Biden admin torched over bombshell footage: 'Literally breaking the law'

You haven't provided any evidence these people are legitimate asylum seekers. You're making assumptions in the face of activities that would seem to indicate otherwise.
I don't feel I need to do so. The law says this is how Asylum Seekers should be treated. You think they came here across the border and said they were not seeking Asylum? I don't think the burden of proof is on me. If you do, that's your problem.

The administration said that this is what they would do with asylum seekeers especially unaccompanied children. It was actually one of the things he ran on on the way to mopping the floor with Trump in the 2020 election.

But hey, they look brown, so they must be illegal immigrants who said they were here to rape and murder, not to seek asylum.
As opposed to....

You know, any of you are free to make suggestions.

Lots of crybabying around d here...yet nobody can say what should be done instead.

It's almost as if this is just white wing fake outrage. Again.


Suggestions have already been made that's why the current administration has to act like thieves in the night.


Dude, it's FOX. It's a given they're just making it all up

I am not sorry that pointing that out triggers you. Nor am I sorry for pointing out how stupid the FOX drones are.

Still nothing to do with the topic at hand.

All you've done is try to insult people, and say "fox news is stupid". Makes me wonder why you even bothered to come in here if you had nothing at all substantial to say.
Why do I have to show where they are not? You made the claim that they were. Is the onus not on you to prove that's the case instead of expecting us to prove a negative? Prove God doesn't exist. See?

You may not be wrong, but if these were legal operations taking place why are witnessing something that looks like a scene out of a Hollywood movie of some covert CIA operation? People who are doing legal activities don't generally feel the need to hide them in the cover of darkness and admit on camera they don't want anyone to know. The fact our government would lie to the country about this is frankly a conspiracy, legal or not.

The claim is Biden is breaking the law. It's up to those claiming that to prove it.
There is no law that makes it illegal for the federal government to transport immigrants who come here seeking asylum.
You’ll have to show me the bill that authorizes payment for the airfare and other accommodations.

You can’t so you won’t.
We have already addressed that and you did nothing to offer any sort of rebuttal to those replies. People seeking asylum are not undocumented.

I made a claim and backed it up. Your rebuttal was not backed up with anything. Prove that claim. YOU CAN'T.

Because you're either illegal or you've been granted asylum. As was already stated, you can't just walk in and say "seeking asylum" and you're free to go.
I made a claim and backed it up. Your rebuttal was not backed up with anything. Prove that claim. YOU CAN'T.

Because you're either illegal or you've been granted asylum. As was already stated, you can't just walk in and say "seeking asylum" and you're free to go.

Wrong. There is a process but you know that.

Biden admin torched over bombshell footage: 'Literally breaking the law'​

Former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino joined 'America's Newsroom' to discuss the bombshell footage. #FoxNews

I’m sure the Biden admin is terrified. Only those that consume conservative media know anything about this. That means most of the public is blissfully ignorant.
No one is ever held accountable unless it’s those DOJ designated terrorist parents in Virginia or somewhere attending a school board meeting.
Hmm.., our 46th president in the human traffic business. No doubt these are the "legal residents" they want to vote.
The Biden administration needs to be held accountable for this NOW.
Our country is in serious decline on a number of fronts.
The best years this country ever saw were the 1950s and 60s. Honesty, Integrity, Moral and Family Values, Allegiance to Our Country,
Americans are arming themselves in record numbers with good reason. The founders got it right 250 years ago: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."

Look at all these butt-hurt hypocrites in this topic! :lol:

Hey, check this out:

The United States is for the first time sending illegal border-crossers to other cities for processing, transporting more than 3,000 each week from southern Texas and Arizona to other locations as the government struggles to deal with surging numbers of nearly 100,000 migrants a month crossing the southern border.

The Trump administration is flying migrants to San Diego and Del Rio, Texas, and busing them to El Centro, Calif., and Laredo, Texas, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection official familiar with the plan. There, they are being processed — which includes photographs, health screenings, fingerprints and background checks — before they are often released and told to return for a court hearing at a later date.

It is the first time in history the U.S. has transported immigrants to other localities
because federal officials can't process them in time at their original point of entry, the official said. The government is required by law to process these border-crossers within 72 hours.

Can anyone show me where Claudia Tenney screamed for Trump's impeachment? Can any of you show me where YOU were pissed at Trump for this and bemoaning the rape of the Constitution?

Thanks ahead of time.
You tards are such rubes. Your propagandists absolutely depend on your stupidity and ignorance. Amazingly, you keep going back for more!

This policy was begun by Trump. Where was the foaming at the mouth fauxrage then, you dumb fucks? Where was Fox News and their "bombshell" reporting about it, eh?

Jesus, why the FUCK do you keep drinking their piss?


Biden admin torched over bombshell footage: 'Literally breaking the law'​

Former Westchester County Executive Rob Astorino joined 'America's Newsroom' to discuss the bombshell footage. #FoxNews

I’m sure the Biden admin is terrified. Only those that consume conservative media know anything about this. That means most of the public is blissfully ignorant.
No one is ever held accountable unless it’s those DOJ designated terrorist parents in Virginia or somewhere attending a school board meeting.
Hmm.., our 46th president in the human traffic business. No doubt these are the "legal residents" they want to vote.
The Biden administration needs to be held accountable for this NOW.
Our country is in serious decline on a number of fronts.
The best years this country ever saw were the 1950s and 60s. Honesty, Integrity, Moral and Family Values, Allegiance to Our Country,
Americans are arming themselves in record numbers with good reason. The founders got it right 250 years ago: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."

Impeachment 101
You tards are such rubes. Your propagandists absolutely depend on your stupidity and ignorance. Amazingly, you keep going back for more!

This policy was begun by Trump. Where was the foaming at the mouth fauxrage then, you dumb fucks? Where was Fox News and their "bombshell" reporting about it, eh?

Jesus, why the FUCK do you keep drinking their piss?

Not the same. You’re a disingenuous pussy.

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