Zone1 Bible banned in Utah school for "vulgarity and violence"

‘"Traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family," Ken Ivory wrote on Facebook.’ ibid

And the same is true with prayer in public schools along with other manifestations of religious belief.

Otherwise, this book banning idiocy has gone way too far – it’s become ridiculous; the book banners are now eating their own.
‘"Traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family," Ken Ivory wrote on Facebook.’ ibid

And the same is true with prayer in public schools along with other manifestations of religious belief.

Otherwise, this book banning idiocy has gone way too far – it’s become ridiculous; the book banners are now eating their own.

Nothing better than when it comes back to bite them on the ass.
I used to think that all religion was kind of irrelevant.

But when I see libtards managing to get the Bible banned on the grounds alleged by the whining libtards, I have to consider the possibility that maybe it’s not.

Why are they so afraid of it if it’s just a “stoey” to them?
Blinded by fear and arrogance, they’ve become oblivious to how idiotic and ridiculous ‘banning’ truly is.

Says the person who for years has supported banning people on Facebook, banning people on Twitter, banning people who don't want the Covid shot, banning anyone questioning the election or expressing any view diverging from his own.
King David had 7 wives, 7 concubine & he still went after Bathsheba & had her hubs sent to the front lines. Father Abraham lost patience waiting for a child with Elizabeth, so he had a child with an Arab servant girl. Arabs & Jews are still fighting over that one. Separation church/state.
‘"Traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family," Ken Ivory wrote on Facebook.’ ibid

And the same is true with prayer in public schools along with other manifestations of religious belief.

Otherwise, this book banning idiocy has gone way too far – it’s become ridiculous; the book banners are now eating their own.

First grade, yesterday. I repeat. FIRST grade. The Ants Go Marching--silly songs to end the year. Seven by seven, the little ant stops to "pray to heaven". First grader comes to me and says, "We can't sing this, it says pray to heaven".

I say, "That's what the ant is doing. We are not. We're just singing."

First grader, **shocked**

Me, "Some people pray. And they make songs about it. We can sing them."

We are entirely too sensitive.
King David had 7 wives, 7 concubine & he still went after Bathsheba & had her hubs sent to the front lines. Father Abraham lost patience waiting for a child with Elizabeth, so he had a child with an Arab servant girl. Arabs & Jews are still fighting over that one. Separation church/state.

Since you don't have a clue as to what the establishment clause is referring to , it's only to be expected you make idiotic comments about it. Your being a sociopath doesn't help you out much either.
‘"Traditionally, in America, the Bible is best taught, and best understood, in the home, and around the hearth, as a family," Ken Ivory wrote on Facebook.’ ibid

And the same is true with prayer in public schools along with other manifestations of religious belief.

Otherwise, this book banning idiocy has gone way too far – it’s become ridiculous; the book banners are now eating their own.
There are no banned books

Why is it you people think a public school is the only place to get books?

A bit difficult to argue against this one. The Bible is much worse than many books the religious right want banned for the same things.

The Bible is about God and humanity. It portrays us as we really are, the good, the bad, and the really ugly. Unlike the demonic however, it does not portray evil as desirable. For example, when David lusts after Bathsheba, seduces her, and then has her husband killed--this is in no way endorsed. He suffers mightily for it.

In the Bible people err, make mistakes, and sin deeply. These are not little white lies or foibles. They are dark and have real consequences. But of course we can't have children learn THOSE lessons. Better to teach them that even if they have a penis, they might be a girl. Or something.
A bit difficult to argue against this one. The Bible is much worse than many books the religious right want banned for the same things.
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion. Ages ago I worked in a library. Elementary school students were not checking out the Bible. First of all, the reading level for the Bible is high school, not elementary school. Second, primary students have short attention spans. They do not select thick books with tiny writing.
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion. Ages ago I worked in a library. Elementary school students were not checking out the Bible. First of all, the reading level for the Bible is high school, not elementary school. Second, primary students have short attention spans. They do not select thick books with tiny writing.

So, there was no reason to ban it, then.
I used to think that all religion was kind of irrelevant.

But when I see libtards managing to get the Bible banned on the grounds alleged by the whining libtards, I have to consider the possibility that maybe it’s not.

Why are they so afraid of it if it’s just a “stoey” to them?

why deny -


your true intent.
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion. Ages ago I worked in a library. Elementary school students were not checking out the Bible. First of all, the reading level for the Bible is high school, not elementary school. Second, primary students have short attention spans. They do not select thick books with tiny writing.

Er... okay, and?
So, there was no reason to ban it, then.
The issue began with parents complaining about books with LGBTQ content, and these books were removed. The library argued that sex is a part of life, and the children should be introduced to realities of every day life.

In retaliation, those who protested the removal of LGBTQ books, had the Bible removed.

Resolve the problem by having a section of "Parental Permission Needed".

Adults need to grow up.
The Bible is about God and humanity. It portrays us as we really are, the good, the bad, and the really ugly. Unlike the demonic however, it does not portray evil as desirable. For example, when David lusts after Bathsheba, seduces her, and then has her husband killed--this is in no way endorsed. He suffers mightily for it.

In the Bible people err, make mistakes, and sin deeply. These are not little white lies or foibles. They are dark and have real consequences. But of course we can't have children learn THOSE lessons. Better to teach them that even if they have a penis, they might be a girl. Or something.

- the c-bible was written in the 4th century and is littered with forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page and is a book of servitude that has nothing to do with the heaves it attempts to write about.

and is written by those that committed the crime, crucifying an innocent person then used for their own nefarious purposes.

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