Biden: 200 billion dollars for "free" preschool in next Pork bill

Children need their mothers and fathers in both early and late childhood years. Moms and dads best commitment is to each other. When 1 parent is elsewhere, the trusted other is with the children. And children need that solidarity of trust until their loving parents die of old age still happy they committed to doing right by their families.

It's bad enough we created a society where the mother has no choice but to surrender her kids to strangers because she has to work. It's even worse when she has to surrender them to government.
Your first point should be carved in stone on top of the highest mountain.
The second point gives her a 13K/yr. raise.
The kids are going to have to go somewhere while she's at work.
This sounds like a good plan for everyone but day care center owners.
Free Free Free!!!

Step right up ladies and gents. Vote for Democrats and get all the Socialism your greedy little hearts desire. Everything you could possible want Free Free Free!
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Your first point should be carved in stone on top of the highest mountain.
The second point gives her a 13K/yr. raise.
The kids are going to have to go somewhere while she's at work.
This sounds like a good plan for everyone but day care center owners.

Lower income parents always had vouchers for daycare. That was something GW put in. The problem was those vouchers went to private entities and not necessarily Democrat constituents. Now the plan is to shift that money away from daycare to union teachers who most all support Democrats.

The Democrats (if I remember correctly in California) wanted to have year round schooling. It wasn't that they need more schooling, it was to be a taxpayer paid baby sitter so Mom didn't have to make adjustments for summer. The teachers union stopped that shit real quick. You are not going to take that two month paid vacation from their members.
The Democrats (if I remember correctly in California) wanted to have year round schooling. It wasn't that they need more schooling, it was to be a taxpayer paid baby sitter so Mom didn't have to make adjustments for summer. The teachers union stopped that shit real quick. You are not going to take that two month paid vacation from their members.
I lived in CA in the '80s when that happened. The Republican governor George Deukmejian was in office at the time.
Dont know what problem they THINK that they are solving, but I seriously doubt IF THAT problem exists that it would take more than 1/10th of that amount.. And even then -- I'm not certain there would be a return to justify it...

Pillaging the Treasury and pissing it away.. It's like the giant meteor or angry aliens are coming and this is just the orgy before doomsday....

It's not about solving problems, it's about using taxpayer money to repay favors for Democrat support.

EVERYTHING on the agenda is about consolidating power for the Dem party.. They want a One Party country - like Cali is a one party state. So they're LOOTING the Treasury, packing the Court, Making DC a state, REMOVING all the security and accuracy from voting, paying off the unions, Opening up the borders.. Their ENTIRE AGENDA is themselves.. Dont really care about "unescorted minors".. Kids are just pawns to get tossed over walls and put into Covid party cages and potentially bus dropped around the country to fall into gawd knows what results..
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.

Once again we have to keep repeating to those who are parrotting the Republican Party Line about public education:
  • Education is a function controlled by the Republican State Hous'es;
  • The Unions do not control the cirriculum, nor do they purchase the text books - that would be the states
  • Teacher do NOT set the cirriculum, purchase the texts, or "indoctrinate" children
  • Republican States have sought to cleanse history books of slavery, Jim Crow, and the Trail of Tears - anything that shows the USA in a bad light
  • Christian Schools are teaching Creationism not science
  • Republicans have been defunded public schools, especially in poor districts, for generations in the hope of forcing the cost of education onto parents.
  • In order to succeed in this goal, they must first make public education so bad, no one wants their child in a public school
  • Since Republicans have been defunding public school, American students have been dropping down the international education standings.
Lies about the public school system being an "indoctrination program" for liberals is just another Republican lie/.

Those are Dem talking points.. Not grounded in reality.. The party trying to cleanse the History books of Jim Crow, slavery is the DEMS.. Like when Great Gramps compares the Ga voting bill to Jim Eagle - he's going for a 2-fer... One is to LIE about the contents of the bill -- AND two is to DOWNPLAY the ACTUAL horrors of Jim Crow that was SOLELY PERPETRATED BY DEMOCRATS !!!!

"Republicans have have Defunding public schools" ??? This is just an admission you cant make a list without showing your lack of logic and that you're driven by HYPOCRISY... You have NO CLUE as to where the funding comes from for "local schools" do you? And the UNIONS have stood DIRECTLY in the path of EXPANDING Advanced Placement, parental choice, UNIFORM TESTING and "on-line" learning...

Because they want EQUITY LEARNING - meaning that math, science, history are ALL RACIST and that the US became racist before there was an INKLING of the United States... And they want to LOWER THE BARS all around to GET that equity.. Because their "valued minorities" are TOO DUMB to value education or learn anything..
The Democrats (if I remember correctly in California) wanted to have year round schooling. It wasn't that they need more schooling, it was to be a taxpayer paid baby sitter so Mom didn't have to make adjustments for summer. The teachers union stopped that shit real quick. You are not going to take that two month paid vacation from their members.
I lived in CA in the '80s when that happened. The Republican governor George Deukmejian was in office at the time.

I was in Cali when Jerry Brown proposed a "military academy" in Oakland and got pounded into the ground by the radical left for it.. He persevered, and the LINE OF black parents APPLYING for that school was 12 times larger than the number of slots.. It featured uniforms, extended hours and year. And it was NOT mere babysitting. It was to instill a trust and love for learning... Teachers there worked twice as hard as any other public school..

Teachers unions LED the protests.. On the principle of NOT having choice and valuing "equity of outcomes" over academics...
The problems with these stupid government programs come from many directions. The first being 3-4 year olds need a lot of parent time to develope and the parents need that time too to set a healthy relationship with the child. Second it puts pressure on the parents to get their kid started in school, and it’s easy since every parent thinks they have a really smart kid and it takes a few years for them to realize they have spawned a turnip. But they won’t blame themselves or the kid. Hell no it’s the schools fault because they didn’t spend enough money to make their booger eater a doctor. And of course teachers, their unions and democrat politicians will agree and trot out Penelope Paint Chip as a prime example of a wasted life because you assholes won’t spend more money, and you hate children.

It’s just another cynical democrat power grab.



  • Good quality child care costs upwards of $200 per week, per child for toddler care
  • It's cheaper to provide pre-school/daycare programs than welfare for poor families
  • Early childhood education will help give children in poor neighbourhoods a jump start on learning
  • Nutritional programs in pre-school/daycare programs will help allieviate need for SNAP benefits
  • Lack of quality affordable daycare is the greatest barrier for low income women upgrading their education, skills, or even going out to work full-time.
The problems with these stupid government programs come from many directions. The first being 3-4 year olds need a lot of parent time to develope and the parents need that time too to set a healthy relationship with the child. Second it puts pressure on the parents to get their kid started in school, and it’s easy since every parent thinks they have a really smart kid and it takes a few years for them to realize they have spawned a turnip. But they won’t blame themselves or the kid. Hell no it’s the schools fault because they didn’t spend enough money to make their booger eater a doctor. And of course teachers, their unions and democrat politicians will agree and trot out Penelope Paint Chip as a prime example of a wasted life because you assholes won’t spend more money, and you hate children.

It’s just another cynical democrat power grab.



  • Good quality child care costs upwards of $200 per week, per child for toddler care
  • It's cheaper to provide pre-school/daycare programs than welfare for poor families
  • Early childhood education will help give children in poor neighbourhoods a jump start on learning
  • Nutritional programs in pre-school/daycare programs will help allieviate need for SNAP benefits
  • Lack of quality affordable daycare is the greatest barrier for low income women upgrading their education, skills, or even going out to work full-time.
How about this: You have a kid, YOU pay for it.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden will call for free preschool for all 3- and 4-year-old children, a $200 billion investment to be rolled out as part of his sweeping American Families Plan being unveiled Wednesday in an address to Congress.

The administration said the historic investment would benefit 5 million children and save the average family $13,000. It calls for providing federal funds to help the states offer preschool, with teachers and other employees earning $15 an hour.

“These investments will give American children a head start and pave the way for the best-educated generation in U.S. history,” the administration said.

The new details are part of Biden’s $1 trillion-plus package, an ambitious next phase of his massive infrastructure investment program, this one focused on so-called human infrastructure — child care, health care, education and other core aspects of the household architecture that undergird everyday life for countless Americans.

Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.

Once again we have to keep repeating to those who are parrotting the Republican Party Line about public education:
  • Education is a function controlled by the Republican State Hous'es;
  • The Unions do not control the cirriculum, nor do they purchase the text books - that would be the states
  • Teacher do NOT set the cirriculum, purchase the texts, or "indoctrinate" children
  • Republican States have sought to cleanse history books of slavery, Jim Crow, and the Trail of Tears - anything that shows the USA in a bad light
  • Christian Schools are teaching Creationism not science
  • Republicans have been defunded public schools, especially in poor districts, for generations in the hope of forcing the cost of education onto parents.
  • In order to succeed in this goal, they must first make public education so bad, no one wants their child in a public school
  • Since Republicans have been defunding public school, American students have been dropping down the international education standings.
Lies about the public school system being an "indoctrination program" for liberals is just another Republican lie/.

Those are Dem talking points.. Not grounded in reality.. The party trying to cleanse the History books of Jim Crow, slavery is the DEMS.. Like when Great Gramps compares the Ga voting bill to Jim Eagle - he's going for a 2-fer... One is to LIE about the contents of the bill -- AND two is to DOWNPLAY the ACTUAL horrors of Jim Crow that was SOLELY PERPETRATED BY DEMOCRATS !!!!

"Republicans have have Defunding public schools" ??? This is just an admission you cant make a list without showing your lack of logic and that you're driven by HYPOCRISY... You have NO CLUE as to where the funding comes from for "local schools" do you? And the UNIONS have stood DIRECTLY in the path of EXPANDING Advanced Placement, parental choice, UNIFORM TESTING and "on-line" learning...

Because they want EQUITY LEARNING - meaning that math, science, history are ALL RACIST and that the US became racist before there was an INKLING of the United States... And they want to LOWER THE BARS all around to GET that equity.. Because their "valued minorities" are TOO DUMB to value education or learn anything..

Those are NOT Democratic talking points. Those are the facts of education in the USA. You're spouting right wing propaganda about union teacher's "indoctrinating" children in leftist education camps. Fuck man - do you read the idiocies you regurgitate.

The problems with these stupid government programs come from many directions. The first being 3-4 year olds need a lot of parent time to develope and the parents need that time too to set a healthy relationship with the child. Second it puts pressure on the parents to get their kid started in school, and it’s easy since every parent thinks they have a really smart kid and it takes a few years for them to realize they have spawned a turnip. But they won’t blame themselves or the kid. Hell no it’s the schools fault because they didn’t spend enough money to make their booger eater a doctor. And of course teachers, their unions and democrat politicians will agree and trot out Penelope Paint Chip as a prime example of a wasted life because you assholes won’t spend more money, and you hate children.

It’s just another cynical democrat power grab.



  • Good quality child care costs upwards of $200 per week, per child for toddler care
  • It's cheaper to provide pre-school/daycare programs than welfare for poor families
  • Early childhood education will help give children in poor neighbourhoods a jump start on learning
  • Nutritional programs in pre-school/daycare programs will help allieviate need for SNAP benefits
  • Lack of quality affordable daycare is the greatest barrier for low income women upgrading their education, skills, or even going out to work full-time.
How about this: You have a kid, YOU pay for it.

Sure thing FuckBoi. But you're going to have to learn to be a doctor, a lawyer and an accountant. If you don't want to contribute to public education, you don't get to use the services of those whose education YOU refused to pay for. I paid my taxes, so I did pay for my kids' educations, fool.

You seem to think that you owe the government NOTHING for your own education, although given how little you learned in school, I can see your point of view. You owe the government nothing for your safety and your security.

Your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling precisely because you don't want any of YOUR hard earned dollars going to non-whites in your country. The less education and skills the workers in your country have, the fewer jobs will be created. There are already millions of jobs going unfilled in the USA because your workers lack the skills to do them.

Investment in the USA is slowing because there aren't enough skilled workers to do the jobs you have, and like the idiot conservative you are, your solution is to end public education. Nothing fails like conservative ideology.
The problems with these stupid government programs come from many directions. The first being 3-4 year olds need a lot of parent time to develope and the parents need that time too to set a healthy relationship with the child. Second it puts pressure on the parents to get their kid started in school, and it’s easy since every parent thinks they have a really smart kid and it takes a few years for them to realize they have spawned a turnip. But they won’t blame themselves or the kid. Hell no it’s the schools fault because they didn’t spend enough money to make their booger eater a doctor. And of course teachers, their unions and democrat politicians will agree and trot out Penelope Paint Chip as a prime example of a wasted life because you assholes won’t spend more money, and you hate children.

It’s just another cynical democrat power grab.



  • Good quality child care costs upwards of $200 per week, per child for toddler care
  • It's cheaper to provide pre-school/daycare programs than welfare for poor families
  • Early childhood education will help give children in poor neighbourhoods a jump start on learning
  • Nutritional programs in pre-school/daycare programs will help allieviate need for SNAP benefits
  • Lack of quality affordable daycare is the greatest barrier for low income women upgrading their education, skills, or even going out to work full-time.
How about this: You have a kid, YOU pay for it.

Sure thing FuckBoi. But you're going to have to learn to be a doctor, a lawyer and an accountant. If you don't want to contribute to public education, you don't get to use the services of those whose education YOU refused to pay for. I paid my taxes, so I did pay for my kids' educations, fool.

You seem to think that you owe the government NOTHING for your own education, although given how little you learned in school, I can see your point of view. You owe the government nothing for your safety and your security.

Your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling precisely because you don't want any of YOUR hard earned dollars going to non-whites in your country. The less education and skills the workers in your country have, the fewer jobs will be created. There are already millions of jobs going unfilled in the USA because your workers lack the skills to do them.

Investment in the USA is slowing because there aren't enough skilled workers to do the jobs you have, and like the idiot conservative you are, your solution is to end public education. Nothing fails like conservative ideology.
Hey Dumbass, the discussion was $200 per week per child handouts for child care. Isn't that what you posted?

WTF does that have to do with education?

And I love this claptrap from your post:

Your country is in the toilet and the waters are swirling precisely because you don't want any of YOUR hard earned dollars going to non-whites in your country.

You Librardos are the ones obsessed with skin color. I don't give a rats ass what color a person is, Halfwit.
I was in Cali when Jerry Brown proposed a "military academy" in Oakland and got pounded into the ground by the radical left for it.. He persevered, and the LINE OF black parents APPLYING for that school was 12 times larger than the number of slots.. It featured uniforms, extended hours and year. And it was NOT mere babysitting. It was to instill a trust and love for learning... Teachers there worked twice as hard as any other public school..

Teachers unions LED the protests.. On the principle of NOT having choice and valuing "equity of outcomes" over academics...
Interesting, and something that I did not know about.

One of my parents' biggest threats to me when I got out of line was "shape up, or we're going to send you to a military school."

Which was kind of weird considering that half of the schools that I attended were on Air Force bases where they beat us like slaves.
  • Good quality child care costs upwards of $200 per week, per child for toddler care
  • It's cheaper to provide pre-school/daycare programs than welfare for poor families
  • Early childhood education will help give children in poor neighbourhoods a jump start on learning
  • Nutritional programs in pre-school/daycare programs will help allieviate need for SNAP benefits
  • Lack of quality affordable daycare is the greatest barrier for low income women upgrading their education, skills, or even going out to work full-time.

You have no idea WTF you're talking about. When lower income people started to invade my suburb, child care centers were popping up almost every ten blocks. We never had any when it was a white middle-class suburb. Government gives daycare vouchers to low income mothers, and that's why daycare centers were everyplace.

Please explain how taxpayers paying for food for kids will help eliminate the need for SNAP'S. To my knowledge, SNAP's doesn't include what a kid gets in school as a factor for determining the amount of benefits. You make X amount of money, you have X dependents, you get X in food stamps.

An early start on learning is not the job of government. When I was growing up, we had different people doing that; I forget what we called them......let me think........OH YES, we called them PARENTS!!!
Ah yes, typical Democrat spending. So where are many of these children now? They are at daycare centers.

So what Biden wants to do is steer money away from the private market and entrepreneurs to the local teachers who's unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party. The icing on the cake of course is that it will create more government dependents. If you like your "free" daycare, you better not vote Republican you young parents.

I guess the entire public school indoctrination is not enough. Now we need to teach these tiny minds full of mush critical race theory before they even truly understand what races really are.

So here you go unions. Biden is sending you a thank you gift of 200 billions dollars of taxpayer money.
It looks as if the popularly-elected, populist President is remaining popular by advocating for popular legislation.

Poll finds women, including Republicans, like Biden's child care initiative
[Exclusive: Poll finds women, including Republicans, like Biden's child care initiative]
EVERYTHING on the agenda is about consolidating power for the Dem party.. They want a One Party country - like Cali is a one party state. So they're LOOTING the Treasury, packing the Court, Making DC a state, REMOVING all the security and accuracy from voting, paying off the unions, Opening up the borders.. Their ENTIRE AGENDA is themselves.. Dont really care about "unescorted minors".. Kids are just pawns to get tossed over walls and put into Covid party cages and potentially bus dropped around the country to fall into gawd knows what results..

Mail-in voting is the main thing here because mail-in draws all the stupid and politically uninformed to vote. These welfare types won't make the trip to the polls because it's too much effort, and why should they anyway? They don't even know WTF they're voting on.

This push for a single-party government includes trying to get as many people to mail-in as possible. In other words the leaders we end up with will be chosen by people like this:

It looks as if the popularly-elected, populist President is remaining popular by advocating for popular legislation.

Poll finds women, including Republicans, like Biden's child care initiative
[Exclusive: Poll finds women, including Republicans, like Biden's child care initiative]

I bet if he promised everybody a new car this year, it would be the most popular thing a President ever did.

Can you kindly show me where in the Constitution or debates thereof where our founders discussed government raising children instead of the parents?
There’s no need for this program. At all. It’s not about education it’s about indoctrination. The democrats need control of your kids before you can teach them such horrible things as if you have a penis you’re a boy and a vagina is a girl. They can’t have these kids thinking their parents are in charge, it’s all government.

It won’t be long until this stupid head start program moves to include 2 year olds, then one. The closer to birth they can get your kids away from you the better.

This isn’t to help the kids. It’s to get rid of the parents.
The more the feds control families the sooner the Demmies think they can turn America into a communist state where the school decides where the children are raised like Hitler Youth only this time they want them younger--3, 4 and up. It is a public horror what the criminal Democrats are trying to pull. They are now taking Trump Cabinet personnel and his lawyer's proofs that Biden only got 12% or less of the vote nationwide. It is time to stop the stark, staring Biden delusional insanity.

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