Biden admin, your ceiling fan driving climate change

Our ceiling fans need the extra power to continue to move with the inch of grimy dust built up on the blades.
Frankly while living in Darwin ceiling fans were fantastic on hot humid nights. The air flow evaporated the sweat and with the walls louvered sleeping was most comfortable...especially with a tropical rain event outside. Sigh; I miss those days. Forty years ago now.

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Very fond of "back then".

Exactly! The fan is the manmade wing chill factor and the open windows are the natural one.
When we slow down and allow the extremist deniers to catch the car, their reaction is predictable!
Hawhaw! That's funny but I slowed down so you could catch the car.
Low energy solutions such as ceiling fans can have a positive effect on energy consumption issues. My local rec center has two 12-15 footers mounted over the swimming pool and they're cooling the place for something like a kilowatt each. Compare that with air conditioning units.
Beats me. Never seen one. At least you aren't trying to convince anybody we should be up in arms about home ceiling fans being attacked.
I like both. It is 97 Degrees outside, right now. We are running air conditioning units and in 4 rooms in use, we are running ceiling fans also. Of course, we aren't running any 8 ft to 24 ft ceiling fans.

Air Conditioners, light bulbs, gas stoves. What else do they want to take from us? No AC and now ceiling fans guess we'll all sweat to death in summer to ease the carbon footprints. Thats what the left really wants, they are a death cult!
What makes you believe (believe, never in this case think) Climate Change isn't part of some of the people?

Maybe you should stop who ever told you when the Republican Party believes (not tell you thinks) that they want power not saving the earth? 23 years ago the same people made fun of climate change. How about the heat this summer, and tornados, hurricanes are lots of fun.
Yes, ceiling fans. Apparently, the current ones work too well, so there needs to be new standards.

Yawn. Another day, another blatant attempt at keeping the base outraged and angry. And like Pavlov's dogs, you're all responding to the bell.

Do you have any evidence of this bullshit other than FOX News who has already paid out close to $800 million this year alone, for lying to the American people?

Love the new "Biden's war on Appliances". War on Christmas. I remember when you were all going batshit crazy over lightbulbs. It's so easily to rile up right wingers, and they fall for this shit every single time.
What in the world are they talking about? How large is a large diameter ceiling fan? Also, I'm almost 69 but have never seen a belt driven ceiling fan in any home I have lived in or worked with upscale contractors in, and that is hell of a lot of contractors. Is this something you see out west maybe?

I've seen them in old Victorian homes. Belt-driven ceiling fans were common a hundred years ago.



Beats me. Never seen one. At least you aren't trying to convince anybody we should be up in arms about home ceiling fans being attacked.
I like both. It is 97 Degrees outside, right now. We are running air conditioning units and in 4 rooms in use, we are running ceiling fans also. Of course, we aren't running any 8 ft to 24 ft ceiling fans.
Question what I say anytime! But let's not start flinging insults when I'm at a disadvantage.

I find our exchange of ideas worthwhile still.
Yawn. Another day, another blatant attempt at keeping the base outraged and angry. And like Pavlov's dogs, you're all responding to the bell.

Do you have any evidence of this bullshit other than FOX News who has already paid out close to $800 million this year alone, for lying to the American people?

Love the new "Biden's war on Appliances". War on Christmas. I remember when you were all going batshit crazy over lightbulbs. It's so easily to rile up right wingers, and they fall for this shit every single time.

So your'e saying its fake? the Department of Energy doesnt have plans to regulate electrical appliances in peoples' kitchens?

There are already government safety regulations on all of these things. The issue often becomes wether or not over regulation has harmful effects... do you feel that not simply remaining quiet and rolling over for every single thing the government wants to the same thing as going bat shit crazy?
Americans... listen up. Democrats are coming for your...

AC units
Gas stoves
Live stock
And many more.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the WEF/Devos who funds them and calls the shots.
America. Democrats are after much more then your fans.

They want your ac units, refrigerators, generators, cars, live stock, and much more.

If democrats get the second lockdown planned for December, it will never end.

If you vote for democrats, you are voting to own nothing and eat bugs.

Democrats = WEF/Devos
Question what I say anytime! But let's not start flinging insults when I'm at a disadvantage.

I find our exchange of ideas worthwhile still.
You find an exchange of ideas worthwhile still?

LOL? Not in my adult lifetime. As the older I became the worse was when in late 1965
draftees became home in coffins. I served in the Navy, active duty 1967 - 1969; those in boot camp San Diego and WestPac on the DD those of us argued were about this conflict. - especially my next door neighbor came back in a coffin too and my parents were shocked.
Americans... listen up. Democrats are coming for your...

AC units
Gas stoves
Live stock
And many more.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the WEF/Devos who funds them and calls the shots.
Politics has always been about enriching one's friends so the politicians can indirectly wet their beaks.
Americans... listen up. Democrats are coming for your...

AC units
Gas stoves
Live stock
And many more.

A vote for democrats is a vote for the WEF/Devos who funds them and calls the shots.
Total bullshit ^^^. One more Conspiracy Story and BIG LIES.
What in the world are they talking about? How large is a large diameter ceiling fan? Also, I'm almost 69 but have never seen a belt driven ceiling fan in any home I have lived in or worked with upscale contractors in, and that is hell of a lot of contractors. Is this something you see out west maybe?
Yeah I was wondering the same thing. I did see some huge ones at Costco but come on.
I can top the left nut jobs announced that now PAPER straws are bad for the environment.

they say it will take many years for these chemicals to take effect, but still....
Just another example of regulations that are good for you when no one really knows what they are doing.

Health issues including lower response to vaccines, lower birth weight, thyroid disease, increased cholesterol levels, liver damage, kidney cancer, and testicular cancer have been associated with these chemicals used.

The researchers added that the presence of PFAS in the bulk of paper straws was due to them being used as a water-repellent coating.

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