Biden admin torched over bombshell footage: 'Literally breaking the law'

While I noted there is nothing illegal here it is cowardly if they are only doing this after dark. It's pretty bad that a president can't simply note "This is our immigration laws, it has been for decades".
This is part of the New World Order doctrine. America must go down. And it is.
NO, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I POSTED. You're too fucking stupid to read.

Is It Illegal to Transport an Undocumented Immigrant Within the U.S.?​

In order to convict someone under this section of the law, the prosecutors would need to show that:

  • the defendant transported or attempted to transport a noncitizen within the U.S.
  • the noncitizen was in the U.S. in violation of U.S. law (as would be the case with any undocumented person)
  • the defendant was aware that the noncitizen was in the U.S. unlawfully and acted in reckless disregard of this fact, and
  • the defendant acted willfully in furtherance of the noncitizen's legal violation.
The Biden administration meets all 4 of these criteria easily.

We need to pull the contractor contracts that aided and abetted this.
Homeland Security under Mayorkas of course is the source.
No, they are not LOL God damn you are a stupid mother fucker. I try to assume you have some fucking brains.

Prove that every one of these people on these planes being flown around the country have sought asylum. Until you are granted asylum, YOU ARE ILLEGAL.
Prove they haven't.

You literally just pointed out why your stance is so fucking dumb.
No, they are not LOL God damn you are a stupid mother fucker. I try to assume you have some fucking brains.

Prove that every one of these people on these planes being flown around the country have sought asylum. Until you are granted asylum, YOU ARE ILLEGAL.

So it would be illegal to deport someone? I don't have to prove anything. I am not the one making the claims.

Biden admin torched over bombshell footage: 'Literally breaking the law'​

Former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino joined 'America's Newsroom' to discuss the bombshell footage. #FoxNews

I’m sure the Biden admin is terrified. Only those that consume conservative media know anything about this. That means most of the public is blissfully ignorant.
No one is ever held accountable unless it’s those DOJ designated terrorist parents in Virginia or somewhere attending a school board meeting.
Hmm.., our 46th president in the human traffic business. No doubt these are the "legal residents" they want to vote.
The Biden administration needs to be held accountable for this NOW.
Our country is in serious decline on a number of fronts.
The best years this country ever saw were the 1950s and 60s. Honesty, Integrity, Moral and Family Values, Allegiance to Our Country,
Americans are arming themselves in record numbers with good reason. The founders got it right 250 years ago: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."

Thanks for the chuckle...

Astronono is running for Governor....publicity stunt.
Fox News is far from perfect but they are the only network that isn't a lapdog of the Democratic Party. That's why we ONLY see the taxpayer funded charter flight videos on Fox.
You never told us what airports were shut down and on what days. Astrononame did tell you that...right?
That's what an unethical and immoral person would say.
Telling the truth is neither immoral or unethical

I understand that border security and immigration is a game that most libs enjoy playing only because the flood of the unwanted and unneeded makes conservatives so angry

what fun Fort Fun, huh?

But it causes America to be a poorer and more unhappy nation
You guys keep claiming these people are asylum seekers. Where are you getting this information from?

Can you show where they are not? Those not seeking asylum and just jobs don't generally come to the government.
You guys keep claiming these people are asylum seekers. Where are you getting this information from?
Because that's the entire issue.

The feds cannot send back unaccompanied children seeking Asylum, for one. That's part of the Trump title 42 policy.

These flights have been in the news for a year. Because a year ago, the right wing media bubble started covering them.
Can you show where they are not? Those not seeking asylum and just jobs don't generally come to the government.

Why do I have to show where they are not? You made the claim that they were. Is the onus not on you to prove that's the case instead of expecting us to prove a negative? Prove God doesn't exist. See?

You may not be wrong, but if these were legal operations taking place why are witnessing something that looks like a scene out of a Hollywood movie of some covert CIA operation? People who are doing legal activities don't generally feel the need to hide them in the cover of darkness and admit on camera they don't want anyone to know. The fact our government would lie to the country about this is frankly a conspiracy, legal or not.
Because that's the entire issue.

The feds cannot send back unaccompanied children seeking Asylum, for one. That's part of the Trump title 42 policy.

These flights have been in the news for a year. Because a year ago, the right wing media bubble started covering them.

It's not just children on those flights. There are plenty of grown men and women and you are also assuming the law is being followed, which as I just commented in my last post, is hard to swallow given how covert they are being about it. Honest people generally don't feel the need to hide their legal activities.
It's not just children on those flights.
That's right.

Also under federal law, they must be accompanied by adults. So the adults you see are not all immigrants. On some flights, none are.

These children have to be transported to their sponsors.

Some adults seeking Asylum also get sponsors. Problem is, few of these people, children or otherwise, have good ID.

So how do you tell if someone is 18 or not?
Yeah he broke the law but what do you do when the president has a majority in congress, controls the DOJ and has total support in the media? Grin and bear it?
That's right.

Also under federal law, they must be accompanied by adults. So the adults you see are not all immigrants. On some flights, none are.

These children have to be transported to their sponsors.

Some adults seeking Asylum also get sponsors. Problem is, few of these people, children or otherwise, have good ID.

So how do you tell if someone is 18 or not?

You haven't provided any evidence these people are legitimate asylum seekers. You're making assumptions in the face of activities that would seem to indicate otherwise.
Refuse to enforce?


Have you seen how many people we have arrested and deported?

Our system cannot keep up, and our immigration laws are archaic.
There would not be as many arrested if he had left the previous administration policies in place until he had better policy in place, and definitely should not have announced the discontinuing to the world, inviting the appearance of an open door policy. After his initial screw up that brought the hoards to the border, he had an idea of flying them back to where they came from to wait. I like that just fine, but it only lasted a few days. Last I heard, his deportations were less last year than any year of Obama, possibly getting down to the Bush numbers, so not very impressive.

I voted for Joe, but absolutely refuse to carry the water on his immigration and border BS on here or anywhere else.

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