, nobody within its influence could escape that whirlpool. The sin became an entity in and of itself. Through synergy, it became more than the sum of its individual sinners. And this was the reason an entire region was destroyed.

Okay, let's look at that. Some people in Sodom are having the butt-sex. So God had to destroy them. But then he sends two angels down to save Lot. And when the "Sodomites" came to do what they Sodomites do, Lot offered his two VIRGIN daughters up to this angry mob to be gang-raped. And this is the righteous man God had to save. Oh, but it gets better. for some reason, the daughters of Lot think this man's seed needs to be preserved, so they ply him with wine and have sex with him- THEIR OWN FATHER. Mind you, these were the family GOd had to save. Gays=bad, incestous daughter pimp = Righteous.

You see it happening lockstep today. You see the cult of LGBT forcefully spreading [evangelizing/inquisition] itself like wildfire.

Jude 1 in the Bible tells of how this happened back then too, through alternately forceful means by the gays then and through their "smooth speech" and influential persons. It warns that if another society in the future should dance down this path, it too will be laid to waste. It isn't the individual sin of homosexuality; or rather the hopeless condition of the individual's compulsive behaviors. Is is how certain behaviors with a strong instinctive drive and imprinting capability [sexuality] in homo sapiens can go awry and actually become a socially-transmitted mental disease that can and did take over an entire region.

I don't know, i htink it would have been kind of neat if the CHristians hadn't brought down the Roman Empire, we'd be about 400 years more advanced now.

The fact that people line up to support transsexuals, for example, shows you just how far this disease has spread unchecked. Years in the future when this fad has been beaten back and laid to waste, our descendants will tell tales of the "barbaric practices of old", "how men went to doctors and had them cut healthy parts of their bodies away so they could pretend to be women" and how "other men lay with these mutilated creatures as if women". And children and adolescents of the future will recoil in horror and say "NO WAY!". And they too will be jaded and in disbelief of those "impossible tales that couldn't possibly be true"...

Full circle..

LGBT cultees are always warning their evangelical targets, their mind-game chumps "don't be on the wrong side of history!" I suggest they take their own advice...

Or it could be in the future that we give up sex as a method of procreation and all babies will be grown in tanks and genetically pre-selected to eliminate all disease and defects.

Okay, let's look at that. Some people in Sodom are having the butt-sex. So God had to destroy them. But then he sends two angels down to save Lot. And when the "Sodomites" came to do what they Sodomites do, Lot offered his two VIRGIN daughters up to this angry mob to be gang-raped. And this is the righteous man God had to save. Oh, but it gets better. for some reason, the daughters of Lot think this man's seed needs to be preserved, so they ply him with wine and have sex with him- THEIR OWN FATHER. Mind you, these were the family GOd had to save. Gays=bad, incestous daughter pimp = Righteous.

Again, the singular acts of Lot and his daughters are not comparable to an ENTIRE CULTURAL TAKEOVER of a human society. Venial sins of duress were 1. A man offering virgin FEMALES to HOMOSEXUAL men intent on raping his male guests. Do you really believe that Lot felt his daughters were in actual danger of being "taken"? 2. After destroying the whole civilizaiton for falling prey to and enabling a new homosexual matrix within which no christian no matter how steadfast, could self-improve, Lot and his daughters were the only gig in town. So incest had to do to perpetuate the species in the region in this isolated incident of mitigating factors.

But if you'd read my post you'd know that already. It's one thing to commit individual sins under duress. It's quite another, a mortal sin, to convert or enable the conversion of the entire matrix of a human society into a den of sodomy where sin is "normal" and those who do not sin are "abnormal/drummed out" we see happening the letter in fact...

Apparently the Big Guy gets pissed off when you tamper with an entire matrix he's set up to test the souls of men in. But when a pond created to test the strength of a swimmer turns into quicksand where those same efforts suck you down no matter how hard you swim, it's time to clean out the depression and refill it with clean water again. That's the lesson of Sodom. Not random individual sins. An entire matrix!
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Okay, let's look at that. Some people in Sodom are having the butt-sex. So God had to destroy them. But then he sends two angels down to save Lot. And when the "Sodomites" came to do what they Sodomites do, Lot offered his two VIRGIN daughters up to this angry mob to be gang-raped. And this is the righteous man God had to save. Oh, but it gets better. for some reason, the daughters of Lot think this man's seed needs to be preserved, so they ply him with wine and have sex with him- THEIR OWN FATHER. Mind you, these were the family GOd had to save. Gays=bad, incestous daughter pimp = Righteous.

Again, the singular acts of Lot and his daughters are not comparable to an ENTIRE CULTURAL TAKEOVER of a human society. Venial sins of duress were 1. A man offering virgin FEMALES to HOMOSEXUAL men intent on raping his male guests. Do you really believe that Lot felt his daughters were in actual danger of being "taken"? 2. After destroying the whole civilizaiton for falling prey to and enabling a new homosexual matrix within which no christian no matter how steadfast, could self-improve, Lot and his daughters were the only gig in town. So incest had to do to perpetuate the species in this isolated incident of mitigating factors.

But if you'd read my post you'd know that already. It's one thing to commit individual sins under duress. It's quite another, a mortal sin, to convert or enable the conversion of the entire matrix of a human society into a den of sodomy where sin is "normal" and those who do not sin are "abnormal/drummed out" we see happening the letter in fact...

Apparently the Big Guy gets pissed off when you tamper with an entire matrix he's set up to test the souls of men in. But when a pond created to test the strength of a swimmer turns into quicksand where those same efforts suck you down no matter how hard you swim, it's time to clean out the depression and refill it with clean water again. That's the lesson of Sodom. Not random individual sins. An entire matrix!

Maybe Keanu will star in this one!

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