Biden Adm Using Climate Change To Attack Meat Producers....Blames 'Big Meat' For Huge Rise In Meat Prices

Sorry? I don't attack people going to bathrooms, nor am I a half wit vacuous apologist for people who do like you are.

You people need to be punched.
Who was arrested for doing physical harm when they attacked her?
I don't think so. I think I'm doing pretty well. :)
Don't increase the worth of your self or self esteem or it will be considered inflation, which has existed my entire life along with devaluation of currency and coin.
Don't increase the worth of your self or self esteem or it will be considered inflation, which has existed my entire life along with devaluation of currency and coin.
That's a convoluted assessment of what inflation is and what it does. Not to mention wrong.
Everybody is wrong in yer dominion, what else is new.
No. I didn't say that. And I wouldn't say that. So that's not true. I said YOU were wrong. You can't extrapolate me saying YOU are wrong to me saying everyone is wrong. That's not how it works.
A Cambridge study showed that the best way to curb consumption of meat was to intentionally raise the price so that it forces people to change their habits. It's pretty clear this is the primary push for some behind Climate Change regulations. This is criminal. This alone is worthy of impeachment. Intentionally causing the price of all meat products to double in only a few months is worthy of impeachment.

It's not just beef....but all meat products are becoming too expensive. Estimates show that Biden's actions have cost consumers an extra $175/mo because of his inflationary tactics this Summer. Democrats in congress are driving down the value of the dollar with their spending and Biden is driving up the costs of products with his regulations and his intentional gutting of our domestic energy industry.

Democrats are busy trying to raise the debt limit so they can spend more money and raise the debt while shrinking the value of the USD.


Joey should consult Doctor Jill to see if this qualifies as Big Meat
It usually involves one of the seven deadly sins..
So you believe that because humans sin humans fail to see their own disasters? Does sin make humans blind? How does that work?
This country refuses the Judgements & Statutes of our Creator who would be our Savior, and thus His Judgements are upon us. 1/3 of us are due to die of diseases, 1/3 by violence and 1/3 will leave followed by a sword, because we refuse to confess our evil ways and hence refuse to repent. See Ezekiel 5
I know, have the government take them over

What could possibly go wrong?
The left doesn't believe in freedom.
They plan on just taking everything private ownership.
Meanwhile millions of us will suffer during the process.
This country refuses the Judgements & Statutes of our Creator who would be our Savior, and thus His Judgements are upon us. 1/3 of us are due to die of diseases, 1/3 by violence and 1/3 will leave followed by a sword, because we refuse to confess our evil ways and hence refuse to repent. See Ezekiel 5
Your Avi is a picture of Putin when he was a ironic.

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