Biden admin pressured Twitter to censor medical experts who questioned CDC Covid guidance on vaccines (Twitter Files)

You haven't a clue so, shove off.

When the government starts using language like, "Cannot be permitted" then free speech is under assault.

How does, cannot be permitted, pertain to this discussion.

You'd be the loudest stuck pig if it was a Republican making these comments.
No I wouldn't. Regardless of administration, I support the federal government's power to ask Twitter to post or not post something. Just like I support the below. Do you support the below?

Yes yes, only ignorant twits who can only listen to Fox News and Internet nuts know the truth lol....
Those who access diverse sources are better informed than nuts who depend on Democrat controlled legacy and main stream media who all parrot each other regardless of the actual truth.
Those who access diverse sources are better informed than nuts who depend on Democrat controlled legacy and main stream media who all parrot each other regardless of the actual truth.
I access more diverse sources than anybody you know.... And the conclusion is obvious, Murdoch propaganda is garbage. They admit it's garbage propaganda when they have to defend themselves in court. They say no reasonable person would believe what they say. And they won... And most people in the GOP base are afraid to change the channel that I know. around here is 72% trump and they're scary.
Good. What a bunch of bought off charlatans right wing propaganda gave us to argue with real science. Thanks for the worst pandemic response anywhere and leading the world into many more deaths than were necessary..... And it continues. Everyone should get vaccinated and stop being brainwashed functional morons.

You are retarded.
Biden said COVID was / is an 'illness of the unvaccinated' ... right before the quadruple vaxed idiot got COVID ... TWICE ... and snowflakes believed him.

Being a Democrat is an 'illness of the willfully ignorant'.

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