Beyonce Has Gender Neutral Restrooms at Her Concerts

You do not want to know about how many of your ancestors, or many of your descendants are going to be BORN trans, that is on you.
Born trans .. got it .. lol. What's biology say about that boomer? You know .. the class they taught in the 50's and 60s when you were a toddler?
I guess this doesn't matter all that much for me since I'm not a Beyonce fan anyways.

It's just piss.
Born trans .. got it .. lol. What's biology say about that boomer? You know .. the class they taught in the 50's and 60s when you were a toddler?
It does not matter what Biology SAID in the 50s and 60s. Those books and classes were not prepared to teach anything about it, anymore than they were to teach about Homosexuality.

Think as a simple ignorant person and you will believe in simple ignorant things.
I guess this doesn't matter all that much for me since I'm not a Beyonce fan anyways.

How does that work? They break down a wall and refit room with a toilet? Does she bring a mobile potty?
It does not matter what Biology SAID in the 50s and 60s. Those books and classes were not prepared to teach anything about it, anymore than they were to teach about Homosexuality.

Think as a simple ignorant person and you will believe in simple ignorant things.
A homosexual male is .. still a male. Ignorant comparison ..

Yet .. a transgender female .. is still a male. You know .. that science stuff Democrats we demand we accept .. unless it's inconvenient to their narrative. C'mon boomer .. science from 1960s saying male and female .. is different than 2023 biology stating male and female?

Who is ignorant not to believe the science .. while believing a "social construct" that demands we accept women have dicks and males have vaginas? tell me boomer P.hD
A homosexual male is .. still a male. Ignorant comparison ..

Yet .. a transgender female .. is still a male. You know .. that science stuff Democrats we demand we accept .. unless it's inconvenient to their narrative. C'mon boomer .. science from 1960s saying male and female .. is different than 2023 biology stating male and female?

Who is ignorant not to believe the science .. while believing a "social construct" that demands we accept women have dicks and males have vaginas? tell me boomer P.hD
Male who trans to women grow breast. I would imagine that something is done about their penis. And actually it does.

So, I really do not know how a male born a female, and doing Trans into being a female is going to be able to "RAPE" other women, if they do no longer have their penis to do so? Or the penis will not function as it did before. And why would they want to rape other women anyway?

Are Women doing Trans to Male going to rape men, now? NO.
An orchiectomy is surgery in which one or more testicles are removed.

The testicles, which are male reproductive organs that produce sperm, sit in a sac, called the scrotum. The scrotum is just below the penis.

There are two common orchiectomy procedures for transgender women: bilateral orchiectomy and simple orchiectomy. In a bilateral orchiectomy, the surgeon removes both testicles. During a simple orchiectomy, the surgeon could remove either one or both testicles.

Bilateral orchiectomy is the more common type of orchiectomy for transgender women.

A homosexual male is .. still a male. Ignorant comparison ..

Yet .. a transgender female .. is still a male. You know .. that science stuff Democrats we demand we accept .. unless it's inconvenient to their narrative. C'mon boomer .. science from 1960s saying male and female .. is different than 2023 biology stating male and female?

Who is ignorant not to believe the science .. while believing a "social construct" that demands we accept women have dicks and males have vaginas? tell me boomer P.hD
My comparison was about schools and books teaching about Homosexuality.
A homosexual male is .. still a male. Ignorant comparison ..

Yet .. a transgender female .. is still a male. You know .. that science stuff Democrats we demand we accept .. unless it's inconvenient to their narrative. C'mon boomer .. science from 1960s saying male and female .. is different than 2023 biology stating male and female?

Who is ignorant not to believe the science .. while believing a "social construct" that demands we accept women have dicks and males have vaginas? tell me boomer P.hD
[ Ignorance breeds ignorance. Which is why Trans and Homosexuals are attacked all the time ]

GENDER REASSIGNMENT Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private who was sentenced Aug. 21 to 35 years in a military prison for releasing highly sensitive U.S. military secrets, is seeking gender reassignment. Here's how
gender reassignment works:
Converting male anatomy to female
anatomy requires removing the penis
reshapina genital tissue to aobear more
remale and constructina a vagina
in incision is mada into
• scrotum andtheflar
of skin is nulled back The
testes are removed
chorror trothra ic cut Tho
nonis is romoved and the
create the labia and vagina
Scrotur Skin
flap People who have male-to-female gender-reassianment surgery retain a prostate. Following
surgery. estrogen la female hormone wil stimulate breast development. widen the hips
inhibit the growth of racial hair and slightly increase voice pitch.
Female-to-male surgery has achieved
lessor success due to the diffcultv of creatina a functioning penis from the much smaller clitoral tissue available
in the female genitals.
The uterus and the ovaries are removed. Genital recon-
structive procedures (GRT I use either the clitoris. which
is enlarged hy hormones. or rev on frep tissue arafts
from the arm. the thigh or bellv and an erectile nros-
thetic (phalloplasty).
Prosthetic testicle
Broscte rood to ho cureicolly altored if thov sro to look loce fominino Thie precose involvos removing breast tissue and excess skin, and reducing and properly positioning the nipples
and areolae. Androgens (male hormones) will stimulate the development of facial and
By the Numbers
Reliable sratisrics are extremelv ditcult to obtain Many seynatreassianment brocedures are
conducted in private facilities that are not subject to reporting requirements. More Than
$50,000 The cost for female-to-
male reassianment
to $24,000 The cost for male-to-
female reassianment
100 and 500 Gender-reassianment pro- cedures conducted in the
United States each year

Do you have actual evidence of children or women being attacked at concerts by Trans people?

No, but one doesn't need to give drugs to kids to know that it's still got bad idea written all over it.
Male who trans to women grow breast. I would imagine that something is done about their penis. And actually it does.

So, I really do not know how a male born a female, and doing Trans into being a female is going to be able to "RAPE" other women, if they do no longer have their penis to do so? Or the penis will not function as it did before. And why would they want to rape other women anyway?

Are Women doing Trans to Male going to rape men, now? NO.
An orchiectomy is surgery in which one or more testicles are removed.

The testicles, which are male reproductive organs that produce sperm, sit in a sac, called the scrotum. The scrotum is just below the penis.

There are two common orchiectomy procedures for transgender women: bilateral orchiectomy and simple orchiectomy. In a bilateral orchiectomy, the surgeon removes both testicles. During a simple orchiectomy, the surgeon could remove either one or both testicles.

Bilateral orchiectomy is the more common type of orchiectomy for transgender women.

Okay .. so in a Cliff Notes recap : Males, including young children, have their genitals mutilated so they look like females. Females, have their tits cut off and / or their clit enlarged so they resemble a male. All methods to produce a facade of what they aren't.

Biology: male has a penis and looks masculine, female have tits and vagina and look feminine.
Okay .. so in a Cliff Notes recap : Males, including young children, have their genitals mutilated so they look like females. Females, have their tits cut off and / or their clit enlarged so they resemble a male. All methods to produce a facade of what they aren't.

Biology: male has a penis and looks masculine, female have tits and vagina and look feminine.
Wrong. It makes them become what they were BORN as.

Grow beyond your ignorance.
[ Ignorance breeds ignorance. Which is why Trans and Homosexuals are attacked all the time ]

GENDER REASSIGNMENT Bradley Manning, the U.S. Army private who was sentenced Aug. 21 to 35 years in a military prison for releasing highly sensitive U.S. military secrets, is seeking gender reassignment. Here's how
gender reassignment works:
Converting male anatomy to female
anatomy requires removing the penis
reshapina genital tissue to aobear more
remale and constructina a vagina
in incision is mada into
• scrotum andtheflar
of skin is nulled back The
testes are removed
chorror trothra ic cut Tho
nonis is romoved and the
create the labia and vagina
Scrotur Skin
flap People who have male-to-female gender-reassianment surgery retain a prostate. Following
surgery. estrogen la female hormone wil stimulate breast development. widen the hips
inhibit the growth of racial hair and slightly increase voice pitch.
Female-to-male surgery has achieved
lessor success due to the diffcultv of creatina a functioning penis from the much smaller clitoral tissue available
in the female genitals.
The uterus and the ovaries are removed. Genital recon-
structive procedures (GRT I use either the clitoris. which
is enlarged hy hormones. or rev on frep tissue arafts
from the arm. the thigh or bellv and an erectile nros-
thetic (phalloplasty).
Prosthetic testicle
Broscte rood to ho cureicolly altored if thov sro to look loce fominino Thie precose involvos removing breast tissue and excess skin, and reducing and properly positioning the nipples
and areolae. Androgens (male hormones) will stimulate the development of facial and
By the Numbers
Reliable sratisrics are extremelv ditcult to obtain Many seynatreassianment brocedures are
conducted in private facilities that are not subject to reporting requirements. More Than
$50,000 The cost for female-to-
male reassianment
to $24,000 The cost for male-to-
female reassianment
100 and 500 Gender-reassianment pro- cedures conducted in the
United States each year

Gender reassignment surgery = pretending to look like a different sex. No wonder why those identifying as trans have such a high rate of suicide -- reality reasserts itself and they still realize they aren't the opposite sex -- like biology teaches boomer.
Wrong. It makes them become what they were BORN as.

Grow beyond your ignorance.
LOL .. So biology is ignorant .. boomer? C'mon boomer Phd .. show us the science that shows men are really born as women, and because of those feelings (which until recently were deemed as mental illness) ... makes them the opposite sex.

C'mon .. you got this boomer!
Gender reassignment surgery = pretending to look like a different sex. No wonder why those identifying as trans have such a high rate of suicide -- reality reasserts itself and they still realize they aren't the opposite sex -- like biology teaches boomer.
The suicide rate is for lack of support and acceptance from families, etc.

You want to hold on to the suicide rates to show that you are correct? GROSS.

In the future it will be much easier for them.

BTW, you are not god, or a messenger of any god to be deciding why they commit suicide. It would be the same as deciding why everyone else commits suicide, something you clearly know NOTHING about.
The suicide rate is for lack of support and acceptance from families, etc.

You want to hold on to the suicide rates to show that you are correct? GROSS.

In the future it will be much easier for them.

BTW, you are not god, or a messenger of any god to be deciding why they commit suicide. It would be the same as deciding why everyone else commits suicide, something you clearly know NOTHING about.
I know biology .. the science you continue to deny that one sex magically becomes another sex.

If trans men are actual men .. why aren't they treated like real men when it comes to selective service? Why does the government treat this differently? Hmmm .. common sense and science you fail to accept. Tell us boomer PhD

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