Biden admin pressured Twitter to censor medical experts who questioned CDC Covid guidance on vaccines (Twitter Files)

Your usual cogent argument lol

It's all you are worth you super duper non functional brain dead retard
A republican dies three times faster then a dembot? Really? Well, I guess I'd rather it be quick, maybe God is punishing you all by making your death last so much longer

Good catch.
Brain dead nonfunctional retard, no use good English.
Biden said COVID was / is an 'illness of the unvaccinated' ... right before the quadruple vaxed idiot got COVID ... TWICE ... and snowflakes believed him.

Being a Democrat is an 'illness of the willfully ignorant'.
And people who get vaccinated don't get hospitalized or die anywhere near as often as you idiot Republicans. Biden COVID lasted like two days and he had a little cough. If you get it we'll be seeing you in a couple of weeks or months or never again. Don't worry about the old people you run into
fascists are right wing like Nazis and you people. You are martial law away from being Nazis great job!
national socialist are fascist...yes....they are to the right of socialist, much like the demafascist party....censorship, partnering with large corps, like tweeter, to oppress people....yep...the demafascst way
national socialist are fascist...yes....they are to the right of socialist, much like the demafascist party....censorship, partnering with large corps, like tweeter, to oppress people....yep...the demafascst way
national socialists aren't socialists they are right wing dictator lovers. Socialists were the first people they rounded up... Socialism is simply fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net. Nazis and communists are not socialists just because they are for dictators always. The demonizing of socialists only goes on in English speaking countries due to 100 years of British garbage propaganda savage capitalists. France Italy Spain Germany Sweden you name it have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time in their democracies period the socialists always won the communists disappeared with their support from the Soviet Union. The United States and Britain had socialists until World War One when they didn't want to take part. Then the Soviet Union called themselves socialists and the propaganda was off and running in English speaking countries. Eugene debs the American socialist was put in prison for four years for speaking against the war- have a little Woodrow Wilson hate for that. The head socialist in France was assassinated almost immediately.
Good. What a bunch of bought off charlatans right wing propaganda gave us to argue with real science. Thanks for the worst pandemic response anywhere and leading the world into many more deaths than were necessary..... And it continues. Everyone should get vaccinated and stop being brainwashed functional morons.
Only Fascist Marxist Globalist DemNazis think The Government interfering in elections, censoring Free Speech and interfering in people's healthcare is a good idea.
Fauci Lied and Millions Died. Are you proud of that?
national socialist are fascist...yes....they are to the right of socialist, much like the demafascist party....censorship, partnering with large corps, like tweeter, to oppress people....yep...the demafascst way
national socialist are fascist...yes....they are to the right of socialist, much like the demafascist party....censorship, partnering with large corps, like tweeter, to oppress people....yep...the demafascst way
it turns out that oppressing liars and con men and fools is a good thing lol
Only Fascist Marxist Globalist DemNazis think The Government interfering in elections, censoring Free Speech and interfering in people's healthcare is a good idea.
Fauci Lied and Millions Died. Are you proud of that?
He did lie once in saying that face masks were not necessary in the beginning because he wanted to save them for health care workers. Stupid. But besides that no lies... Meanwhile your propagandists from Murdoch and Internet nut jobs lie endlessly- that's how you have a whole other universe from reality lol... poor America. It's time to use all the information out there not just what you are spoon fed. Meanwhile your propagandists from Murdoch and Internet nut jobs lie endlessly- that's how you have a whole other universe from reality lol... poor America. It's time to use all the information out there not just what you are spoon fed from ********.
Your political spectrums are a joke. All the good people are not on the right lol.
Nazi-conservatives- moderates-Democrats- socialists- communists is correct. And Democrats are really socialist. Fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net. That's the final solution gentlemen
And people who get vaccinated don't get hospitalized or die anywhere near as often as you idiot Republicans. Biden COVID lasted like two days and he had a little cough. If you get it we'll be seeing you in a couple of weeks or months or never again. Don't worry about the old people you run into

So Biden lied when he said vaccinated people can't get Covid.
So Biden lied when he said vaccinated people can't get Covid.
No he made that mistake once and apologized for it. But your ridiculous propaganda carries on with the big lie. At the time it was 94% effective and if you people had gotten vaccinated we could have ended this back then.
national socialists aren't socialists they are right wing dictator lovers. Socialists were the first people they rounded up... Socialism is simply fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net. Nazis and communists are not socialists just because they are for dictators always. The demonizing of socialists only goes on in English speaking countries due to 100 years of British garbage propaganda savage capitalists. France Italy Spain Germany Sweden you name it have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time in their democracies period the socialists always won the communists disappeared with their support from the Soviet Union. The United States and Britain had socialists until World War One when they didn't want to take part. Then the Soviet Union called themselves socialists and the propaganda was off and running in English speaking countries. Eugene debs the American socialist was put in prison for four years for speaking against the war- have a little Woodrow Wilson hate for that. The head socialist in France was assassinated almost immediately.
they are right of socialist yes, socialism is a dictator as well..Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot
Your political spectrums are a joke. All the good people are not on the right lol.
Nazi-conservatives- moderates-Democrats- socialists- communists is correct. And Democrats are really socialist. Fair capitalism always democratic with a good safety net. That's the final solution gentlemen
well it depends…if you are a demafasict you certainly don’t believe folks on the right that support freedom and liberty aren’t good people…so i get your confusion
No he made that mistake once and apologized for it. But your ridiculous propaganda carries on with the big lie. At the time it was 94% effective and if you people had gotten vaccinated we could have ended this back then.

Biden never apologized for his Big Lie, which killed 300,000 Americans, in fact he repeated it several more times.

You alone are probably responsible for infecting and killing at least 100 people while you were running around thinking you had "immunity".
Biden never apologized for his Big Lie, which killed 300,000 Americans, in fact he repeated it several more times.

You alone are probably responsible for infecting and killing at least 100 people while you were running around thinking you had "immunity".
Everyone with a brain and looking at real news knew it was 94% effective, so he is only basically right he's not totally right there are exceptions, and if you people had gotten vaccinated instead of being brainwashed sheep, we would have lost at least 300,000 deaths according to experts. God knows what the hell you're talking about lol, some garbage propaganda because that's all you get that's all you can get. Ignoramus dupe...
Biden never apologized for his Big Lie, which killed 300,000 Americans, in fact he repeated it several more times.

You alone are probably responsible for infecting and killing at least 100 people while you were running around thinking you had "immunity".
Just shut the park up and get vaccinated. Republicans are dying three times as often because they're three times as likely not to have been vaccinated. Do you get it yet I know you don't because you are totally brainwashed with BS..... The GOP led the worst reaction to the pandemic in the world and led the world's idiot party. world and led the world's idiot party. of course he apologized you dumb ass.

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