Biden admin has given $2.35 BILLION to Taliban since 2021 surrender

Yea. I don’t want to give them a dime. Let’s rebuild the us, not Afghanistan

We illegally started 2 wars there.
First against the Russians, and then we turned against our own allies and attack the Taliban illegally.
Huh? The promise was to leave if they successfully engaged in peace talks with the afghan govt

Facts don’t seem to matter to your narrative…which makes it a false narrative, but all your left with when defending the taliban savior, Joey Xiden

Since we never should have been there at all, it is illegal to put conditions on things.
But the reason there were no negotiations between the Taliban and the fake government we installed in Afghanistan, is that they were charging us for an Afghan army 10 times larger than it really was.
So then they knew that once the war was over, they would get caught in their lie.
So they melted away before they could be arrested for fraud.
And then there is FGM

Moslems only believe in a slight nick in the clitoral hood if it is overly large.
That is to increase sexual stimulation.
FGM (female genital mutilation) is a circumcision practice that goes back to ancient African tribal traditions.
It is not at all Moslem.
Some Moslems are ignorant and tribal, but it does not come from Mohammad.
Which they didn't do. What you don't get is that the Taliban never lived up to their end of the Doha agreement. They kept on attacking the Afghan government, and Trump kept drawing down the troops, anyway.

Which is fine, but Pompeo or Trump trying to pretend that the agreement was about anything other than selling the Afghans down the river is a lie.
While the Doha agreement was worked out under Trump, it was under Biden that the US troops were withdrawn and the Taliban allowed to take over.

The US completed its full evacuation on August 30, 2021, as the Taliban took control of the country by force.

That was 8 months after Biden took office.
Have you noticed that Democrat Women never complain about how Muslims treat women?

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Not a single photo is Taliban.
Taliban alway wear the pakol.

W wasn’t in Joey Xiden’s admin…what the f are you talking about?

W did wipe them….he tossed them out of power and had them living in caves on the border. A free Afghan was able to be created, women could come out of their homes, things started looking much better…then xiden happened

I do wish he made Osama larger priority though

Bush totally failed against the Taliban.
It was the Northern Alliance who defeated them, but they still always held most of the country.

Osama was never an issue, since he had been living in Pakistan since 2003.
wow, some people say this with a straight face.

I do not like how Biden handled it, but the Taliban are NOT the bad guys.
They never were.
They are the 1979 CIA Mujahideen.

Not exactly. The Taliban came from disaffected youth who didn't like how the Mujahideen ran the country after the Communists were ousted.

There were our allies until we illegally attacked them in 2003.

no, they really weren't.
We attacked them in 2001 and had largely defeated them and Al Qaeda by 2002. Then GW Stupid pulled out the forces to get revenge on Saddam for humiliating his pappy by staying in power.

The claim they were defending Osama bin Laden is false.
They hated Osama, as they dislike all Arabs.
They only tolerate Osama because we forced them to.

Um, no, they were defending him, long before 9/11.

When we demanded Osama be turned over, they offered to do that to Saudi Arabia.
But we demanded to the US, without any evidence.
That would be illegal, and they could not violate their own laws, even if we could.

Um, Bin Laden was caught ON TAPE bragging about how he and his boys carried out 9/11.

And the problem now is that since we forced them in to the hills for 20 years, they no longer have the mechanisms necessary for things like garbage collection, keeping the electricity and water going, etc.

They didn't have that before we drove them into the hills.

I agree the Taliban dislike Iranians.
But the Taliban are not the "Psychos" that kill, we are.
We recruited, trained, and armed them, in order to kill Russians.
Well, no, we didn't we trained people 40 years ago. these aren't the same people.
While the Doha agreement was worked out under Trump, it was under Biden that the US troops were withdrawn and the Taliban allowed to take over.

You mean after Trump tied his hands with a bad agreement and strengthened the Taliban by releasing 5000 trained fighters?
Bush totally failed against the Taliban.
It was the Northern Alliance who defeated them, but they still always held most of the country.

Osama was never an issue, since he had been living in Pakistan since 2003.
When Nush left office the talk an was living in caves on the Pakistan border
Xiden gave them back afghan
Since we never should have been there at all, it is illegal to put conditions on things.
But the reason there were no negotiations between the Taliban and the fake government we installed in Afghanistan, is that they were charging us for an Afghan army 10 times larger than it really was.
So then they knew that once the war was over, they would get caught in their lie.
So they melted away before they could be arrested for fraud.
Oh I see we shouldn’t of been there…you are just another terrorist sympathizer
Which they didn't do. What you don't get is that the Taliban never lived up to their end of the Doha agreement. They kept on attacking the Afghan government, and Trump kept drawing down the troops, anyway.

Which is fine, but Pompeo or Trump trying to pretend that the agreement was about anything other than selling the Afghans down the river is a lie.
No I totally get they didn’t! That’s why Xiden didn’t have to leave as you claim…Xiden made that choice all on his own to surrender
Like FGM is some rare African practice not associated with Islam lol
Uh, yean pretty much.

FGM is practiced by Christians in North Africa, for the same reason- that if a woman doesn't enjoy sex, she won't cheat on her husband. We know that the practice predates both Islam and Christianity, as we have found mummies that have undergone the procedure.
No I totally get they didn’t! That’s why Xiden didn’t have to leave as you claim…Xiden made that choice all on his own to surrender

Biden was against the stupidity in Afghanistan all the way back when Obama escalated it trying to look tough.

He did the right thing in finally pulling the plug on that circus.
All foreign aid except natural disaster relief should be banned.

Foreign Aid is an economic boom for the US.

First and foremost, because it's required to be spent with American companies.
Secondly, because it creates markets for American products and services.
Which they didn't do. What you don't get is that the Taliban never lived up to their end of the Doha agreement. They kept on attacking the Afghan government, and Trump kept drawing down the troops, anyway.

Which is fine, but Pompeo or Trump trying to pretend that the agreement was about anything other than selling the Afghans down the river is a lie.
Trump didn’t bug out….Tater did, Simp.
Uh, yean pretty much.

FGM is practiced by Christians in North Africa, for the same reason- that if a woman doesn't enjoy sex, she won't cheat on her husband. We know that the practice predates both Islam and Christianity, as we have found mummies that have undergone the procedure.
FGM is exclusively Islamic inspired .

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