Biden Admin. Suing On Behalf of Prostitutes to be able to knowingly spread HIV

While RhodyPatriot bleeds from his wherever, let's recap.

Thread title is a lie. OP is a lie.

This is about the misdemeanor law against prostitution. Tennessee made it a felony, if the defendant has one specific disease.

That isn't going to pass legall muster. Tennessee can pass a law specifically against knowingly transmitting HIV and join the adults of the world.
This is about the misdemeanor law against prostitution. Tennessee made it a felony, if the defendant has one specific disease.

That isn't going to pass legall muster. Tennessee can pass a law specifically against knowingly transmitting HIV and join the adults of the world.

You're lying (as usual), nor do you provide evidence to validate your lies.

TN made it a felony to knowingly pass on HIV to your sexual partner, and the Biden administration is contesting this based on the American Disabilities Act.

If you want to fantasize otherwise, please retain what ever shred of dignity you may feign to still possess by supplying receipts for our readers.

We're waiting.
Haha, someone really needs to update their troll playbook.

Dude, you're the one who just refused to provide any evidence whatsoever for the argument you posited.

Nobody made you come in to this thread and write checks your mouth can't cash.

And everyone sees it.

You might wanna quit diggin'.
Dude, you're the one who just refused to provide any evidence whatsoever for the argument you posited.
So I posted exactly as much evidence as you did.

You must be very upset with yourself!

And I will leave it to people to look it up and read for themselves.

Get out of your country?

You people are everything you project on to the Right.

Sick in the head. :)
I was being facetious. Imitation can be the sincerest form of mockery.

Now, while RhodyPatriot looks those words up, let's go to Forbes:

"Under the 1991 law, people in Tennessee with HIV face harsher penalties when charged with prostitution—elevating the charges to “aggravated prostitution,” classified as a “violent sexual offense” that mandates the offender register as a sex offender, according to the government’s complaint"
And their sound legal logic?

Utilizing the Americans with Disabilities Act as a noble cudgel against oppression and inequity!

Because it's 2024.

To be honest any John using a prostitute knows what risk he is taking and knows there is a very good chance she is infected with STD's and even HIV. So she doesn't need to tell him, it's a given. HIV isn't really any real concern for a John using a prostitute if he has protection, even if he doesn't still very low risk getting HIV if this is just a one time encounter.

So I honestly don't see anything wrong with a prostitute not telling the John anything she is infected with, any idiot with a brain who hires a prostitute knows that she is highly likely infected with STD's he doesn't want and he is just gambling his condom does the job of protecting him.
Damn you! Just when I thought Democrats couldn't get any more insane you proved me wrong.

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Their legal theory is the Americans with disabilities act? You could’ve given me 1 million guesses and I would’ve never gotten to that one.

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