Biden admin pressured Twitter to censor medical experts who questioned CDC Covid guidance on vaccines (Twitter Files)

Everyone with a brain and looking at real news knew it was 94% effective, so he is only basically right he's not totally right there are exceptions, and if you people had gotten vaccinated instead of being brainwashed sheep, we would have lost at least 300,000 deaths according to experts. God knows what the hell you're talking about lol, some garbage propaganda because that's all you get that's all you can get. Ignoramus dupe...
what was 94% effective? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The US has over 1M deaths now.
what was 94% effective? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The US has over 1M deaths now.
The original vaccine was 94% effective, ignoramus dupe. And Biden quote is taken out of context like all your crap if it isn't a total lie. Newsweek:
"While vaccinations have been shown to protect against severe infection and death, they are less effective at preventing infections altogether. Biden's complete remarks during the CNN Town Hall included this context, although he did overstate and say that the vaccines would protect against infection in general.

"If you're vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you're not going to be in the IC [intensive care] unit, and you're not going to die," Biden said during the event. "So it's gigantically important that...we all act like Americans who care about our fellow Americans," he added."

if your ridiculous propaganda machine didn't spend all of its time going on and on about the irrelevant exceptions, you people would have gotten vaccinated instead of dying
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well it depends…if you are a demafasict you certainly don’t believe folks on the right that support freedom and liberty aren’t good people…so i get your confusion
listen sport, it is 72% trump voters around here and they are the greatest people, but their politics is totally misinformed garbage propaganda. There is no election fraud or global warming fraud or vaccine fraud. That is pure idiocy
listen sport, it is 72% trump voters around here and they are the greatest people, but their politics is totally misinformed garbage propaganda. There is no election fraud or global warming fraud or vaccine fraud. That is pure idiocy

You are pure idiocy
You brain washed nonfunctional retard.
No your propagandists are DUHH. She never said any such thing...
It's in her diary, says her dad took inappropriate showers with her. She blames her drug and sex addiction on it. So how does it feel to support that?
It's in her diary, says her dad took inappropriate showers with her. She blames her drug and sex addiction on it. So how does it feel to support that?

People who live as deeply entrenced in the Democrat Media Bubble Cult as that one will never accept any info not generated from within the Cult itself.
He did lie once in saying that face masks were not necessary in the beginning because he wanted to save them for health care workers. Stupid. But besides that no lies... Meanwhile your propagandists from Murdoch and Internet nut jobs lie endlessly- that's how you have a whole other universe from reality lol... poor America. It's time to use all the information out there not just what you are spoon fed. Meanwhile your propagandists from Murdoch and Internet nut jobs lie endlessly- that's how you have a whole other universe from reality lol... poor America. It's time to use all the information out there not just what you are spoon fed from ********.
No He lied about Obama ordering him to go to Wuhan and work on an Illegal BioWeapon funded by The Pentagon through an Illegal Front called EcoHealth, and then he lied about that very BIOWeapon he designed being unleashed on America during an election year straight from his Wuhan Lab.
Worse yet in 2017 he predicted LOL, more like telegraphed what he was ordered to do..........that America and The Trump Administration would be attacked by The Fauci Flu.
Your political spectrums are a joke. All the good people are not on the right lol.
Nazi-conservatives- moderates-Democrats- socialists- communists is correct. And Democrats are really socialist. Fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net. That's the final solution gentlemen
You only say that because you are a Democrat Socialist otherwise known as a NAZI.
Next topic!
Heil Shitler!
Twitter censored information about Ukraine war, Covid vaccines under direction from US intelligence agencies & Biden

surprise surprise
You only say that because you are a Democrat Socialist otherwise known as a NAZI.
Next topic!
Heil Shitler!
Idiot, national socialism was naziism. They were big nationalists which means they hated non Germans and especially Jews blacks gays gypsies etcetera etcetera. they were right wing because they loved savage capitalism and business aristocrats and royalty as long as they were supportive of the regime and not Jewish. A real socialist is always for democracy. Fair capitalism and a good safety net. Conservatives are well known as the shit heads of history....
People who live as deeply entrenced in the Democrat Media Bubble Cult as that one will never accept any info not generated from within the Cult itself.
A tiny cult supported by every media outlet in the modern world except Murdoch's BS, brainwashed functional moron. Everything you know has been totally discredited but still repeated endlessly by your disgraceful piece of crap media.....
Idiot, national socialism was naziism. They were big nationalists which means they hated non Germans and especially Jews blacks gays gypsies etcetera etcetera. they were right wing because they loved savage capitalism and business aristocrats and royalty as long as they were supportive of the regime and not Jewish. A real socialist is always for democracy. Fair capitalism and a good safety net. Conservatives are well known as the shit heads of history....
There is no difference between National Socialism and International Socialism which is Globalism. Both are Nazis. You are a Nazi.

Study: MRNA Vaccines Increase Risk of Contracting COVID-19; Each Booster Shot Raises Risk Even More in Study of 51,000 Cleveland Clinic Workers​

View attachment 742372

Vaccinated more like to get COVID...

Are Vaccines Fueling New Covid Variants?​

The virus appears to be evolving in ways that evade immunity.​

Public-health experts are sounding the alarm about a new Omicron variant dubbed XBB that is rapidly spreading across the Northeast U.S. Some studies suggest it is as different from the original Covid strain from Wuhan as the 2003 SARS virus. Should Americans be worried?
Notably, workers who had received more doses were at higher risk of getting sick. Those who received three more doses were 3.4 times as likely to get infected as the unvaccinated, while those who received two were only 2.6 times as likely.

“This is not the only study to find a possible association with more prior vaccine doses and higher risk of COVID-19,” the authors noted. “We still have a lot to learn about protection from COVID-19 vaccination, and in addition to a vaccine’s effectiveness it is important to examine whether multiple vaccine doses given over time may not be having the beneficial effect that is generally assumed.”

Comment: Leaky vaccines are well-known to to make pandemics worse...

A leaky vaccine is one that keeps a microbe from doing serious harm to its host, but doesn’t stop the disease from replicating and spreading to another individual. On the other hand, a “perfect” vaccine is one that sets up lifelong immunity that never wanes and blocks both infection and transmission.

It’s important to note childhood vaccines for polio, measles, mumps, rubella and smallpox aren’t leaky; they are considered “perfect” vaccines. As such, they are in no way in danger of falling prey to this phenomenon.

Yea we know they lied to us and we know they wish we would accept their feeling that it was All For Our Own Good !!!!!!!!!

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