Biden admin has given $2.35 BILLION to Taliban since 2021 surrender

Unfuck your skull whenever possible.

All the cock shoved directly into your brain via your useless eye sockets seems to have broken you, but the nightmare that was Saigon 2: Fall Harder happened under the stupid demented asshole who currently resides in 1600 Pennsylvania, who is also the worst and most incompetent person to ever reside there.
Thank you for admitting that I'm 100% correct.

I'm always . . .

You mean after Trump released 5000 Taliban fighters AND drew our troop level down to 2500?

Listen, guy, you are barely fucking literate, why do I even waste my time with you?

Yawn... Funny thing happened after Saigon fell. We all got on with our lives and wondered why we pissed away so much blood and treasure on a country that never wanted us there.

Same thing with Afghanistan. The only reason we were there was to kill Bin Laden. We did that in 2011. Biden killed Zawahiri in 2022. After that, we were done.
Yes trump engaged in peace talks and the talibsn and afghan govt did a prisoner exchange…common practice in peace talks

2500 was the level that were there when xiden surrender and what the military recommended there were roughly a thousand more when xiden took office…he of course ignored the military recommendation and trump’s peace plan so he could surrender
hahaha how can someone side with a group like the Taliban when you are throwing them out of power??? and fighting them?

hahah you are completely wrong as usual

W actually never got them out of power except in Kabul and Khandahar, and even in those two urban areas the Taliban was there and spying on us.

W is the worst traitor in American History. That anyone can still defend him is sickening, pathetic, and grounds for detainment for life in a mental institution.
W actually never got them out of power except in Kabul and Khandahar, and even in those two urban areas the Taliban was there and spying on us.

W is the worst traitor in American History. That anyone can still defend him is sickening, pathetic, and grounds for detainment for life in a mental institution.
Yeah they were out of power.
Yeah they were out of power.

With the team of W and Traitor Joe, what is the status of Taliban now?

Are you proud W didn't wipe them?

Did you cheer when W made "Osama" Not a priority?

What was the priority?
With the team of W and Traitor Joe, what is the status of Taliban now?

Are you proud W didn't wipe them?

Did you cheer when W made "Osama" Not a priority?

What was the priority?
W wasn’t in Joey Xiden’s admin…what the f are you talking about?

W did wipe them….he tossed them out of power and had them living in caves on the border. A free Afghan was able to be created, women could come out of their homes, things started looking much better…then xiden happened

I do wish he made Osama larger priority though
had them living in caves on the border.


Not exacly... They were right where they were all along, in Afghan, not worried.

things started looking much better…then xiden happened


The Taliban was in total control of Afghan except Kabul and Khandahar the whole time, which is why they immediately took over once we withdrew.

Traitor Joe was W's #1 Dem supporter. W was the media figure trotted out the day after the election to proclaim the election was fair.

Taliban before W and Traitor Joe - at war with TNA, using older used soviet weapons, and unable to take TNA's territory.

W sided with Taliban over TNA.

Traitor Joe armed them with our weapons.

Both Zionist Fascist faux Christian traitors, W and Traitor Joe, but so far W is still the worst traitor, Joe is climbing up the list.
Yes trump engaged in peace talks and the talibsn and afghan govt did a prisoner exchange…common practice in peace talks

Well, a stupid one. The Taliban didn't live up to the agreement, they kept right on attacking the Afghan Government after Doha and Trump did nothing about it.

2500 was the level that were there when xiden surrender and what the military recommended there were roughly a thousand more when xiden took office…he of course ignored the military recommendation and trump’s peace plan so he could surrender

Oh, get real. The only thing Biden did was extend the final pullout from May to August so that we had time for all these greedy contractors to get their people out.

NOBODY thought the Afghan Government was going to survive.

And you know what, I don't have a problem with Doha. True, Trump could have pulled out all the troops on his watch and owned it, but he didn't. He kicked it down the road for the next guy. (Or maybe figured once he was in a second term, no one would care because he didn't have to stand for election again.)

Biden did the right thing. He got us out of there because the whole thing had become pointless.
Well, a stupid one. The Taliban didn't live up to the agreement, they kept right on attacking the Afghan Government after Doha and Trump did nothing about it.

Oh, get real. The only thing Biden did was extend the final pullout from May to August so that we had time for all these greedy contractors to get their people out.

NOBODY thought the Afghan Government was going to survive.

And you know what, I don't have a problem with Doha. True, Trump could have pulled out all the troops on his watch and owned it, but he didn't. He kicked it down the road for the next guy. (Or maybe figured once he was in a second term, no one would care because he didn't have to stand for election again.)

Biden did the right thing. He got us out of there because the whole thing had become pointless.
Yes, you are right they didn't live up to the agreement, hence why Xiden ignored it, and surrendered.
Actually, the surrender was by Trump. Biden just had to manage the evacuation.

The problem was the Afghans weren't keen on covering our retreat after Trump sold them out.
What a pantload.

Not a single American death for 18 months before your clusterfuck Vegetable Messiah ignored all his military leaders and fucked everything up. The result was 13 dead American soldiers, tens of thousands of Afghanis who helped us left behind, who knows how many Americans left behind, and over $80 BILLION in hi-tech US military hardware in the hands of the Taliban.

And Chicom Joe is still sending the Taliban millions.

Your Messiah is a clusterfuck of epic proportions. Trump hand nothing to do with any of his disaster, Moron.
Actually, the surrender was by Trump. Biden just had to manage the evacuation.

The problem was the Afghans weren't keen on covering our retreat after Trump sold them out.
We’ve already established when trump left office there were troops there and a base…so there was no surrender

And you highlighted how the taliban didn’t follow the trump peace agreement, meaning xiden wasn’t bound by it
with a promise to leave and cutting off the afghan government at the knees. Funny how you leave that part out.
Huh? The promise was to leave if they successfully engaged in peace talks with the afghan govt

Facts don’t seem to matter to your narrative…which makes it a false narrative, but all your left with when defending the taliban savior, Joey Xiden
Huh? The promise was to leave if they successfully engaged in peace talks with the afghan govt

Which they didn't do. What you don't get is that the Taliban never lived up to their end of the Doha agreement. They kept on attacking the Afghan government, and Trump kept drawing down the troops, anyway.

Which is fine, but Pompeo or Trump trying to pretend that the agreement was about anything other than selling the Afghans down the river is a lie.


Why are we giving them a dime? All the military hardware we left behind was not enough? We are giving them money to rebuild?

This is ridiculous.

I do not like how Biden handled it, but the Taliban are NOT the bad guys.
They never were.
They are the 1979 CIA Mujahideen.
There were our allies until we illegally attacked them in 2003.

The claim they were defending Osama bin Laden is false.
They hated Osama, as they dislike all Arabs.
They only tolerate Osama because we forced them to.
When we demanded Osama be turned over, they offered to do that to Saudi Arabia.
But we demanded to the US, without any evidence.
That would be illegal, and they could not violate their own laws, even if we could.

And the problem now is that since we forced them in to the hills for 20 years, they no longer have the mechanisms necessary for things like garbage collection, keeping the electricity and water going, etc.
When Psychos Have to Kill, It Might As Well Be Their Next-Door Neighbors

This may turn out well if the Tail Bunnies turn our guns on Iran. As Churchill stated back in the 1890s, Sunnis hate Shiites even more than they hate infidels.

I agree the Taliban dislike Iranians.
But the Taliban are not the "Psychos" that kill, we are.
We recruited, trained, and armed them, in order to kill Russians.

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